blob: 746f3b00c5555f7a63c1ff6c56b33d4948f0a33a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'message_codec.dart';
import 'system_channels.dart';
/// The [PlatformViewsRegistry] responsible for generating unique identifiers for platform views.
final PlatformViewsRegistry platformViewsRegistry = PlatformViewsRegistry._instance();
/// A registry responsible for generating unique identifier for platform views.
/// A Flutter application has a single [PlatformViewsRegistry] which can be accesses
/// through the [platformViewsRegistry] getter.
class PlatformViewsRegistry {
// Always non-negative. The id value -1 is used in the accessibility bridge
// to indicate the absence of a platform view.
int _nextPlatformViewId = 0;
/// Allocates a unique identifier for a platform view.
/// A platform view identifier can refer to a platform view that was never created,
/// a platform view that was disposed, or a platform view that is alive.
/// Typically a platform view identifier is passed to a [PlatformView] widget
/// which creates the platform view and manages its lifecycle.
int getNextPlatformViewId() => _nextPlatformViewId++;
/// Callback signature for when a platform view was created.
/// `id` is the platform view's unique identifier.
typedef PlatformViewCreatedCallback = void Function(int id);
/// Provides access to the platform views service.
/// This service allows creating and controlling platform-specific views.
class PlatformViewsService {
PlatformViewsService._() {
static PlatformViewsService _serviceInstance;
static PlatformViewsService get _instance {
_serviceInstance ??= PlatformViewsService._();
return _serviceInstance;
Future<void> _onMethodCall(MethodCall call) {
switch(call.method) {
case 'viewFocused':
final int id = call.arguments as int;
if (_focusCallbacks.containsKey(id)) {
throw UnimplementedError("${call.method} was invoked but isn't implemented by PlatformViewsService");
return null;
/// Maps platform view IDs to focus callbacks.
/// The callbacks are invoked when the platform view asks to be focused.
final Map<int, VoidCallback> _focusCallbacks = <int, VoidCallback>{};
/// Creates a controller for a new Android view.
/// `id` is an unused unique identifier generated with [platformViewsRegistry].
/// `viewType` is the identifier of the Android view type to be created, a
/// factory for this view type must have been registered on the platform side.
/// Platform view factories are typically registered by plugin code.
/// Plugins can register a platform view factory with
/// [PlatformViewRegistry#registerViewFactory](/javadoc/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewRegistry.html#registerViewFactory-java.lang.String-io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewFactory-).
/// `creationParams` will be passed as the args argument of [PlatformViewFactory#create](/javadoc/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewFactory.html#create-android.content.Context-int-java.lang.Object-)
/// `creationParamsCodec` is the codec used to encode `creationParams` before sending it to the
/// platform side. It should match the codec passed to the constructor of [PlatformViewFactory](/javadoc/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewFactory.html#PlatformViewFactory-io.flutter.plugin.common.MessageCodec-).
/// This is typically one of: [StandardMessageCodec], [JSONMessageCodec], [StringCodec], or [BinaryCodec].
/// `onFocus` is a callback that will be invoked when the Android View asks to get the
/// input focus.
/// The Android view will only be created after [AndroidViewController.setSize] is called for the
/// first time.
/// The `id, `viewType, and `layoutDirection` parameters must not be null.
/// If `creationParams` is non null then `cretaionParamsCodec` must not be null.
static AndroidViewController initAndroidView({
@required int id,
@required String viewType,
@required TextDirection layoutDirection,
dynamic creationParams,
MessageCodec<dynamic> creationParamsCodec,
VoidCallback onFocus,
}) {
assert(id != null);
assert(viewType != null);
assert(layoutDirection != null);
assert(creationParams == null || creationParamsCodec != null);
final AndroidViewController controller = AndroidViewController._(
_instance._focusCallbacks[id] = onFocus ?? () {};
return controller;
// TODO(amirh): reference the iOS plugin API for registering a UIView factory once it lands.
/// This is work in progress, not yet ready to be used, and requires a custom engine build. Creates a controller for a new iOS UIView.
/// `id` is an unused unique identifier generated with [platformViewsRegistry].
/// `viewType` is the identifier of the iOS view type to be created, a
/// factory for this view type must have been registered on the platform side.
/// Platform view factories are typically registered by plugin code.
/// The `id, `viewType, and `layoutDirection` parameters must not be null.
