blob: 5d27682ba3b609eea92f782a3ac691c6e9577c6c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/FilterEffectRenderer.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/RenderBoxModelObject.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/RenderOverflow.h"
namespace blink {
struct LayerPaintingInfo;
struct PaintInfo;
class HitTestingTransformState;
class TransformationMatrix;
enum SizeType { MainOrPreferredSize, MinSize, MaxSize };
enum AvailableLogicalHeightType { ExcludeMarginBorderPadding, IncludeMarginBorderPadding };
enum MarginDirection { BlockDirection, InlineDirection };
enum ShouldComputePreferred { ComputeActual, ComputePreferred };
enum ContentsClipBehavior { ForceContentsClip, SkipContentsClipIfPossible };
struct RenderBoxRareData {
: m_inlineBoxWrapper(0)
, m_overrideLogicalContentHeight(-1)
, m_overrideLogicalContentWidth(-1)
// For inline replaced elements, the inline box that owns us.
InlineBox* m_inlineBoxWrapper;
LayoutUnit m_overrideLogicalContentHeight;
LayoutUnit m_overrideLogicalContentWidth;
enum LayerType {
// An overflow clip layer is required for bookkeeping purposes,
// but does not force a layer to be self painting.
struct FontBaselineOrAuto {
: m_auto(true)
, m_baseline(AlphabeticBaseline)
FontBaselineOrAuto(FontBaseline baseline)
: m_auto(false)
, m_baseline(baseline)
bool m_auto;
FontBaseline m_baseline;
class RenderBox : public RenderBoxModelObject {
explicit RenderBox(ContainerNode*);
// hasAutoZIndex only returns true if the element is positioned or a flex-item since
// position:static elements that are not flex-items get their z-index coerced to auto.
virtual LayerType layerTypeRequired() const
if (isPositioned() || createsGroup() || hasClipPath() || hasTransform() || !style()->hasAutoZIndex())
return NormalLayer;
if (hasOverflowClip())
return OverflowClipLayer;
return NoLayer;
void destroyLayer();
void createLayer(LayerType);
bool hasSelfPaintingLayer() const;
RenderLayer* layer() const { return m_layer.get(); }
// Use this with caution! No type checking is done!
RenderBox* firstChildBox() const;
RenderBox* lastChildBox() const;
LayoutUnit x() const { return m_frameRect.x(); }
LayoutUnit y() const { return m_frameRect.y(); }
LayoutUnit width() const { return m_frameRect.width(); }
LayoutUnit height() const { return m_frameRect.height(); }
int pixelSnappedWidth() const { return m_frameRect.pixelSnappedWidth(); }
int pixelSnappedHeight() const { return m_frameRect.pixelSnappedHeight(); }
// These represent your location relative to your container as a physical offset.
// In layout related methods you almost always want the logical location (e.g. x() and y()).
LayoutUnit top() const { return location().y(); }
LayoutUnit left() const { return location().x(); }
void setX(LayoutUnit x) { m_frameRect.setX(x); }
void setY(LayoutUnit y) { m_frameRect.setY(y); }
void setWidth(LayoutUnit width) { m_frameRect.setWidth(width); }
void setHeight(LayoutUnit height) { m_frameRect.setHeight(height); }
LayoutUnit logicalLeft() const { return x(); }
LayoutUnit logicalRight() const { return logicalLeft() + logicalWidth(); }
LayoutUnit logicalTop() const { return y(); }
LayoutUnit logicalBottom() const { return logicalTop() + logicalHeight(); }
LayoutUnit logicalWidth() const { return width(); }
LayoutUnit logicalHeight() const { return height(); }
LayoutUnit constrainLogicalWidthByMinMax(LayoutUnit, LayoutUnit, RenderBlock*) const;
LayoutUnit constrainLogicalHeightByMinMax(LayoutUnit logicalHeight, LayoutUnit intrinsicContentHeight) const;
LayoutUnit constrainContentBoxLogicalHeightByMinMax(LayoutUnit logicalHeight, LayoutUnit intrinsicContentHeight) const;
int pixelSnappedLogicalHeight() const { return pixelSnappedHeight(); }
int pixelSnappedLogicalWidth() const { return pixelSnappedWidth(); }
void setLogicalLeft(LayoutUnit left)
void setLogicalTop(LayoutUnit top)
void setLogicalLocation(const LayoutPoint& location)
void setLogicalWidth(LayoutUnit size)
void setLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit size)
