blob: b096ab976b7dd0478858ca2d0b5db5273121fbf2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This is the implementation of decompression of the proposed WOFF Ultra
// Condensed file format.
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include "third_party/brotli/dec/decode.h"
#include "opentype-sanitiser.h"
#include "ots-memory-stream.h"
#include "ots.h"
#include "woff2.h"
#define TABLE_NAME "WOFF2"
namespace {
// simple glyph flags
const uint8_t kGlyfOnCurve = 1 << 0;
const uint8_t kGlyfXShort = 1 << 1;
const uint8_t kGlyfYShort = 1 << 2;
const uint8_t kGlyfRepeat = 1 << 3;
const uint8_t kGlyfThisXIsSame = 1 << 4;
const uint8_t kGlyfThisYIsSame = 1 << 5;
// composite glyph flags
const int FLAG_ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS = 1 << 0;
const int FLAG_WE_HAVE_A_SCALE = 1 << 3;
const int FLAG_MORE_COMPONENTS = 1 << 5;
const int FLAG_WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE = 1 << 6;
const int FLAG_WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO = 1 << 7;
const int FLAG_WE_HAVE_INSTRUCTIONS = 1 << 8;
const size_t kSfntHeaderSize = 12;
const size_t kSfntEntrySize = 16;
const size_t kCheckSumAdjustmentOffset = 8;
const size_t kEndPtsOfContoursOffset = 10;
const size_t kCompositeGlyphBegin = 10;
const unsigned int kWoff2FlagsTransform = 1 << 5;
const uint32_t kKnownTags[] = {
OTS_TAG('c','m','a','p'), // 0
OTS_TAG('h','e','a','d'), // 1
OTS_TAG('h','h','e','a'), // 2
OTS_TAG('h','m','t','x'), // 3
OTS_TAG('m','a','x','p'), // 4
OTS_TAG('n','a','m','e'), // 5
OTS_TAG('O','S','/','2'), // 6
OTS_TAG('p','o','s','t'), // 7
OTS_TAG('c','v','t',' '), // 8
OTS_TAG('f','p','g','m'), // 9
OTS_TAG('g','l','y','f'), // 10
OTS_TAG('l','o','c','a'), // 11
OTS_TAG('p','r','e','p'), // 12
OTS_TAG('C','F','F',' '), // 13
OTS_TAG('V','O','R','G'), // 14
OTS_TAG('E','B','D','T'), // 15
OTS_TAG('E','B','L','C'), // 16
OTS_TAG('g','a','s','p'), // 17
OTS_TAG('h','d','m','x'), // 18
OTS_TAG('k','e','r','n'), // 19
OTS_TAG('L','T','S','H'), // 20
OTS_TAG('P','C','L','T'), // 21
OTS_TAG('V','D','M','X'), // 22
OTS_TAG('v','h','e','a'), // 23
OTS_TAG('v','m','t','x'), // 24
OTS_TAG('B','A','S','E'), // 25
OTS_TAG('G','D','E','F'), // 26
OTS_TAG('G','P','O','S'), // 27
OTS_TAG('G','S','U','B'), // 28
OTS_TAG('E','B','S','C'), // 29
OTS_TAG('J','S','T','F'), // 30
OTS_TAG('M','A','T','H'), // 31
OTS_TAG('C','B','D','T'), // 32
OTS_TAG('C','B','L','C'), // 33
OTS_TAG('C','O','L','R'), // 34
OTS_TAG('C','P','A','L'), // 35
OTS_TAG('S','V','G',' '), // 36
OTS_TAG('s','b','i','x'), // 37
OTS_TAG('a','c','n','t'), // 38
OTS_TAG('a','v','a','r'), // 39
OTS_TAG('b','d','a','t'), // 40
OTS_TAG('b','l','o','c'), // 41
OTS_TAG('b','s','l','n'), // 42
OTS_TAG('c','v','a','r'), // 43
OTS_TAG('f','d','s','c'), // 44
OTS_TAG('f','e','a','t'), // 45
OTS_TAG('f','m','t','x'), // 46
OTS_TAG('f','v','a','r'), // 47
OTS_TAG('g','v','a','r'), // 48
OTS_TAG('h','s','t','y'), // 49
OTS_TAG('j','u','s','t'), // 50
OTS_TAG('l','c','a','r'), // 51
