blob: 45c3caf63e930420da6f53e216f2f2f6b7ae7df7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "sky/engine/core/css/parser/SizesCalcParser.h"
#include "gen/sky/core/MediaTypeNames.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/css/CSSPrimitiveValue.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/css/MediaValuesCached.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/css/StylePropertySet.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/css/parser/MediaQueryTokenizer.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace blink {
struct TestCase {
const char* input;
const unsigned output;
const bool valid;
const bool dontRunInCSSCalc;
const bool viewportDependant;
static void initLengthArray(CSSLengthArray& lengthArray)
for (size_t i = 0; i < CSSPrimitiveValue::LengthUnitTypeCount; ++i) = 0;
static void verifyCSSCalc(String text, double value, bool valid, unsigned fontSize, unsigned viewportWidth, unsigned viewportHeight)
CSSLengthArray lengthArray;
RefPtr<MutableStylePropertySet> propertySet = MutableStylePropertySet::create();
propertySet->setProperty(CSSPropertyLeft, text);
RefPtr<CSSValue> cssValue = propertySet->getPropertyCSSValue(CSSPropertyLeft);
CSSPrimitiveValue* primitiveValue = toCSSPrimitiveValue(cssValue.get());
if (primitiveValue)
ASSERT_EQ(valid, false);
int length =;
length += * fontSize;
length += * viewportWidth / 100.0;
length += * viewportHeight / 100.0;
ASSERT_EQ(value, length);
TEST(SizesCalcParserTest, Basic)
TestCase testCases[] = {
{"calc(500px + 10em)", 660, true, false, false},
{"calc(500px + 2 * 10em)", 820, true, false, false},
{"calc(500px + 2*10em)", 820, true, false, false},
{"calc(500px + 0.5*10em)", 580, true, false, false},
{"calc(500px + (0.5*10em + 13px))", 593, true, false, false},
{"calc(100vw + (0.5*10em + 13px))", 593, true, false, true},
{"calc(100vh + (0.5*10em + 13px))", 736, true, false, true},
{"calc(100vh + calc(0.5*10em + 13px))", 736, true, true, true}, // CSSCalculationValue does not parse internal "calc(".
{"calc(100vh + (50%*10em + 13px))", 0, false, false, true},
{"calc(50em+13px)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(50em-13px)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(500px + 10)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(500 + 10)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(500px + 10s)", 0, false, true, false}, // This test ASSERTs in CSSCalculationValue.
{"calc(500px + 1cm)", 537, true, false, false},
{"calc(500px - 10s)", 0, false, true, false}, // This test ASSERTs in CSSCalculationValue.
{"calc(500px - 1cm)", 462, true, false, false},
{"calc(500px - 1vw)", 495, true, false, true},
{"calc(50px*10)", 500, true, false, false},
{"calc(50px*10px)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(50px/10px)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(500px/10)", 50, true, false, false},
{"calc(500/10)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(500px/0.5)", 1000, true, false, false},
{"calc(500px/.5)", 1000, true, false, false},
{"calc(500/0)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(500px/0)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(-500px/10)", 0, true, true, false}, // CSSCalculationValue does not clamp negative values to 0.
{"calc(((4) * ((10px))))", 40, true, false, false},
{"calc(50px / 0)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(50px / (10 + 10))", 2, true, false, false},
{"calc(50px / (10 - 10))", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(50px / (10 * 10))", 0, true, false, false},
{"calc(50px / (10 / 10))", 50, true, false, false},
{"calc(200px*)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(+ +200px)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc()", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(100px + + +100px)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(200px 200px)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(100px * * 2)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(100px @ 2)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(1 flim 2)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(100px @ 2)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(1 flim 2)", 0, false, false, false},
{"calc(1 flim (2))", 0, false, false, false},
{0, 0, true, false, false} // Do not remove the terminator line.
MediaValuesCached::MediaValuesCachedData data;
data.viewportWidth = 500;
data.viewportHeight = 643;
data.deviceWidth = 500;
data.deviceHeight = 643;
data.devicePixelRatio = 2.0;
data.colorBitsPerComponent = 24;
data.monochromeBitsPerComponent = 0;
data.primaryPointerType = PointerTypeFine;
data.defaultFontSize = 16;
data.threeDEnabled = true;
data.mediaType = MediaTypeNames::screen;
data.strictMode = true;
RefPtr<MediaValues> mediaValues = MediaValuesCached::create(data);
for (unsigned i = 0; testCases[i].input; ++i) {
Vector<MediaQueryToken> tokens;
MediaQueryTokenizer::tokenize(testCases[i].input, tokens);
SizesCalcParser calcParser(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), mediaValues);
ASSERT_EQ(testCases[i].valid, calcParser.isValid());
if (calcParser.isValid()) {
ASSERT_EQ(testCases[i].output, calcParser.result());
ASSERT_EQ(testCases[i].viewportDependant, calcParser.viewportDependant());
for (unsigned i = 0; testCases[i].input; ++i) {
if (testCases[i].dontRunInCSSCalc)
verifyCSSCalc(testCases[i].input, testCases[i].output, testCases[i].valid, data.defaultFontSize, data.viewportWidth, data.viewportHeight);
} // namespace