blob: c824861d5d4e248fe6444be15ae445dbc4e5fb8d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
* Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
* Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "sky/engine/bindings/exception_state_placeholder.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/ContainerNode.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/DocumentInit.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/DocumentSupplementable.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/MutationObserver.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/TextLinkColors.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/TreeScope.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/UserActionElementSet.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/inspector/ScriptCallStack.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/loader/DocumentLoadTiming.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/Length.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/weborigin/KURL.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/weborigin/ReferrerPolicy.h"
#include "sky/engine/tonic/dart_value.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/HashSet.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/OwnPtr.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/PassOwnPtr.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/PassRefPtr.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/WeakPtr.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/text/TextEncoding.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/text/TextPosition.h"
namespace blink {
class AbstractModule;
class Attr;
class Comment;
class ConsoleMessage;
class CSSStyleDeclaration;
class CSSStyleSheet;
class DocumentFragment;
class DocumentLoadTiming;
class DocumentMarkerController;
class DocumentParser;
class Element;
class ElementDataCache;
class Event;
class ExceptionState;
class FloatQuad;
class FloatRect;
class Frame;
class FrameHost;
class FrameView;
class HitTestRequest;
class HTMLElement;
class LayoutPoint;
class LocalDOMWindow;
class LocalFrame;
class MediaQueryListListener;
class MediaQueryMatcher;
class Page;
class Picture;
class QualifiedName;
class Range;
class RenderView;
class RequestAnimationFrameCallback;
class ResourceFetcher;
class ScriptedAnimationController;
class ScriptRunner;
class SegmentedString;
class SelectorQueryCache;
class Settings;
class StyleEngine;
class StyleResolver;
class Text;
struct AnnotatedRegionValue;
typedef int ExceptionCode;
class Document;
class Document : public ContainerNode, public TreeScope, public DocumentSupplementable {
static PassRefPtr<Document> create(const DocumentInit& initializer = DocumentInit())
return adoptRef(new Document(initializer));
virtual ~Document();
MediaQueryMatcher& mediaQueryMatcher();
void mediaQueryAffectingValueChanged();
using ContainerNode::ref;
using ContainerNode::deref;
using TreeScope::getElementById;
virtual bool canContainRangeEndPoint() const override { return true; }
SelectorQueryCache& selectorQueryCache();
AbstractModule* module() const { return m_module; }
void setModule(AbstractModule* module) { m_module = module; }
// DOM methods & attributes for Document
Length viewportDefaultMinWidth() const { return m_viewportDefaultMinWidth; }
ReferrerPolicy referrerPolicy() const { return m_referrerPolicy; }
String outgoingReferrer();
PassRefPtr<Element> createElement(const AtomicString& name, ExceptionState&);
PassRefPtr<Text> createText(const String& text);
PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> createDocumentFragment();
PassRefPtr<Node> importNode(Node* importedNode, bool deep, ExceptionState&);
PassRefPtr<Element> createElement(const QualifiedName&, bool createdByParser);
Element* elementFromPoint(int x, int y) const;
PassRefPtr<Range> caretRangeFromPoint(int x, int y);
String readyState() const;
AtomicString inputEncoding() const { return Document::encodingName(); }
AtomicString charset() const { return Document::encodingName(); }
AtomicString characterSet() const { return Document::encodingName(); }
AtomicString encodingName() const;
AtomicString contentType() const; // DOM 4 document.contentType
const AtomicString& contentLanguage() const { return m_contentLanguage; }
void setContentLanguage(const AtomicString&);
KURL baseURI() const;
PassRefPtr<Node> adoptNode(PassRefPtr<Node> source, ExceptionState&);
StyleResolver& styleResolver() const;
StyleEngine* styleEngine() { return m_styleEngine.get(); }
// Called when one or more stylesheets in the document may have been added, removed, or changed.