OTS_TAG('m','o','r','t'), // 52
OTS_TAG('m','o','r','x'), // 53
OTS_TAG('o','p','b','d'), // 54
OTS_TAG('p','r','o','p'), // 55
OTS_TAG('t','r','a','k'), // 56
OTS_TAG('Z','a','p','f'), // 57
OTS_TAG('S','i','l','f'), // 58
OTS_TAG('G','l','a','t'), // 59
OTS_TAG('G','l','o','c'), // 60
OTS_TAG('F','e','a','t'), // 61
OTS_TAG('S','i','l','l'), // 62
struct Point {
int16_t x;
int16_t y;
bool on_curve;
struct Table {
uint32_t tag;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t transform_length;
uint32_t dst_offset;
uint32_t dst_length;
: tag(0),
dst_length(0) {}
bool operator<(const Table& other) const {
return tag < other.tag;
// Based on section 6.1.1 of MicroType Express draft spec
bool Read255UShort(ots::Buffer* buf, uint16_t* value) {
static const uint8_t kWordCode = 253;
static const uint8_t kOneMoreByteCode2 = 254;
static const uint8_t kOneMoreByteCode1 = 255;
static const uint8_t kLowestUCode = 253;
uint8_t code = 0;
if (!buf->ReadU8(&code)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (code == kWordCode) {
uint16_t result = 0;
if (!buf->ReadU16(&result)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
*value = result;
return true;
} else if (code == kOneMoreByteCode1) {
uint8_t result = 0;
if (!buf->ReadU8(&result)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
*value = result + kLowestUCode;
return true;
} else if (code == kOneMoreByteCode2) {
uint8_t result = 0;
if (!buf->ReadU8(&result)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
*value = result + kLowestUCode * 2;
return true;
} else {
*value = code;
return true;
bool ReadBase128(ots::Buffer* buf, uint32_t* value) {
uint32_t result = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
uint8_t code = 0;
if (!buf->ReadU8(&code)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// If any of the top seven bits are set then we're about to overflow.
if (result & 0xfe000000U) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
result = (result << 7) | (code & 0x7f);
if ((code & 0x80) == 0) {
*value = result;
return true;
// Make sure not to exceed the size bound
return OTS_FAILURE();
// Caller must ensure that buffer overrun won't happen.
// TODO(ksakamaoto): Consider creating 'writer' version of the Buffer class
// and use it across the code.
size_t StoreU32(uint8_t* dst, size_t offset, uint32_t x) {
dst[offset] = x >> 24;
dst[offset + 1] = (x >> 16) & 0xff;
dst[offset + 2] = (x >> 8) & 0xff;
dst[offset + 3] = x & 0xff;
return offset + 4;
size_t StoreU16(uint8_t* dst, size_t offset, uint16_t x) {
dst[offset] = x >> 8;
dst[offset + 1] = x & 0xff;
return offset + 2;
int WithSign(int flag, int baseval) {
assert(0 <= baseval && baseval < 65536);
return (flag & 1) ? baseval : -baseval;
bool TripletDecode(const uint8_t* flags_in, const uint8_t* in, size_t in_size,
unsigned int n_points, std::vector<Point>* result,
size_t* in_bytes_consumed) {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
// Early return if |in| buffer is too small. Each point consumes 1-4 bytes.