void setLogicalSize(const LayoutSize& size)
LayoutPoint location() const { return m_frameRect.location(); }
LayoutSize locationOffset() const { return LayoutSize(x(), y()); }
LayoutSize size() const { return m_frameRect.size(); }
IntSize pixelSnappedSize() const { return m_frameRect.pixelSnappedSize(); }
void setLocation(const LayoutPoint& location) { m_frameRect.setLocation(location); }
void setSize(const LayoutSize& size) { m_frameRect.setSize(size); }
void move(LayoutUnit dx, LayoutUnit dy) { m_frameRect.move(dx, dy); }
LayoutRect frameRect() const { return m_frameRect; }
IntRect pixelSnappedFrameRect() const { return pixelSnappedIntRect(m_frameRect); }
void setFrameRect(const LayoutRect& rect) { m_frameRect = rect; }
LayoutRect borderBoxRect() const { return LayoutRect(LayoutPoint(), size()); }
LayoutRect paddingBoxRect() const { return LayoutRect(borderLeft(), borderTop(), clientWidth(), clientHeight()); }
IntRect pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect() const { return IntRect(IntPoint(), m_frameRect.pixelSnappedSize()); }
virtual IntRect borderBoundingBox() const override final { return pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect(); }
// The content area of the box (excludes padding - and intrinsic padding for table cells, etc... - and border).
LayoutRect contentBoxRect() const { return LayoutRect(borderLeft() + paddingLeft(), borderTop() + paddingTop(), contentWidth(), contentHeight()); }
// The content box in absolute coords. Ignores transforms.
IntRect absoluteContentBox() const;
// The content box converted to absolute coords (taking transforms into account).
FloatQuad absoluteContentQuad() const;
FloatPoint perspectiveOrigin() const;
// This returns the content area of the box (excluding padding and border). The only difference with contentBoxRect is that computedCSSContentBoxRect
// does include the intrinsic padding in the content box as this is what some callers expect (like getComputedStyle).
LayoutRect computedCSSContentBoxRect() const { return LayoutRect(borderLeft() + computedCSSPaddingLeft(), borderTop() + computedCSSPaddingTop(), clientWidth() - computedCSSPaddingLeft() - computedCSSPaddingRight(), clientHeight() - computedCSSPaddingTop() - computedCSSPaddingBottom()); }
virtual void addFocusRingRects(Vector<IntRect>&, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset, const RenderBox* paintContainer = 0) const override;
// Use this with caution! No type checking is done!
RenderBox* previousSiblingBox() const;
RenderBox* nextSiblingBox() const;
RenderBox* parentBox() const;
// Visual and layout overflow are in the coordinate space of the box. This means that they aren't purely physical directions.
// For horizontal-tb and vertical-lr they will match physical directions, but for horizontal-bt and vertical-rl, the top/bottom and left/right
// respectively are flipped when compared to their physical counterparts. For example minX is on the left in vertical-lr,
// but it is on the right in vertical-rl.
LayoutRect layoutOverflowRect() const { return m_overflow ? m_overflow->layoutOverflowRect() : paddingBoxRect(); }
IntRect pixelSnappedLayoutOverflowRect() const { return pixelSnappedIntRect(layoutOverflowRect()); }
LayoutSize maxLayoutOverflow() const { return LayoutSize(layoutOverflowRect().maxX(), layoutOverflowRect().maxY()); }
LayoutUnit logicalLeftLayoutOverflow() const { return layoutOverflowRect().x(); }
LayoutUnit logicalRightLayoutOverflow() const { return layoutOverflowRect().maxX(); }
virtual LayoutRect visualOverflowRect() const { return m_overflow ? m_overflow->visualOverflowRect() : borderBoxRect(); }
LayoutUnit logicalLeftVisualOverflow() const { return visualOverflowRect().x(); }
LayoutUnit logicalRightVisualOverflow() const { return visualOverflowRect().maxX(); }
LayoutRect contentsVisualOverflowRect() const { return m_overflow ? m_overflow->contentsVisualOverflowRect() : LayoutRect(); }
void addLayoutOverflow(const LayoutRect&);
void addVisualOverflow(const LayoutRect&);
// Clipped by the contents clip, if one exists.