void styleResolverChanged();
void evaluateMediaQueryList();
void setStateForNewFormElements(const Vector<String>&);
FrameView* view() const; // can be null
LocalFrame* frame() const { return m_frame; } // can be null
FrameHost* frameHost() const; // can be null
Page* page() const; // can be null
Settings* settings() const; // can be null
float devicePixelRatio() const;
PassRefPtr<Range> createRange();
// Special support for editing
PassRefPtr<Text> createEditingTextNode(const String&);
void setupFontBuilder(RenderStyle* documentStyle);
bool needsRenderTreeUpdate() const;
void updateRenderTreeIfNeeded() { updateRenderTree(NoChange); }
void updateRenderTreeForNodeIfNeeded(Node*);
void updateLayout();
void updateDistributionForNodeIfNeeded(Node*);
virtual void attach(const AttachContext& = AttachContext()) override;
virtual void detach(const AttachContext& = AttachContext()) override;
void prepareForDestruction();
// If you have a Document, use renderView() instead which is faster.
void renderer() const = delete;
RenderView* renderView() const { return m_renderView; }
DocumentLoadTiming* timing() const;
DocumentParser* startParsing();
void cancelParsing();
// close() is the DOM API document.close()
void close(ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
// In some situations (see the code), we ignore document.close().
// explicitClose() bypass these checks and actually tries to close the
// input stream.
void explicitClose();
// implicitClose() actually does the work of closing the input stream.
void implicitClose();
void checkCompleted();
void dispatchUnloadEvents();
enum PageDismissalType {
NoDismissal = 0,
PageHideDismissal = 2,
UnloadDismissal = 3
PageDismissalType pageDismissalEventBeingDispatched() const;
const KURL& url() const { return m_url; }
void setURL(const KURL&);
// To understand how these concepts relate to one another, please see the
// comments surrounding their declaration.
const KURL& baseURL() const { return m_baseURL; }
KURL completeURL(const String&) const;
CSSStyleSheet& elementSheet();
TextPosition parserPosition() const;
enum ReadyState {
void setReadyState(ReadyState);
bool isLoadCompleted();
void setParsing(bool);
bool parsing() const { return m_isParsing; }
int elapsedTime() const;
TextLinkColors& textLinkColors() { return m_textLinkColors; }
UserActionElementSet& userActionElements() { return m_userActionElements; }
const UserActionElementSet& userActionElements() const { return m_userActionElements; }
void setActiveHoverElement(PassRefPtr<Element>);
Element* activeHoverElement() const { return m_activeHoverElement.get(); }
void hoveredNodeDetached(Node*);
void activeChainNodeDetached(Node*);
void scheduleVisualUpdate();
void scheduleRenderTreeUpdateIfNeeded();
void attachRange(Range*);
void detachRange(Range*);
void updateRangesAfterChildrenChanged(ContainerNode*);
void updateRangesAfterNodeMovedToAnotherDocument(const Node&);
// nodeChildrenWillBeRemoved is used when removing all node children at once.
void nodeChildrenWillBeRemoved(ContainerNode&);
// nodeWillBeRemoved is only safe when removing one node at a time.
void nodeWillBeRemoved(Node&);
void didInsertText(Node*, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
void didRemoveText(Node*, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
void didMergeTextNodes(Text& oldNode, unsigned offset);
void didSplitTextNode(Text& oldNode);
void clearDOMWindow() { m_domWindow = nullptr; }
LocalDOMWindow* domWindow() const { return m_domWindow; }
// keep track of what types of event listeners are registered, so we don't
// dispatch events unnecessarily
enum ListenerType {
bool hasListenerType(ListenerType listenerType) const { return (m_listenerTypes & listenerType); }
void addListenerTypeIfNeeded(const AtomicString& eventType) { }
bool hasMutationObserversOfType(MutationObserver::MutationType type) const
return m_mutationObserverTypes & type;
bool hasMutationObservers() const { return m_mutationObserverTypes; }
void addMutationObserverTypes(MutationObserverOptions types) { m_mutationObserverTypes |= types; }
const AtomicString& dir();
void setDir(const AtomicString&);
const AtomicString& referrer() const;
String domain() const;
void setDomain(const String& newDomain, ExceptionState&);
// The following implements the rule from HTML 4 for what valid names are.