if (n_points > in_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
unsigned int triplet_index = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_points; ++i) {
uint8_t flag = flags_in[i];
bool on_curve = !(flag >> 7);
flag &= 0x7f;
unsigned int n_data_bytes;
if (flag < 84) {
n_data_bytes = 1;
} else if (flag < 120) {
n_data_bytes = 2;
} else if (flag < 124) {
n_data_bytes = 3;
} else {
n_data_bytes = 4;
if (triplet_index + n_data_bytes > in_size ||
triplet_index + n_data_bytes < triplet_index) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
int dx, dy;
if (flag < 10) {
dx = 0;
dy = WithSign(flag, ((flag & 14) << 7) + in[triplet_index]);
} else if (flag < 20) {
dx = WithSign(flag, (((flag - 10) & 14) << 7) + in[triplet_index]);
dy = 0;
} else if (flag < 84) {
int b0 = flag - 20;
int b1 = in[triplet_index];
dx = WithSign(flag, 1 + (b0 & 0x30) + (b1 >> 4));
dy = WithSign(flag >> 1, 1 + ((b0 & 0x0c) << 2) + (b1 & 0x0f));
} else if (flag < 120) {
int b0 = flag - 84;
dx = WithSign(flag, 1 + ((b0 / 12) << 8) + in[triplet_index]);
dy = WithSign(flag >> 1,
1 + (((b0 % 12) >> 2) << 8) + in[triplet_index + 1]);
} else if (flag < 124) {
int b2 = in[triplet_index + 1];
dx = WithSign(flag, (in[triplet_index] << 4) + (b2 >> 4));
dy = WithSign(flag >> 1, ((b2 & 0x0f) << 8) + in[triplet_index + 2]);
} else {
dx = WithSign(flag, (in[triplet_index] << 8) + in[triplet_index + 1]);
dy = WithSign(flag >> 1,
(in[triplet_index + 2] << 8) + in[triplet_index + 3]);
triplet_index += n_data_bytes;
// Possible overflow but coordinate values are not security sensitive
x += dx;
y += dy;
Point& back = result->back();
back.x = static_cast<int16_t>(x);
back.y = static_cast<int16_t>(y);
back.on_curve = on_curve;
*in_bytes_consumed = triplet_index;
return true;
// This function stores just the point data. On entry, dst points to the
// beginning of a simple glyph. Returns true on success.
bool StorePoints(const std::vector<Point>& points,
unsigned int n_contours, unsigned int instruction_length,
uint8_t* dst, size_t dst_size, size_t* glyph_size) {
// I believe that n_contours < 65536, in which case this is safe. However, a
// comment and/or an assert would be good.
unsigned int flag_offset = kEndPtsOfContoursOffset + 2 * n_contours + 2 +
uint8_t last_flag = 0xff;
uint8_t repeat_count = 0;
int last_x = 0;
int last_y = 0;
unsigned int x_bytes = 0;
unsigned int y_bytes = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
const Point& point =;
uint8_t flag = point.on_curve ? kGlyfOnCurve : 0;
int dx = point.x - last_x;
int dy = point.y - last_y;
if (dx == 0) {
flag |= kGlyfThisXIsSame;
} else if (dx > -256 && dx < 256) {
flag |= kGlyfXShort | (dx > 0 ? kGlyfThisXIsSame : 0);
x_bytes += 1;
} else {
x_bytes += 2;
if (dy == 0) {
flag |= kGlyfThisYIsSame;
} else if (dy > -256 && dy < 256) {
flag |= kGlyfYShort | (dy > 0 ? kGlyfThisYIsSame : 0);
y_bytes += 1;
} else {
y_bytes += 2;
if (flag == last_flag && repeat_count != 255) {
dst[flag_offset - 1] |= kGlyfRepeat;
} else {
if (repeat_count != 0) {
if (flag_offset >= dst_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
dst[flag_offset++] = repeat_count;
if (flag_offset >= dst_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
dst[flag_offset++] = flag;
repeat_count = 0;
last_x = point.x;
last_y = point.y;
last_flag = flag;
if (repeat_count != 0) {
if (flag_offset >= dst_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
dst[flag_offset++] = repeat_count;
unsigned int xy_bytes = x_bytes + y_bytes;
if (xy_bytes < x_bytes ||
flag_offset + xy_bytes < flag_offset ||
flag_offset + xy_bytes > dst_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
int x_offset = flag_offset;
int y_offset = flag_offset + x_bytes;
last_x = 0;
last_y = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
int dx = - last_x;
if (dx == 0) {
// pass
} else if (dx > -256 && dx < 256) {
dst[x_offset++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::abs(dx));
} else {
// will always fit for valid input, but overflow is harmless
x_offset = StoreU16(dst, x_offset, static_cast<uint16_t>(dx));
last_x += dx;
int dy = - last_y;
if (dy == 0) {
// pass
} else if (dy > -256 && dy < 256) {
dst[y_offset++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::abs(dy));
} else {
y_offset = StoreU16(dst, y_offset, static_cast<uint16_t>(dy));
last_y += dy;
*glyph_size = y_offset;
return true;
// Compute the bounding box of the coordinates, and store into a glyf buffer.
