blob: f03b99b36f2f64619a09bf038b3e3b03ff4e6cbe [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/InlineTextBox.h"
#include "gen/sky/platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/Document.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/DocumentMarkerController.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/RenderedDocumentMarker.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/Text.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/editing/CompositionUnderline.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/editing/CompositionUnderlineRangeFilter.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/frame/Settings.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/page/Page.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/EllipsisBox.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/HitTestResult.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/PaintInfo.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/RenderBlock.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/RenderTheme.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/ShadowList.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/animation/UnitBezier.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/fonts/FontCache.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/fonts/GlyphBuffer.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/fonts/WidthIterator.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/graphics/GraphicsContextStateSaver.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/Vector.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/text/CString.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/text/StringBuilder.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace blink {
struct SameSizeAsInlineTextBox : public InlineBox {
unsigned variables[1];
unsigned short variables2[2];
void* pointers[3];
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(InlineTextBox) == sizeof(SameSizeAsInlineTextBox), InlineTextBox_should_stay_small);
typedef WTF::HashMap<const InlineTextBox*, LayoutRect> InlineTextBoxOverflowMap;
static InlineTextBoxOverflowMap* gTextBoxesWithOverflow;
static const int misspellingLineThickness = 3;
void InlineTextBox::destroy()
if (!knownToHaveNoOverflow() && gTextBoxesWithOverflow)
void InlineTextBox::markDirty()
m_len = 0;
m_start = 0;
LayoutRect InlineTextBox::logicalOverflowRect() const
if (knownToHaveNoOverflow() || !gTextBoxesWithOverflow)
return enclosingIntRect(logicalFrameRect());
return gTextBoxesWithOverflow->get(this);
void InlineTextBox::setLogicalOverflowRect(const LayoutRect& rect)
if (!gTextBoxesWithOverflow)
gTextBoxesWithOverflow = new InlineTextBoxOverflowMap;
gTextBoxesWithOverflow->add(this, rect);
int InlineTextBox::baselinePosition(FontBaseline baselineType) const
if (!isText() || !parent())
return 0;
if (parent()->renderer() == renderer().parent())
return parent()->baselinePosition(baselineType);
return toRenderBoxModelObject(renderer().parent())->baselinePosition(baselineType, isFirstLineStyle(), HorizontalLine, PositionOnContainingLine);
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::lineHeight() const
if (!isText() || !renderer().parent())
return 0;
if (parent()->renderer() == renderer().parent())
return parent()->lineHeight();
return toRenderBoxModelObject(renderer().parent())->lineHeight(isFirstLineStyle(), HorizontalLine, PositionOnContainingLine);
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::selectionTop()
return root().selectionTop();
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::selectionBottom()
return root().selectionBottom();
LayoutUnit InlineTextBox::selectionHeight()
return root().selectionHeight();
bool InlineTextBox::isSelected(int startPos, int endPos) const
int sPos = std::max(startPos - m_start, 0);
// The position after a hard line break is considered to be past its end.
// See the corresponding code in InlineTextBox::selectionState.
int ePos = std::min(endPos - m_start, int(m_len) + (isLineBreak() ? 0 : 1));
return (sPos < ePos);
RenderObject::SelectionState InlineTextBox::selectionState()
RenderObject::SelectionState state = renderer().selectionState();
if (state == RenderObject::SelectionStart || state == RenderObject::SelectionEnd || state == RenderObject::SelectionBoth) {
int startPos, endPos;
renderer().selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos);
// The position after a hard line break is considered to be past its end.
// See the corresponding code in InlineTextBox::isSelected.
int lastSelectable = start() + len() - (isLineBreak() ? 1 : 0);
// FIXME: Remove -webkit-line-break: LineBreakAfterWhiteSpace.
int endOfLineAdjustmentForCSSLineBreak = renderer().style()->lineBreak() == LineBreakAfterWhiteSpace ? -1 : 0;
bool start = (state != RenderObject::SelectionEnd && startPos >= m_start && startPos <= m_start + m_len + endOfLineAdjustmentForCSSLineBreak);
bool end = (state != RenderObject::SelectionStart && endPos > m_start && endPos <= lastSelectable);
if (start && end)
state = RenderObject::SelectionBoth;
else if (start)
state = RenderObject::SelectionStart;
else if (end)
state = RenderObject::SelectionEnd;
else if ((state == RenderObject::SelectionEnd || startPos < m_start) &&
(state == RenderObject::SelectionStart || endPos > lastSelectable))
state = RenderObject::SelectionInside;
else if (state == RenderObject::SelectionBoth)
state = RenderObject::SelectionNone;
// If there are ellipsis following, make sure their selection is updated.
if (m_truncation != cNoTruncation && root().ellipsisBox()) {
EllipsisBox* ellipsis = root().ellipsisBox();
if (state != RenderObject::SelectionNone) {
int start, end;
selectionStartEnd(start, end);
// The ellipsis should be considered to be selected if the end of
// the selection is past the beginning of the truncation and the
// beginning of the selection is before or at the beginning of the
// truncation.
ellipsis->setSelectionState(end >= m_truncation && start <= m_truncation ?
RenderObject::SelectionInside : RenderObject::SelectionNone);
} else
return state;
LayoutRect InlineTextBox::localSelectionRect(int startPos, int endPos)
int sPos = std::max(startPos - m_start, 0);
int ePos = std::min(endPos - m_start, (int)m_len);
if (sPos > ePos)
return LayoutRect();
FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;
LayoutUnit selTop = selectionTop();
LayoutUnit selHeight = selectionHeight();
RenderStyle* styleToUse = renderer().style(isFirstLineStyle());
const Font& font = styleToUse->font();
StringBuilder charactersWithHyphen;
bool respectHyphen = ePos == m_len && hasHyphen();
TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(styleToUse, font, respectHyphen ? &charactersWithHyphen : 0);
FloatPoint startingPoint = FloatPoint(logicalLeft(), selTop.toFloat());
LayoutRect r;
if (sPos || ePos != static_cast<int>(m_len))
r = enclosingIntRect(font.selectionRectForText(textRun, startingPoint, selHeight, sPos, ePos));
else // Avoid computing the font width when the entire line box is selected as an optimization.
