Roll engine 252da4808277..dc7b5eb89da3 (5 commits) (#21233)

git log 252da4808277..dc7b5eb89da3 --no-merges --oneline
dc7b5eb89 Use Skia normalize again after Skia precision fix. (flutter/engine#6121)
1c7682418 entering a character with a selection deletes the selection (flutter/engine#6113)
9fc355d2c Roll src/third_party/skia cd7907b57d76..7ed0eae0cd13 (1 commits) (flutter/engine#6120)
6586016da Roll src/third_party/skia f7c723c93d26..cd7907b57d76 (1 commits) (flutter/engine#6119)
1fa5fe6a0 Roll src/third_party/skia eb0bb732f43f..f7c723c93d26 (3 commits) (flutter/engine#6118)

The AutoRoll server is located here:

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:

If the roll is causing failures, please contact the current sheriff, who should
be CC'd on the roll, and stop the roller if necessary.

diff --git a/bin/internal/engine.version b/bin/internal/engine.version
index 367e2de..70c10a8 100644
--- a/bin/internal/engine.version
+++ b/bin/internal/engine.version
@@ -1 +1 @@