blob: d1eb396ea0d8a20d54004db89165f774b1a9fd85 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Graham Dennis (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "gen/sky/core/CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/css/CSSLineBoxContainValue.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/css/CSSPrimitiveValue.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/BorderValue.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/CounterDirectives.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/DataRef.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/OutlineValue.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/RenderStyleConstants.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/ShapeValue.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/StyleBackgroundData.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/StyleBoxData.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/StyleDifference.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/StyleFilterData.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/StyleFlexibleBoxData.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/StyleInheritedData.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/StyleRareInheritedData.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/StyleRareNonInheritedData.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/StyleSurroundData.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/StyleTransformData.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/StyleVisualData.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/Length.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/LengthBox.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/LengthSize.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/fonts/FontBaseline.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/fonts/FontDescription.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/geometry/FloatRoundedRect.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/geometry/LayoutBoxExtent.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/geometry/RoundedRect.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/graphics/Color.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/graphics/GraphicsTypes.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/text/TextDirection.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/text/UnicodeBidi.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/transforms/TransformOperations.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/Forward.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/OwnPtr.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/RefCounted.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/StdLibExtras.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/Vector.h"
template<typename T, typename U> inline bool compareEqual(const T& t, const U& u) { return t == static_cast<T>(u); }
#define SET_VAR(group, variable, value) \
if (!compareEqual(group->variable, value)) \
group.access()->variable = value
#define SET_VAR_WITH_SETTER(group, getter, setter, value) \
if (!compareEqual(group->getter(), value)) \
#define SET_BORDERVALUE_COLOR(group, variable, value) \
if (!compareEqual(group->variable.color(), value)) \
namespace blink {
using std::max;
class FilterOperations;
class AppliedTextDecoration;
class BorderData;
class Font;
class FontMetrics;
class ShadowList;
class StyleImage;
class StyleInheritedData;
class StyleResolver;
class TransformationMatrix;
class RenderStyle: public RefCounted<RenderStyle> {
friend class EditingStyle; // Editing has to only reveal unvisited info.
friend class CSSComputedStyleDeclaration; // Ignores visited styles, so needs to be able to see unvisited info.
friend class StyleBuilderFunctions; // Sets color styles
// FIXME: When we stop resolving currentColor at style time, these can be removed.
friend class CSSToStyleMap;
friend class FilterOperationResolver;
friend class StyleBuilderConverter;
friend class StyleResolverState;
friend class StyleResolver;
// non-inherited attributes
DataRef<StyleBoxData> m_box;
DataRef<StyleVisualData> visual;
DataRef<StyleBackgroundData> m_background;
DataRef<StyleSurroundData> surround;
DataRef<StyleRareNonInheritedData> rareNonInheritedData;
// inherited attributes
DataRef<StyleRareInheritedData> rareInheritedData;
DataRef<StyleInheritedData> inherited;
// !START SYNC!: Keep this in sync with the copy constructor in RenderStyle.cpp and implicitlyInherited() in StyleResolver.cpp
// inherit
struct InheritedFlags {
bool operator==(const InheritedFlags& other) const
return (_visibility == other._visibility)
&& (_text_align == other._text_align)
&& (m_textUnderline == other.m_textUnderline)
&& (_direction == other._direction)
&& (_white_space == other._white_space)
&& (m_rtlOrdering == other.m_rtlOrdering)
&& (_pointerEvents == other._pointerEvents);
bool operator!=(const InheritedFlags& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
unsigned _visibility : 2; // EVisibility
unsigned _text_align : 4; // ETextAlign
unsigned m_textUnderline : 1;
unsigned _direction : 1; // TextDirection
unsigned _white_space : 3; // EWhiteSpace
// non CSS2 inherited
unsigned m_rtlOrdering : 1; // Order
unsigned _pointerEvents : 4; // EPointerEvents
// 19 bits
} inherited_flags;
// don't inherit
struct NonInheritedFlags {
bool operator==(const NonInheritedFlags& other) const
return effectiveDisplay == other.effectiveDisplay
&& originalDisplay == other.originalDisplay
&& overflowX == other.overflowX
&& overflowY == other.overflowY
&& verticalAlign == other.verticalAlign
&& position == other.position
&& styleType == other.styleType
&& affectedByFocus == other.affectedByFocus
&& affectedByHover == other.affectedByHover
&& affectedByActive == other.affectedByActive
&& unicodeBidi == other.unicodeBidi
&& explicitInheritance == other.explicitInheritance
&& currentColor == other.currentColor
&& unique == other.unique
&& emptyState == other.emptyState
&& firstChildState == other.firstChildState
&& lastChildState == other.lastChildState
&& isLink == other.isLink;
bool operator!=(const NonInheritedFlags& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
unsigned effectiveDisplay : 5; // EDisplay
unsigned originalDisplay : 5; // EDisplay
unsigned overflowX : 3; // EOverflow
unsigned overflowY : 3; // EOverflow
unsigned verticalAlign : 4; // EVerticalAlign
unsigned position : 1; // EPosition
unsigned unicodeBidi : 3; // EUnicodeBidi
// This is set if we used viewport units when resolving a length.
// It is mutable so we can pass around const RenderStyles to resolve lengths.
mutable unsigned hasViewportUnits : 1;
// 32 bits
unsigned styleType : 6; // PseudoId
unsigned explicitInheritance : 1; // Explicitly inherits a non-inherited property
unsigned currentColor : 1; // At least one color has the value 'currentColor'
unsigned unique : 1; // Style can not be shared.
unsigned emptyState : 1;
unsigned firstChildState : 1;
unsigned lastChildState : 1;
unsigned affectedByFocus : 1;
unsigned affectedByHover : 1;
unsigned affectedByActive : 1;
unsigned isLink : 1;
// If you add more style bits here, you will also need to update RenderStyle::copyNonInheritedFrom()
// 63 bits
} noninherited_flags;
void setBitDefaults()
inherited_flags._visibility = initialVisibility();
inherited_flags._text_align = initialTextAlign();
inherited_flags.m_textUnderline = false;
inherited_flags._direction = initialDirection();
inherited_flags._white_space = initialWhiteSpace();
inherited_flags.m_rtlOrdering = initialRTLOrdering();
inherited_flags._pointerEvents = initialPointerEvents();
noninherited_flags.effectiveDisplay = noninherited_flags.originalDisplay = initialDisplay();
noninherited_flags.overflowX = initialOverflowX();
noninherited_flags.overflowY = initialOverflowY();
noninherited_flags.verticalAlign = initialVerticalAlign();
noninherited_flags.position = initialPosition();
noninherited_flags.unicodeBidi = initialUnicodeBidi();
noninherited_flags.explicitInheritance = false;
noninherited_flags.currentColor = false;
noninherited_flags.unique = false;
noninherited_flags.emptyState = false;
noninherited_flags.firstChildState = false;
noninherited_flags.lastChildState = false;
noninherited_flags.hasViewportUnits = false;
noninherited_flags.affectedByFocus = false;
noninherited_flags.affectedByHover = false;
noninherited_flags.affectedByActive = false;
noninherited_flags.isLink = false;
ALWAYS_INLINE RenderStyle();
enum DefaultStyleTag {
ALWAYS_INLINE explicit RenderStyle(DefaultStyleTag);
ALWAYS_INLINE RenderStyle(const RenderStyle&);
static PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> create();
static PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> createDefaultStyle();
static PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> clone(const RenderStyle*);
// Computes how the style change should be propagated down the tree.