r = enclosingIntRect(FloatRect(startingPoint, FloatSize(m_logicalWidth, selHeight.toFloat())));
LayoutUnit logicalWidth = r.width();
if (r.x() > logicalRight())
logicalWidth = 0;
else if (r.maxX() > logicalRight())
logicalWidth = logicalRight() - r.x();
LayoutPoint topPoint = LayoutPoint(r.x(), selTop);
return LayoutRect(topPoint, LayoutSize(logicalWidth, selHeight));
void InlineTextBox::deleteLine()
void InlineTextBox::extractLine()
if (extracted())
void InlineTextBox::attachLine()
if (!extracted())
float InlineTextBox::placeEllipsisBox(bool flowIsLTR, float visibleLeftEdge, float visibleRightEdge, float ellipsisWidth, float &truncatedWidth, bool& foundBox)
if (foundBox) {
m_truncation = cFullTruncation;
return -1;
// For LTR this is the left edge of the box, for RTL, the right edge in parent coordinates.
float ellipsisX = flowIsLTR ? visibleRightEdge - ellipsisWidth : visibleLeftEdge + ellipsisWidth;
// Criteria for full truncation:
// LTR: the left edge of the ellipsis is to the left of our text run.
// RTL: the right edge of the ellipsis is to the right of our text run.
bool ltrFullTruncation = flowIsLTR && ellipsisX <= logicalLeft();
bool rtlFullTruncation = !flowIsLTR && ellipsisX >= logicalLeft() + logicalWidth();
if (ltrFullTruncation || rtlFullTruncation) {
// Too far. Just set full truncation, but return -1 and let the ellipsis just be placed at the edge of the box.
m_truncation = cFullTruncation;
foundBox = true;
return -1;
bool ltrEllipsisWithinBox = flowIsLTR && (ellipsisX < logicalRight());
bool rtlEllipsisWithinBox = !flowIsLTR && (ellipsisX > logicalLeft());
if (ltrEllipsisWithinBox || rtlEllipsisWithinBox) {
foundBox = true;
// The inline box may have different directionality than it's parent. Since truncation
// behavior depends both on both the parent and the inline block's directionality, we
// must keep track of these separately.
bool ltr = isLeftToRightDirection();
if (ltr != flowIsLTR) {
// Width in pixels of the visible portion of the box, excluding the ellipsis.
int visibleBoxWidth = visibleRightEdge - visibleLeftEdge - ellipsisWidth;
ellipsisX = ltr ? logicalLeft() + visibleBoxWidth : logicalRight() - visibleBoxWidth;
int offset = offsetForPosition(ellipsisX, false);
if (offset == 0) {
// No characters should be rendered. Set ourselves to full truncation and place the ellipsis at the min of our start
// and the ellipsis edge.
m_truncation = cFullTruncation;
truncatedWidth += ellipsisWidth;
return std::min(ellipsisX, logicalLeft());
// Set the truncation index on the text run.
m_truncation = offset;
// If we got here that means that we were only partially truncated and we need to return the pixel offset at which
// to place the ellipsis.
float widthOfVisibleText = renderer().width(m_start, offset, textPos(), flowIsLTR ? LTR : RTL, isFirstLineStyle());
// The ellipsis needs to be placed just after the last visible character.
// Where "after" is defined by the flow directionality, not the inline
// box directionality.
// e.g. In the case of an LTR inline box truncated in an RTL flow then we can
// have a situation such as |Hello| -> |...He|
truncatedWidth += widthOfVisibleText + ellipsisWidth;
if (flowIsLTR)
return logicalLeft() + widthOfVisibleText;
return logicalRight() - widthOfVisibleText - ellipsisWidth;
truncatedWidth += logicalWidth();
return -1;
bool InlineTextBox::isLineBreak() const
return renderer().style()->preserveNewline() && len() == 1 && (*renderer().text().impl())[start()] == '\n';
bool InlineTextBox::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, LayoutUnit /* lineTop */, LayoutUnit /*lineBottom*/)
if (isLineBreak())
return false;
FloatPoint boxOrigin = locationIncludingFlipping();
FloatRect rect(boxOrigin, size());
if (m_truncation != cFullTruncation && visibleToHitTestRequest(request) && locationInContainer.intersects(rect)) {
renderer().updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(accumulatedOffset));
if (!result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(renderer().node(), request, locationInContainer, rect))
return true;
return false;
bool InlineTextBox::getEmphasisMarkPosition(RenderStyle* style, TextEmphasisPosition& emphasisPosition) const
if (style->textEmphasisMark() == TextEmphasisMarkNone)
return false;
// FIXME(sky): remove this function, it was for ruby.
emphasisPosition = style->textEmphasisPosition();
return true;
namespace {
struct TextPaintingStyle {
Color fillColor;
Color strokeColor;
Color emphasisMarkColor;
float strokeWidth;
const ShadowList* shadow;
bool operator==(const TextPaintingStyle& other)
return fillColor == other.fillColor
&& strokeColor == other.strokeColor
&& emphasisMarkColor == other.emphasisMarkColor
&& strokeWidth == other.strokeWidth
&& shadow == other.shadow;
bool operator!=(const TextPaintingStyle& other) { return !(*this == other); }
TextPaintingStyle textPaintingStyle(RenderText& renderer, RenderStyle* style)
TextPaintingStyle textStyle;
textStyle.fillColor = renderer.resolveColor(style, CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor);
textStyle.strokeColor = renderer.resolveColor(style, CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor);
textStyle.emphasisMarkColor = renderer.resolveColor(style, CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisColor);
textStyle.strokeWidth = style->textStrokeWidth();
textStyle.shadow = style->textShadow();
return textStyle;
TextPaintingStyle selectionPaintingStyle(RenderText& renderer, bool haveSelection, const TextPaintingStyle& textStyle)
TextPaintingStyle selectionStyle = textStyle;
if (haveSelection) {
selectionStyle.fillColor = renderer.selectionForegroundColor();
selectionStyle.emphasisMarkColor = renderer.selectionEmphasisMarkColor();
return selectionStyle;
void updateGraphicsContext(GraphicsContext* context, const TextPaintingStyle& textStyle, GraphicsContextStateSaver& stateSaver)
TextDrawingModeFlags mode = context->textDrawingMode();
if (textStyle.strokeWidth > 0) {
TextDrawingModeFlags newMode = mode | TextModeStroke;
if (mode != newMode) {
if (!stateSaver.saved());
mode = newMode;
if (mode & TextModeFill && textStyle.fillColor != context->fillColor())
if (mode & TextModeStroke) {
if (textStyle.strokeColor != context->strokeColor())
if (textStyle.strokeWidth != context->strokeThickness())
if (textStyle.shadow) {
if (!stateSaver.saved());
void paintText(GraphicsContext* context,
const Font& font, const TextRun& textRun,
const AtomicString& emphasisMark, int emphasisMarkOffset,
int startOffset, int endOffset, int truncationPoint,
const FloatPoint& textOrigin, const FloatRect& boxRect,
TextBlobPtr* cachedTextBlob = 0)
TextRunPaintInfo textRunPaintInfo(textRun);
textRunPaintInfo.bounds = boxRect;
if (startOffset <= endOffset) {
textRunPaintInfo.from = startOffset; = endOffset;
// FIXME: We should be able to use cachedTextBlob in more cases.