/// If `creationParams` is non null then `creationParamsCodec` must not be null.
static Future<UiKitViewController> initUiKitView({
@required int id,
@required String viewType,
@required TextDirection layoutDirection,
dynamic creationParams,
MessageCodec<dynamic> creationParamsCodec,
}) async {
assert(id != null);
assert(viewType != null);
assert(layoutDirection != null);
assert(creationParams == null || creationParamsCodec != null);
// TODO(amirh): pass layoutDirection once the system channel supports it.
final Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
'viewType': viewType,
if (creationParams != null) {
final ByteData paramsByteData = creationParamsCodec.encodeMessage(creationParams);
args['params'] = Uint8List.view(
await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('create', args);
return UiKitViewController._(id, layoutDirection);
/// Properties of an Android pointer.
/// A Dart version of Android's [MotionEvent.PointerProperties](
class AndroidPointerProperties {
/// Creates an AndroidPointerProperties.
/// All parameters must not be null.
const AndroidPointerProperties({
@required this.toolType,
}) : assert(id != null),
assert(toolType != null);
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerProperties#id](
final int id;
/// The type of tool used to make contact such as a finger or stylus, if known.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerProperties#toolType](
final int toolType;
/// Value for `toolType` when the tool type is unknown.
static const int kToolTypeUnknown = 0;
/// Value for `toolType` when the tool type is a finger.
static const int kToolTypeFinger = 1;
/// Value for `toolType` when the tool type is a stylus.
static const int kToolTypeStylus = 2;
/// Value for `toolType` when the tool type is a mouse.
static const int kToolTypeMouse = 3;
/// Value for `toolType` when the tool type is an eraser.
static const int kToolTypeEraser = 4;
List<int> _asList() => <int>[id, toolType];
String toString() {
return 'AndroidPointerProperties(id: $id, toolType: $toolType)';
/// Position information for an Android pointer.
/// A Dart version of Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords](
class AndroidPointerCoords {
/// Creates an AndroidPointerCoords.
/// All parameters must not be null.
const AndroidPointerCoords({
@required this.orientation,
@required this.pressure,
@required this.size,
@required this.toolMajor,
@required this.toolMinor,
@required this.touchMajor,
@required this.touchMinor,
@required this.x,
@required this.y,
}) : assert(orientation != null),
assert(pressure != null),
assert(size != null),
assert(toolMajor != null),
assert(toolMinor != null),
assert(touchMajor != null),
assert(touchMinor != null),
assert(x != null),
assert(y != null);
/// The orientation of the touch area and tool area in radians clockwise from vertical.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#orientation](
final double orientation;
/// A normalized value that describes the pressure applied to the device by a finger or other tool.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#pressure](
final double pressure;
/// A normalized value that describes the approximate size of the pointer touch area in relation to the maximum detectable size of the device.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#size](
final double size;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#toolMajor](
final double toolMajor;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#toolMinor](
final double toolMinor;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#touchMajor](
final double touchMajor;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#touchMinor](
final double touchMinor;
/// The X component of the pointer movement.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#x](
final double x;
/// The Y component of the pointer movement.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent.PointerCoords#y](
final double y;
List<double> _asList() {
return <double>[
String toString() {
return 'AndroidPointerCoords(orientation: $orientation, pressure: $pressure, size: $size, toolMajor: $toolMajor, toolMinor: $toolMinor, touchMajor: $touchMajor, touchMinor: $touchMinor, x: $x, y: $y)';
/// A Dart version of Android's [MotionEvent](
class AndroidMotionEvent {
/// Creates an AndroidMotionEvent.
/// All parameters must not be null.
@required this.downTime,
@required this.eventTime,
@required this.action,
@required this.pointerCount,
@required this.pointerProperties,
@required this.pointerCoords,
@required this.metaState,
@required this.buttonState,
@required this.xPrecision,
@required this.yPrecision,
@required this.deviceId,
@required this.edgeFlags,
@required this.source,
@required this.flags,
}) : assert(downTime != null),
assert(eventTime != null),
assert(action != null),
assert(pointerCount != null),
assert(pointerProperties != null),
assert(pointerCoords != null),
assert(metaState != null),
assert(buttonState != null),
assert(xPrecision != null),
assert(yPrecision != null),
assert(deviceId != null),
assert(edgeFlags != null),
assert(source != null),
assert(flags != null),
assert(pointerProperties.length == pointerCount),
assert(pointerCoords.length == pointerCount);
/// The time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events,
/// relative to an arbitrary timeline.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getDownTime](
final int downTime;
/// The time this event occurred, relative to an arbitrary timeline.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getEventTime](
final int eventTime;
/// A value representing the kind of action being performed.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getAction](
final int action;
/// The number of pointers that are part of this event.
