blob: a0cf874dd96a27ec3a53d49b7fcfd1239b01f696 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show Brightness;
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'colors.dart';
import 'theme_data.dart';
/// A set of twelve colors based on the
/// [Material spec](
/// that can be used to configure the color properties of most components.
/// The [Theme] has a color scheme, [ThemeData.colorScheme], which is constructed
/// with [ColorScheme.fromSwatch].
class ColorScheme with Diagnosticable {
/// Create a ColorScheme instance.
const ColorScheme({
@required this.primary,
@required this.primaryVariant,
@required this.secondary,
@required this.secondaryVariant,
@required this.surface,
@required this.background,
@required this.error,
@required this.onPrimary,
@required this.onSecondary,
@required this.onSurface,
@required this.onBackground,
@required this.onError,
@required this.brightness,
}) : assert(primary != null),
assert(primaryVariant != null),
assert(secondary != null),
assert(secondaryVariant != null),
assert(surface != null),
assert(background != null),
assert(error != null),
assert(onPrimary != null),
assert(onSecondary != null),
assert(onSurface != null),
assert(onBackground != null),
assert(onError != null),
assert(brightness != null);
/// Create a ColorScheme based on a purple primary color that matches the
/// [baseline Material color scheme](
const ColorScheme.light({
this.primary = const Color(0xff6200ee),
this.primaryVariant = const Color(0xff3700b3),
this.secondary = const Color(0xff03dac6),
this.secondaryVariant = const Color(0xff018786),
this.surface = Colors.white,
this.background = Colors.white,
this.error = const Color(0xffb00020),
this.onPrimary = Colors.white,
this.onSecondary =,
this.onSurface =,
this.onBackground =,
this.onError = Colors.white,
this.brightness = Brightness.light,
}) : assert(primary != null),
assert(primaryVariant != null),
assert(secondary != null),
assert(secondaryVariant != null),
assert(surface != null),
assert(background != null),
assert(error != null),
assert(onPrimary != null),
assert(onSecondary != null),
assert(onSurface != null),
assert(onBackground != null),
assert(onError != null),
assert(brightness != null);
/// Create the recommended dark color scheme that matches the
/// [baseline Material color scheme](
const ColorScheme.dark({
this.primary = const Color(0xffbb86fc),
this.primaryVariant = const Color(0xff3700B3),
this.secondary = const Color(0xff03dac6),
this.secondaryVariant = const Color(0xff03dac6),
this.surface = const Color(0xff121212),
this.background = const Color(0xff121212),
this.error = const Color(0xffcf6679),
this.onPrimary =,
this.onSecondary =,
this.onSurface = Colors.white,
this.onBackground = Colors.white,
this.onError =,
this.brightness = Brightness.dark,
}) : assert(primary != null),
assert(primaryVariant != null),
assert(secondary != null),
assert(secondaryVariant != null),
assert(surface != null),
assert(background != null),
assert(error != null),
assert(onPrimary != null),
assert(onSecondary != null),
assert(onSurface != null),
assert(onBackground != null),
assert(onError != null),
assert(brightness != null);
/// Create a color scheme from a [MaterialColor] swatch.
/// This constructor is used by [ThemeData] to create its default
/// color scheme.
factory ColorScheme.fromSwatch({
MaterialColor primarySwatch =,
Color primaryColorDark,
Color accentColor,
Color cardColor,
Color backgroundColor,
Color errorColor,
Brightness brightness = Brightness.light,
}) {
assert(primarySwatch != null);
assert(brightness != null);
final bool isDark = brightness == Brightness.dark;
final bool primaryIsDark = _brightnessFor(primarySwatch) == Brightness.dark;
final Color secondary = accentColor ?? (isDark ? Colors.tealAccent[200] : primarySwatch);
final bool secondaryIsDark = _brightnessFor(secondary) == Brightness.dark;
return ColorScheme(
primary: primarySwatch,
primaryVariant: primaryColorDark ?? (isDark ? : primarySwatch[700]),
secondary: secondary,
secondaryVariant: isDark ? Colors.tealAccent[700] : primarySwatch[700],
surface: cardColor ?? (isDark ? Colors.grey[800] : Colors.white),
background: backgroundColor ?? (isDark ? Colors.grey[700] : primarySwatch[200]),
error: errorColor ??[700],
onPrimary: primaryIsDark ? Colors.white :,
onSecondary: secondaryIsDark ? Colors.white :,
onSurface: isDark ? Colors.white :,
onBackground: primaryIsDark ? Colors.white :,
onError: isDark ? : Colors.white,
brightness: brightness,
static Brightness _brightnessFor(Color color) => ThemeData.estimateBrightnessForColor(color);
/// The color displayed most frequently across your app’s screens and components.
final Color primary;
/// A darker version of the primary color.
final Color primaryVariant;
/// An accent color that, when used sparingly, calls attention to parts
/// of your app.
final Color secondary;
/// A darker version of the secondary color.
final Color secondaryVariant;
/// The background color for widgets like [Card].
final Color surface;
/// A color that typically appears behind scrollable content.
final Color background;
/// The color to use for input validation errors, e.g. for
/// [InputDecoration.errorText].
final Color error;
/// A color that's clearly legible when drawn on [primary].
/// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for [primary]
/// and [onPrimary] is recommended. See
/// <>.
final Color onPrimary;
/// A color that's clearly legible when drawn on [secondary].
/// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for [secondary]
/// and [onSecondary] is recommended. See
/// <>.
final Color onSecondary;
/// A color that's clearly legible when drawn on [surface].
/// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for [surface]
/// and [onSurface] is recommended. See
/// <>.
final Color onSurface;
/// A color that's clearly legible when drawn on [background].
/// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for [background]
/// and [onBackground] is recommended. See
/// <>.
final Color onBackground;
/// A color that's clearly legible when drawn on [error].
/// To ensure that an app is accessible, a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for [error]
/// and [onError] is recommended. See
/// <>.
final Color onError;
/// The overall brightness of this color scheme.
final Brightness brightness;
/// Creates a copy of this color scheme with the given fields
/// replaced by the non-null parameter values.
ColorScheme copyWith({
Color primary,
Color primaryVariant,
Color secondary,
Color secondaryVariant,
Color surface,
Color background,
Color error,
Color onPrimary,
Color onSecondary,
Color onSurface,
Color onBackground,
Color onError,
Brightness brightness,
}) {
return ColorScheme(
primary: primary ?? this.primary,
primaryVariant: primaryVariant ?? this.primaryVariant,
secondary: secondary ?? this.secondary,
secondaryVariant: secondaryVariant ?? this.secondaryVariant,
surface: surface ?? this.surface,
background: background ?? this.background,
error: error ?? this.error,
onPrimary: onPrimary ?? this.onPrimary,
onSecondary: onSecondary ?? this.onSecondary,
onSurface: onSurface ?? this.onSurface,
onBackground: onBackground ?? this.onBackground,
onError: onError ?? this.onError,
brightness: brightness ?? this.brightness,
/// Linearly interpolate between two [ColorScheme] objects.
/// {@macro flutter.material.themeData.lerp}
static ColorScheme lerp(ColorScheme a, ColorScheme b, double t) {
return ColorScheme(
primary: Color.lerp(a.primary, b.primary, t),
primaryVariant: Color.lerp(a.primaryVariant, b.primaryVariant, t),
secondary: Color.lerp(a.secondary, b.secondary, t),
secondaryVariant: Color.lerp(a.secondaryVariant, b.secondaryVariant, t),
surface: Color.lerp(a.surface, b.surface, t),
background: Color.lerp(a.background, b.background, t),
error: Color.lerp(a.error, b.error, t),
onPrimary: Color.lerp(a.onPrimary, b.onPrimary, t),
onSecondary: Color.lerp(a.onSecondary, b.onSecondary, t),
onSurface: Color.lerp(a.onSurface, b.onSurface, t),
onBackground: Color.lerp(a.onBackground, b.onBackground, t),
onError: Color.lerp(a.onError, b.onError, t),
brightness: t < 0.5 ? a.brightness : b.brightness,
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
return other is ColorScheme
&& other.primary == primary
&& other.primaryVariant == primaryVariant
&& other.secondary == secondary
&& other.secondaryVariant == secondaryVariant
&& other.surface == surface
&& other.background == background
&& other.error == error
&& other.onPrimary == onPrimary
&& other.onSecondary == onSecondary
&& other.onSurface == onSurface
&& other.onBackground == onBackground
&& other.onError == onError
&& other.brightness == brightness;
int get hashCode {
return hashValues(
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
const ColorScheme defaultScheme = ColorScheme.light();
properties.add(ColorProperty('primary', primary, defaultValue: defaultScheme.primary));
properties.add(ColorProperty('primaryVariant', primaryVariant, defaultValue: defaultScheme.primaryVariant));
properties.add(ColorProperty('secondary', secondary, defaultValue: defaultScheme.secondary));
properties.add(ColorProperty('secondaryVariant', secondaryVariant, defaultValue: defaultScheme.secondaryVariant));
properties.add(ColorProperty('surface', surface, defaultValue: defaultScheme.surface));
properties.add(ColorProperty('background', background, defaultValue: defaultScheme.background));
properties.add(ColorProperty('error', error, defaultValue: defaultScheme.error));
properties.add(ColorProperty('onPrimary', onPrimary, defaultValue: defaultScheme.onPrimary));
properties.add(ColorProperty('onSecondary', onSecondary, defaultValue: defaultScheme.onSecondary));
properties.add(ColorProperty('onSurface', onSurface, defaultValue: defaultScheme.onSurface));
properties.add(ColorProperty('onBackground', onBackground, defaultValue: defaultScheme.onBackground));
properties.add(ColorProperty('onError', onError, defaultValue: defaultScheme.onError));
properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Brightness>('brightness', brightness, defaultValue: defaultScheme.brightness));