textRunPaintInfo.cachedTextBlob = cachedTextBlob;
if (emphasisMark.isEmpty())
context->drawText(font, textRunPaintInfo, textOrigin);
context->drawEmphasisMarks(font, textRunPaintInfo, emphasisMark, textOrigin + IntSize(0, emphasisMarkOffset));
} else {
if (endOffset > 0) {
textRunPaintInfo.from = 0; = endOffset;
if (emphasisMark.isEmpty())
context->drawText(font, textRunPaintInfo, textOrigin);
context->drawEmphasisMarks(font, textRunPaintInfo, emphasisMark, textOrigin + IntSize(0, emphasisMarkOffset));
if (startOffset < truncationPoint) {
textRunPaintInfo.from = startOffset; = truncationPoint;
if (emphasisMark.isEmpty())
context->drawText(font, textRunPaintInfo, textOrigin);
context->drawEmphasisMarks(font, textRunPaintInfo, emphasisMark, textOrigin + IntSize(0, emphasisMarkOffset));
inline void paintEmphasisMark(GraphicsContext* context,
const AtomicString& emphasisMark, int emphasisMarkOffset,
int startOffset, int endOffset, int paintRunLength,
const Font& font, const TextRun& textRun,
const FloatPoint& textOrigin, const FloatRect& boxRect)
paintText(context, font, textRun, emphasisMark, emphasisMarkOffset, startOffset, endOffset, paintRunLength, textOrigin, boxRect);
void paintTextWithEmphasisMark(
GraphicsContext* context, const Font& font, const TextPaintingStyle& textStyle, const TextRun& textRun,
const AtomicString& emphasisMark, int emphasisMarkOffset, int startOffset, int endOffset, int length,
const FloatPoint& textOrigin, const FloatRect& boxRect, TextBlobPtr* cachedTextBlob = 0)
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context, false);
updateGraphicsContext(context, textStyle, stateSaver);
paintText(context, font, textRun, nullAtom, 0, startOffset, endOffset, length, textOrigin, boxRect, cachedTextBlob);
if (!emphasisMark.isEmpty()) {
if (textStyle.emphasisMarkColor != textStyle.fillColor)
paintEmphasisMark(context, emphasisMark, emphasisMarkOffset, startOffset, endOffset, length, font, textRun, textOrigin, boxRect);
} // namespace
void InlineTextBox::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, LayoutUnit /*lineTop*/, LayoutUnit /*lineBottom*/, Vector<RenderBox*>& layers)
if (isLineBreak() || m_truncation == cFullTruncation || !m_len)
LayoutRect logicalVisualOverflow = logicalOverflowRect();
LayoutUnit logicalStart = logicalVisualOverflow.x() + paintOffset.x();
LayoutUnit logicalExtent = logicalVisualOverflow.width();
LayoutUnit paintEnd = paintInfo.rect.maxX();
LayoutUnit paintStart = paintInfo.rect.x();
// When subpixel font scaling is enabled text runs are positioned at
// subpixel boundaries on the x-axis and thus there is no reason to
// snap the x value. We still round the y-axis to ensure consistent
// line heights.
LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = RuntimeEnabledFeatures::subpixelFontScalingEnabled()
? LayoutPoint(paintOffset.x(), paintOffset.y().round())
: roundedIntPoint(paintOffset);
if (logicalStart >= paintEnd || logicalStart + logicalExtent <= paintStart)
if (m_truncation != cNoTruncation) {
if (renderer().containingBlock()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() != isLeftToRightDirection()) {
// Make the visible fragment of text hug the edge closest to the rest of the run by moving the origin
// at which we start drawing text.
// e.g. In the case of LTR text truncated in an RTL Context, the correct behavior is:
// |Hello|CBA| -> |...He|CBA|
// In order to draw the fragment "He" aligned to the right edge of it's box, we need to start drawing
// farther to the right.
// NOTE: WebKit's behavior differs from that of IE which appears to just overlay the ellipsis on top of the
// truncated string i.e. |Hello|CBA| -> |...lo|CBA|
LayoutUnit widthOfVisibleText = renderer().width(m_start, m_truncation, textPos(), isLeftToRightDirection() ? LTR : RTL, isFirstLineStyle());
LayoutUnit widthOfHiddenText = m_logicalWidth - widthOfVisibleText;
// FIXME: The hit testing logic also needs to take this translation into account.
LayoutSize truncationOffset(isLeftToRightDirection() ? widthOfHiddenText : -widthOfHiddenText, 0);
GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
RenderStyle* styleToUse = renderer().style(isFirstLineStyle());
FloatPoint boxOrigin = locationIncludingFlipping();
boxOrigin.move(adjustedPaintOffset.x().toFloat(), adjustedPaintOffset.y().toFloat());
FloatRect boxRect(boxOrigin, LayoutSize(logicalWidth(), logicalHeight()));
bool haveSelection = selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone;
// Determine text colors.