void addContentsVisualOverflow(const LayoutRect&);
void addVisualEffectOverflow();
LayoutBoxExtent computeVisualEffectOverflowExtent() const;
void addOverflowFromChild(RenderBox* child) { addOverflowFromChild(child, child->locationOffset()); }
void addOverflowFromChild(RenderBox* child, const LayoutSize& delta);
void clearLayoutOverflow();
void clearAllOverflows() { m_overflow.clear(); }
void updateLayerTransformAfterLayout();
// This transform has the transform-origin baked in.
TransformationMatrix* transform() const { return m_transform.get(); }
bool has3DTransform() const { return m_transform && !m_transform->isAffine(); }
LayoutUnit contentWidth() const { return clientWidth() - paddingLeft() - paddingRight(); }
LayoutUnit contentHeight() const { return clientHeight() - paddingTop() - paddingBottom(); }
LayoutUnit contentLogicalWidth() const { return contentWidth(); }
LayoutUnit contentLogicalHeight() const { return contentHeight(); }
// IE extensions. Used to calculate offsetWidth/Height. Overridden by inlines (RenderFlow)
// to return the remaining width on a given line (and the height of a single line).
virtual LayoutUnit offsetWidth() const override { return width(); }
virtual LayoutUnit offsetHeight() const override { return height(); }
virtual int pixelSnappedOffsetWidth() const override final;
virtual int pixelSnappedOffsetHeight() const override final;
// More IE extensions. clientWidth and clientHeight represent the interior of an object
// excluding border and scrollbar. clientLeft/Top are just the borderLeftWidth and borderTopWidth.
LayoutUnit clientLeft() const { return borderLeft(); }
LayoutUnit clientTop() const { return borderTop(); }
LayoutUnit clientWidth() const;
LayoutUnit clientHeight() const;
LayoutUnit clientLogicalWidth() const { return clientWidth(); }
LayoutUnit clientLogicalHeight() const { return clientHeight(); }
LayoutUnit clientLogicalBottom() const { return borderBefore() + clientLogicalHeight(); }
LayoutRect clientBoxRect() const { return LayoutRect(clientLeft(), clientTop(), clientWidth(), clientHeight()); }
int pixelSnappedClientWidth() const;
int pixelSnappedClientHeight() const;
virtual LayoutUnit marginTop() const override { return; }
virtual LayoutUnit marginBottom() const override { return m_marginBox.bottom(); }
virtual LayoutUnit marginLeft() const override { return m_marginBox.left(); }
virtual LayoutUnit marginRight() const override { return m_marginBox.right(); }
void setMarginTop(LayoutUnit margin) { m_marginBox.setTop(margin); }
void setMarginBottom(LayoutUnit margin) { m_marginBox.setBottom(margin); }
void setMarginLeft(LayoutUnit margin) { m_marginBox.setLeft(margin); }
void setMarginRight(LayoutUnit margin) { m_marginBox.setRight(margin); }
LayoutUnit marginLogicalLeft() const { return m_marginBox.logicalLeft(); }
LayoutUnit marginLogicalRight() const { return m_marginBox.logicalRight(); }
virtual LayoutUnit marginBefore(const RenderStyle* overrideStyle = 0) const override final { return m_marginBox.before(); }
virtual LayoutUnit marginAfter(const RenderStyle* overrideStyle = 0) const override final { return m_marginBox.after(); }
virtual LayoutUnit marginStart(const RenderStyle* overrideStyle = 0) const override final
const RenderStyle* styleToUse = overrideStyle ? overrideStyle : style();
return m_marginBox.start(styleToUse->direction());
virtual LayoutUnit marginEnd(const RenderStyle* overrideStyle = 0) const override final
const RenderStyle* styleToUse = overrideStyle ? overrideStyle : style();
return m_marginBox.end(styleToUse->direction());
void setMarginBefore(LayoutUnit value, const RenderStyle* overrideStyle = 0) { m_marginBox.setBefore(value); }
