blob: 482465873e908419f52e5bc806e2e1d7b7a6f000 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'basic_types.dart';
import 'borders.dart';
import 'edge_insets.dart';
/// A border that fits a circle within the available space.
/// Typically used with [ShapeDecoration] to draw a circle.
/// The [dimensions] assume that the border is being used in a square space.
/// When applied to a rectangular space, the border paints in the center of the
/// rectangle.
/// See also:
/// * [BorderSide], which is used to describe each side of the box.
/// * [Border], which, when used with [BoxDecoration], can also
/// describe a circle.
class CircleBorder extends OutlinedBorder {
/// Create a circle border.
/// The [side] argument must not be null.
const CircleBorder({ BorderSide side = BorderSide.none }) : assert(side != null), super(side: side);
EdgeInsetsGeometry get dimensions {
return EdgeInsets.all(side.width);
ShapeBorder scale(double t) => CircleBorder(side: side.scale(t));
ShapeBorder? lerpFrom(ShapeBorder? a, double t) {
if (a is CircleBorder)
return CircleBorder(side: BorderSide.lerp(a.side, side, t));
return super.lerpFrom(a, t);
ShapeBorder? lerpTo(ShapeBorder? b, double t) {
if (b is CircleBorder)
return CircleBorder(side: BorderSide.lerp(side, b.side, t));
return super.lerpTo(b, t);
Path getInnerPath(Rect rect, { TextDirection? textDirection }) {
return Path()
radius: math.max(0.0, rect.shortestSide / 2.0 - side.width),
Path getOuterPath(Rect rect, { TextDirection? textDirection }) {
return Path()
radius: rect.shortestSide / 2.0,
CircleBorder copyWith({ BorderSide? side }) {
return CircleBorder(side: side ?? this.side);
void paint(Canvas canvas, Rect rect, { TextDirection? textDirection }) {
switch ( {
case BorderStyle.none:
case BorderStyle.solid:
canvas.drawCircle(, (rect.shortestSide - side.width) / 2.0, side.toPaint());
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
return other is CircleBorder
&& other.side == side;
int get hashCode => side.hashCode;
String toString() {
return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'CircleBorder')}($side)';