blob: c906815fd00d75a3d18c223f69ce26a5b02f218b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "sky/engine/bindings/exception_messages.h"
#include "sky/engine/platform/Decimal.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/MathExtras.h"
namespace blink {
String ExceptionMessages::failedToConstruct(const char* type,
const String& detail) {
return "Failed to construct '" + String(type) +
(!detail.isEmpty() ? String("': " + detail) : String("'"));
String ExceptionMessages::failedToEnumerate(const char* type,
const String& detail) {
return "Failed to enumerate the properties of '" + String(type) +
(!detail.isEmpty() ? String("': " + detail) : String("'"));
String ExceptionMessages::failedToExecute(const char* method,
const char* type,
const String& detail) {
return "Failed to execute '" + String(method) + "' on '" + String(type) +
(!detail.isEmpty() ? String("': " + detail) : String("'"));
String ExceptionMessages::failedToGet(const char* property,
const char* type,
const String& detail) {
return "Failed to read the '" + String(property) + "' property from '" +
String(type) + "': " + detail;
String ExceptionMessages::failedToSet(const char* property,
const char* type,
const String& detail) {
return "Failed to set the '" + String(property) + "' property on '" +
String(type) + "': " + detail;
String ExceptionMessages::failedToDelete(const char* property,
const char* type,
const String& detail) {
return "Failed to delete the '" + String(property) + "' property from '" +
String(type) + "': " + detail;
String ExceptionMessages::failedToGetIndexed(const char* type,
const String& detail) {
return "Failed to read an indexed property from '" + String(type) + "': " +
String ExceptionMessages::failedToSetIndexed(const char* type,
const String& detail) {
return "Failed to set an indexed property on '" + String(type) + "': " +
String ExceptionMessages::failedToDeleteIndexed(const char* type,
const String& detail) {
return "Failed to delete an indexed property from '" + String(type) + "': " +
String ExceptionMessages::constructorNotCallableAsFunction(const char* type) {
return failedToConstruct(type,
"Please use the 'new' operator, this DOM object "
"constructor cannot be called as a function.");
String ExceptionMessages::incorrectPropertyType(const String& property,
const String& detail) {
return "The '" + property + "' property " + detail;
String ExceptionMessages::invalidArity(const char* expected,
unsigned provided) {
return "Valid arities are: " + String(expected) + ", but " +
String::number(provided) + " arguments provided.";
String ExceptionMessages::argumentNullOrIncorrectType(
int argumentIndex,
const String& expectedType) {
return "The " + ordinalNumber(argumentIndex) +
" argument provided is either null, or an invalid " + expectedType +
" object.";
String ExceptionMessages::notAnArrayTypeArgumentOrValue(int argumentIndex) {
String kind;
if (argumentIndex) // method argument
kind = ordinalNumber(argumentIndex) + " argument";
else // value, e.g. attribute setter
kind = "value provided";
return "The " + kind +
" is neither an array, nor does it have indexed properties.";
String ExceptionMessages::notASequenceTypeProperty(const String& propertyName) {
return "'" + propertyName +
"' property is neither an array, nor does it have indexed properties.";
String ExceptionMessages::notEnoughArguments(unsigned expected,
unsigned provided) {
return String::number(expected) + " argument" + (expected > 1 ? "s" : "") +
" required, but only " + String::number(provided) + " present.";
String ExceptionMessages::notAFiniteNumber(double value, const char* name) {
return String::format("The %s is %s.", name,
std::isinf(value) ? "infinite" : "not a number");
String ExceptionMessages::notAFiniteNumber(const Decimal& value,
const char* name) {
return String::format("The %s is %s.", name,
value.isInfinity() ? "infinite" : "not a number");
String ExceptionMessages::ordinalNumber(int number) {
String suffix("th");
switch (number % 10) {
case 1:
if (number % 100 != 11)
suffix = "st";
case 2:
if (number % 100 != 12)
suffix = "nd";
case 3:
if (number % 100 != 13)
suffix = "rd";
return String::number(number) + suffix;
String ExceptionMessages::readOnly(const char* detail) {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, readOnly, ("This object is read-only."));
return detail
? String::format("This object is read-only, because %s.", detail)
: readOnly;
template <>
String ExceptionMessages::formatNumber<float>(float number) {
return formatPotentiallyNonFiniteNumber(number);
template <>
String ExceptionMessages::formatNumber<double>(double number) {
return formatPotentiallyNonFiniteNumber(number);
} // namespace blink