static StyleRecalcChange stylePropagationDiff(const RenderStyle* oldStyle, const RenderStyle* newStyle);
StyleDifference visualInvalidationDiff(const RenderStyle&) const;
void inheritFrom(const RenderStyle* inheritParent);
void copyNonInheritedFrom(const RenderStyle*);
void setHasViewportUnits(bool hasViewportUnits = true) const { noninherited_flags.hasViewportUnits = hasViewportUnits; }
bool hasViewportUnits() const { return noninherited_flags.hasViewportUnits; }
bool affectedByFocus() const { return noninherited_flags.affectedByFocus; }
bool affectedByHover() const { return noninherited_flags.affectedByHover; }
bool affectedByActive() const { return noninherited_flags.affectedByActive; }
void setAffectedByFocus() { noninherited_flags.affectedByFocus = true; }
void setAffectedByHover() { noninherited_flags.affectedByHover = true; }
void setAffectedByActive() { noninherited_flags.affectedByActive = true; }
bool operator==(const RenderStyle& other) const;
bool operator!=(const RenderStyle& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
bool hasMargin() const { return surround->margin.nonZero(); }
bool hasBorder() const { return surround->border.hasBorder(); }
bool hasPadding() const { return surround->padding.nonZero(); }
bool hasOffset() const { return surround->offset.nonZero(); }
bool hasMarginBeforeQuirk() const { return marginBefore().quirk(); }
bool hasMarginAfterQuirk() const { return marginAfter().quirk(); }
bool hasBackgroundImage() const { return m_background->background().hasImage(); }
bool hasFixedBackgroundImage() const { return m_background->background().hasFixedImage(); }
bool hasEntirelyFixedBackground() const;
bool hasBackground() const
Color color = colorIncludingFallback(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor);
if (color.alpha())
return true;
return hasBackgroundImage();
FilterOutsets filterOutsets() const { return hasFilter() ? filter().outsets() : FilterOutsets(); }
Order rtlOrdering() const { return static_cast<Order>(inherited_flags.m_rtlOrdering); }
void setRTLOrdering(Order o) { inherited_flags.m_rtlOrdering = o; }
// attribute getter methods
EDisplay display() const { return static_cast<EDisplay>(noninherited_flags.effectiveDisplay); }
EDisplay originalDisplay() const { return static_cast<EDisplay>(noninherited_flags.originalDisplay); }
const Length& left() const { return surround->offset.left(); }
const Length& right() const { return surround->offset.right(); }
const Length& top() const { return surround->; }
const Length& bottom() const { return surround->offset.bottom(); }
// Accessors for positioned object edges that take into account writing mode.
const Length& logicalLeft() const { return surround->offset.logicalLeft(); }
const Length& logicalRight() const { return surround->offset.logicalRight(); }
const Length& logicalTop() const { return surround->offset.before(); }
const Length& logicalBottom() const { return surround->offset.after(); }
// Whether or not a positioned element requires normal flow x/y to be computed
// to determine its position.
bool hasAutoLeftAndRight() const { return left().isAuto() && right().isAuto(); }
bool hasAutoTopAndBottom() const { return top().isAuto() && bottom().isAuto(); }
EPosition position() const { return static_cast<EPosition>(noninherited_flags.position); }
bool hasOutOfFlowPosition() const { return position() == AbsolutePosition; }
// FIXME(sky): Remove
bool hasInFlowPosition() const { return false; }
const Length& width() const { return m_box->width(); }
const Length& height() const { return m_box->height(); }
const Length& minWidth() const { return m_box->minWidth(); }
const Length& maxWidth() const { return m_box->maxWidth(); }
const Length& minHeight() const { return m_box->minHeight(); }
const Length& maxHeight() const { return m_box->maxHeight(); }
const Length& logicalWidth() const { return width(); }
const Length& logicalHeight() const { return height(); }
const Length& logicalMinWidth() const { return minWidth(); }
const Length& logicalMaxWidth() const { return maxWidth(); }
const Length& logicalMinHeight() const { return minHeight(); }
const Length& logicalMaxHeight() const { return maxHeight(); }
const BorderData& border() const { return surround->border; }
const BorderValue& borderLeft() const { return surround->border.left(); }
const BorderValue& borderRight() const { return surround->border.right(); }
const BorderValue& borderTop() const { return surround->; }
const BorderValue& borderBottom() const { return surround->border.bottom(); }
const BorderValue& borderBefore() const;
const BorderValue& borderAfter() const;
const BorderValue& borderStart() const;
const BorderValue& borderEnd() const;
const LengthSize& borderTopLeftRadius() const { return surround->border.topLeft(); }
const LengthSize& borderTopRightRadius() const { return surround->border.topRight(); }
const LengthSize& borderBottomLeftRadius() const { return surround->border.bottomLeft(); }
const LengthSize& borderBottomRightRadius() const { return surround->border.bottomRight(); }
bool hasBorderRadius() const { return surround->border.hasBorderRadius(); }
unsigned borderLeftWidth() const { return surround->border.borderLeftWidth(); }
EBorderStyle borderLeftStyle() const { return surround->border.left().style(); }
bool borderLeftIsTransparent() const { return surround->border.left().isTransparent(); }
unsigned borderRightWidth() const { return surround->border.borderRightWidth(); }
EBorderStyle borderRightStyle() const { return surround->border.right().style(); }
bool borderRightIsTransparent() const { return surround->border.right().isTransparent(); }
unsigned borderTopWidth() const { return surround->border.borderTopWidth(); }
EBorderStyle borderTopStyle() const { return surround->; }
bool borderTopIsTransparent() const { return surround->; }
unsigned borderBottomWidth() const { return surround->border.borderBottomWidth(); }
EBorderStyle borderBottomStyle() const { return surround->border.bottom().style(); }
bool borderBottomIsTransparent() const { return surround->border.bottom().isTransparent(); }
unsigned short borderBeforeWidth() const;
unsigned short borderAfterWidth() const;
unsigned short borderStartWidth() const;
unsigned short borderEndWidth() const;
unsigned short outlineSize() const { return max(0, outlineWidth() + outlineOffset()); }
unsigned short outlineWidth() const
if (m_background->outline().style() == BNONE)
return 0;
return m_background->outline().width();
bool hasOutline() const { return outlineWidth() > 0 && outlineStyle() > BHIDDEN; }
EBorderStyle outlineStyle() const { return m_background->outline().style(); }
OutlineIsAuto outlineStyleIsAuto() const { return static_cast<OutlineIsAuto>(m_background->outline().isAuto()); }
EOverflow overflowX() const { return static_cast<EOverflow>(noninherited_flags.overflowX); }
EOverflow overflowY() const { return static_cast<EOverflow>(noninherited_flags.overflowY); }
// It's sufficient to just check one direction, since it's illegal to have visible on only one overflow value.