TextPaintingStyle textStyle = textPaintingStyle(renderer(), styleToUse);
TextPaintingStyle selectionStyle = selectionPaintingStyle(renderer(), haveSelection, textStyle);
bool paintSelectedTextSeparately = textStyle != selectionStyle;
// Set our font.
const Font& font = styleToUse->font();
FloatPoint textOrigin = FloatPoint(boxOrigin.x(), boxOrigin.y() + font.fontMetrics().ascent());
// 1. Paint backgrounds behind text if needed. Examples of such backgrounds include selection.
paintDocumentMarkers(context, boxOrigin, styleToUse, font, true);
if (haveSelection)
paintSelection(context, boxOrigin, styleToUse, font, selectionStyle.fillColor);
// 2. Now paint the foreground, including text and decorations like underline/overline (in quirks mode only).
int length = m_len;
int maximumLength;
StringView string = renderer().text().createView();
if (static_cast<unsigned>(length) != string.length() || m_start)
string.narrow(m_start, length);
maximumLength = renderer().textLength() - m_start;
StringBuilder charactersWithHyphen;
TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(styleToUse, font, string, maximumLength, hasHyphen() ? &charactersWithHyphen : 0);
if (hasHyphen())
length = textRun.length();
int sPos = 0;
int ePos = 0;
if (paintSelectedTextSeparately)
selectionStartEnd(sPos, ePos);
bool respectHyphen = ePos == m_len && hasHyphen();
if (respectHyphen)
ePos = textRun.length();
if (m_truncation != cNoTruncation) {
sPos = std::min<int>(sPos, m_truncation);
ePos = std::min<int>(ePos, m_truncation);
length = m_truncation;
int emphasisMarkOffset = 0;
TextEmphasisPosition emphasisMarkPosition;
bool hasTextEmphasis = getEmphasisMarkPosition(styleToUse, emphasisMarkPosition);
const AtomicString& emphasisMark = hasTextEmphasis ? styleToUse->textEmphasisMarkString() : nullAtom;
if (!emphasisMark.isEmpty())
emphasisMarkOffset = emphasisMarkPosition == TextEmphasisPositionOver ? -font.fontMetrics().ascent() - font.emphasisMarkDescent(emphasisMark) : font.fontMetrics().descent() + font.emphasisMarkAscent(emphasisMark);
// FIXME: Truncate right-to-left text correctly.
int startOffset = 0;
int endOffset = length;
if (paintSelectedTextSeparately && ePos > sPos) {
startOffset = ePos;
endOffset = sPos;
// FIXME: This cache should probably ultimately be held somewhere else.
// A hashmap is convenient to avoid a memory hit when the
// RuntimeEnabledFeature is off.
bool textBlobIsCacheable = RuntimeEnabledFeatures::textBlobEnabled() && startOffset == 0 && endOffset == length;
TextBlobPtr* cachedTextBlob = textBlobIsCacheable ? &m_cachedTextBlob : nullptr;
paintTextWithEmphasisMark(context, font, textStyle, textRun, emphasisMark, emphasisMarkOffset, startOffset, endOffset, length, textOrigin, boxRect, cachedTextBlob);
if (paintSelectedTextSeparately && sPos < ePos) {
// paint only the text that is selected
bool textBlobIsCacheable = RuntimeEnabledFeatures::textBlobEnabled() && sPos == 0 && ePos == length;
TextBlobPtr* cachedTextBlob = textBlobIsCacheable ? &m_cachedTextBlob : nullptr;
paintTextWithEmphasisMark(context, font, selectionStyle, textRun, emphasisMark, emphasisMarkOffset, sPos, ePos, length, textOrigin, boxRect, cachedTextBlob);
// Paint decorations
TextDecoration textDecorations = styleToUse->textDecorationsInEffect();
if (textDecorations != TextDecorationNone) {
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context, false);
updateGraphicsContext(context, textStyle, stateSaver);
paintDecoration(context, boxOrigin, textDecorations);
paintDocumentMarkers(context, boxOrigin, styleToUse, font, false);
void InlineTextBox::selectionStartEnd(int& sPos, int& ePos)
int startPos, endPos;
if (renderer().selectionState() == RenderObject::SelectionInside) {
startPos = 0;
endPos = renderer().textLength();
} else {
renderer().selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos);
if (renderer().selectionState() == RenderObject::SelectionStart)
endPos = renderer().textLength();
else if (renderer().selectionState() == RenderObject::SelectionEnd)
startPos = 0;
sPos = std::max(startPos - m_start, 0);
ePos = std::min(endPos - m_start, (int)m_len);
void InlineTextBox::paintSelection(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, RenderStyle* style, const Font& font, Color textColor)
// See if we have a selection to paint at all.
int sPos, ePos;
selectionStartEnd(sPos, ePos);
if (sPos >= ePos)
Color c = renderer().selectionBackgroundColor();
if (!c.alpha())
// If the text color ends up being the same as the selection background, invert the selection
// background.
if (textColor == c)
c = Color(0xff -, 0xff -, 0xff -;
// If the text is truncated, let the thing being painted in the truncation
// draw its own highlight.
int length = m_truncation != cNoTruncation ? m_truncation : m_len;
StringView string = renderer().text().createView();
if (string.length() != static_cast<unsigned>(length) || m_start)
string.narrow(m_start, length);
StringBuilder charactersWithHyphen;
bool respectHyphen = ePos == length && hasHyphen();
TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(style, font, string, renderer().textLength() - m_start, respectHyphen ? &charactersWithHyphen : 0);
if (respectHyphen)
ePos = textRun.length();
LayoutUnit selectionBottom = root().selectionBottom();
LayoutUnit selectionTop = root().selectionTopAdjustedForPrecedingBlock();
int deltaY = roundToInt(logicalTop() - selectionTop);
int selHeight = std::max(0, roundToInt(selectionBottom - selectionTop));
FloatPoint localOrigin(boxOrigin.x(), boxOrigin.y() - deltaY);
FloatRect clipRect(localOrigin, FloatSize(m_logicalWidth, selHeight));
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context);
context->drawHighlightForText(font, textRun, localOrigin, selHeight, c, sPos, ePos);
unsigned InlineTextBox::underlinePaintStart(const CompositionUnderline& underline)
return std::max(static_cast<unsigned>(m_start), underline.startOffset);
unsigned InlineTextBox::underlinePaintEnd(const CompositionUnderline& underline)
unsigned paintEnd = std::min(end() + 1, underline.endOffset); // end() points at the last char, not past it.