/// This must be equivalent to the length of `pointerProperties` and `pointerCoords`.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getPointerCount](
final int pointerCount;
/// List of [AndroidPointerProperties] for each pointer that is part of this event.
final List<AndroidPointerProperties> pointerProperties;
/// List of [AndroidPointerCoords] for each pointer that is part of this event.
final List<AndroidPointerCoords> pointerCoords;
/// The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getMetaState](
final int metaState;
/// The state of all buttons that are pressed such as a mouse or stylus button.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getButtonState](
final int buttonState;
/// The precision of the X coordinates being reported, in physical pixels.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getXPrecision](
final double xPrecision;
/// The precision of the Y coordinates being reported, in physical pixels.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getYPrecision](
final double yPrecision;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getDeviceId](
final int deviceId;
/// A bit field indicating which edges, if any, were touched by this MotionEvent.
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getEdgeFlags](
final int edgeFlags;
/// The source of this event (e.g a touchpad or stylus).
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getSource](
final int source;
/// See Android's [MotionEvent#getFlags](
final int flags;
List<dynamic> _asList(int viewId) {
return <dynamic>[
pointerCount,<List<int>>((AndroidPointerProperties p) => p._asList()).toList(),<List<double>>((AndroidPointerCoords p) => p._asList()).toList(),
String toString() {
return 'AndroidPointerEvent(downTime: $downTime, eventTime: $eventTime, action: $action, pointerCount: $pointerCount, pointerProperties: $pointerProperties, pointerCoords: $pointerCoords, metaState: $metaState, buttonState: $buttonState, xPrecision: $xPrecision, yPrecision: $yPrecision, deviceId: $deviceId, edgeFlags: $edgeFlags, source: $source, flags: $flags)';
enum _AndroidViewState {
/// Controls an Android view.
/// Typically created with [PlatformViewsService.initAndroidView].
class AndroidViewController {
String viewType,
dynamic creationParams,
MessageCodec<dynamic> creationParamsCodec,
TextDirection layoutDirection,
) : assert(id != null),
assert(viewType != null),
assert(layoutDirection != null),
assert(creationParams == null || creationParamsCodec != null),
_viewType = viewType,
_creationParams = creationParams,
_creationParamsCodec = creationParamsCodec,
_layoutDirection = layoutDirection,
_state = _AndroidViewState.waitingForSize;
/// Action code for when a primary pointer touched the screen.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN](
static const int kActionDown = 0;
/// Action code for when a primary pointer stopped touching the screen.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_UP](
static const int kActionUp = 1;
/// Action code for when the event only includes information about pointer movement.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE](
static const int kActionMove = 2;
/// Action code for when a motion event has been canceled.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL](
static const int kActionCancel = 3;
/// Action code for when a secondary pointer touched the screen.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN](
static const int kActionPointerDown = 5;
/// Action code for when a secondary pointer stopped touching the screen.
/// Android's [MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP](
static const int kActionPointerUp = 6;
/// Android's [View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR]( value.
static const int kAndroidLayoutDirectionLtr = 0;
/// Android's [View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL]( value.
static const int kAndroidLayoutDirectionRtl = 1;
/// The unique identifier of the Android view controlled by this controller.
final int id;
final String _viewType;
/// The texture entry id into which the Android view is rendered.
int _textureId;
/// Returns the texture entry id that the Android view is rendering into.
/// Returns null if the Android view has not been successfully created, or if it has been
/// disposed.
int get textureId => _textureId;
TextDirection _layoutDirection;
_AndroidViewState _state;
final dynamic _creationParams;
final MessageCodec<dynamic> _creationParamsCodec;
final List<PlatformViewCreatedCallback> _platformViewCreatedCallbacks = <PlatformViewCreatedCallback>[];
/// Whether the platform view has already been created.
bool get isCreated => _state == _AndroidViewState.created;
/// Adds a callback that will get invoke after the platform view has been
/// created.
void addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener(PlatformViewCreatedCallback listener) {
assert(listener != null);
assert(_state != _AndroidViewState.disposed);
/// Removes a callback added with [addOnPlatformViewCreatedListener].
void removeOnPlatformViewCreatedListener(PlatformViewCreatedCallback listener) {
assert(_state != _AndroidViewState.disposed);
/// Disposes the Android view.
/// The [AndroidViewController] object is unusable after calling this.
/// The identifier of the platform view cannot be reused after the view is
/// disposed.
Future<void> dispose() async {
if (_state == _AndroidViewState.creating || _state == _AndroidViewState.created)
await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('dispose', id);
_state = _AndroidViewState.disposed;
/// Sizes the Android View.
/// `size` is the view's new size in logical pixel, it must not be null and must
/// be bigger than zero.
/// The first time a size is set triggers the creation of the Android view.