bool isOverflowVisible() const { ASSERT(overflowX() != OVISIBLE || overflowX() == overflowY()); return overflowX() == OVISIBLE; }
bool isOverflowPaged() const { return overflowY() == OPAGEDX || overflowY() == OPAGEDY; }
EVerticalAlign verticalAlign() const { return static_cast<EVerticalAlign>(noninherited_flags.verticalAlign); }
const Length& verticalAlignLength() const { return m_box->verticalAlign(); }
const Length& clipLeft() const { return visual->clip.left(); }
const Length& clipRight() const { return visual->clip.right(); }
const Length& clipTop() const { return visual->; }
const Length& clipBottom() const { return visual->clip.bottom(); }
const LengthBox& clip() const { return visual->clip; }
bool hasAutoClip() const { return visual->hasAutoClip; }
EUnicodeBidi unicodeBidi() const { return static_cast<EUnicodeBidi>(noninherited_flags.unicodeBidi); }
const Font& font() const;
const FontMetrics& fontMetrics() const;
const FontDescription& fontDescription() const;
float specifiedFontSize() const;
float computedFontSize() const;
int fontSize() const;
FontWeight fontWeight() const;
FontStretch fontStretch() const;
const Length& textIndent() const { return rareInheritedData->indent; }
TextIndentLine textIndentLine() const { return static_cast<TextIndentLine>(rareInheritedData->m_textIndentLine); }
TextIndentType textIndentType() const { return static_cast<TextIndentType>(rareInheritedData->m_textIndentType); }
ETextAlign textAlign() const { return static_cast<ETextAlign>(inherited_flags._text_align); }
TextAlignLast textAlignLast() const { return static_cast<TextAlignLast>(rareInheritedData->m_textAlignLast); }
TextJustify textJustify() const { return static_cast<TextJustify>(rareInheritedData->m_textJustify); }
TextDecoration textDecorationsInEffect() const;
const Vector<AppliedTextDecoration>& appliedTextDecorations() const;
TextDecoration textDecoration() const { return static_cast<TextDecoration>(visual->textDecoration); }
TextUnderlinePosition textUnderlinePosition() const { return static_cast<TextUnderlinePosition>(rareInheritedData->m_textUnderlinePosition); }
TextDecorationStyle textDecorationStyle() const { return static_cast<TextDecorationStyle>(rareNonInheritedData->m_textDecorationStyle); }
float wordSpacing() const;
float letterSpacing() const;
TextDirection direction() const { return static_cast<TextDirection>(inherited_flags._direction); }
bool isLeftToRightDirection() const { return direction() == LTR; }
const Length& specifiedLineHeight() const;
Length lineHeight() const;
int computedLineHeight() const;
EWhiteSpace whiteSpace() const { return static_cast<EWhiteSpace>(inherited_flags._white_space); }
static bool autoWrap(EWhiteSpace ws)
// Nowrap and pre don't automatically wrap.
return ws != NOWRAP && ws != PRE;
bool autoWrap() const
return autoWrap(whiteSpace());
static bool preserveNewline(EWhiteSpace ws)
// Normal and nowrap do not preserve newlines.
return ws != NORMAL && ws != NOWRAP;
bool preserveNewline() const
return preserveNewline(whiteSpace());
static bool collapseWhiteSpace(EWhiteSpace ws)
// Pre and prewrap do not collapse whitespace.
return ws != PRE && ws != PRE_WRAP;
bool collapseWhiteSpace() const
return collapseWhiteSpace(whiteSpace());
bool isCollapsibleWhiteSpace(UChar c) const
switch (c) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
return collapseWhiteSpace();
case '\n':
return !preserveNewline();
return false;
bool breakOnlyAfterWhiteSpace() const
return whiteSpace() == PRE_WRAP || lineBreak() == LineBreakAfterWhiteSpace;
bool breakWords() const
return wordBreak() == BreakWordBreak || overflowWrap() == BreakOverflowWrap;
EFillRepeat backgroundRepeatX() const { return static_cast<EFillRepeat>(m_background->background().repeatX()); }
EFillRepeat backgroundRepeatY() const { return static_cast<EFillRepeat>(m_background->background().repeatY()); }
CompositeOperator backgroundComposite() const { return static_cast<CompositeOperator>(m_background->background().composite()); }
EFillAttachment backgroundAttachment() const { return static_cast<EFillAttachment>(m_background->background().attachment()); }
EFillBox backgroundClip() const { return static_cast<EFillBox>(m_background->background().clip()); }
EFillBox backgroundOrigin() const { return static_cast<EFillBox>(m_background->background().origin()); }
const Length& backgroundXPosition() const { return m_background->background().xPosition(); }
const Length& backgroundYPosition() const { return m_background->background().yPosition(); }
EFillSizeType backgroundSizeType() const { return m_background->background().sizeType(); }
const LengthSize& backgroundSizeLength() const { return m_background->background().sizeLength(); }
FillLayer& accessBackgroundLayers() { return m_background.access()->m_background; }
const FillLayer& backgroundLayers() const { return m_background->background(); }
short horizontalBorderSpacing() const;
short verticalBorderSpacing() const;
const Length& marginTop() const { return surround->; }
const Length& marginBottom() const { return surround->margin.bottom(); }
const Length& marginLeft() const { return surround->margin.left(); }
const Length& marginRight() const { return surround->margin.right(); }
const Length& marginBefore() const { return surround->margin.before(); }
const Length& marginAfter() const { return surround->margin.after(); }
const Length& marginStart() const { return surround->margin.start(direction()); }
const Length& marginEnd() const { return surround->margin.end(direction()); }
const Length& marginStartUsing(const RenderStyle* otherStyle) const { return surround->margin.start(otherStyle->direction()); }
const Length& marginEndUsing(const RenderStyle* otherStyle) const { return surround->margin.end(otherStyle->direction()); }
const Length& marginBeforeUsing(const RenderStyle* otherStyle) const { return surround->margin.before(); }
const Length& marginAfterUsing(const RenderStyle* otherStyle) const { return surround->margin.after(); }
const LengthBox& paddingBox() const { return surround->padding; }
const Length& paddingTop() const { return surround->; }
const Length& paddingBottom() const { return surround->padding.bottom(); }
const Length& paddingLeft() const { return surround->padding.left(); }
const Length& paddingRight() const { return surround->padding.right(); }
const Length& paddingBefore() const { return surround->padding.before(); }
const Length& paddingAfter() const { return surround->padding.after(); }
const Length& paddingStart() const { return surround->padding.start(direction()); }
const Length& paddingEnd() const { return surround->padding.end(direction()); }
bool isLink() const { return noninherited_flags.isLink; }
// CSS3 Getter Methods
int outlineOffset() const
if (m_background->outline().style() == BNONE)
return 0;
return m_background->outline().offset();
ShadowList* textShadow() const { return rareInheritedData->textShadow.get(); }
void getTextShadowExtent(LayoutUnit& top, LayoutUnit& right, LayoutUnit& bottom, LayoutUnit& left) const { getShadowExtent(textShadow(), top, right, bottom, left); }
void getTextShadowHorizontalExtent(LayoutUnit& left, LayoutUnit& right) const { getShadowHorizontalExtent(textShadow(), left, right); }
void getTextShadowVerticalExtent(LayoutUnit& top, LayoutUnit& bottom) const { getShadowVerticalExtent(textShadow(), top, bottom); }
void getTextShadowInlineDirectionExtent(LayoutUnit& logicalLeft, LayoutUnit& logicalRight) { getShadowInlineDirectionExtent(textShadow(), logicalLeft, logicalRight); }
void getTextShadowBlockDirectionExtent(LayoutUnit& logicalTop, LayoutUnit& logicalBottom) { getShadowBlockDirectionExtent(textShadow(), logicalTop, logicalBottom); }
float textStrokeWidth() const { return rareInheritedData->textStrokeWidth; }