if (m_truncation != cNoTruncation)
paintEnd = std::min(paintEnd, static_cast<unsigned>(m_start + m_truncation));
return paintEnd;
void InlineTextBox::paintSingleCompositionBackgroundRun(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, RenderStyle* style, const Font& font, Color backgroundColor, int startPos, int endPos)
int sPos = std::max(startPos - m_start, 0);
int ePos = std::min(endPos - m_start, static_cast<int>(m_len));
if (sPos >= ePos)
int deltaY = logicalTop() - selectionTop();
int selHeight = selectionHeight();
FloatPoint localOrigin(boxOrigin.x(), boxOrigin.y() - deltaY);
context->drawHighlightForText(font, constructTextRun(style, font), localOrigin, selHeight, backgroundColor, sPos, ePos);
static StrokeStyle textDecorationStyleToStrokeStyle(TextDecorationStyle decorationStyle)
StrokeStyle strokeStyle = SolidStroke;
switch (decorationStyle) {
case TextDecorationStyleSolid:
strokeStyle = SolidStroke;
case TextDecorationStyleDouble:
strokeStyle = DoubleStroke;
case TextDecorationStyleDotted:
strokeStyle = DottedStroke;
case TextDecorationStyleDashed:
strokeStyle = DashedStroke;
case TextDecorationStyleWavy:
strokeStyle = WavyStroke;
return strokeStyle;
static int computeUnderlineOffset(const TextUnderlinePosition underlinePosition, const FontMetrics& fontMetrics, const InlineTextBox* inlineTextBox, const float textDecorationThickness)
// Compute the gap between the font and the underline. Use at least one
// pixel gap, if underline is thick then use a bigger gap.
int gap = 0;
// Underline position of zero means draw underline on Baseline Position,
// in Blink we need at least 1-pixel gap to adding following check.
// Positive underline Position means underline should be drawn above baselin e
// and negative value means drawing below baseline, negating the value as in Blink
// downward Y-increases.
if (fontMetrics.underlinePosition())
gap = -fontMetrics.underlinePosition();
gap = std::max<int>(1, ceilf(textDecorationThickness / 2.f));
// FIXME: We support only horizontal text for now.
switch (underlinePosition) {
case TextUnderlinePositionAuto:
return fontMetrics.ascent() + gap; // Position underline near the alphabetic baseline.
case TextUnderlinePositionUnder: {
// Position underline relative to the under edge of the lowest element's content box.
const float offset = inlineTextBox->root().maxLogicalTop() - inlineTextBox->logicalTop();
if (offset > 0)
return inlineTextBox->logicalHeight() + gap + offset;
return inlineTextBox->logicalHeight() + gap;
return fontMetrics.ascent() + gap;
struct CurveAlongX {
static inline float x(const FloatPoint& p) { return p.x(); }
static inline float y(const FloatPoint& p) { return p.y(); }
static inline FloatPoint p(float x, float y) { return FloatPoint(x, y); }
static inline void setX(FloatPoint& p, double x) { p.setX(x); }
struct CurveAlongY {
static inline float x(const FloatPoint& p) { return p.y(); }
static inline float y(const FloatPoint& p) { return p.x(); }
static inline FloatPoint p(float x, float y) { return FloatPoint(y, x); }
static inline void setX(FloatPoint& p, double x) { p.setY(x); }
* Draw one cubic Bezier curve and repeat the same pattern along the
* the decoration's axis. The start point (p1), controlPoint1,
* controlPoint2 and end point (p2) of the Bezier curve form a diamond
* shape, as follows (the four points marked +):
* step
* |-----------|
* controlPoint1
* +
* . .
* . .
* . .
* (x1, y1) p1 + . + p2 (x2, y2) - <--- Decoration's axis
* . . |
* . . |
* . . | controlPointDistance
* |
* |
* + -
* controlPoint2
* |-----------|
* step
* strokeWavyTextDecorationInternal() takes two points, p1 and p2.
* These must be axis-aligned. If they are horizontally-aligned,
* specialize it with CurveAlongX; if they are vertically aligned,
* specialize it with CurveAlongY. The function is written as if it
* was doing everything along the X axis; CurveAlongY just flips the
* coordinates around.