void setMarginAfter(LayoutUnit value, const RenderStyle* overrideStyle = 0) { m_marginBox.setAfter(value); }
void setMarginStart(LayoutUnit value, const RenderStyle* overrideStyle = 0)
const RenderStyle* styleToUse = overrideStyle ? overrideStyle : style();
m_marginBox.setStart(styleToUse->direction(), value);
void setMarginEnd(LayoutUnit value, const RenderStyle* overrideStyle = 0)
const RenderStyle* styleToUse = overrideStyle ? overrideStyle : style();
m_marginBox.setEnd(styleToUse->direction(), value);
virtual void absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>&) const override;
bool hitTestLayer(RenderLayer* rootLayer, RenderLayer* containerLayer,
const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation,
const HitTestingTransformState* transformState = 0, double* zOffset = 0);
void paintLayer(GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&);
virtual void layout() override;
virtual void paint(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&, Vector<RenderBox*>& layers) override;
virtual bool nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) override;
virtual LayoutUnit minPreferredLogicalWidth() const override;
virtual LayoutUnit maxPreferredLogicalWidth() const override;
void setMinPreferredLogicalWidth(LayoutUnit);
void setMaxPreferredLogicalWidth(LayoutUnit);
// FIXME: We should rename these back to overrideLogicalHeight/Width and have them store
// the border-box height/width like the regular height/width accessors on RenderBox.
// Right now, these are different than contentHeight/contentWidth because they still
// include the scrollbar height/width.
LayoutUnit overrideLogicalContentWidth() const;
LayoutUnit overrideLogicalContentHeight() const;
bool hasOverrideHeight() const;
bool hasOverrideWidth() const;
void setOverrideLogicalContentHeight(LayoutUnit);
void setOverrideLogicalContentWidth(LayoutUnit);
void clearOverrideSize();
void clearOverrideLogicalContentHeight();
void clearOverrideLogicalContentWidth();
virtual LayoutSize offsetFromContainer(const RenderObject*, const LayoutPoint&, bool* offsetDependsOnPoint = 0) const override;
LayoutUnit adjustBorderBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(LayoutUnit width) const;
LayoutUnit adjustBorderBoxLogicalHeightForBoxSizing(LayoutUnit height) const;
LayoutUnit adjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(LayoutUnit width) const;
LayoutUnit adjustContentBoxLogicalHeightForBoxSizing(LayoutUnit height) const;
struct ComputedMarginValues {
ComputedMarginValues() { }
LayoutUnit m_before;
LayoutUnit m_after;
LayoutUnit m_start;
LayoutUnit m_end;
struct LogicalExtentComputedValues {
LogicalExtentComputedValues() { }
LayoutUnit m_extent;
LayoutUnit m_position;
ComputedMarginValues m_margins;
// Resolve auto margins in the chosen direction of the containing block so that objects can be pushed to the start, middle or end
// of the containing block.
void computeMarginsForDirection(MarginDirection forDirection, const RenderBlock* containingBlock, LayoutUnit containerWidth, LayoutUnit childWidth, LayoutUnit& marginStart, LayoutUnit& marginEnd, Length marginStartLength, Length marginStartEnd) const;
// Used to resolve margins in the containing block's block-flow direction.
void computeAndSetBlockDirectionMargins(const RenderBlock* containingBlock);
void positionLineBox(InlineBox*);
virtual InlineBox* createInlineBox();
void dirtyLineBoxes(bool fullLayout);
// For inline replaced elements, this function returns the inline box that owns us. Enables
// the replaced RenderObject to quickly determine what line it is contained on and to easily
// iterate over structures on the line.