// A precondition is that there are at least 10 bytes available.
void ComputeBbox(const std::vector<Point>& points, uint8_t* dst) {
int16_t x_min = 0;
int16_t y_min = 0;
int16_t x_max = 0;
int16_t y_max = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
int16_t x =;
int16_t y =;
if (i == 0 || x < x_min) x_min = x;
if (i == 0 || x > x_max) x_max = x;
if (i == 0 || y < y_min) y_min = y;
if (i == 0 || y > y_max) y_max = y;
size_t offset = 2;
offset = StoreU16(dst, offset, x_min);
offset = StoreU16(dst, offset, y_min);
offset = StoreU16(dst, offset, x_max);
offset = StoreU16(dst, offset, y_max);
// Process entire bbox stream. This is done as a separate pass to allow for
// composite bbox computations (an optional more aggressive transform).
bool ProcessBboxStream(ots::Buffer* bbox_stream, unsigned int n_glyphs,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& loca_values, uint8_t* glyf_buf,
size_t glyf_buf_length) {
const uint8_t* buf = bbox_stream->buffer();
if (n_glyphs >= 65536 || loca_values.size() != n_glyphs + 1) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// Safe because n_glyphs is bounded
unsigned int bitmap_length = ((n_glyphs + 31) >> 5) << 2;
if (!bbox_stream->Skip(bitmap_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_glyphs; ++i) {
if (buf[i >> 3] & (0x80 >> (i & 7))) {
uint32_t loca_offset =;
if ( + 1) - loca_offset < kEndPtsOfContoursOffset) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (glyf_buf_length < 2 + 10 ||
loca_offset > glyf_buf_length - 2 - 10) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!bbox_stream->Read(glyf_buf + loca_offset + 2, 8)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
return true;
bool ProcessComposite(ots::Buffer* composite_stream, uint8_t* dst,
size_t dst_size, size_t* glyph_size, bool* have_instructions) {
size_t start_offset = composite_stream->offset();
bool we_have_instructions = false;
uint16_t flags = FLAG_MORE_COMPONENTS;
while (flags & FLAG_MORE_COMPONENTS) {
if (!composite_stream->ReadU16(&flags)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
we_have_instructions |= (flags & FLAG_WE_HAVE_INSTRUCTIONS) != 0;
size_t arg_size = 2; // glyph index
if (flags & FLAG_ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS) {
arg_size += 4;
} else {
arg_size += 2;
if (flags & FLAG_WE_HAVE_A_SCALE) {
arg_size += 2;
} else if (flags & FLAG_WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE) {
arg_size += 4;
} else if (flags & FLAG_WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO) {
arg_size += 8;
if (!composite_stream->Skip(arg_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
size_t composite_glyph_size = composite_stream->offset() - start_offset;
if (composite_glyph_size + kCompositeGlyphBegin > dst_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
StoreU16(dst, 0, 0xffff); // nContours = -1 for composite glyph
std::memcpy(dst + kCompositeGlyphBegin,
composite_stream->buffer() + start_offset,
*glyph_size = kCompositeGlyphBegin + composite_glyph_size;
*have_instructions = we_have_instructions;
return true;
// Build TrueType loca table
bool StoreLoca(const std::vector<uint32_t>& loca_values, int index_format,
uint8_t* dst, size_t dst_size) {
const uint64_t loca_size = loca_values.size();
const uint64_t offset_size = index_format ? 4 : 2;
if ((loca_size << 2) >> 2 != loca_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// No integer overflow here (loca_size <= 2^16).