float opacity() const { return rareNonInheritedData->opacity; }
bool hasOpacity() const { return opacity() < 1.0f; }
// aspect ratio convenience method
bool hasAspectRatio() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_hasAspectRatio; }
float aspectRatio() const { return aspectRatioNumerator() / aspectRatioDenominator(); }
float aspectRatioDenominator() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_aspectRatioDenominator; }
float aspectRatioNumerator() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_aspectRatioNumerator; }
int order() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_order; }
float flexGrow() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_flexibleBox->m_flexGrow; }
float flexShrink() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_flexibleBox->m_flexShrink; }
const Length& flexBasis() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_flexibleBox->m_flexBasis; }
EAlignContent alignContent() const { return static_cast<EAlignContent>(rareNonInheritedData->m_alignContent); }
ItemPosition alignItems() const { return static_cast<ItemPosition>(rareNonInheritedData->m_alignItems); }
OverflowAlignment alignItemsOverflowAlignment() const { return static_cast<OverflowAlignment>(rareNonInheritedData->m_alignItemsOverflowAlignment); }
ItemPosition alignSelf() const { return static_cast<ItemPosition>(rareNonInheritedData->m_alignSelf); }
OverflowAlignment alignSelfOverflowAlignment() const { return static_cast<OverflowAlignment>(rareNonInheritedData->m_alignSelfOverflowAlignment); }
EFlexDirection flexDirection() const { return static_cast<EFlexDirection>(rareNonInheritedData->m_flexibleBox->m_flexDirection); }
bool isColumnFlexDirection() const { return flexDirection() == FlowColumn || flexDirection() == FlowColumnReverse; }
bool isReverseFlexDirection() const { return flexDirection() == FlowRowReverse || flexDirection() == FlowColumnReverse; }
EFlexWrap flexWrap() const { return static_cast<EFlexWrap>(rareNonInheritedData->m_flexibleBox->m_flexWrap); }
EJustifyContent justifyContent() const { return static_cast<EJustifyContent>(rareNonInheritedData->m_justifyContent); }
ItemPosition justifyItems() const { return static_cast<ItemPosition>(rareNonInheritedData->m_justifyItems); }
OverflowAlignment justifyItemsOverflowAlignment() const { return static_cast<OverflowAlignment>(rareNonInheritedData->m_justifyItemsOverflowAlignment); }
ItemPositionType justifyItemsPositionType() const { return static_cast<ItemPositionType>(rareNonInheritedData->m_justifyItemsPositionType); }
ItemPosition justifySelf() const { return static_cast<ItemPosition>(rareNonInheritedData->m_justifySelf); }
OverflowAlignment justifySelfOverflowAlignment() const { return static_cast<OverflowAlignment>(rareNonInheritedData->m_justifySelfOverflowAlignment); }
ShadowList* boxShadow() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_boxShadow.get(); }
void getBoxShadowExtent(LayoutUnit& top, LayoutUnit& right, LayoutUnit& bottom, LayoutUnit& left) const { getShadowExtent(boxShadow(), top, right, bottom, left); }
LayoutBoxExtent getBoxShadowInsetExtent() const { return getShadowInsetExtent(boxShadow()); }
void getBoxShadowHorizontalExtent(LayoutUnit& left, LayoutUnit& right) const { getShadowHorizontalExtent(boxShadow(), left, right); }
void getBoxShadowVerticalExtent(LayoutUnit& top, LayoutUnit& bottom) const { getShadowVerticalExtent(boxShadow(), top, bottom); }
void getBoxShadowInlineDirectionExtent(LayoutUnit& logicalLeft, LayoutUnit& logicalRight) { getShadowInlineDirectionExtent(boxShadow(), logicalLeft, logicalRight); }
void getBoxShadowBlockDirectionExtent(LayoutUnit& logicalTop, LayoutUnit& logicalBottom) { getShadowBlockDirectionExtent(boxShadow(), logicalTop, logicalBottom); }
EBoxDecorationBreak boxDecorationBreak() const { return m_box->boxDecorationBreak(); }
// FIXME: reflections should belong to this helper function but they are currently handled
// through their self-painting layers. So the rendering code doesn't account for them.
bool hasVisualOverflowingEffect() const { return boxShadow() || hasOutline(); }
EBoxSizing boxSizing() const { return m_box->boxSizing(); }
EUserModify userModify() const { return static_cast<EUserModify>(rareInheritedData->userModify); }
EUserSelect userSelect() const { return static_cast<EUserSelect>(rareInheritedData->userSelect); }
TextOverflow textOverflow() const { return static_cast<TextOverflow>(rareNonInheritedData->textOverflow); }
EWordBreak wordBreak() const { return static_cast<EWordBreak>(rareInheritedData->wordBreak); }
EOverflowWrap overflowWrap() const { return static_cast<EOverflowWrap>(rareInheritedData->overflowWrap); }
LineBreak lineBreak() const { return static_cast<LineBreak>(rareInheritedData->lineBreak); }
const AtomicString& highlight() const { return rareInheritedData->highlight; }
const AtomicString& hyphenationString() const { return rareInheritedData->hyphenationString; }
const AtomicString& locale() const { return rareInheritedData->locale; }
const TransformOperations& transform() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->m_operations; }
const Length& transformOriginX() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->m_x; }
const Length& transformOriginY() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->m_y; }
float transformOriginZ() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->m_z; }
bool hasTransform() const { return !rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->m_operations.operations().isEmpty(); }
bool transformDataEquivalent(const RenderStyle& otherStyle) const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transform == otherStyle.rareNonInheritedData->m_transform; }
TextEmphasisFill textEmphasisFill() const { return static_cast<TextEmphasisFill>(rareInheritedData->textEmphasisFill); }
TextEmphasisMark textEmphasisMark() const;
const AtomicString& textEmphasisCustomMark() const { return rareInheritedData->textEmphasisCustomMark; }
TextEmphasisPosition textEmphasisPosition() const { return static_cast<TextEmphasisPosition>(rareInheritedData->textEmphasisPosition); }
const AtomicString& textEmphasisMarkString() const;
TextOrientation textOrientation() const { return static_cast<TextOrientation>(rareInheritedData->m_textOrientation); }
ObjectFit objectFit() const { return static_cast<ObjectFit>(rareNonInheritedData->m_objectFit); }
LengthPoint objectPosition() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_objectPosition; }
// Return true if any transform related property (currently transform, transformStyle3D or perspective)
// indicates that we are transforming
bool hasTransformRelatedProperty() const { return hasTransform() || preserves3D() || hasPerspective(); }
enum ApplyTransformOrigin { IncludeTransformOrigin, ExcludeTransformOrigin };
void applyTransform(TransformationMatrix&, const LayoutSize& borderBoxSize, ApplyTransformOrigin = IncludeTransformOrigin) const;
void applyTransform(TransformationMatrix&, const FloatRect& boundingBox, ApplyTransformOrigin = IncludeTransformOrigin) const;
unsigned tabSize() const { return rareInheritedData->m_tabSize; }
// End CSS3 Getters
WrapFlow wrapFlow() const { return static_cast<WrapFlow>(rareNonInheritedData->m_wrapFlow); }
WrapThrough wrapThrough() const { return static_cast<WrapThrough>(rareNonInheritedData->m_wrapThrough); }
// Apple-specific property getter methods
EPointerEvents pointerEvents() const { return static_cast<EPointerEvents>(inherited_flags._pointerEvents); }
ETransformStyle3D transformStyle3D() const { return static_cast<ETransformStyle3D>(rareNonInheritedData->m_transformStyle3D); }
bool preserves3D() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transformStyle3D == TransformStyle3DPreserve3D; }
