blob: b1e5945ba2874eeb7b0c5524f5f38ac34f5c60b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter_driver/flutter_driver.dart';
import 'common.dart';
/// Example Integration Test which can also run WebDriver command depending on
/// the requests coming from the test methods.
Future<void> integrationDriver(
{FlutterDriver? driver, Function? onScreenshot}) async {
driver ??= await FlutterDriver.connect();
// Test states that it's waiting on web driver commands.
// [DriverTestMessage] is converted to string since json format causes an
// error if it's used as a message for requestData.
String jsonResponse = await driver.requestData(DriverTestMessage.pending().toString());
Response response = Response.fromJson(jsonResponse);
// Until `integration_test` returns a [WebDriverCommandType.noop], keep
// executing WebDriver commands.
while ( != null &&!['web_driver_command'] != null &&!['web_driver_command'] != '${WebDriverCommandType.noop}') {
final String? webDriverCommand =!['web_driver_command'] as String?;
if (webDriverCommand == '${WebDriverCommandType.screenshot}') {
// Use `driver.screenshot()` method to get a screenshot of the web page.
final List<int> screenshotImage = await driver.screenshot();
final String? screenshotName =!['screenshot_name'] as String?;
final bool screenshotSuccess = await onScreenshot!(screenshotName, screenshotImage) as bool;
if (screenshotSuccess) {
jsonResponse = await driver.requestData(DriverTestMessage.complete().toString());
} else {
jsonResponse =
await driver.requestData(DriverTestMessage.error().toString());
response = Response.fromJson(jsonResponse);
} else if (webDriverCommand == '${WebDriverCommandType.ack}') {
// Previous command completed ask for a new one.
jsonResponse =
await driver.requestData(DriverTestMessage.pending().toString());
response = Response.fromJson(jsonResponse);
} else {
// If No-op command is sent, ask for the result of all tests.
if ( != null &&!['web_driver_command'] != null &&!['web_driver_command'] == '${WebDriverCommandType.noop}') {
jsonResponse = await driver.requestData('');
response = Response.fromJson(jsonResponse);
print('result $jsonResponse');
await driver.close();
if (response.allTestsPassed) {
print('All tests passed.');
} else {
print('Failure Details:\n${response.formattedFailureDetails}');