if (offset_size * loca_size > dst_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < loca_values.size(); ++i) {
uint32_t value =;
if (index_format) {
offset = StoreU32(dst, offset, value);
} else {
offset = StoreU16(dst, offset, static_cast<uint16_t>(value >> 1));
return true;
// Reconstruct entire glyf table based on transformed original
bool ReconstructGlyf(ots::OpenTypeFile* file,
const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size,
uint8_t* dst, size_t dst_size,
uint8_t* loca_buf, size_t loca_size) {
static const int kNumSubStreams = 7;
ots::Buffer buffer(data, data_size);
uint32_t version;
std::vector<std::pair<const uint8_t*, size_t> > substreams(kNumSubStreams);
if (!buffer.ReadU32(&version)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'version' of transformed 'glyf' table");
uint16_t num_glyphs;
if (!buffer.ReadU16(&num_glyphs)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'numGlyphs' from transformed 'glyf' table");
uint16_t index_format;
if (!buffer.ReadU16(&index_format)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'indexFormat' from transformed 'glyf' table");
unsigned int offset = (2 + kNumSubStreams) * 4;
if (offset > data_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Size of transformed 'glyf' table is too small to fit its data");
// Invariant from here on: data_size >= offset
for (int i = 0; i < kNumSubStreams; ++i) {
uint32_t substream_size;
if (!buffer.ReadU32(&substream_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read substream size %d of transformed 'glyf' table", i);
if (substream_size > data_size - offset) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Size of substream %d of transformed 'glyf' table does not fit in table size");
} = std::make_pair(data + offset, substream_size);
offset += substream_size;
ots::Buffer n_contour_stream(,;
ots::Buffer n_points_stream(,;
ots::Buffer flag_stream(,;
ots::Buffer glyph_stream(,;
ots::Buffer composite_stream(,;
ots::Buffer bbox_stream(,;
ots::Buffer instruction_stream(,;
std::vector<uint32_t> loca_values;
loca_values.reserve(num_glyphs + 1);
std::vector<uint16_t> n_points_vec;
std::vector<Point> points;
uint32_t loca_offset = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_glyphs; ++i) {
size_t glyph_size = 0;
uint16_t n_contours = 0;
if (!n_contour_stream.ReadU16(&n_contours)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Filed to read 'numberOfContours' of glyph %d from transformed 'glyf' table", i);
uint8_t* glyf_dst = dst + loca_offset;
size_t glyf_dst_size = dst_size - loca_offset;
if (n_contours == 0xffff) {
// composite glyph
bool have_instructions = false;
uint16_t instruction_size = 0;
if (!ProcessComposite(&composite_stream, glyf_dst, glyf_dst_size,
&glyph_size, &have_instructions)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Filed to process composite glyph %d from transformed 'glyf' table", i);
if (have_instructions) {
if (!Read255UShort(&glyph_stream, &instruction_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'instructionLength' of glyph %d from transformed 'glyf' table", i);
// No integer overflow here (instruction_size < 2^16).
if (instruction_size + 2U > glyf_dst_size - glyph_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("'instructionLength' of glyph %d from transformed 'glyf' table does not fit in the destination glyph size", i);
StoreU16(glyf_dst, glyph_size, instruction_size);
if (!instruction_stream.Read(glyf_dst + glyph_size + 2,
instruction_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Filed to read instructions of glyph %d from transformed 'glyf' table", i);
glyph_size += instruction_size + 2;
} else if (n_contours > 0) {
// simple glyph
uint32_t total_n_points = 0;
uint16_t n_points_contour;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < n_contours; ++j) {
if (!Read255UShort(&n_points_stream, &n_points_contour)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Filed to read number of points of contour %d of glyph %d from transformed 'glyf' table", j, i);
if (total_n_points + n_points_contour < total_n_points) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Negative number of points of contour %d of glyph %d from transformed 'glyf' table", j, i);
total_n_points += n_points_contour;
uint32_t flag_size = total_n_points;
if (flag_size > flag_stream.length() - flag_stream.offset()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
const uint8_t* flags_buf = flag_stream.buffer() + flag_stream.offset();
const uint8_t* triplet_buf = glyph_stream.buffer() +
size_t triplet_size = glyph_stream.length() - glyph_stream.offset();
size_t triplet_bytes_consumed = 0;
if (!TripletDecode(flags_buf, triplet_buf, triplet_size, total_n_points,
&points, &triplet_bytes_consumed)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
const uint32_t header_and_endpts_contours_size =
kEndPtsOfContoursOffset + 2 * n_contours;
if (glyf_dst_size < header_and_endpts_contours_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
StoreU16(glyf_dst, 0, n_contours);
ComputeBbox(points, glyf_dst);
size_t endpts_offset = kEndPtsOfContoursOffset;
int end_point = -1;
for (unsigned int contour_ix = 0; contour_ix < n_contours; ++contour_ix) {
end_point +=;
if (end_point >= 65536) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
endpts_offset = StoreU16(glyf_dst, endpts_offset, static_cast<uint16_t>(end_point));
if (!flag_stream.Skip(flag_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!glyph_stream.Skip(triplet_bytes_consumed)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
uint16_t instruction_size;
if (!Read255UShort(&glyph_stream, &instruction_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// No integer overflow here (instruction_size < 2^16).
