blob: 0b8c17b72350e5270bbaa5db4f3f76201d41fcf0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';
import 'events.dart';
/// A callback that receives a [PointerEvent]
typedef PointerRoute = void Function(PointerEvent event);
/// A routing table for [PointerEvent] events.
class PointerRouter {
final Map<int, Map<PointerRoute, Matrix4?>> _routeMap = <int, Map<PointerRoute, Matrix4?>>{};
final Map<PointerRoute, Matrix4?> _globalRoutes = <PointerRoute, Matrix4?>{};
/// Adds a route to the routing table.
/// Whenever this object routes a [PointerEvent] corresponding to
/// pointer, call route.
/// Routes added reentrantly within [PointerRouter.route] will take effect when
/// routing the next event.
void addRoute(int pointer, PointerRoute route, [Matrix4? transform]) {
final Map<PointerRoute, Matrix4?> routes = _routeMap.putIfAbsent(
() => <PointerRoute, Matrix4?>{},
routes[route] = transform;
/// Removes a route from the routing table.
/// No longer call route when routing a [PointerEvent] corresponding to
/// pointer. Requires that this route was previously added to the router.
/// Routes removed reentrantly within [PointerRouter.route] will take effect
/// immediately.
void removeRoute(int pointer, PointerRoute route) {
final Map<PointerRoute, Matrix4?> routes = _routeMap[pointer]!;
if (routes.isEmpty)
/// Adds a route to the global entry in the routing table.
/// Whenever this object routes a [PointerEvent], call route.
/// Routes added reentrantly within [PointerRouter.route] will take effect when
/// routing the next event.
void addGlobalRoute(PointerRoute route, [Matrix4? transform]) {
_globalRoutes[route] = transform;
/// Removes a route from the global entry in the routing table.
/// No longer call route when routing a [PointerEvent]. Requires that this
/// route was previously added via [addGlobalRoute].
/// Routes removed reentrantly within [PointerRouter.route] will take effect
/// immediately.
void removeGlobalRoute(PointerRoute route) {
/// The number of global routes that have been registered.
/// This is valid in debug builds only. In release builds, this will throw an
/// [UnsupportedError].
int get debugGlobalRouteCount {
int? count;
assert(() {
count = _globalRoutes.length;
return true;
if (count != null) {
return count!;
throw UnsupportedError('debugGlobalRouteCount is not supported in release builds');
void _dispatch(PointerEvent event, PointerRoute route, Matrix4? transform) {
try {
event = event.transformed(transform);
} catch (exception, stack) {
InformationCollector? collector;
assert(() {
collector = () sync* {
yield DiagnosticsProperty<PointerRouter>('router', this, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug);
yield DiagnosticsProperty<PointerRoute>('route', route, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug);
yield DiagnosticsProperty<PointerEvent>('event', event, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug);
return true;
exception: exception,
stack: stack,
library: 'gesture library',
context: ErrorDescription('while routing a pointer event'),
informationCollector: collector,
/// Calls the routes registered for this pointer event.
/// Routes are called in the order in which they were added to the
/// PointerRouter object.
void route(PointerEvent event) {
final Map<PointerRoute, Matrix4?>? routes = _routeMap[event.pointer];
final Map<PointerRoute, Matrix4?> copiedGlobalRoutes = Map<PointerRoute, Matrix4?>.from(_globalRoutes);
if (routes != null) {
Map<PointerRoute, Matrix4?>.from(routes),
_dispatchEventToRoutes(event, _globalRoutes, copiedGlobalRoutes);
void _dispatchEventToRoutes(
PointerEvent event,
Map<PointerRoute, Matrix4?> referenceRoutes,
Map<PointerRoute, Matrix4?> copiedRoutes,
) {
copiedRoutes.forEach((PointerRoute route, Matrix4? transform) {
if (referenceRoutes.containsKey(route)) {
_dispatch(event, route, transform);