blob: 9be31c567db2a3076dc1dd091f5f88288c7b21ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:sky/widgets.dart';
import '../resources/display_list.dart';
class FiddleApp extends App {
bool arbitrarySetting = true;
void toggle() {
setState(() {
arbitrarySetting = !arbitrarySetting;
Widget buildFlex1() {
return new Flex([
new Flexible(child: new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF00FFFF)
new RaisedButton(child: new Text('TAP ME TO CHANGE THE BACKGROUND COLOUR'), onPressed: toggle)
Widget buildFlex2() {
return new Flex([
new Flexible(child: new Container(
key: const StringKey('something-else'),
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: const Color(0xEFFF9F00)
new RaisedButton(child: new Text('PRESS ME TO CHANGE IT BACK'), onPressed: toggle)
Widget buildStack1() {
return new Stack([
new Positioned(child: new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: const Color(0xFF00FFFF)
new RaisedButton(child: new Text('TAP ME TO CHANGE THE BACKGROUND COLOUR'), onPressed: toggle)
Widget buildStack2() {
return new Stack([
new Positioned(child: new Container(
key: const StringKey('something-else'),
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
backgroundColor: const Color(0xEFFF9F00)
new RaisedButton(child: new Text('PRESS ME TO CHANGE IT BACK'), onPressed: toggle)
Widget build() {
return new Flex([
new SizedBox(
key: const StringKey('flex-example'),
height: 250.0,
child: arbitrarySetting ? buildFlex1() : buildFlex2()
new SizedBox(
key: const StringKey('stack-example'),
height: 250.0,
child: arbitrarySetting ? buildStack1() : buildStack2()
direction: FlexDirection.vertical,
alignItems: FlexAlignItems.stretch
main() async {
TestRenderView renderViewOverride = new TestRenderView();
FiddleApp app = new FiddleApp();
runApp(app, renderViewOverride: renderViewOverride);
await renderViewOverride.checkFrame();
await renderViewOverride.checkFrame();
await renderViewOverride.checkFrame();