if (glyf_dst_size - header_and_endpts_contours_size <
instruction_size + 2U) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
uint8_t* instruction_dst = glyf_dst + header_and_endpts_contours_size;
StoreU16(instruction_dst, 0, instruction_size);
if (!instruction_stream.Read(instruction_dst + 2, instruction_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (!StorePoints(points, n_contours, instruction_size,
glyf_dst, glyf_dst_size, &glyph_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to store points of glyph %d from the transformed 'glyf' table", i);
} else {
glyph_size = 0;
if (glyph_size + 3 < glyph_size) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
glyph_size = ots::Round2(glyph_size);
if (glyph_size > dst_size - loca_offset) {
// This shouldn't happen, but this test defensively maintains the
// invariant that loca_offset <= dst_size.
return OTS_FAILURE();
loca_offset += glyph_size;
assert(loca_values.size() == static_cast<size_t>(num_glyphs + 1));
if (!ProcessBboxStream(&bbox_stream, num_glyphs, loca_values,
dst, dst_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Filed to process 'bboxStream' from the transformed 'glyf' table");
return StoreLoca(loca_values, index_format, loca_buf, loca_size);
// This is linear search, but could be changed to binary because we
// do have a guarantee that the tables are sorted by tag. But the total
// cpu time is expected to be very small in any case.
const Table* FindTable(const std::vector<Table>& tables, uint32_t tag) {
size_t n_tables = tables.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_tables; ++i) {
if ( == tag) {
return &;
return NULL;
bool ReconstructTransformed(ots::OpenTypeFile* file,
const std::vector<Table>& tables, uint32_t tag,
const uint8_t* transformed_buf, size_t transformed_size,
uint8_t* dst, size_t dst_length) {
if (tag == OTS_TAG('g','l','y','f')) {
const Table* glyf_table = FindTable(tables, tag);
const Table* loca_table = FindTable(tables, OTS_TAG('l','o','c','a'));
if (glyf_table == NULL || loca_table == NULL) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (static_cast<uint64_t>(glyf_table->dst_offset) + glyf_table->dst_length >
dst_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (static_cast<uint64_t>(loca_table->dst_offset) + loca_table->dst_length >
dst_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
return ReconstructGlyf(file, transformed_buf, transformed_size,
dst + glyf_table->dst_offset, glyf_table->dst_length,
dst + loca_table->dst_offset, loca_table->dst_length);
} else if (tag == OTS_TAG('l','o','c','a')) {
// processing was already done by glyf table, but validate
if (!FindTable(tables, OTS_TAG('g','l','y','f'))) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
} else {
// transform for the tag is not known
return OTS_FAILURE();
return true;
uint32_t ComputeChecksum(const uint8_t* buf, size_t size) {
uint32_t checksum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i += 4) {
// We assume the addition is mod 2^32, which is valid because unsigned
checksum += (buf[i] << 24) | (buf[i + 1] << 16) |
(buf[i + 2] << 8) | buf[i + 3];
return checksum;
bool FixChecksums(const std::vector<Table>& tables, uint8_t* dst) {
const Table* head_table = FindTable(tables, OTS_TAG('h','e','a','d'));
if (head_table == NULL ||
head_table->dst_length < kCheckSumAdjustmentOffset + 4) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
size_t adjustment_offset = head_table->dst_offset + kCheckSumAdjustmentOffset;
if (adjustment_offset < head_table->dst_offset) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
StoreU32(dst, adjustment_offset, 0);
size_t n_tables = tables.size();
uint32_t file_checksum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_tables; ++i) {
const Table* table = &;
size_t table_length = table->dst_length;
uint8_t* table_data = dst + table->dst_offset;
uint32_t checksum = ComputeChecksum(table_data, table_length);
StoreU32(dst, kSfntHeaderSize + i * kSfntEntrySize + 4, checksum);
file_checksum += checksum; // The addition is mod 2^32
file_checksum += ComputeChecksum(dst,
kSfntHeaderSize + kSfntEntrySize * n_tables);
uint32_t checksum_adjustment = 0xb1b0afba - file_checksum;
StoreU32(dst, adjustment_offset, checksum_adjustment);
return true;
bool ReadTableDirectory(ots::OpenTypeFile* file,
ots::Buffer* buffer, std::vector<Table>* tables,
size_t num_tables) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_tables; ++i) {
Table* table = &tables->at(i);
uint8_t flag_byte;
if (!buffer->ReadU8(&flag_byte)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read the flags of table directory entry %d", i);
uint32_t tag;
if ((flag_byte & 0x3f) == 0x3f) {
if (!buffer->ReadU32(&tag)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read the tag of table directory entry %d", i);
} else {
tag = kKnownTags[flag_byte & 0x3f];
// Bits 6 and 7 are reserved and must be 0.