float perspective() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_perspective; }
bool hasPerspective() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_perspective > 0; }
const Length& perspectiveOriginX() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_perspectiveOriginX; }
const Length& perspectiveOriginY() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_perspectiveOriginY; }
LineBoxContain lineBoxContain() const { return rareInheritedData->m_lineBoxContain; }
Color tapHighlightColor() const { return rareInheritedData->tapHighlightColor; }
EImageRendering imageRendering() const { return static_cast<EImageRendering>(rareInheritedData->m_imageRendering); }
FilterOperations& mutableFilter() { return rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_filter.access()->m_operations; }
const FilterOperations& filter() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_filter->m_operations; }
bool hasFilter() const { return !rareNonInheritedData->m_filter->m_operations.operations().isEmpty(); }
TouchAction touchAction() const { return static_cast<TouchAction>(rareNonInheritedData->m_touchAction); }
TouchActionDelay touchActionDelay() const { return static_cast<TouchActionDelay>(rareInheritedData->m_touchActionDelay); }
// attribute setter methods
void setDisplay(EDisplay v) { noninherited_flags.effectiveDisplay = v; }
void setOriginalDisplay(EDisplay v) { noninherited_flags.originalDisplay = v; }
void setPosition(EPosition v) { noninherited_flags.position = v; }
void setLeft(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, offset.m_left, v); }
void setRight(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, offset.m_right, v); }
void setTop(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, offset.m_top, v); }
void setBottom(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, offset.m_bottom, v); }
void setWidth(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(m_box, m_width, v); }
void setHeight(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(m_box, m_height, v); }
void setLogicalWidth(const Length& v)
// FIXME(sky): Remove
SET_VAR(m_box, m_width, v);
void setLogicalHeight(const Length& v)
// FIXME(sky): Remove
SET_VAR(m_box, m_height, v);
void setMinWidth(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(m_box, m_minWidth, v); }
void setMaxWidth(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(m_box, m_maxWidth, v); }
void setMinHeight(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(m_box, m_minHeight, v); }
void setMaxHeight(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(m_box, m_maxHeight, v); }
void resetBorder()
void resetBorderTop() { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_top, BorderValue()); }
void resetBorderRight() { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_right, BorderValue()); }
void resetBorderBottom() { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_bottom, BorderValue()); }
void resetBorderLeft() { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_left, BorderValue()); }
void resetBorderTopLeftRadius() { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_topLeft, initialBorderRadius()); }
void resetBorderTopRightRadius() { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_topRight, initialBorderRadius()); }
void resetBorderBottomLeftRadius() { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_bottomLeft, initialBorderRadius()); }
void resetBorderBottomRightRadius() { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_bottomRight, initialBorderRadius()); }
void setBackgroundColor(const StyleColor& v) { SET_VAR(m_background, m_color, v); }
void setBackgroundXPosition(const Length& length) { SET_VAR(m_background, m_background.m_xPosition, length); }
void setBackgroundYPosition(const Length& length) { SET_VAR(m_background, m_background.m_yPosition, length); }
void setBackgroundSize(EFillSizeType b) { SET_VAR(m_background, m_background.m_sizeType, b); }
void setBackgroundSizeLength(const LengthSize& s) { SET_VAR(m_background, m_background.m_sizeLength, s); }
void setBorderTopLeftRadius(const LengthSize& s) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_topLeft, s); }
void setBorderTopRightRadius(const LengthSize& s) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_topRight, s); }
void setBorderBottomLeftRadius(const LengthSize& s) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_bottomLeft, s); }
void setBorderBottomRightRadius(const LengthSize& s) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_bottomRight, s); }
void setBorderRadius(const LengthSize& s)
void setBorderRadius(const IntSize& s)
setBorderRadius(LengthSize(Length(s.width(), Fixed), Length(s.height(), Fixed)));
RoundedRect getRoundedBorderFor(const LayoutRect& borderRect, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge = true, bool includeLogicalRightEdge = true) const;
RoundedRect getRoundedInnerBorderFor(const LayoutRect& borderRect, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge = true, bool includeLogicalRightEdge = true) const;
RoundedRect getRoundedInnerBorderFor(const LayoutRect& borderRect,
int topWidth, int bottomWidth, int leftWidth, int rightWidth, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge) const;
void setBorderLeftWidth(unsigned v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_left.m_width, v); }
void setBorderLeftStyle(EBorderStyle v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_left.m_style, v); }
void setBorderLeftColor(const StyleColor& v) { SET_BORDERVALUE_COLOR(surround, border.m_left, v); }
void setBorderRightWidth(unsigned v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_right.m_width, v); }
void setBorderRightStyle(EBorderStyle v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_right.m_style, v); }
void setBorderRightColor(const StyleColor& v) { SET_BORDERVALUE_COLOR(surround, border.m_right, v); }
void setBorderTopWidth(unsigned v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_top.m_width, v); }
void setBorderTopStyle(EBorderStyle v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_top.m_style, v); }
void setBorderTopColor(const StyleColor& v) { SET_BORDERVALUE_COLOR(surround, border.m_top, v); }
void setBorderBottomWidth(unsigned v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_bottom.m_width, v); }
void setBorderBottomStyle(EBorderStyle v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.m_bottom.m_style, v); }
void setBorderBottomColor(const StyleColor& v) { SET_BORDERVALUE_COLOR(surround, border.m_bottom, v); }
void setOutlineWidth(unsigned short v) { SET_VAR(m_background, m_outline.m_width, v); }
void setOutlineStyleIsAuto(OutlineIsAuto isAuto) { SET_VAR(m_background, m_outline.m_isAuto, isAuto); }
void setOutlineStyle(EBorderStyle v) { SET_VAR(m_background, m_outline.m_style, v); }
void setOutlineColor(const StyleColor& v) { SET_BORDERVALUE_COLOR(m_background, m_outline, v); }
void setOverflowX(EOverflow v) { noninherited_flags.overflowX = v; }
void setOverflowY(EOverflow v) { noninherited_flags.overflowY = v; }
void setVisibility(EVisibility v) { inherited_flags._visibility = v; }
void setVerticalAlign(EVerticalAlign v) { noninherited_flags.verticalAlign = v; }
void setVerticalAlignLength(const Length& length) { setVerticalAlign(LENGTH); SET_VAR(m_box, m_verticalAlign, length); }
void setHasAutoClip() { SET_VAR(visual, hasAutoClip, true); SET_VAR(visual, clip, RenderStyle::initialClip()); }
void setClip(const LengthBox& box) { SET_VAR(visual, hasAutoClip, false); SET_VAR(visual, clip, box); }
void setUnicodeBidi(EUnicodeBidi b) { noninherited_flags.unicodeBidi = b; }
bool setFontDescription(const FontDescription&);
// Only used for text autosizing.
