blob: 47f292cc927abafaa686ab70ce0f045cbb6b3a43 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Central list of tests to run (as appropriate for a given config). Add tests
to run by modifying this file.
Note that this file is both imported (by and run directly (via a
import argparse
import json
import os
import sys
from mopy.config import Config
from mopy.paths import Paths
def GetTestList(config, verbose_count=0):
"""Gets the list of tests to run for the given config. The test list (which is
returned) is just a list of dictionaries, each dictionary having two required
"name": "Short name",
"command": ["python", "", "--some", "args"]
types_to_run = set(config.test_types)
# See above for a description of the test list.
test_list = []
paths = Paths(config)
build_dir = paths.SrcRelPath(paths.build_dir)
target_os = config.target_os
verbose_flags = verbose_count * ["--verbose"]
# Utility functions ----------------------------------------------------------
# Call this to determine if a test matching classes this_tests_types should
# run: e.g., ShouldRunTest(Config.TEST_TYPE_DEFAULT, "sky") returns true if
# the test list being requested specifies the default set or the "sky" set.
def ShouldRunTest(*this_tests_types):
return not types_to_run.isdisjoint(this_tests_types)
# Call this to add the given command to the test list.
def AddEntry(name, command):
if config.sanitizer == Config.SANITIZER_ASAN:
command = (["python", os.path.join("mojo", "tools",
"")] +
test_list.append({"name": name, "command": command})
# Call this to add the given command to the test list. If appropriate, the
# command will be run under xvfb.
def AddXvfbEntry(name, command):
real_command = ["python"]
if config.target_os == Config.OS_LINUX:
real_command += ["./testing/", paths.SrcRelPath(paths.build_dir)]
real_command += command
AddEntry(name, real_command)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO(vtl): Currently, we only know how to run tests for Android, Linux, or
# Windows.
if target_os not in (Config.OS_ANDROID, Config.OS_LINUX, Config.OS_WINDOWS,
return test_list
# Tests run by default -------------------------------------------------------
# C++ unit tests:
if ShouldRunTest(Config.TEST_TYPE_DEFAULT, Config.TEST_TYPE_UNIT):
AddXvfbEntry("Unit tests",
[os.path.join("mojo", "tools", ""),
os.path.join("mojo", "tools", "data", "unittests"),
build_dir] + verbose_flags)
# NaCl tests (Linux only):
if (target_os == Config.OS_LINUX and
config.sanitizer != Config.SANITIZER_ASAN):
AddEntry("NaCl tests",
[os.path.join(build_dir, "monacl_shell"),
os.path.join(build_dir, "irt_" + config.target_cpu,
os.path.join(build_dir, "clang_newlib_" + config.target_cpu,
# C++ app tests:
if ShouldRunTest(Config.TEST_TYPE_DEFAULT, "app"):
AddXvfbEntry("App tests",
[os.path.join("mojo", "tools", ""),
os.path.join("mojo", "tools", "data", "apptests"),
build_dir] + verbose_flags)
# NaCl app tests (Linux only):
if (target_os == Config.OS_LINUX and
config.sanitizer != Config.SANITIZER_ASAN):
AddXvfbEntry("NaCl app tests",
[os.path.join("mojo", "tools", ""),
os.path.join("mojo", "tools", "data", "nacl_apptests"),
build_dir] + verbose_flags)
# Go unit tests (Linux-only):
if (target_os == Config.OS_LINUX and
config.sanitizer != Config.SANITIZER_ASAN and
ShouldRunTest(Config.TEST_TYPE_DEFAULT, Config.TEST_TYPE_UNIT, "go")):
AddEntry("Go unit tests",
[os.path.join(build_dir, "obj", "mojo", "go", "system_test")])
# Python unit tests:
if ShouldRunTest(Config.TEST_TYPE_DEFAULT, Config.TEST_TYPE_UNIT, "python"):
AddEntry("Python unit tests",
["python", os.path.join("mojo", "tools",
# Python bindings tests (Linux-only):
# See for details on asan exclusion.
if (target_os == Config.OS_LINUX and
"python") and
config.sanitizer != Config.SANITIZER_ASAN):
AddEntry("Python bindings tests",
os.path.join("mojo", "tools",
"--build-dir=" + build_dir])
# Sky tests (Linux-only):
# TODO(abarth): Re-enabled in ASAN once the DartVM works in ASAN.
# See
if (target_os == Config.OS_LINUX and
ShouldRunTest(Config.TEST_TYPE_DEFAULT, "sky") and
config.sanitizer != Config.SANITIZER_ASAN):
sky_command = ["python",
"-t", os.path.basename(build_dir),
"--no-new-test-results", "--no-show-results", "--verbose"]
if config.values.get("builder_name"):
sky_command += ["--builder-name", config.values["builder_name"]]
if config.values.get("build_number"):
sky_command += ["--build-number", config.values["build_number"]]
if config.values.get("master_name"):
sky_command += ["--master-name", config.values["master_name"]]
if config.values.get("test_results_server"):
sky_command += ["--test-results-server",
AddXvfbEntry("Sky tests", sky_command)
# Observatory tests (Linux-only):
if target_os == Config.OS_LINUX:
AddEntry("Dart Observatory tests",
os.path.join("mojo", "dart", "observatory_tester", ""),
"--build-dir=" + build_dir,
AddEntry("Dart HTTP Load test",
os.path.join("mojo", "dart", "http_load_test", ""),
"--build-dir=" + build_dir,
# mojo tools unit tests:
if ShouldRunTest(Config.TEST_TYPE_DEFAULT, Config.TEST_TYPE_UNIT, "tools"):
AddEntry("Mojo tools unit tests",
["python", os.path.join("mojo", "tools", "testing",
# Perf tests -----------------------------------------------------------------
if target_os == Config.OS_LINUX and ShouldRunTest(Config.TEST_TYPE_PERF):
perf_id = "linux_%s" % ("debug" if config.is_debug else "release")
test_names = ["mojo_public_system_perftests",
for test_name in test_names:
command = ["python",
os.path.join("mojo", "tools", ""),
"--perf-id", perf_id,
"--test-name", test_name,
os.path.join(build_dir, test_name + "_perf.log"),
if config.values.get("builder_name"):
command += ["--builder-name", config.values["builder_name"]]
if config.values.get("build_number"):
command += ["--build-number", config.values["build_number"]]
if config.values.get("master_name"):
command += ["--master-name", config.values["master_name"]]
command += [os.path.join(build_dir, test_name)]
AddEntry(test_name, command)
# Integration tests ----------------------------------------------------------
if target_os == Config.OS_ANDROID and ShouldRunTest(
AddEntry("Integration test (MojoTest)",
os.path.join("build", "android", ""),
"--output-directory=%s" % build_dir,
+ verbose_flags)
return test_list
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Gets tests to execute.")
parser.add_argument("config_file", metavar="config.json",
help="Input JSON file with test configuration.")
parser.add_argument("test_list_file", metavar="test_list.json", nargs="?",
type=argparse.FileType("wb"), default=sys.stdout,
help="Output JSON file with test list.")
args = parser.parse_args()
config = Config(**json.load(args.config_file))
test_list = GetTestList(config)
json.dump(test_list, args.test_list_file, indent=2)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":