if ((flag_byte & 0xc0) != 0) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Bits 6 and 7 are not 0 for table directory entry %d", i);
uint32_t flags = 0;
// Always transform the glyf and loca tables
if (tag == OTS_TAG('g','l','y','f') ||
tag == OTS_TAG('l','o','c','a')) {
flags |= kWoff2FlagsTransform;
uint32_t dst_length;
if (!ReadBase128(buffer, &dst_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'origLength' for table '%c%c%c%c'", OTS_UNTAG(tag));
uint32_t transform_length = dst_length;
if ((flags & kWoff2FlagsTransform) != 0) {
if (!ReadBase128(buffer, &transform_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'transformLength' for table '%c%c%c%c'", OTS_UNTAG(tag));
if (tag == OTS_TAG('l','o','c','a') && transform_length != 0) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("The 'transformLength' of 'loca' table must be zero: %d", transform_length);
// Disallow huge numbers (> 1GB) for sanity.
if (transform_length > 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ||
dst_length > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("'origLength' or 'transformLength' > 1GB");
table->tag = tag;
table->flags = flags;
table->transform_length = transform_length;
table->dst_length = dst_length;
return true;
} // namespace
namespace ots {
size_t ComputeWOFF2FinalSize(const uint8_t* data, size_t length) {
ots::Buffer file(data, length);
uint32_t total_length;
if (!file.Skip(16) ||
!file.ReadU32(&total_length)) {
return 0;
return total_length;
bool ConvertWOFF2ToSFNT(ots::OpenTypeFile* file,
uint8_t* result, size_t result_length,
const uint8_t* data, size_t length) {
static const uint32_t kWoff2Signature = 0x774f4632; // "wOF2"
ots::Buffer buffer(data, length);
uint32_t signature;
uint32_t flavor = 0;
if (!buffer.ReadU32(&signature) || signature != kWoff2Signature ||
!buffer.ReadU32(&flavor)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'signature' or 'flavor', or not WOFF2 signature");
if (!IsValidVersionTag(ntohl(flavor))) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Invalid 'flavor'");
uint32_t reported_length;
if (!buffer.ReadU32(&reported_length) || length != reported_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'length' or it does not match the actual file size");
uint16_t num_tables;
if (!buffer.ReadU16(&num_tables) || !num_tables) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'numTables'");
uint16_t reserved_value;
if (!buffer.ReadU16(&reserved_value)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'reserved' field");
// We don't care about these fields of the header:
// uint32_t total_sfnt_size, the caller already passes it as result_length
if (!buffer.Skip(4)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'totalSfntSize'");
uint32_t compressed_length;
if (!buffer.ReadU32(&compressed_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'totalCompressedSize'");
if (compressed_length > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// We don't care about these fields of the header:
// uint16_t major_version, minor_version
if (!buffer.Skip(2 * 2)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read 'majorVersion' or 'minorVersion'");
// Checks metadata block size.
uint32_t meta_offset;
uint32_t meta_length;
uint32_t meta_length_orig;
if (!buffer.ReadU32(&meta_offset) ||
!buffer.ReadU32(&meta_length) ||
!buffer.ReadU32(&meta_length_orig)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read header metadata block fields");
if (meta_offset) {
if (meta_offset >= length || length - meta_offset < meta_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Invalid metadata block offset or length");
// Checks private data block size.