void setFontSize(float);
void setFontStretch(FontStretch);
void setFontWeight(FontWeight);
void setColor(const Color&);
void setTextIndent(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, indent, v); }
void setTextIndentLine(TextIndentLine v) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, m_textIndentLine, v); }
void setTextIndentType(TextIndentType v) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, m_textIndentType, v); }
void setTextAlign(ETextAlign v) { inherited_flags._text_align = v; }
void setTextAlignLast(TextAlignLast v) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, m_textAlignLast, v); }
void setTextJustify(TextJustify v) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, m_textJustify, v); }
void applyTextDecorations();
void clearAppliedTextDecorations();
void setTextDecoration(TextDecoration v) { SET_VAR(visual, textDecoration, v); }
void setTextUnderlinePosition(TextUnderlinePosition v) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, m_textUnderlinePosition, v); }
void setTextDecorationStyle(TextDecorationStyle v) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_textDecorationStyle, v); }
void setDirection(TextDirection v) { inherited_flags._direction = v; }
void setLineHeight(const Length& specifiedLineHeight);
void setImageRendering(EImageRendering v) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, m_imageRendering, v); }
void setWhiteSpace(EWhiteSpace v) { inherited_flags._white_space = v; }
// FIXME: Remove these two and replace them with respective FontBuilder calls.
void setWordSpacing(float);
void setLetterSpacing(float);
void adjustBackgroundLayers()
if (backgroundLayers().next()) {
void setHorizontalBorderSpacing(short);
void setVerticalBorderSpacing(short);
void setHasAspectRatio(bool b) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_hasAspectRatio, b); }
void setAspectRatioDenominator(float v) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_aspectRatioDenominator, v); }
void setAspectRatioNumerator(float v) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_aspectRatioNumerator, v); }
void setMarginTop(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, margin.m_top, v); }
void setMarginBottom(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, margin.m_bottom, v); }
void setMarginLeft(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, margin.m_left, v); }
void setMarginRight(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, margin.m_right, v); }
void setMarginStart(const Length&);
void setMarginEnd(const Length&);
void resetPadding() { SET_VAR(surround, padding, LengthBox(Auto)); }
void setPaddingBox(const LengthBox& b) { SET_VAR(surround, padding, b); }
void setPaddingTop(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, padding.m_top, v); }
void setPaddingBottom(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, padding.m_bottom, v); }
void setPaddingLeft(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, padding.m_left, v); }
void setPaddingRight(const Length& v) { SET_VAR(surround, padding.m_right, v); }
void setIsLink(bool b) { noninherited_flags.isLink = b; }
bool hasAutoZIndex() const { return m_box->hasAutoZIndex(); }
void setHasAutoZIndex() { SET_VAR(m_box, m_hasAutoZIndex, true); SET_VAR(m_box, m_zIndex, 0); }
unsigned zIndex() const { return m_box->zIndex(); }
void setZIndex(unsigned v) { SET_VAR(m_box, m_hasAutoZIndex, false); SET_VAR(m_box, m_zIndex, v); }
// CSS3 Setters
void setOutlineOffset(int v) { SET_VAR(m_background, m_outline.m_offset, v); }
void setTextShadow(PassRefPtr<ShadowList>);
void setTextStrokeColor(const StyleColor& c) { SET_VAR_WITH_SETTER(rareInheritedData, textStrokeColor, setTextStrokeColor, c); }
void setTextStrokeWidth(float w) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, textStrokeWidth, w); }
void setTextFillColor(const StyleColor& c) { SET_VAR_WITH_SETTER(rareInheritedData, textFillColor, setTextFillColor, c); }
void setOpacity(float f) { float v = clampTo<float>(f, 0, 1); SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, opacity, v); }
// For valid values of box-align see
void setBoxDecorationBreak(EBoxDecorationBreak b) { SET_VAR(m_box, m_boxDecorationBreak, b); }
void setBoxShadow(PassRefPtr<ShadowList>);
void setBoxSizing(EBoxSizing s) { SET_VAR(m_box, m_boxSizing, s); }
void setFlexGrow(float f) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_flexibleBox, m_flexGrow, f); }
void setFlexShrink(float f) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_flexibleBox, m_flexShrink, f); }
void setFlexBasis(const Length& length) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_flexibleBox, m_flexBasis, length); }
// We restrict the smallest value to int min + 2 because we use int min and int min + 1 as special values in a hash set.
void setOrder(int o) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_order, max(std::numeric_limits<int>::min() + 2, o)); }
void setAlignContent(EAlignContent p) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_alignContent, p); }
void setAlignItems(ItemPosition a) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_alignItems, a); }
void setAlignItemsOverflowAlignment(OverflowAlignment overflowAlignment) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_alignItemsOverflowAlignment, overflowAlignment); }
void setAlignSelf(ItemPosition a) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_alignSelf, a); }
void setAlignSelfOverflowAlignment(OverflowAlignment overflowAlignment) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_alignSelfOverflowAlignment, overflowAlignment); }
void setFlexDirection(EFlexDirection direction) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_flexibleBox, m_flexDirection, direction); }
void setFlexWrap(EFlexWrap w) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_flexibleBox, m_flexWrap, w); }
void setJustifyContent(EJustifyContent p) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_justifyContent, p); }
void setJustifyItems(ItemPosition justifyItems) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_justifyItems, justifyItems); }
void setJustifyItemsOverflowAlignment(OverflowAlignment overflowAlignment) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_justifyItemsOverflowAlignment, overflowAlignment); }
void setJustifyItemsPositionType(ItemPositionType positionType) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_justifyItemsPositionType, positionType); }
void setJustifySelf(ItemPosition justifySelf) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_justifySelf, justifySelf); }
void setJustifySelfOverflowAlignment(OverflowAlignment overflowAlignment) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_justifySelfOverflowAlignment, overflowAlignment); }
void setUserModify(EUserModify u) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, userModify, u); }
void setUserSelect(EUserSelect s) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, userSelect, s); }
void setTextOverflow(TextOverflow overflow) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, textOverflow, overflow); }
void setWordBreak(EWordBreak b) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, wordBreak, b); }
void setOverflowWrap(EOverflowWrap b) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, overflowWrap, b); }
void setLineBreak(LineBreak b) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, lineBreak, b); }
void setHighlight(const AtomicString& h) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, highlight, h); }
void setHyphens(Hyphens h) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, hyphens, h); }
void setHyphenationString(const AtomicString& h) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, hyphenationString, h); }
void setLocale(const AtomicString& locale) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, locale, locale); }
void setTransform(const TransformOperations& ops) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_transform, m_operations, ops); }