// To get this right for all the XML cases, we probably have to improve this or move it
// and make it sensitive to the type of document.
static bool isValidName(const String&);
// The following breaks a qualified name into a prefix and a local name.
// It also does a validity check, and returns false if the qualified name
// is invalid. It also sets ExceptionCode when name is invalid.
static bool parseQualifiedName(const AtomicString& qualifiedName, AtomicString& prefix, AtomicString& localName, ExceptionState&);
DocumentMarkerController& markers() const { return *m_markers; }
KURL openSearchDescriptionURL();
Document& topDocument() const;
WeakPtr<Document> contextDocument();
void finishedParsing();
const WTF::TextEncoding& encoding() const { return WTF::UTF8Encoding(); }
bool allowExecutingScripts(Node*);
enum LoadEventProgress {
bool loadEventStillNeeded() const { return m_loadEventProgress == LoadEventNotRun; }
bool processingLoadEvent() const { return m_loadEventProgress == LoadEventInProgress; }
bool loadEventFinished() const { return m_loadEventProgress >= LoadEventCompleted; }
bool unloadStarted() const { return m_loadEventProgress >= PageHideInProgress; }
bool containsValidityStyleRules() const { return m_containsValidityStyleRules; }
void setContainsValidityStyleRules() { m_containsValidityStyleRules = true; }
void enqueueResizeEvent();
void enqueueAnimationFrameEvent(PassRefPtr<Event>);
// Only one event for a target/event type combination will be dispatched per frame.
void enqueueUniqueAnimationFrameEvent(PassRefPtr<Event>);
// Used to allow element that loads data without going through a FrameLoader to delay the 'load' event.
void incrementLoadEventDelayCount() { }
void decrementLoadEventDelayCount();
void checkLoadEventSoon();
bool isDelayingLoadEvent();
int requestAnimationFrame(PassOwnPtr<RequestAnimationFrameCallback>);
void cancelAnimationFrame(int id);
void serviceScriptedAnimations(double monotonicAnimationStartTime);
IntSize initialViewportSize() const;
unsigned activeParserCount() { return m_activeParserCount; }
void incrementActiveParserCount() { ++m_activeParserCount; }
void decrementActiveParserCount();
ElementDataCache* elementDataCache() { return m_elementDataCache.get(); }
void didLoadAllParserBlockingResources();
bool inStyleRecalc() const { return m_inStyleRecalc; }
LocalFrame* executingFrame();
bool isActive() const { return m_active; }
bool isStopped() const { return m_stopped; }
bool isDisposed() const { return m_stopped; }
enum HttpRefreshType {
void maybeHandleHttpRefresh(const String&, HttpRefreshType);
void setHasViewportUnits() { m_hasViewportUnits = true; }
bool hasViewportUnits() const { return m_hasViewportUnits; }
void notifyResizeForViewportUnits();
void didRecalculateStyleForElement() { ++m_styleRecalcElementCounter; }
Picture* rootPicture() const;
void setRootPicture(PassRefPtr<Picture> picture);
void setFrame(LocalFrame* frame) { m_frame = frame; }
void setFrameView(FrameView* view) { m_frameView = view; }
explicit Document(const DocumentInit&);
virtual void dispose() override;
PassRefPtr<Document> cloneDocumentWithoutChildren();
bool importContainerNodeChildren(ContainerNode* oldContainerNode, PassRefPtr<ContainerNode> newContainerNode, ExceptionState&);
friend class Node;
bool isDocumentFragment() const = delete; // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
bool isDocumentNode() const = delete; // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
bool isElementNode() const = delete; // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
ScriptedAnimationController& ensureScriptedAnimationController();
bool hasPendingStyleRecalc() const { return m_visualUpdatePending; }
bool shouldScheduleRenderTreeUpdate() const;
void scheduleRenderTreeUpdate();
bool needsFullRenderTreeUpdate() const;
bool dirtyElementsForLayerUpdate();
void updateDistributionIfNeeded();
void evaluateMediaQueryListIfNeeded();
void updateRenderTree(StyleRecalcChange);
void updateStyle(StyleRecalcChange);
void detachParser();
virtual String nodeName() const override final;
virtual NodeType nodeType() const override final;
virtual PassRefPtr<Node> cloneNode(bool deep = true) override final;
virtual const KURL& virtualURL() const final; // Same as url(), but without virtual call
virtual KURL virtualCompleteURL(const String&) const final; // Same as completeURL() for the same reason as above.