InlineBox* inlineBoxWrapper() const { return m_rareData ? m_rareData->m_inlineBoxWrapper : 0; }
void setInlineBoxWrapper(InlineBox*);
void deleteLineBoxWrapper();
LayoutUnit containingBlockLogicalHeightForContent(AvailableLogicalHeightType) const;
virtual void updateLogicalWidth();
virtual void updateLogicalHeight();
virtual void computeLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit logicalHeight, LayoutUnit logicalTop, LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
void computeLogicalWidth(LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
virtual LayoutSize intrinsicSize() const { return LayoutSize(); }
LayoutUnit intrinsicLogicalWidth() const { return intrinsicSize().width(); }
LayoutUnit intrinsicLogicalHeight() const { return intrinsicSize().height(); }
virtual LayoutUnit intrinsicContentLogicalHeight() const { return m_intrinsicContentLogicalHeight; }
// Whether or not the element shrinks to its intrinsic width (rather than filling the width
// of a containing block). HTML4 buttons, <select>s, <input>s, legends, and floating/compact elements do this.
bool sizesLogicalWidthToFitContent(const Length& logicalWidth) const;
LayoutUnit computeLogicalWidthUsing(SizeType, const Length& logicalWidth, LayoutUnit availableLogicalWidth, const RenderBlock* containingBlock) const;
LayoutUnit computeLogicalHeightUsing(const Length& height, LayoutUnit intrinsicContentHeight) const;
LayoutUnit computeContentLogicalHeight(const Length& height, LayoutUnit intrinsicContentHeight) const;
LayoutUnit computeContentLogicalHeightUsing(const Length& height, LayoutUnit intrinsicContentHeight) const;
LayoutUnit computeReplacedLogicalWidthUsing(const Length& width) const;
LayoutUnit computeReplacedLogicalWidthRespectingMinMaxWidth(LayoutUnit logicalWidth, ShouldComputePreferred = ComputeActual) const;
LayoutUnit computeReplacedLogicalHeightUsing(const Length& height) const;
LayoutUnit computeReplacedLogicalHeightRespectingMinMaxHeight(LayoutUnit logicalHeight) const;
virtual LayoutUnit computeReplacedLogicalWidth(ShouldComputePreferred = ComputeActual) const;
virtual LayoutUnit computeReplacedLogicalHeight() const;
static bool percentageLogicalHeightIsResolvableFromBlock(const RenderBlock* containingBlock, bool outOfFlowPositioned);
LayoutUnit computePercentageLogicalHeight(const Length& height) const;
// Block flows subclass availableWidth/Height to handle multi column layout (shrinking the width/height available to children when laying out.)
virtual LayoutUnit availableLogicalWidth() const { return contentLogicalWidth(); }
virtual LayoutUnit availableLogicalHeight(AvailableLogicalHeightType) const;
LayoutUnit availableLogicalHeightUsing(const Length&, AvailableLogicalHeightType) const;
// There are a few cases where we need to refer specifically to the available physical width and available physical height.
// Relative positioning is one of those cases, since left/top offsets are physical.
LayoutUnit availableWidth() const { return availableLogicalWidth(); }
LayoutUnit availableHeight() const { return availableLogicalHeight(IncludeMarginBorderPadding); }
virtual LayoutRect localCaretRect(InlineBox*, int caretOffset, LayoutUnit* extraWidthToEndOfLine = 0) override;
virtual LayoutRect overflowClipRect(const LayoutPoint& location);
LayoutRect clipRect(const LayoutPoint& location);
bool pushContentsClip(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, ContentsClipBehavior);
void popContentsClip(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset);
virtual void paintBoxDecorationBackground(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&);
// Called when a positioned object moves but doesn't necessarily change size. A simplified layout is attempted
// that just updates the object's position. If the size does change, the object remains dirty.
bool tryLayoutDoingPositionedMovementOnly()
LayoutUnit oldWidth = width();
// If we shrink to fit our width may have changed, so we still need full layout.
if (oldWidth != width())
return false;
return true;
virtual PositionWithAffinity positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint&) override;
void removeFloatingOrPositionedChildFromBlockLists();
RenderLayer* enclosingFloatPaintingLayer() const;
virtual int firstLineBoxBaseline(FontBaselineOrAuto baselineType) const { return -1; }
virtual int inlineBlockBaseline(LineDirectionMode) const { return -1; } // Returns -1 if we should skip this box when computing the baseline of an inline-block.