template <class Curve> static void strokeWavyTextDecorationInternal(GraphicsContext* context, FloatPoint p1, FloatPoint p2, float strokeThickness)
ASSERT(Curve::y(p1) == Curve::y(p2)); // verify that this is indeed axis-aligned
context->adjustLineToPixelBoundaries(p1, p2, strokeThickness, context->strokeStyle());
Path path;
float controlPointDistance = 2 * strokeThickness;
float step = controlPointDistance;
float yAxis = Curve::y(p1);
float x1;
float x2;
if (Curve::x(p1) < Curve::x(p2)) {
x1 = Curve::x(p1);
x2 = Curve::x(p2);
} else {
x1 = Curve::x(p2);
x2 = Curve::x(p1);
FloatPoint controlPoint1 = Curve::p(0, yAxis + controlPointDistance);
FloatPoint controlPoint2 = Curve::p(0, yAxis - controlPointDistance);
float x;
for (x = x1; x + 2 * step <= x2;) {
Curve::setX(controlPoint1, x + step);
Curve::setX(controlPoint2, x + step);
x += 2 * step;
path.addBezierCurveTo(controlPoint1, controlPoint2, Curve::p(x, yAxis));
if (x < x2) {
Curve::setX(controlPoint1, x + step);
Curve::setX(controlPoint2, x + step);
float xScale = 1.0 / (2 * step);
float yScale = 1.0 / (2 * controlPointDistance);
OwnPtr<UnitBezier> bezier = adoptPtr(new UnitBezier((Curve::x(controlPoint1) - x) * xScale,
(Curve::y(controlPoint1) - yAxis) * yScale,
(Curve::x(controlPoint2) - x) * xScale,
(Curve::y(controlPoint2) - yAxis) * yScale));
float t = bezier->solveCurveX((x2 - x) / (2.0 * step), std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
// following math based on
float u1 = 1.0 - t;
float qxb = x * u1 * u1 + Curve::x(controlPoint1) * 2 * t * u1 + Curve::x(controlPoint2) * t * t;
float qxd = Curve::x(controlPoint1) * u1 * u1 + Curve::x(controlPoint2) * 2 * t * u1 + (x+step) * t * t;
float qyb = yAxis * u1 * u1 + Curve::y(controlPoint1) * 2 * t * u1 + Curve::y(controlPoint2) * t * t;
float qyd = Curve::y(controlPoint1) * u1 * u1 + Curve::y(controlPoint2) * 2 * t * u1 + yAxis * t * t;
float xb = x * u1 + Curve::x(controlPoint1) * t;
float yb = yAxis * u1 + Curve::y(controlPoint1) * t;
float xc = qxb;
float xd = qxb * u1 + qxd * t;
float yc = qyb;
float yd = qyb * u1 + qyd * t;
path.addBezierCurveTo(Curve::p(xb, yb), Curve::p(xc, yc), Curve::p(xd, yd));
static void strokeWavyTextDecoration(GraphicsContext* context, FloatPoint p1, FloatPoint p2, float strokeThickness)
if (p1.y() == p2.y()) // horizontal line
strokeWavyTextDecorationInternal<CurveAlongX>(context, p1, p2, strokeThickness);
else // vertical line
strokeWavyTextDecorationInternal<CurveAlongY>(context, p1, p2, strokeThickness);
static bool shouldSetDecorationAntialias(TextDecorationStyle decorationStyle)
return decorationStyle == TextDecorationStyleDotted || decorationStyle == TextDecorationStyleDashed;
static bool shouldSetDecorationAntialias(TextDecorationStyle underline, TextDecorationStyle overline, TextDecorationStyle linethrough)
return shouldSetDecorationAntialias(underline) || shouldSetDecorationAntialias(overline) || shouldSetDecorationAntialias(linethrough);
static void paintAppliedDecoration(GraphicsContext* context, FloatPoint start, float width, float doubleOffset, int wavyOffsetFactor,
RenderObject::AppliedTextDecoration decoration, float thickness, bool antialiasDecoration)
switch ( {
case TextDecorationStyleWavy:
strokeWavyTextDecoration(context, start + FloatPoint(0, doubleOffset * wavyOffsetFactor), start + FloatPoint(width, doubleOffset * wavyOffsetFactor), thickness);
case TextDecorationStyleDotted:
case TextDecorationStyleDashed:
// Fall through
context->drawLineForText(start, width);
if ( == TextDecorationStyleDouble)
context->drawLineForText(start + FloatPoint(0, doubleOffset), width);
void InlineTextBox::paintDecoration(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, TextDecoration deco)
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*context);
if (m_truncation == cFullTruncation)
FloatPoint localOrigin = boxOrigin;
float width = m_logicalWidth;
if (m_truncation != cNoTruncation) {
width = renderer().width(m_start, m_truncation, textPos(), isLeftToRightDirection() ? LTR : RTL, isFirstLineStyle());
if (!isLeftToRightDirection())
localOrigin.move(m_logicalWidth - width, 0);
// Get the text decoration colors.
RenderObject::AppliedTextDecoration underline, overline, linethrough;
renderer().getTextDecorations(deco, underline, overline, linethrough, true);
if (isFirstLineStyle())
renderer().getTextDecorations(deco, underline, overline, linethrough, true, true);
// Use a special function for underlines to get the positioning exactly right.
RenderStyle* styleToUse = renderer().style(isFirstLineStyle());
int baseline = styleToUse->fontMetrics().ascent();
// Set the thick of the line to be 10% (or something else ?)of the computed font size and not less than 1px.
// Update Underline thickness, in case we have Faulty Font Metrics calculating underline thickness by old method.
float textDecorationThickness = styleToUse->fontMetrics().underlineThickness(); // TODO(ianh): Make this author-controllable
int fontHeightInt = (int)(styleToUse->fontMetrics().floatHeight() + 0.5);
if ((textDecorationThickness == 0.f) || (textDecorationThickness >= (fontHeightInt >> 1)))
textDecorationThickness = std::max(1.f, styleToUse->computedFontSize() / 10.f);
bool antialiasDecoration = shouldSetDecorationAntialias(,,
&& RenderBoxModelObject::shouldAntialiasLines(context);
// Offset between lines - always non-zero, so lines never cross each other.
float doubleOffset = textDecorationThickness + 1.f;
if (deco & TextDecorationUnderline) {
const int underlineOffset = computeUnderlineOffset(styleToUse->textUnderlinePosition(), styleToUse->fontMetrics(), this, textDecorationThickness);
paintAppliedDecoration(context, localOrigin + FloatPoint(0, underlineOffset), width, doubleOffset, 1, underline, textDecorationThickness, antialiasDecoration);
if (deco & TextDecorationOverline) {
paintAppliedDecoration(context, localOrigin, width, -doubleOffset, 1, overline, textDecorationThickness, antialiasDecoration);
if (deco & TextDecorationLineThrough) {
const float lineThroughOffset = 2 * baseline / 3;
paintAppliedDecoration(context, localOrigin + FloatPoint(0, lineThroughOffset), width, doubleOffset, 0, linethrough, textDecorationThickness, antialiasDecoration);
static GraphicsContext::DocumentMarkerLineStyle lineStyleForMarkerType(DocumentMarker::MarkerType markerType)
switch (markerType) {
case DocumentMarker::Spelling:
return GraphicsContext::DocumentMarkerSpellingLineStyle;
case DocumentMarker::Grammar:
return GraphicsContext::DocumentMarkerGrammarLineStyle;
return GraphicsContext::DocumentMarkerSpellingLineStyle;
void InlineTextBox::paintDocumentMarker(GraphicsContext* pt, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, DocumentMarker* marker, RenderStyle* style, const Font& font, bool grammar)
if (m_truncation == cFullTruncation)
float start = 0; // start of line to draw, relative to tx
float width = m_logicalWidth; // how much line to draw
// Determine whether we need to measure text
bool markerSpansWholeBox = true;
if (m_start <= (int)marker->startOffset())
markerSpansWholeBox = false;
if ((end() + 1) != marker->endOffset()) // end points at the last char, not past it
markerSpansWholeBox = false;
if (m_truncation != cNoTruncation)
markerSpansWholeBox = false;
if (!markerSpansWholeBox || grammar) {
int startPosition = std::max<int>(marker->startOffset() - m_start, 0);
int endPosition = std::min<int>(marker->endOffset() - m_start, m_len);
if (m_truncation != cNoTruncation)
endPosition = std::min<int>(endPosition, m_truncation);
// Calculate start & width
int deltaY = logicalTop() - selectionTop();
int selHeight = selectionHeight();
FloatPoint startPoint(boxOrigin.x(), boxOrigin.y() - deltaY);
TextRun run = constructTextRun(style, font);
// FIXME: Convert the document markers to float rects.