uint32_t priv_offset;
uint32_t priv_length;
if (!buffer.ReadU32(&priv_offset) ||
!buffer.ReadU32(&priv_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read header private block fields");
if (priv_offset) {
if (priv_offset >= length || length - priv_offset < priv_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Invalid private block offset or length");
std::vector<Table> tables(num_tables);
if (!ReadTableDirectory(file, &buffer, &tables, num_tables)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to read table directory");
uint64_t compressed_offset = buffer.offset();
if (compressed_offset > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
uint64_t dst_offset = kSfntHeaderSize +
kSfntEntrySize * static_cast<uint64_t>(num_tables);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < num_tables; ++i) {
Table* table = &;
table->dst_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(dst_offset);
dst_offset += table->dst_length;
if (dst_offset > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
dst_offset = ots::Round4(dst_offset);
uint64_t block_end = ots::Round4(compressed_offset + compressed_length);
if (block_end > length || dst_offset != result_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Uncompressed sfnt size mismatch");
const uint32_t sfnt_header_and_table_directory_size = 12 + 16 * num_tables;
if (sfnt_header_and_table_directory_size > result_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (meta_offset) {
if (block_end != meta_offset) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Invalid metadata block offset");
block_end = ots::Round4(static_cast<uint64_t>(meta_offset) +
if (block_end > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Invalid metadata block length");
if (priv_offset) {
if (block_end != priv_offset) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Invalid private block offset");
block_end = ots::Round4(static_cast<uint64_t>(priv_offset) +
if (block_end > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Invalid private block length");
if (block_end != ots::Round4(length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("File length mismatch (trailing junk?)");
// Start building the font
size_t offset = 0;
offset = StoreU32(result, offset, flavor);
offset = StoreU16(result, offset, num_tables);
uint8_t max_pow2 = 0;
while (1u << (max_pow2 + 1) <= num_tables) {
const uint16_t output_search_range = (1u << max_pow2) << 4;
offset = StoreU16(result, offset, output_search_range);
offset = StoreU16(result, offset, max_pow2);
offset = StoreU16(result, offset, (num_tables << 4) - output_search_range);
// sort tags in the table directory in ascending alphabetical order
std::vector<Table> sorted_tables(tables);
std::sort(sorted_tables.begin(), sorted_tables.end());
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < num_tables; ++i) {
const Table* table = &;
offset = StoreU32(result, offset, table->tag);
offset = StoreU32(result, offset, 0); // checksum, to fill in later
offset = StoreU32(result, offset, table->dst_offset);
offset = StoreU32(result, offset, table->dst_length);
std::vector<uint8_t> uncompressed_buf;
const uint8_t* transform_buf = NULL;
uint64_t total_size = 0;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < num_tables; ++i) {
total_size +=;
if (total_size > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
// Enforce same 30M limit on uncompressed tables as OTS
if (total_size > 30 * 1024 * 1024) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
size_t uncompressed_size = static_cast<size_t>(total_size);
const uint8_t* compressed_buf = data + compressed_offset;
if (!BrotliDecompressBuffer(compressed_length, compressed_buf,
&uncompressed_size, &uncompressed_buf[0])) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to uncompress font data");
if (uncompressed_size != static_cast<size_t>(total_size)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Decompressed font data size does not match the sum of 'origLength' and 'transformLength'");
transform_buf = &uncompressed_buf[0];
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < num_tables; ++i) {
const Table* table = &;
uint32_t flags = table->flags;
size_t transform_length = table->transform_length;
if ((flags & kWoff2FlagsTransform) == 0) {
if (transform_length != table->dst_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
if (static_cast<uint64_t>(table->dst_offset) + transform_length >
result_length) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
std::memcpy(result + table->dst_offset, transform_buf,
} else {
if (!ReconstructTransformed(file, tables, table->tag,
transform_buf, transform_length, result, result_length)) {
return OTS_FAILURE_MSG("Failed to reconstruct '%c%c%c%c' table", OTS_UNTAG(table->tag));
transform_buf += transform_length;
if (transform_buf > &uncompressed_buf[0] + uncompressed_buf.size()) {
return OTS_FAILURE();
return FixChecksums(sorted_tables, result);
} // namespace ots