Updating prod_builders.json and removing manifest.yaml.

Changes to remove using agent results, which have all been replaced by bots.
diff --git a/dev/devicelab/manifest.yaml b/dev/devicelab/manifest.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 07cda25..0000000
--- a/dev/devicelab/manifest.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# Describes the tasks we run in the continuous integration (CI) environment.
-# Cocoon[1] uses this file to generate a checklist of tasks to be performed for
-# every master commit.
-# [1] github.com/flutter/cocoon
-# CI tasks.
-# Each key in this dictionary is the unique name of a task, which also
-# corresponds to a file in the "bin/" directory that the task runner will run.
-# Required properties:
-# * description: free form string
-#       describes what the task is about
-# * stage: one of "devicelab", "devicelab_ios", "devicelab_win"
-#       tasks are grouped by stage so they appear next to each on the dashboard and have a distinct
-#       icon attached to them. Stages can be used to create dependencies, e.g. we may decide to not
-#       run device tests on red Cirrus builds.
-# * required_agent_capabilities: a list of strings
-#       list of capabilities a devicelab agent must have to be able to run this task.
-# Optional properties:
-# * flaky: boolean true or false
-#       whether the task is considered flaky; the result of running a flaky task does not affect
-#       the overall build status. Tests should be marked flaky when newly added, until they have
-#       been proved for a few cycles. Tests that are actually flaky but not being actively worked
-#       on should be hidden because they just cause confusion otherwise.
-# * on_luci: boolean true or false
-#       whether the task runs on LUCI builders. Tests will be gradually marked on_luci during the
-#       devicelab to LUCI migration. And when the migration is complete, on_luci flag will be
-#       removed.
-  # Tests of compiling in a variety of modes
-  complex_layout_win__compile:
-    description: >
-      Collects various performance metrics of compiling the Complex
-      Layout for Android from Windows.
-    stage: devicelab_win
-    required_agent_capabilities: ["windows/android"]
-  basic_material_app_win__compile:
-    description: >
-      Collects various performance metrics of compiling the default
-      app for Android from Windows.
-    stage: devicelab_win
-    required_agent_capabilities: ["windows/android"]
-  flutter_gallery_win__compile:
-    description: >
-      Collects various performance metrics of compiling the Flutter
-      Gallery for Android from Windows.
-    stage: devicelab_win
-    required_agent_capabilities: ["windows/android"]
-  windows_chrome_dev_mode:
-    description: >
-      Run flutter web on the devicelab and hot restart.
-    stage: devicelab_win
-    required_agent_capabilities: ["windows/android"]
-  # Tests running on Windows host
-  flavors_test_win:
-    description: >
-      Checks that flavored builds work on Windows.
-    stage: devicelab_win
-    required_agent_capabilities: ["windows/android"]
-  channels_integration_test_win:
-    description: >
-      Checks that platform channels work when app is launched from Windows.
-    stage: devicelab_win
-    required_agent_capabilities: ["windows/android"]
-  hot_mode_dev_cycle_win__benchmark:
-    description: >
-      Measures the performance of Dart VM hot patching feature on Windows.
-    stage: devicelab_win
-    required_agent_capabilities: ["windows/android"]
diff --git a/dev/prod_builders.json b/dev/prod_builders.json
index 507bb47..d5db0e6 100644
--- a/dev/prod_builders.json
+++ b/dev/prod_builders.json
@@ -1313,6 +1313,48 @@
       "repo": "flutter",
       "task_name": "win_web_tool_tests",
       "flaky": false
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Windows_android complex_layout_win__compile",
+      "repo": "flutter",
+      "task_name": "complex_layout_win__compile",
+      "flaky": false
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Windows_android basic_material_app_win__compile",
+      "repo": "flutter",
+      "task_name": "basic_material_app_win__compile",
+      "flaky": false
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Windows_android flutter_gallery_win__compile",
+      "repo": "flutter",
+      "task_name": "flutter_gallery_win__compile",
+      "flaky": false
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Windows_android windows_chrome_dev_mode",
+      "repo": "flutter",
+      "task_name": "windows_chrome_dev_mode",
+      "flaky": false
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Windows_android flavors_test_win",
+      "repo": "flutter",
+      "task_name": "flavors_test_win",
+      "flaky": false
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Windows_android channels_integration_test_win",
+      "repo": "flutter",
+      "task_name": "channels_integration_test_win",
+      "flaky": false
+    },
+    {
+      "name": "Windows_android hot_mode_dev_cycle_win__benchmark",
+      "repo": "flutter",
+      "task_name": "hot_mode_dev_cycle_win__benchmark",
+      "flaky": false