blob: 3f521662dd11d263c6c6995a849ba4e456f123d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../../artifacts.dart';
import '../../base/build.dart';
import '../../base/common.dart';
import '../../base/file_system.dart';
import '../../base/io.dart';
import '../../base/process.dart';
import '../../base/process_manager.dart';
import '../../build_info.dart';
import '../../macos/xcode.dart';
import '../build_system.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import 'dart.dart';
/// Supports compiling a dart kernel file to an assembly file.
/// If more than one iOS arch is provided, then this rule will
/// produce a univeral binary.
abstract class AotAssemblyBase extends Target {
const AotAssemblyBase();
Future<void> build(Environment environment) async {
final AOTSnapshotter snapshotter = AOTSnapshotter(reportTimings: false);
final String buildOutputPath = environment.buildDir.path;
if (environment.defines[kBuildMode] == null) {
throw MissingDefineException(kBuildMode, 'aot_assembly');
if (environment.defines[kTargetPlatform] == null) {
throw MissingDefineException(kTargetPlatform, 'aot_assembly');
final bool bitcode = environment.defines[kBitcodeFlag] == 'true';
final BuildMode buildMode = getBuildModeForName(environment.defines[kBuildMode]);
final TargetPlatform targetPlatform = getTargetPlatformForName(environment.defines[kTargetPlatform]);
final List<DarwinArch> iosArchs = environment.defines[kIosArchs]?.split(',')?.map(getIOSArchForName)?.toList()
?? <DarwinArch>[DarwinArch.arm64];
if (targetPlatform != TargetPlatform.ios) {
throw Exception('aot_assembly is only supported for iOS applications');
// If we're building for a single architecture (common), then skip the lipo.
if (iosArchs.length == 1) {
final int snapshotExitCode = await
platform: targetPlatform,
buildMode: buildMode,
mainPath: environment.buildDir.childFile('app.dill').path,
packagesPath: environment.projectDir.childFile('.packages').path,
outputPath: environment.outputDir.path,
darwinArch: iosArchs.single,
bitcode: bitcode,
if (snapshotExitCode != 0) {
throw Exception('AOT snapshotter exited with code $snapshotExitCode');
} else {
// If we're building multiple iOS archs the binaries need to be lipo'd
// together.
final List<Future<int>> pending = <Future<int>>[];
for (DarwinArch iosArch in iosArchs) {
platform: targetPlatform,
buildMode: buildMode,
mainPath: environment.buildDir.childFile('app.dill').path,
packagesPath: environment.projectDir.childFile('.packages').path,
outputPath: fs.path.join(buildOutputPath, getNameForDarwinArch(iosArch)),
darwinArch: iosArch,
bitcode: bitcode,
final List<int> results = await Future.wait(pending);
if (results.any((int result) => result != 0)) {
throw Exception('AOT snapshotter exited with code ${results.join()}');
final ProcessResult result = await<String>[
'lipo', iosArch) =>
fs.path.join(buildOutputPath, getNameForDarwinArch(iosArch), 'App.framework', 'App')),
fs.path.join(environment.outputDir.path, 'App.framework', 'App'),
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw Exception('lipo exited with code ${result.exitCode}');
/// Generate an assembly target from a dart kernel file in release mode.
class AotAssemblyRelease extends AotAssemblyBase {
const AotAssemblyRelease();
String get name => 'aot_assembly_release';
List<Source> get inputs => const <Source>[
platform: TargetPlatform.ios,
mode: BuildMode.release,
List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[
List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[
/// Generate an assembly target from a dart kernel file in profile mode.
class AotAssemblyProfile extends AotAssemblyBase {
const AotAssemblyProfile();
String get name => 'aot_assembly_profile';
List<Source> get inputs => const <Source>[
platform: TargetPlatform.ios,
mode: BuildMode.profile,
List<Source> get outputs => const <Source>[
List<Target> get dependencies => const <Target>[
/// Create an App.framework for debug iOS targets.
/// This framework needs to exist for the Xcode project to link/bundle,
/// but it isn't actually executed. To generate something valid, we compile a trivial
/// constant.
Future<RunResult> createStubAppFramework(Directory appFrameworkDirectory) async {
File outputFile;
try {
if (!appFrameworkDirectory.existsSync()) {
appFrameworkDirectory.createSync(recursive: true);
outputFile = appFrameworkDirectory.childFile('App');
outputFile.createSync(recursive: true);
} catch (e) {
throwToolExit('Failed to create App.framework stub at ${appFrameworkDirectory.path}');
final Directory tempDir = fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_tools_stub_source.');
try {
final File stubSource = tempDir.childFile('')
static const int Moo = 88;
return await xcode.clang(<String>[
'-Xlinker', '-rpath', '-Xlinker', '@executable_path/Frameworks',
'-Xlinker', '-rpath', '-Xlinker', '@loader_path/Frameworks',
'-install_name', '@rpath/App.framework/App',
'-o', outputFile.path,
} finally {
try {
tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} on FileSystemException catch (_) {
// Best effort. Sometimes we can't delete things from system temp.