blob: fe810af410f3a53cd6ce440bc85f1d4e0a265fe1 [file] [log] [blame]
{% from "macros.tmpl" import license %}
{{ license() }}
#include "{{namespace}}Names.h"
#include "wtf/StaticConstructors.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {{namespace}}Names {
using namespace blink;
{% if tags %}
// Tags
{% for tag in tags|sort %}
DEFINE_GLOBAL({{namespace}}QualifiedName, {{tag|symbol}}Tag)
{% endfor %}
PassOwnPtr<const {{namespace}}QualifiedName*[]> get{{namespace}}Tags()
OwnPtr<const {{namespace}}QualifiedName*[]> tags = adoptArrayPtr(new const {{namespace}}QualifiedName*[{{namespace}}TagsCount]);
{% for tag in tags|sort %}
tags[{{loop.index0}}] = reinterpret_cast<const {{namespace}}QualifiedName*>(&{{tag|symbol}}Tag);
{% endfor %}
return tags.release();
{% endif %}
// Attributes
{% for attr in attrs|sort %}
DEFINE_GLOBAL(QualifiedName, {{attr|symbol}}Attr)
{% endfor %}
PassOwnPtr<const QualifiedName*[]> get{{namespace}}Attrs()
OwnPtr<const QualifiedName*[]> attrs = adoptArrayPtr(new const QualifiedName*[{{namespace}}AttrsCount]);
{% for attr in attrs|sort %}
attrs[{{loop.index0}}] = reinterpret_cast<const blink::QualifiedName*>(&{{attr|symbol}}Attr);
{% endfor %}
return attrs.release();
void init()
// Use placement new to initialize the globals.
// Namespace
{% for name, tag_list in (tags + attrs)|groupby('name')|sort %}
StringImpl* {{tag_list[0]|symbol}}Impl = StringImpl::createStatic("{{name}}", {{name|length}}, {{name|hash}});
{% endfor %}
// Tags
{% for tag in tags|sort %}
QualifiedName::createStatic((void*)&{{tag|symbol}}Tag, {{tag|symbol}}Impl);
{% endfor %}
// Attrs
{% for attr in attrs|sort %}
QualifiedName::createStatic((void*)&{{attr|symbol}}Attr, {{attr|symbol}}Impl);
{% endfor %}
} // {{namespace}}
} // namespace blink