blob: d423513b34348ce8aff8d5937340e3289f907899 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../base/common.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../base/os.dart';
import '../base/process.dart';
import '../base/time.dart';
import '../cache.dart';
import '../dart/pub.dart';
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';
import '../version.dart';
import 'channel.dart';
class UpgradeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
UpgradeCommand([UpgradeCommandRunner commandRunner])
: _commandRunner = commandRunner ?? UpgradeCommandRunner() {
abbr: 'f',
help: 'Force upgrade the flutter branch, potentially discarding local changes.',
negatable: false,
hide: true,
negatable: false,
help: 'For the second half of the upgrade flow requiring the new '
'version of Flutter. Should not be invoked manually, but '
're-entrantly by the standard upgrade command.',
hide: true,
help: 'Override the upgrade working directoy for integration testing.'
final UpgradeCommandRunner _commandRunner;
final String name = 'upgrade';
final String description = 'Upgrade your copy of Flutter.';
bool get shouldUpdateCache => false;
Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand() {
_commandRunner.workingDirectory = stringArg('working-directory') ?? Cache.flutterRoot;
return _commandRunner.runCommand(
force: boolArg('force'),
continueFlow: boolArg('continue'),
testFlow: stringArg('working-directory') != null,
gitTagVersion: GitTagVersion.determine(processUtils),
flutterVersion: stringArg('working-directory') == null
? globals.flutterVersion
: FlutterVersion(const SystemClock(), _commandRunner.workingDirectory),
class UpgradeCommandRunner {
String workingDirectory;
Future<FlutterCommandResult> runCommand({
@required bool force,
@required bool continueFlow,
@required bool testFlow,
@required GitTagVersion gitTagVersion,
@required FlutterVersion flutterVersion,
}) async {
if (!continueFlow) {
await runCommandFirstHalf(
force: force,
gitTagVersion: gitTagVersion,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
testFlow: testFlow,
} else {
await runCommandSecondHalf(flutterVersion);
return FlutterCommandResult.success();
Future<void> runCommandFirstHalf({
@required bool force,
@required GitTagVersion gitTagVersion,
@required FlutterVersion flutterVersion,
@required bool testFlow,
}) async {
await verifyUpstreamConfigured();
if (!force && gitTagVersion == const GitTagVersion.unknown()) {
// If the commit is a recognized branch and not master,
// explain that we are avoiding potential damage.
if ( != 'master' && FlutterVersion.officialChannels.contains( {
'Unknown flutter tag. Abandoning upgrade to avoid destroying local '
'changes. It is recommended to use git directly if not working on '
'an official channel.'
// Otherwise explain that local changes can be lost.
} else {
'Unknown flutter tag. Abandoning upgrade to avoid destroying local '
'changes. If it is okay to remove local changes, then re-run this '
'command with --force.'
// If there are uncommitted changes we might be on the right commit but
// we should still warn.
if (!force && await hasUncomittedChanges()) {
'Your flutter checkout has local changes that would be erased by '
'upgrading. If you want to keep these changes, it is recommended that '
'you stash them via "git stash" or else commit the changes to a local '
'branch. If it is okay to remove local changes, then re-run this '
'command with --force.'
await resetChanges(gitTagVersion);
await upgradeChannel(flutterVersion);
final bool alreadyUpToDate = await attemptFastForward(flutterVersion);
if (alreadyUpToDate) {
// If the upgrade was a no op, then do not continue with the second half.
globals.printStatus('Flutter is already up to date on channel ${}');
} else if (!testFlow) {
await flutterUpgradeContinue();
void recordState(FlutterVersion flutterVersion) {
final Channel channel = getChannelForName(;
if (channel == null) {
globals.persistentToolState.updateLastActiveVersion(flutterVersion.frameworkRevision, channel);
Future<void> flutterUpgradeContinue() async {
final int code = await
globals.fs.path.join('bin', 'flutter'),
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
allowReentrantFlutter: true,
environment: Map<String, String>.of(globals.platform.environment),
if (code != 0) {
throwToolExit(null, exitCode: code);
// This method should only be called if the upgrade command is invoked
// re-entrantly with the `--continue` flag
Future<void> runCommandSecondHalf(FlutterVersion flutterVersion) async {
// Make sure the welcome message re-display is delayed until the end.
globals.persistentToolState.redisplayWelcomeMessage = false;
await precacheArtifacts();
await updatePackages(flutterVersion);
await runDoctor();
// Force the welcome message to re-display following the upgrade.
globals.persistentToolState.redisplayWelcomeMessage = true;
Future<bool> hasUncomittedChanges() async {
try {
final RunResult result = await
<String>['git', 'status', '-s'],
throwOnError: true,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
return result.stdout.trim().isNotEmpty;
} on ProcessException catch (error) {
'The tool could not verify the status of the current flutter checkout. '
'This might be due to git not being installed or an internal error. '
'If it is okay to ignore potential local changes, then re-run this '
'command with --force.'