virtual void reportBlockedScriptExecutionToInspector(const String& directiveText) final;
void updateBaseURL();
void addListenerType(ListenerType listenerType) { m_listenerTypes |= listenerType; }
void setHoverNode(PassRefPtr<Node>);
Node* hoverNode() const { return m_hoverNode.get(); }
bool m_active;
bool m_visualUpdatePending;
bool m_inStyleRecalc;
bool m_stopped;
AbstractModule* m_module;
bool m_evaluateMediaQueriesOnStyleRecalc;
LocalFrame* m_frame;
RawPtr<LocalDOMWindow> m_domWindow;
unsigned m_activeParserCount;
// Document URLs.
KURL m_url; // Document.URL: The URL from which this document was retrieved.
KURL m_baseURL; // Node.baseURI: The URL to use when resolving relative URLs.
// Mime-type of the document in case it was cloned or created by XHR.
AtomicString m_mimeType;
RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet> m_elemSheet;
RefPtr<Node> m_hoverNode;
RefPtr<Element> m_activeHoverElement;
UserActionElementSet m_userActionElements;
typedef HashSet<RawPtr<Range> > AttachedRangeSet;
AttachedRangeSet m_ranges;
unsigned short m_listenerTypes;
MutationObserverOptions m_mutationObserverTypes;
OwnPtr<StyleEngine> m_styleEngine;
TextLinkColors m_textLinkColors;
ReadyState m_readyState;
bool m_isParsing;
bool m_containsValidityStyleRules;
OwnPtr<DocumentMarkerController> m_markers;
LoadEventProgress m_loadEventProgress;
double m_startTime;
AtomicString m_contentLanguage;
OwnPtr<SelectorQueryCache> m_selectorQueryCache;
RenderView* m_renderView;
WeakPtrFactory<Document> m_weakFactory;
Length m_viewportDefaultMinWidth;
bool m_didSetReferrerPolicy;
ReferrerPolicy m_referrerPolicy;
RefPtr<MediaQueryMatcher> m_mediaQueryMatcher;
RefPtr<ScriptedAnimationController> m_scriptedAnimationController;
OwnPtr<ElementDataCache> m_elementDataCache;
bool m_hasViewportUnits;
int m_styleRecalcElementCounter;
mutable DocumentLoadTiming m_documentLoadTiming;
RefPtr<Picture> m_picture;
FrameView* m_frameView;
inline void Document::scheduleRenderTreeUpdateIfNeeded()
// Inline early out to avoid the function calls below.
if (hasPendingStyleRecalc())
if (shouldScheduleRenderTreeUpdate() && needsRenderTreeUpdate())
DEFINE_NODE_TYPE_CASTS(Document, isDocumentNode());
DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(thisType, Document, document, document->is##thisType(),
// This is needed to avoid ambiguous overloads with the Node and TreeScope versions.
// Put these methods here, because they require the Document definition, but we really want to inline them.
inline bool Node::isDocumentNode() const
return this == document();
} // namespace blink
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from gdb.
void showLiveDocumentInstances();