blob: 8fc6d0d29791fe7166f436e75e7f5b495300e5d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "sky/engine/core/css/parser/MediaQueryTokenizer.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "sky/engine/core/css/parser/MediaQueryBlockWatcher.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/PassOwnPtr.h"
namespace blink {
typedef struct {
const char* input;
const char* output;
} TestCase;
typedef struct {
const char* input;
const unsigned maxLevel;
const unsigned finalLevel;
} BlockTestCase;
TEST(MediaQueryTokenizerTest, Basic)
TestCase testCases[] = {
{ "(max-width: 50px)", "(max-width: 50px)" },
{ "(max-width: 1e+2px)", "(max-width: 100px)" },
{ "(max-width: 1e2px)", "(max-width: 100px)" },
{ "(max-width: 1000e-1px)", "(max-width: 100px)" },
{ "(max-width: 50\\70\\78)", "(max-width: 50px)" },
{ "(max-width: /* comment */50px)", "(max-width: 50px)" },
{ "(max-width: /** *commen*t */60px)", "(max-width: 60px)" },
{ "(max-width: /** *commen*t **/70px)", "(max-width: 70px)" },
{ "(max-width: /** *commen*t **//**/80px)", "(max-width: 80px)" },
{ "(max-width: /*/ **/90px)", "(max-width: 90px)" },
{ "(max-width: /*/ **/*100px)", "(max-width: '*'100px)" },
{ "(max-width: 110px/*)", "(max-width: 110px" },
{ "(max-width: 120px)/*", "(max-width: 120px)" },
{ "(max-width: 130px)/**", "(max-width: 130px)" },
{ "(max-width: /***/140px)/**/", "(max-width: 140px)" },
{ "(max-width: '40px')", "(max-width: 40px)" },
{ "(max-width: '40px", "(max-width: 40px" },
{ "(max-width: '40px\n", "(max-width: " },
{ "(max-width: '40px\\", "(max-width: 40px" },
{ "(max-width: '40px\\\n", "(max-width: 40px" },
{ "(max-width: '40px\\\n')", "(max-width: 40px)" },
{ "(max-width: '40\\70\\78')", "(max-width: 40px)" },
{ "(max-width: '40\\\npx')", "(max-width: 40px)" },
{ "(max-aspect-ratio: 5)", "(max-aspect-ratio: 5)" },
{ "(max-aspect-ratio: +5)", "(max-aspect-ratio: 5)" },
{ "(max-aspect-ratio: -5)", "(max-aspect-ratio: -5)" },
{ "(max-aspect-ratio: -+5)", "(max-aspect-ratio: '-'5)" },
{ "(max-aspect-ratio: +-5)", "(max-aspect-ratio: '+'-5)" },
{ "(max-aspect-ratio: +bla5)", "(max-aspect-ratio: '+'bla5)" },
{ "(max-aspect-ratio: +5bla)", "(max-aspect-ratio: 5other)" },
{ "(max-aspect-ratio: -bla)", "(max-aspect-ratio: -bla)" },
{ "(max-aspect-ratio: --bla)", "(max-aspect-ratio: '-'-bla)" },
{ 0, 0 } // Do not remove the terminator line.