IntRect markerRect = enclosingIntRect(font.selectionRectForText(run, startPoint, selHeight, startPosition, endPosition));
start = markerRect.x() - startPoint.x();
width = markerRect.width();
// IMPORTANT: The misspelling underline is not considered when calculating the text bounds, so we have to
// make sure to fit within those bounds. This means the top pixel(s) of the underline will overlap the
// bottom pixel(s) of the glyphs in smaller font sizes. The alternatives are to increase the line spacing (bad!!)
// or decrease the underline thickness. The overlap is actually the most useful, and matches what AppKit does.
// So, we generally place the underline at the bottom of the text, but in larger fonts that's not so good so
// we pin to two pixels under the baseline.
int lineThickness = misspellingLineThickness;
int baseline = renderer().style(isFirstLineStyle())->fontMetrics().ascent();
int descent = logicalHeight() - baseline;
int underlineOffset;
if (descent <= (2 + lineThickness)) {
// Place the underline at the very bottom of the text in small/medium fonts.
underlineOffset = logicalHeight() - lineThickness;
} else {
// In larger fonts, though, place the underline up near the baseline to prevent a big gap.
underlineOffset = baseline + 2;
pt->drawLineForDocumentMarker(FloatPoint(boxOrigin.x() + start, boxOrigin.y() + underlineOffset), width, lineStyleForMarkerType(marker->type()));
void InlineTextBox::paintTextMatchMarker(GraphicsContext* pt, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, DocumentMarker* marker, RenderStyle* style, const Font& font)
// FIXME(sky): This function didn't seem to actually paint.
// Do we even have TextMatch markers in sky? What are they for?
void InlineTextBox::paintCompositionBackgrounds(GraphicsContext* pt, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, RenderStyle* style, const Font& font, bool useCustomUnderlines)
ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); // TODO(ianh): this is unused right now, but we should probably expose it if it's useful
if (useCustomUnderlines) {
// Paint custom background highlights for compositions.
Vector<CompositionUnderline> underlines; // TODO(ianh): if we expose this function, provide a way to let authors set this
CompositionUnderlineRangeFilter filter(underlines, start(), end());
for (CompositionUnderlineRangeFilter::ConstIterator it = filter.begin(); it != filter.end(); ++it) {
if (it->backgroundColor == Color::transparent)
paintSingleCompositionBackgroundRun(pt, boxOrigin, style, font, it->backgroundColor, underlinePaintStart(*it), underlinePaintEnd(*it));
} else {
unsigned start = 0; // TODO(ianh): if we expose this function, provide a way to let authors set this
unsigned end = 0; // TODO(ianh): if we expose this function, provide a way to let authors set this
paintSingleCompositionBackgroundRun(pt, boxOrigin, style, font, RenderTheme::theme().platformDefaultCompositionBackgroundColor(), start, end);
void InlineTextBox::paintDocumentMarkers(GraphicsContext* pt, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, RenderStyle* style, const Font& font, bool background)
if (!renderer().node())
DocumentMarkerVector markers = renderer().document().markers().markersFor(renderer().node());
DocumentMarkerVector::const_iterator markerIt = markers.begin();
// Give any document markers that touch this run a chance to draw before the text has been drawn.
// Note end() points at the last char, not one past it like endOffset and ranges do.
for ( ; markerIt != markers.end(); ++markerIt) {
DocumentMarker* marker = *markerIt;
// Paint either the background markers or the foreground markers, but not both
switch (marker->type()) {
case DocumentMarker::Grammar:
case DocumentMarker::Spelling:
if (background)
case DocumentMarker::TextMatch:
if (!background)
if (marker->endOffset() <= start())
// marker is completely before this run. This might be a marker that sits before the
// first run we draw, or markers that were within runs we skipped due to truncation.
if (marker->startOffset() > end())
// marker is completely after this run, bail. A later run will paint it.
// marker intersects this run. Paint it.
switch (marker->type()) {
case DocumentMarker::Spelling:
paintDocumentMarker(pt, boxOrigin, marker, style, font, false);
case DocumentMarker::Grammar:
paintDocumentMarker(pt, boxOrigin, marker, style, font, true);
case DocumentMarker::TextMatch:
paintTextMatchMarker(pt, boxOrigin, marker, style, font);
void InlineTextBox::paintCompositionUnderline(GraphicsContext* ctx, const FloatPoint& boxOrigin, const CompositionUnderline& underline)
if (m_truncation == cFullTruncation)
unsigned paintStart = underlinePaintStart(underline);
unsigned paintEnd = underlinePaintEnd(underline);
// start of line to draw, relative to paintOffset.
float start = paintStart == static_cast<unsigned>(m_start) ? 0 :
renderer().width(m_start, paintStart - m_start, textPos(), isLeftToRightDirection() ? LTR : RTL, isFirstLineStyle());
// how much line to draw
float width = (paintStart == static_cast<unsigned>(m_start) && paintEnd == static_cast<unsigned>(end()) + 1) ? m_logicalWidth :
renderer().width(paintStart, paintEnd - paintStart, textPos() + start, isLeftToRightDirection() ? LTR : RTL, isFirstLineStyle());
// Thick marked text underlines are 2px thick as long as there is room for the 2px line under the baseline.
