blob: bb1fe147707de6065e2ccedb12207e97b366239a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/task_runner_win32.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
namespace flutter {
// static
std::unique_ptr<TaskRunner> TaskRunner::Create(
DWORD main_thread_id,
CurrentTimeProc get_current_time,
const TaskExpiredCallback& on_task_expired) {
return std::make_unique<TaskRunnerWin32>(main_thread_id, get_current_time,
TaskRunnerWin32::TaskRunnerWin32(DWORD main_thread_id,
CurrentTimeProc get_current_time,
const TaskExpiredCallback& on_task_expired)
: main_thread_id_(main_thread_id),
on_task_expired_(std::move(on_task_expired)) {}
TaskRunnerWin32::~TaskRunnerWin32() = default;
bool TaskRunnerWin32::RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const {
return GetCurrentThreadId() == main_thread_id_;
std::chrono::nanoseconds TaskRunnerWin32::ProcessTasks() {
const TaskTimePoint now = TaskTimePoint::clock::now();
std::vector<FlutterTask> expired_tasks;
// Process expired tasks.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_queue_mutex_);
while (!task_queue_.empty()) {
const auto& top =;
// If this task (and all tasks after this) has not yet expired, there is
// nothing more to do. Quit iterating.
if (top.fire_time > now) {
// Make a record of the expired task. Do NOT service the task here
// because we are still holding onto the task queue mutex. We don't want
// other threads to block on posting tasks onto this thread till we are
// done processing expired tasks.
// Remove the tasks from the delayed tasks queue.
// Fire expired tasks.
// Flushing tasks here without holing onto the task queue mutex.
for (const auto& task : expired_tasks) {
// Calculate duration to sleep for on next iteration.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_queue_mutex_);
const auto next_wake = task_queue_.empty() ? TaskTimePoint::max()
return std::min(next_wake - now, std::chrono::nanoseconds::max());
TaskRunnerWin32::TaskTimePoint TaskRunnerWin32::TimePointFromFlutterTime(
uint64_t flutter_target_time_nanos) const {
const auto now = TaskTimePoint::clock::now();
const auto flutter_duration = flutter_target_time_nanos - get_current_time_();
return now + std::chrono::nanoseconds(flutter_duration);
void TaskRunnerWin32::PostTask(FlutterTask flutter_task,
uint64_t flutter_target_time_nanos) {
static std::atomic_uint64_t sGlobalTaskOrder(0);
Task task;
task.order = ++sGlobalTaskOrder;
task.fire_time = TimePointFromFlutterTime(flutter_target_time_nanos);
task.task = flutter_task;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_queue_mutex_);
// Make sure the queue mutex is unlocked before waking up the loop. In case
// the wake causes this thread to be descheduled for the primary thread to
// process tasks, the acquisition of the lock on that thread while holding
// the lock here momentarily till the end of the scope is a pessimization.
if (!PostThreadMessage(main_thread_id_, WM_NULL, 0, 0)) {
std::cerr << "Failed to post message to main thread." << std::endl;
} // namespace flutter