'\nError: $error.'
return false;
/// Check if there is an upstream repository configured.
/// Exits tool if there is no upstream.
Future<void> verifyUpstreamConfigured() async {
try {
<String>[ 'git', 'rev-parse', '@{u}'],
throwOnError: true,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
} catch (e) {
'Unable to upgrade Flutter: no origin repository configured. '
"Run 'git remote add origin "
"' in $workingDirectory",
/// Attempts to reset to the last non-hotfix tag.
/// If the git history is on a hotfix, doing a fast forward will not pick up
/// major or minor version upgrades. By resetting to the point before the
/// hotfix, doing a git fast forward should succeed.
Future<void> resetChanges(GitTagVersion gitTagVersion) async {
String tag;
if (gitTagVersion == const GitTagVersion.unknown()) {
tag = 'v0.0.0';
} else {
tag = 'v${gitTagVersion.x}.${gitTagVersion.y}.${gitTagVersion.z}';
try {
<String>['git', 'reset', '--hard', tag],
throwOnError: true,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
} on ProcessException catch (error) {
'Unable to upgrade Flutter: The tool could not update to the version $tag. '
'This may be due to git not being installed or an internal error. '
'Please ensure that git is installed on your computer and retry again.'
'\nError: $error.'
/// Attempts to upgrade the channel.
/// If the user is on a deprecated channel, attempts to migrate them off of
/// it.
Future<void> upgradeChannel(FlutterVersion flutterVersion) async {
globals.printStatus('Upgrading Flutter from $workingDirectory...');
await ChannelCommand.upgradeChannel();
/// Attempts to rebase the upstream onto the local branch.
/// If there haven't been any hot fixes or local changes, this is equivalent
/// to a fast-forward.
/// If the fast forward lands us on the same channel and revision, then
/// returns true, otherwise returns false.
Future<bool> attemptFastForward(FlutterVersion oldFlutterVersion) async {
final int code = await
<String>['git', 'pull', '--ff'],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
mapFunction: (String line) => matchesGitLine(line) ? null : line,
if (code != 0) {
throwToolExit(null, exitCode: code);
// Check if the upgrade did anything.
bool alreadyUpToDate = false;
try {
final FlutterVersion newFlutterVersion = FlutterVersion(const SystemClock(), workingDirectory);
alreadyUpToDate = == &&
newFlutterVersion.frameworkRevision == oldFlutterVersion.frameworkRevision;
} catch (e) {
globals.printTrace('Failed to determine FlutterVersion after upgrade fast-forward: $e');
return alreadyUpToDate;
/// Update the engine repository and precache all artifacts.
/// Check for and download any engine and pkg/ updates. We run the 'flutter'
/// shell script re-entrantly here so that it will download the updated
/// Dart and so forth if necessary.
Future<void> precacheArtifacts() async {
globals.printStatus('Upgrading engine...');
final int code = await
globals.fs.path.join('bin', 'flutter'), '--no-color', '--no-version-check', 'precache',
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
allowReentrantFlutter: true,
environment: Map<String, String>.of(globals.platform.environment),
if (code != 0) {
throwToolExit(null, exitCode: code);
/// Update the user's packages.
Future<void> updatePackages(FlutterVersion flutterVersion) async {
final String projectRoot = findProjectRoot();
if (projectRoot != null) {
await pub.get(context: PubContext.pubUpgrade, directory: projectRoot, upgrade: true, checkLastModified: false);
/// Run flutter doctor in case requirements have changed.
Future<void> runDoctor() async {
globals.printStatus('Running flutter doctor...');
globals.fs.path.join('bin', 'flutter'), '--no-version-check', 'doctor',
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
allowReentrantFlutter: true,
// dev/benchmarks/complex_layout/lib/main.dart | 24 +-
static final RegExp _gitDiffRegex = RegExp(r' (\S+)\s+\|\s+\d+ [+-]+');
// rename {packages/flutter/doc => dev/docs}/styles.html (92%)
// delete mode 100644 doc/index.html
// create mode 100644 examples/flutter_gallery/lib/gallery/demo.dart
static final RegExp _gitChangedRegex = RegExp(r' (rename|delete mode|create mode) .+');
static bool matchesGitLine(String line) {
return _gitDiffRegex.hasMatch(line)
|| _gitChangedRegex.hasMatch(line)
|| line == 'Fast-forward';