void setTransformOriginX(const Length& l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_transform, m_x, l); }
void setTransformOriginY(const Length& l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_transform, m_y, l); }
void setTransformOriginZ(float f) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_transform, m_z, f); }
void setTextDecorationColor(const StyleColor& c) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_textDecorationColor, c); }
void setTextEmphasisColor(const StyleColor& c) { SET_VAR_WITH_SETTER(rareInheritedData, textEmphasisColor, setTextEmphasisColor, c); }
void setTextEmphasisFill(TextEmphasisFill fill) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, textEmphasisFill, fill); }
void setTextEmphasisMark(TextEmphasisMark mark) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, textEmphasisMark, mark); }
void setTextEmphasisCustomMark(const AtomicString& mark) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, textEmphasisCustomMark, mark); }
void setTextEmphasisPosition(TextEmphasisPosition position) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, textEmphasisPosition, position); }
bool setTextOrientation(TextOrientation);
void setObjectFit(ObjectFit f) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_objectFit, f); }
void setObjectPosition(LengthPoint position) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_objectPosition, position); }
void setFilter(const FilterOperations& ops) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_filter, m_operations, ops); }
void setTabSize(unsigned size) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, m_tabSize, size); }
// End CSS3 Setters
void setWrapFlow(WrapFlow wrapFlow) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_wrapFlow, wrapFlow); }
void setWrapThrough(WrapThrough wrapThrough) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_wrapThrough, wrapThrough); }
// Apple-specific property setters
void setPointerEvents(EPointerEvents p) { inherited_flags._pointerEvents = p; }
void setTransformStyle3D(ETransformStyle3D b) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_transformStyle3D, b); }
void setPerspective(float p) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_perspective, p); }
void setPerspectiveOriginX(const Length& l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_perspectiveOriginX, l); }
void setPerspectiveOriginY(const Length& l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_perspectiveOriginY, l); }
void setLineBoxContain(LineBoxContain c) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, m_lineBoxContain, c); }
void setTapHighlightColor(const Color& c) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, tapHighlightColor, c); }
void setTouchAction(TouchAction t) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_touchAction, t); }
void setTouchActionDelay(TouchActionDelay t) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, m_touchActionDelay, t); }
void setClipPath(PassRefPtr<ClipPathOperation> operation)
if (rareNonInheritedData->m_clipPath != operation)
rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_clipPath = operation;
ClipPathOperation* clipPath() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_clipPath.get(); }
static ClipPathOperation* initialClipPath() { return 0; }
const CounterDirectiveMap* counterDirectives() const;
CounterDirectiveMap& accessCounterDirectives();
const CounterDirectives getCounterDirectives(const AtomicString& identifier) const;
const AtomicString& hyphenString() const;
bool inheritedNotEqual(const RenderStyle*) const;
bool inheritedDataShared(const RenderStyle*) const;
bool requiresOnlyBlockChildren() const;
bool isDisplayReplacedType() const { return isDisplayReplacedType(display()); }
bool isDisplayInlineType() const { return isDisplayInlineType(display()); }
bool isOriginalDisplayInlineType() const { return isDisplayInlineType(originalDisplay()); }
bool isDisplayFlexibleBox() const { return isDisplayFlexibleBox(display()); }
// A unique style is one that has matches something that makes it impossible to share.
bool unique() const { return noninherited_flags.unique; }
void setUnique() { noninherited_flags.unique = true; }
bool isSharable() const;
bool emptyState() const { return noninherited_flags.emptyState; }
void setEmptyState(bool b) { setUnique(); noninherited_flags.emptyState = b; }
bool firstChildState() const { return noninherited_flags.firstChildState; }
void setFirstChildState() { setUnique(); noninherited_flags.firstChildState = true; }
bool lastChildState() const { return noninherited_flags.lastChildState; }
void setLastChildState() { setUnique(); noninherited_flags.lastChildState = true; }
StyleColor decorationStyleColor() const;
Color decorationColor() const;
void setHasExplicitlyInheritedProperties() { noninherited_flags.explicitInheritance = true; }
bool hasExplicitlyInheritedProperties() const { return noninherited_flags.explicitInheritance; }
void setHasCurrentColor() { noninherited_flags.currentColor = true; }
bool hasCurrentColor() const { return noninherited_flags.currentColor; }
bool hasBoxDecorations() const { return hasBorder() || hasBorderRadius() || hasOutline() || boxShadow() || hasFilter(); }
// Initial values for all the properties
static EBorderStyle initialBorderStyle() { return BNONE; }
static OutlineIsAuto initialOutlineStyleIsAuto() { return AUTO_OFF; }
static LengthSize initialBorderRadius() { return LengthSize(Length(0, Fixed), Length(0, Fixed)); }
static LengthBox initialClip() { return LengthBox(); }
static TextDirection initialDirection() { return LTR; }
static TextOrientation initialTextOrientation() { return TextOrientationVerticalRight; }
static ObjectFit initialObjectFit() { return ObjectFitFill; }
static LengthPoint initialObjectPosition() { return LengthPoint(Length(50.0, Percent), Length(50.0, Percent)); }
static EDisplay initialDisplay() { return FLEX; }
static EOverflow initialOverflowX() { return OVISIBLE; }
static EOverflow initialOverflowY() { return OVISIBLE; }
static EPosition initialPosition() { return StaticPosition; }
static EUnicodeBidi initialUnicodeBidi() { return UBNormal; }
static EVisibility initialVisibility() { return VISIBLE; }
static EWhiteSpace initialWhiteSpace() { return PRE_LINE; }
static short initialHorizontalBorderSpacing() { return 0; }
static short initialVerticalBorderSpacing() { return 0; }
static Color initialColor() { return Color::white; }
static unsigned initialBorderWidth() { return 3; }
static unsigned short initialColumnRuleWidth() { return 3; }
static unsigned short initialOutlineWidth() { return 3; }
static float initialLetterWordSpacing() { return 0.0f; }
static Length initialSize() { return Length(); }
static Length initialMinSize() { return Length(Fixed); }
static Length initialMaxSize() { return Length(MaxSizeNone); }
static Length initialOffset() { return Length(); }
static Length initialMargin() { return Length(Fixed); }
static Length initialPadding() { return Length(Fixed); }
static Length initialTextIndent() { return Length(Fixed); }
static TextIndentLine initialTextIndentLine() { return TextIndentFirstLine; }
static TextIndentType initialTextIndentType() { return TextIndentNormal; }
static EVerticalAlign initialVerticalAlign() { return BASELINE; }
static Length initialLineHeight() { return Length(-100.0, Percent); }
static ETextAlign initialTextAlign() { return TASTART; }
static TextAlignLast initialTextAlignLast() { return TextAlignLastAuto; }
static TextJustify initialTextJustify() { return TextJustifyAuto; }
static TextDecoration initialTextDecoration() { return TextDecorationNone; }
static TextUnderlinePosition initialTextUnderlinePosition() { return TextUnderlinePositionAuto; }
static TextDecorationStyle initialTextDecorationStyle() { return TextDecorationStyleSolid; }
static int initialOutlineOffset() { return 0; }
static float initialOpacity() { return 1.0f; }
