blob: 1227959d5cd7f689f224291d53719b2b950a754a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file_testing/file_testing.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/io.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/platform.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/globals.dart' as globals;
import '../src/common.dart';
const String apkDebugMessage = 'A summary of your APK analysis can be found at: ';
const String iosDebugMessage = 'A summary of your iOS bundle analysis can be found at: ';
void main() {
test('--analyze-size flag produces expected output on hello_world for Android', () async {
final String woringDirectory = globals.fs.path.join(getFlutterRoot(), 'examples', 'hello_world');
final String flutterBin = globals.fs.path.join(getFlutterRoot(), 'bin', 'flutter');
final ProcessResult result = await const LocalProcessManager().run(<String>[
], workingDirectory: globals.fs.path.join(getFlutterRoot(), 'examples', 'hello_world'));
expect(result.stdout.toString(), contains('app-release.apk (total compressed)'));
final String line = result.stdout.toString()
.firstWhere((String line) => line.contains(apkDebugMessage));
final String outputFilePath = line.split(apkDebugMessage).last.trim();
expect(globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(woringDirectory, outputFilePath)), exists);
expect(result.exitCode, 0);
test('--analyze-size flag produces expected output on hello_world for iOS', () async {
final String woringDirectory = globals.fs.path.join(getFlutterRoot(), 'examples', 'hello_world');
final String flutterBin = globals.fs.path.join(getFlutterRoot(), 'bin', 'flutter');
final ProcessResult result = await const LocalProcessManager().run(<String>[
], workingDirectory: woringDirectory);
expect(result.stdout.toString(), contains('Dart AOT symbols accounted decompressed size'));
final String line = result.stdout.toString()
.firstWhere((String line) => line.contains(iosDebugMessage));
final String outputFilePath = line.split(iosDebugMessage).last.trim();
expect(globals.fs.file(globals.fs.path.join(woringDirectory, outputFilePath)), exists);
expect(result.exitCode, 0);
}, skip: !const LocalPlatform().isMacOS); // Only supported on macOS
test('--analyze-size is only supported in release mode', () async {
final String flutterBin = globals.fs.path.join(getFlutterRoot(), 'bin', 'flutter');
final ProcessResult result = await const LocalProcessManager().run(<String>[
], workingDirectory: globals.fs.path.join(getFlutterRoot(), 'examples', 'hello_world'));
expect(result.stderr.toString(), contains('--analyze-size can only be used on release builds'));
expect(result.exitCode, 1);