Future<void> setSize(Size size) async {
assert(_state != _AndroidViewState.disposed, 'trying to size a disposed Android View. View id: $id');
assert(size != null);
if (_state == _AndroidViewState.waitingForSize)
return _create(size);
await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('resize', <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
'width': size.width,
'height': size.height,
/// Sets the layout direction for the Android view.
Future<void> setLayoutDirection(TextDirection layoutDirection) async {
assert(_state != _AndroidViewState.disposed,'trying to set a layout direction for a disposed UIView. View id: $id');
if (layoutDirection == _layoutDirection)
assert(layoutDirection != null);
_layoutDirection = layoutDirection;
// If the view was not yet created we just update _layoutDirection and return, as the new
// direction will be used in _create.
if (_state == _AndroidViewState.waitingForSize)
await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('setDirection', <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
'direction': _getAndroidDirection(layoutDirection),
/// Clears the focus from the Android View if it is focused.
Future<void> clearFocus() {
if (_state != _AndroidViewState.created) {
return null;
return SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('clearFocus', id);
static int _getAndroidDirection(TextDirection direction) {
assert(direction != null);
switch (direction) {
case TextDirection.ltr:
return kAndroidLayoutDirectionLtr;
case TextDirection.rtl:
return kAndroidLayoutDirectionRtl;
return null;
/// Sends an Android [MotionEvent](
/// to the view.
/// The Android MotionEvent object is created with [MotionEvent.obtain](,%20long,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20int)).
/// See documentation of [MotionEvent.obtain](,%20long,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20float,%20float,%20int,%20int))
/// for description of the parameters.
Future<void> sendMotionEvent(AndroidMotionEvent event) async {
await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<dynamic>(
/// Creates a masked Android MotionEvent action value for an indexed pointer.
static int pointerAction(int pointerId, int action) {
return ((pointerId << 8) & 0xff00) | (action & 0xff);
Future<void> _create(Size size) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
'viewType': _viewType,
'width': size.width,
'height': size.height,
'direction': _getAndroidDirection(_layoutDirection),
if (_creationParams != null) {
final ByteData paramsByteData = _creationParamsCodec.encodeMessage(_creationParams);
args['params'] = Uint8List.view(
_textureId = await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod('create', args);
_state = _AndroidViewState.created;
for (final PlatformViewCreatedCallback callback in _platformViewCreatedCallbacks) {
/// Controls an iOS UIView.
/// Typically created with [PlatformViewsService.initUiKitView].
class UiKitViewController {
TextDirection layoutDirection,
) : assert(id != null),
assert(layoutDirection != null),
_layoutDirection = layoutDirection;
/// The unique identifier of the iOS view controlled by this controller.
/// This identifier is typically generated by
/// [PlatformViewsRegistry.getNextPlatformViewId].
final int id;
bool _debugDisposed = false;
TextDirection _layoutDirection;
/// Sets the layout direction for the iOS UIView.
Future<void> setLayoutDirection(TextDirection layoutDirection) async {
assert(!_debugDisposed, 'trying to set a layout direction for a disposed iOS UIView. View id: $id');
if (layoutDirection == _layoutDirection)
assert(layoutDirection != null);
_layoutDirection = layoutDirection;
// TODO(amirh): invoke the iOS platform views channel direction method once available.
/// Accept an active gesture.
/// When a touch sequence is happening on the embedded UIView all touch events are delayed.
/// Calling this method releases the delayed events to the embedded UIView and makes it consume
/// any following touch events for the pointers involved in the active gesture.
Future<void> acceptGesture() {
final Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
return SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod('acceptGesture', args);
/// Rejects an active gesture.
/// When a touch sequence is happening on the embedded UIView all touch events are delayed.
/// Calling this method drops the buffered touch events and prevents any future touch events for
/// the pointers that are part of the active touch sequence from arriving to the embedded view.
Future<void> rejectGesture() {
final Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
return SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod('rejectGesture', args);
/// Disposes the view.
/// The [UiKitViewController] object is unusable after calling this.
/// The `id` of the platform view cannot be reused after the view is
/// disposed.
Future<void> dispose() async {
_debugDisposed = true;
await SystemChannels.platform_views.invokeMethod<void>('dispose', id);
/// An interface for a controlling a single platform view.
/// Used by [PlatformViewSurface] to interface with the platform view it embeds.
abstract class PlatformViewController {
/// The viewId associated with this controller.
/// The viewId should always be unique and non-negative. And it must not be null.
/// See also:
/// * [PlatformViewRegistry], which is a helper for managing platform view ids.
int get viewId;
/// Dispatches the `event` to the platform view.
void dispatchPointerEvent(PointerEvent event);
/// Disposes the platform view.
/// The [PlatformViewController] is unusable after calling dispose.
void dispose();
/// Clears the view's focus on the platform side.
void clearFocus();