static EBoxAlignment initialBoxAlign() { return BSTRETCH; }
static EBoxDecorationBreak initialBoxDecorationBreak() { return DSLICE; }
static EBoxDirection initialBoxDirection() { return BNORMAL; }
static EBoxLines initialBoxLines() { return SINGLE; }
static EBoxOrient initialBoxOrient() { return HORIZONTAL; }
static EBoxPack initialBoxPack() { return Start; }
static float initialBoxFlex() { return 0.0f; }
static unsigned initialBoxFlexGroup() { return 1; }
static unsigned initialBoxOrdinalGroup() { return 1; }
static EBoxSizing initialBoxSizing() { return CONTENT_BOX; }
static float initialFlexGrow() { return 0; }
static float initialFlexShrink() { return 0; }
static Length initialFlexBasis() { return Length(Auto); }
static int initialOrder() { return 0; }
static EAlignContent initialAlignContent() { return AlignContentStretch; }
static ItemPosition initialAlignItems() { return ItemPositionStretch; }
static OverflowAlignment initialAlignItemsOverflowAlignment() { return OverflowAlignmentDefault; }
static ItemPosition initialAlignSelf() { return ItemPositionAuto; }
static OverflowAlignment initialAlignSelfOverflowAlignment() { return OverflowAlignmentDefault; }
static EFlexDirection initialFlexDirection() { return FlowColumn; }
static EFlexWrap initialFlexWrap() { return FlexNoWrap; }
static EJustifyContent initialJustifyContent() { return JustifyFlexStart; }
static ItemPosition initialJustifyItems() { return ItemPositionAuto; }
static OverflowAlignment initialJustifyItemsOverflowAlignment() { return OverflowAlignmentDefault; }
static ItemPositionType initialJustifyItemsPositionType() { return NonLegacyPosition; }
static ItemPosition initialJustifySelf() { return ItemPositionAuto; }
static OverflowAlignment initialJustifySelfOverflowAlignment() { return OverflowAlignmentDefault; }
static EUserModify initialUserModify() { return READ_ONLY; }
static EUserSelect initialUserSelect() { return SELECT_TEXT; }
static TextOverflow initialTextOverflow() { return TextOverflowClip; }
static EWordBreak initialWordBreak() { return NormalWordBreak; }
static EOverflowWrap initialOverflowWrap() { return NormalOverflowWrap; }
static LineBreak initialLineBreak() { return LineBreakAuto; }
static const AtomicString& initialHighlight() { return nullAtom; }
static const AtomicString& initialHyphenationString() { return nullAtom; }
static const AtomicString& initialLocale() { return nullAtom; }
static bool initialHasAspectRatio() { return false; }
static float initialAspectRatioDenominator() { return 1; }
static float initialAspectRatioNumerator() { return 1; }
static Order initialRTLOrdering() { return LogicalOrder; }
static float initialTextStrokeWidth() { return 0; }
static unsigned short initialColumnCount() { return 1; }
static ColumnFill initialColumnFill() { return ColumnFillBalance; }
static const TransformOperations& initialTransform() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(TransformOperations, ops, ()); return ops; }
static Length initialTransformOriginX() { return Length(50.0, Percent); }
static Length initialTransformOriginY() { return Length(50.0, Percent); }
static EPointerEvents initialPointerEvents() { return PE_AUTO; }
static float initialTransformOriginZ() { return 0; }
static ETransformStyle3D initialTransformStyle3D() { return TransformStyle3DFlat; }
static float initialPerspective() { return 0; }
static Length initialPerspectiveOriginX() { return Length(50.0, Percent); }
static Length initialPerspectiveOriginY() { return Length(50.0, Percent); }
static Color initialBackgroundColor() { return Color::transparent; }
static TextEmphasisFill initialTextEmphasisFill() { return TextEmphasisFillFilled; }
static TextEmphasisMark initialTextEmphasisMark() { return TextEmphasisMarkNone; }
static const AtomicString& initialTextEmphasisCustomMark() { return nullAtom; }
static TextEmphasisPosition initialTextEmphasisPosition() { return TextEmphasisPositionOver; }
static LineBoxContain initialLineBoxContain() { return LineBoxContainBlock | LineBoxContainInline | LineBoxContainReplaced; }
static ImageOrientationEnum initialImageOrientation() { return OriginTopLeft; }
static EImageRendering initialImageRendering() { return ImageRenderingAuto; }
static ImageResolutionSource initialImageResolutionSource() { return ImageResolutionSpecified; }
static ImageResolutionSnap initialImageResolutionSnap() { return ImageResolutionNoSnap; }
static float initialImageResolution() { return 1; }
static TouchAction initialTouchAction() { return TouchActionAuto; }
static TouchActionDelay initialTouchActionDelay() { return TouchActionDelayScript; }
static ShadowList* initialBoxShadow() { return 0; }
static ShadowList* initialTextShadow() { return 0; }
static unsigned initialTabSize() { return 8; }
static WrapFlow initialWrapFlow() { return WrapFlowAuto; }
static WrapThrough initialWrapThrough() { return WrapThroughWrap; }
// Keep these at the end.
// FIXME: Why? Seems these should all be one big sorted list.
static Color initialTapHighlightColor();
static const FilterOperations& initialFilter() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FilterOperations, ops, ()); return ops; }
Color colorIncludingFallback(int colorProperty) const;
void inheritUnicodeBidiFrom(const RenderStyle* parent) { noninherited_flags.unicodeBidi = parent->noninherited_flags.unicodeBidi; }
void getShadowExtent(const ShadowList*, LayoutUnit& top, LayoutUnit& right, LayoutUnit& bottom, LayoutUnit& left) const;
LayoutBoxExtent getShadowInsetExtent(const ShadowList*) const;
void getShadowHorizontalExtent(const ShadowList*, LayoutUnit& left, LayoutUnit& right) const;
void getShadowVerticalExtent(const ShadowList*, LayoutUnit& top, LayoutUnit& bottom) const;
void getShadowInlineDirectionExtent(const ShadowList* shadow, LayoutUnit& logicalLeft, LayoutUnit& logicalRight) const
return getShadowHorizontalExtent(shadow, logicalLeft, logicalRight);
void getShadowBlockDirectionExtent(const ShadowList* shadow, LayoutUnit& logicalTop, LayoutUnit& logicalBottom) const
return getShadowVerticalExtent(shadow, logicalTop, logicalBottom);
bool isDisplayFlexibleBox(EDisplay display) const
return display == FLEX || display == INLINE_FLEX;
bool isDisplayReplacedType(EDisplay display) const
return display == INLINE_FLEX;
bool isDisplayInlineType(EDisplay display) const
return display == INLINE || isDisplayReplacedType(display);
// Color accessors are all private to make sure callers use colorIncludingFallback instead to access them.
StyleColor borderLeftColor() const { return surround->border.left().color(); }
StyleColor borderRightColor() const { return surround->border.right().color(); }
StyleColor borderTopColor() const { return surround->; }
StyleColor borderBottomColor() const { return surround->border.bottom().color(); }
StyleColor backgroundColor() const { return m_background->color(); }
Color color() const;
StyleColor outlineColor() const { return m_background->outline().color(); }
StyleColor textEmphasisColor() const { return rareInheritedData->textEmphasisColor(); }
StyleColor textFillColor() const { return rareInheritedData->textFillColor(); }
StyleColor textStrokeColor() const { return rareInheritedData->textStrokeColor(); }
StyleColor textDecorationColor() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_textDecorationColor; }
void addAppliedTextDecoration(const AppliedTextDecoration&);
bool diffNeedsFullLayout(const RenderStyle& other) const;
bool diffNeedsRecompositeLayer(const RenderStyle& other) const;
void updatePropertySpecificDifferences(const RenderStyle& other, StyleDifference&) const;
inline bool RenderStyle::isSharable() const
return !unique();
inline bool RenderStyle::setTextOrientation(TextOrientation textOrientation)
if (compareEqual(rareInheritedData->m_textOrientation, textOrientation))
return false;
rareInheritedData.access()->m_textOrientation = textOrientation;
return true;
float calcBorderRadiiConstraintScaleFor(const FloatRect&, const FloatRoundedRect::Radii&);
} // namespace blink