blob: c774ab9fb3d94daf218cb212edd47f43dee525b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/flow/layers/opacity_layer.h"
namespace flow {
OpacityLayer::OpacityLayer() = default;
OpacityLayer::~OpacityLayer() = default;
void OpacityLayer::Preroll(PrerollContext* context, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
SkMatrix child_matrix = matrix;
child_matrix.postTranslate(offset_.fX, offset_.fY);
ContainerLayer::Preroll(context, child_matrix);
set_paint_bounds(paint_bounds().makeOffset(offset_.fX, offset_.fY));
if (context->raster_cache && layers().size() == 1 &&
SkRect::Intersects(context->cull_rect, paint_bounds())) {
Layer* child = layers()[0].get();
SkMatrix ctm = child_matrix;
ctm = RasterCache::GetIntegralTransCTM(ctm);
context->raster_cache->Prepare(context, child, ctm);
void OpacityLayer::Paint(PaintContext& context) const {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "OpacityLayer::Paint");
SkPaint paint;
SkAutoCanvasRestore save(context.internal_nodes_canvas, true);
context.internal_nodes_canvas->translate(offset_.fX, offset_.fY);
// Embedded platform views are changing the canvas in the middle of the paint
// traversal. To make sure we paint on the right canvas, when the embedded
// platform views preview is enabled (context.view_embedded is not null) we
// don't use the cache.
if (context.view_embedder == nullptr && layers().size() == 1 &&
context.raster_cache) {
const SkMatrix& ctm = context.leaf_nodes_canvas->getTotalMatrix();
RasterCacheResult child_cache =
context.raster_cache->Get(layers()[0].get(), ctm);
if (child_cache.is_valid()) {
child_cache.draw(*context.leaf_nodes_canvas, &paint);
// Skia may clip the content with saveLayerBounds (although it's not a
// guaranteed clip). So we have to provide a big enough saveLayerBounds. To do
// so, we first remove the offset from paint bounds since it's already in the
// matrix. Then we round out the bounds because of our
// RasterCache::GetIntegralTransCTM optimization.
// Note that the following lines are only accessible when the raster cache is
// not available (e.g., when we're using the software backend in golden
// tests).
SkRect saveLayerBounds;
.makeOffset(-offset_.fX, -offset_.fY)
Layer::AutoSaveLayer save_layer =
Layer::AutoSaveLayer::Create(context, saveLayerBounds, &paint);
} // namespace flow