bool isFlexItem() const { return !isInline() && !isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && parent() && parent()->isFlexibleBox(); }
virtual LayoutUnit lineHeight(bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode, LinePositionMode = PositionOnContainingLine) const override;
virtual int baselinePosition(FontBaseline, bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode, LinePositionMode = PositionOnContainingLine) const override;
virtual LayoutUnit offsetLeft() const override;
virtual LayoutUnit offsetTop() const override;
LayoutRect layoutOverflowRectForPropagation() const;
bool hasRenderOverflow() const { return m_overflow; }
bool hasVisualOverflow() const { return m_overflow && !borderBoxRect().contains(m_overflow->visualOverflowRect()); }
virtual bool needsPreferredWidthsRecalculation() const;
virtual void computeIntrinsicRatioInformation(FloatSize& /* intrinsicSize */, double& /* intrinsicRatio */) const { }
virtual bool hasRelativeLogicalHeight() const;
bool hasSameDirectionAs(const RenderBox* object) const { return style()->direction() == object->style()->direction(); }
void setCustomPainting(PassRefPtr<DisplayList> customPainting) { m_customPainting = customPainting; }
virtual void willBeDestroyed() override;
virtual void styleWillChange(StyleDifference, const RenderStyle& newStyle) override;
virtual void styleDidChange(StyleDifference, const RenderStyle* oldStyle) override;
void paintBackground(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutRect&, const Color& backgroundColor, BackgroundBleedAvoidance = BackgroundBleedNone);
void paintFillLayer(const PaintInfo&, const Color&, const FillLayer&, const LayoutRect&, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, RenderObject* backgroundObject, bool skipBaseColor = false);
void paintFillLayers(const PaintInfo&, const Color&, const FillLayer&, const LayoutRect&, BackgroundBleedAvoidance = BackgroundBleedNone, RenderObject* backgroundObject = 0);
void paintBoxDecorationBackgroundWithRect(PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&, const LayoutRect&);
// Information extracted from RenderStyle for box painting.
// These are always needed during box painting and recomputing them takes time.
struct BoxDecorationData {
BoxDecorationData(const RenderStyle&);
Color backgroundColor;
bool hasBackground;
bool hasBorder;
BackgroundBleedAvoidance determineBackgroundBleedAvoidance(GraphicsContext*, const BoxDecorationData&) const;
bool backgroundHasOpaqueTopLayer() const;
void computePositionedLogicalWidth(LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
LayoutUnit computeIntrinsicLogicalWidthUsing(const Length& logicalWidthLength, LayoutUnit availableLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit borderAndPadding) const;
LayoutUnit computeIntrinsicLogicalContentHeightUsing(const Length& logicalHeightLength, LayoutUnit intrinsicContentHeight, LayoutUnit borderAndPadding) const;
virtual bool shouldComputeSizeAsReplaced() const { return isReplaced() && !isInlineBlock(); }
virtual void mapLocalToContainer(const RenderBox* paintInvalidationContainer, TransformState&, MapCoordinatesFlags = ApplyContainerFlip) const override;
void paintRootBoxFillLayers(const PaintInfo&);
void updateIntrinsicContentLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit intrinsicContentLogicalHeight) const { m_intrinsicContentLogicalHeight = intrinsicContentLogicalHeight; }
void paintCustomPainting(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset);
void updateTransformationMatrix();
void updateTransform(const RenderStyle* oldStyle);
void updateFromStyle();
void updateFilters();
PassRefPtr<HitTestingTransformState> createLocalTransformState(
RenderLayer* rootLayer, RenderLayer* containerLayer,
const LayoutRect& hitTestRect, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation,
const HitTestingTransformState* containerTransformState) const;
bool hitTestNonLayerDescendants(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result,
const LayoutRect& layerBounds, const HitTestLocation& hitTestLocation);
void paintLayerContents(GraphicsContext*, const LayerPaintingInfo&);
void shrinkToFitWidth(const LayoutUnit availableSpace, const LayoutUnit logicalLeftValue, const LayoutUnit bordersPlusPadding, LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