// All other marked text underlines are 1px thick.
// If there's not enough space the underline will touch or overlap characters.
int lineThickness = 1;
int baseline = renderer().style(isFirstLineStyle())->fontMetrics().ascent();
if (underline.thick && logicalHeight() - baseline >= 2)
lineThickness = 2;
// We need to have some space between underlines of subsequent clauses, because some input methods do not use different underline styles for those.
// We make each line shorter, which has a harmless side effect of shortening the first and last clauses, too.
start += 1;
width -= 2;
ctx->drawLineForText(FloatPoint(boxOrigin.x() + start, boxOrigin.y() + logicalHeight() - lineThickness), width);
int InlineTextBox::caretMinOffset() const
return m_start;
int InlineTextBox::caretMaxOffset() const
return m_start + m_len;
float InlineTextBox::textPos() const
// When computing the width of a text run, RenderParagraph::computeInlineDirectionPositionsForLine() doesn't include the actual offset
// from the containing block edge in its measurement. textPos() should be consistent so the text are rendered in the same width.
if (logicalLeft() == 0)
return 0;
return logicalLeft() - root().logicalLeft();
int InlineTextBox::offsetForPosition(float lineOffset, bool includePartialGlyphs) const
if (isLineBreak())
return 0;
if (lineOffset - logicalLeft() > logicalWidth())
return isLeftToRightDirection() ? len() : 0;
if (lineOffset - logicalLeft() < 0)
return isLeftToRightDirection() ? 0 : len();
FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;
RenderText& text = renderer();
RenderStyle* style =;
const Font& font = style->font();
return font.offsetForPosition(constructTextRun(style, font), lineOffset - logicalLeft(), includePartialGlyphs);
float InlineTextBox::positionForOffset(int offset) const
ASSERT(offset >= m_start);
ASSERT(offset <= m_start + m_len);
if (isLineBreak())
return logicalLeft();
FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;
RenderText& text = renderer();
RenderStyle* styleToUse =;
const Font& font = styleToUse->font();
int from = !isLeftToRightDirection() ? offset - m_start : 0;
int to = !isLeftToRightDirection() ? m_len : offset - m_start;
// FIXME: Do we need to add rightBearing here?
return font.selectionRectForText(constructTextRun(styleToUse, font), IntPoint(logicalLeft(), 0), 0, from, to).maxX();
bool InlineTextBox::containsCaretOffset(int offset) const
// Offsets before the box are never "in".
if (offset < m_start)
return false;
int pastEnd = m_start + m_len;
// Offsets inside the box (not at either edge) are always "in".
if (offset < pastEnd)
return true;
// Offsets outside the box are always "out".
if (offset > pastEnd)
return false;
// Offsets at the end are "out" for line breaks (they are on the next line).
if (isLineBreak())
return false;
// Offsets at the end are "in" for normal boxes (but the caller has to check affinity).
return true;
void InlineTextBox::characterWidths(Vector<float>& widths) const
FontCachePurgePreventer fontCachePurgePreventer;
RenderStyle* styleToUse = renderer().style(isFirstLineStyle());
const Font& font = styleToUse->font();
TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(styleToUse, font);
GlyphBuffer glyphBuffer;
WidthIterator it(&font, textRun);
float lastWidth = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_len; i++) {
it.advance(i + 1, &glyphBuffer);
widths[i] = it.m_runWidthSoFar - lastWidth;
lastWidth = it.m_runWidthSoFar;
TextRun InlineTextBox::constructTextRun(RenderStyle* style, const Font& font, StringBuilder* charactersWithHyphen) const
StringView string = renderer().text().createView();
unsigned startPos = start();
unsigned length = len();
if (string.length() != length || startPos)
string.narrow(startPos, length);
return constructTextRun(style, font, string, renderer().textLength() - startPos, charactersWithHyphen);
TextRun InlineTextBox::constructTextRun(RenderStyle* style, const Font& font, StringView string, int maximumLength, StringBuilder* charactersWithHyphen) const
if (charactersWithHyphen) {
const AtomicString& hyphenString = style->hyphenString();
charactersWithHyphen->reserveCapacity(string.length() + hyphenString.length());
string = charactersWithHyphen->toString().createView();
maximumLength = string.length();
ASSERT(maximumLength >= static_cast<int>(string.length()));
TextRun run(string, textPos(), expansion(), expansionBehavior(), direction(), dirOverride() || style->rtlOrdering() == VisualOrder, !renderer().canUseSimpleFontCodePath());
run.setTabSize(!style->collapseWhiteSpace(), style->tabSize());
// Propagate the maximum length of the characters buffer to the TextRun, even when we're only processing a substring.
ASSERT(run.charactersLength() >= run.length());
return run;
TextRun InlineTextBox::constructTextRunForInspector(RenderStyle* style, const Font& font) const
return InlineTextBox::constructTextRun(style, font);
#ifndef NDEBUG
const char* InlineTextBox::boxName() const
return "InlineTextBox";
void InlineTextBox::showBox(int printedCharacters) const
const RenderText& obj = renderer();
String value = obj.text();
value = value.substring(start(), len());
value.replaceWithLiteral('\\', "\\\\");
value.replaceWithLiteral('\n', "\\n");
printedCharacters += fprintf(stderr, "%s\t%p", boxName(), this);
for (; printedCharacters < showTreeCharacterOffset; printedCharacters++)
fputc(' ', stderr);
printedCharacters = fprintf(stderr, "\t%s %p", obj.renderName(), &obj);
const int rendererCharacterOffset = 24;
for (; printedCharacters < rendererCharacterOffset; printedCharacters++)
fputc(' ', stderr);
fprintf(stderr, "(%d,%d) \"%s\"\n", start(), start() + len(), value.utf8().data());
} // namespace blink