for (int i = 0; testCases[i].input; ++i) {
Vector<MediaQueryToken> tokens;
MediaQueryTokenizer::tokenize(testCases[i].input, tokens);
StringBuilder output;
for (size_t j = 0; j < tokens.size(); ++j)
ASSERT_STREQ(testCases[i].output, output.toString().ascii().data());
TEST(MediaQueryTokenizerBlockTest, Basic)
BlockTestCase testCases[] = {
{"(max-width: 800px()), (max-width: 800px)", 2, 0},
{"(max-width: 900px(()), (max-width: 900px)", 3, 1},
{"(max-width: 600px(())))), (max-width: 600px)", 3, 0},
{"(max-width: 500px(((((((((())))), (max-width: 500px)", 11, 6},
{"(max-width: 800px[]), (max-width: 800px)", 2, 0},
{"(max-width: 900px[[]), (max-width: 900px)", 3, 2},
{"(max-width: 600px[[]]]]), (max-width: 600px)", 3, 0},
{"(max-width: 500px[[[[[[[[[[]]]]), (max-width: 500px)", 11, 7},
{"(max-width: 800px{}), (max-width: 800px)", 2, 0},
{"(max-width: 900px{{}), (max-width: 900px)", 3, 2},
{"(max-width: 600px{{}}}}), (max-width: 600px)", 3, 0},
{"(max-width: 500px{{{{{{{{{{}}}}), (max-width: 500px)", 11, 7},
{"[(), (max-width: 400px)", 2, 1},
{"[{}, (max-width: 500px)", 2, 1},
{"[{]}], (max-width: 900px)", 2, 0},
{"[{[]{}{{{}}}}], (max-width: 900px)", 5, 0},
{"[{[}], (max-width: 900px)", 3, 2},
{"[({)}], (max-width: 900px)", 3, 2},
{"[]((), (max-width: 900px)", 2, 1},
{"((), (max-width: 900px)", 2, 1},
{"(foo(), (max-width: 900px)", 2, 1},
{"[](()), (max-width: 900px)", 2, 0},
{"all an[isdfs bla())(i())]icalc(i)(()), (max-width: 400px)", 3, 0},
{"all an[isdfs bla())(]icalc(i)(()), (max-width: 500px)", 4, 2},
{"all an[isdfs bla())(]icalc(i)(())), (max-width: 600px)", 4, 1},
{"all an[isdfs bla())(]icalc(i)(()))], (max-width: 800px)", 4, 0},
{0, 0, 0} // Do not remove the terminator line.
for (int i = 0; testCases[i].input; ++i) {
Vector<MediaQueryToken> tokens;
MediaQueryTokenizer::tokenize(testCases[i].input, tokens);
MediaQueryBlockWatcher blockWatcher;
unsigned maxLevel = 0;
unsigned level = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < tokens.size(); ++j) {
level = blockWatcher.blockLevel();
maxLevel = std::max(level, maxLevel);
ASSERT_EQ(testCases[i].maxLevel, maxLevel);
ASSERT_EQ(testCases[i].finalLevel, level);
void testToken(UChar c, MediaQueryTokenType tokenType)
Vector<MediaQueryToken> tokens;
StringBuilder input;
MediaQueryTokenizer::tokenize(input.toString(), tokens);
ASSERT_EQ(tokens[0].type(), tokenType);
TEST(MediaQueryTokenizerCodepointsTest, Basic)
for (UChar c = 0; c <= 1000; ++c) {
if (isASCIIDigit(c))
testToken(c, NumberToken);
else if (isASCIIAlpha(c))
testToken(c, IdentToken);
else if (c == '_')
testToken(c, IdentToken);
else if (c == '\r' || c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\f')
testToken(c, WhitespaceToken);
else if (c == '(')
testToken(c, LeftParenthesisToken);
else if (c == ')')
testToken(c, RightParenthesisToken);
else if (c == '[')
testToken(c, LeftBracketToken);
else if (c == ']')
testToken(c, RightBracketToken);
else if (c == '{')
testToken(c, LeftBraceToken);
else if (c == '}')
testToken(c, RightBraceToken);
else if (c == '.' || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '/' || c == '\\')
testToken(c, DelimiterToken);
else if (c == '\'' || c == '"')
testToken(c, StringToken);
else if (c == ',')
testToken(c, CommaToken);
else if (c == ':')
testToken(c, ColonToken);
else if (c == ';')
testToken(c, SemicolonToken);
else if (!c)
testToken(c, EOFToken);
else if (c > SCHAR_MAX)
testToken(c, IdentToken);
testToken(c, DelimiterToken);
testToken(USHRT_MAX, IdentToken);
} // namespace