bool skipContainingBlockForPercentHeightCalculation(const RenderBox* containingBlock) const;
LayoutUnit containingBlockLogicalWidthForPositioned(const RenderBoxModelObject* containingBlock) const;
LayoutUnit containingBlockLogicalHeightForPositioned(const RenderBoxModelObject* containingBlock) const;
void computePositionedLogicalHeight(LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
void computePositionedLogicalWidthUsing(Length logicalWidth, const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock, TextDirection containerDirection,
LayoutUnit containerLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit bordersPlusPadding,
const Length& logicalLeft, const Length& logicalRight, const Length& marginLogicalLeft,
const Length& marginLogicalRight, LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
void computePositionedLogicalHeightUsing(Length logicalHeightLength, const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock,
LayoutUnit containerLogicalHeight, LayoutUnit bordersPlusPadding, LayoutUnit logicalHeight,
const Length& logicalTop, const Length& logicalBottom, const Length& marginLogicalTop,
const Length& marginLogicalBottom, LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
void computePositionedLogicalHeightReplaced(LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
void computePositionedLogicalWidthReplaced(LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
LayoutUnit fillAvailableMeasure(LayoutUnit availableLogicalWidth) const;
virtual void computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths(LayoutUnit& minLogicalWidth, LayoutUnit& maxLogicalWidth) const;
// This function calculates the minimum and maximum preferred widths for an object.
// These values are used in shrink-to-fit layout systems.
// These include tables, positioned objects, floats and flexible boxes.
virtual void computePreferredLogicalWidths() { clearPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(); }
RenderBoxRareData& ensureRareData()
if (!m_rareData)
m_rareData = adoptPtr(new RenderBoxRareData());
return *m_rareData.get();
bool logicalHeightComputesAsNone(SizeType) const;
bool isBox() const = delete; // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
// The width/height of the contents + borders + padding. The x/y location is relative to our container (which is not always our parent).
LayoutRect m_frameRect;
// Our intrinsic height, used for min-height: min-content etc. Maintained by
// updateLogicalHeight. This is logicalHeight() before it is clamped to
// min/max.
mutable LayoutUnit m_intrinsicContentLogicalHeight;
LayoutBoxExtent m_marginBox;
// The preferred logical width of the element if it were to break its lines at every possible opportunity.
LayoutUnit m_minPreferredLogicalWidth;
// The preferred logical width of the element if it never breaks any lines at all.
LayoutUnit m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth;
// Our overflow information.
OwnPtr<RenderOverflow> m_overflow;
// TODO(ojan): Move these two into RenderBoxRareData.
OwnPtr<FilterEffectRenderer> m_filterRenderer;
OwnPtr<TransformationMatrix> m_transform;
RefPtr<DisplayList> m_customPainting;
OwnPtr<RenderLayer> m_layer;
OwnPtr<RenderBoxRareData> m_rareData;
inline RenderBox* RenderBox::previousSiblingBox() const
return toRenderBox(previousSibling());
inline RenderBox* RenderBox::nextSiblingBox() const
return toRenderBox(nextSibling());
inline RenderBox* RenderBox::parentBox() const
return toRenderBox(parent());
inline RenderBox* RenderBox::firstChildBox() const
return toRenderBox(slowFirstChild());
inline RenderBox* RenderBox::lastChildBox() const
return toRenderBox(slowLastChild());
inline void RenderBox::setInlineBoxWrapper(InlineBox* boxWrapper)
if (boxWrapper) {
// m_inlineBoxWrapper should already be 0. Deleting it is a safeguard against security issues.
// Otherwise, there will two line box wrappers keeping the reference to this renderer, and
// only one will be notified when the renderer is getting destroyed. The second line box wrapper
// will keep a stale reference.
if (UNLIKELY(inlineBoxWrapper() != 0))
ensureRareData().m_inlineBoxWrapper = boxWrapper;
} // namespace blink