blob: 9f7e6b93bca92d362e7245e67a1952beaca21c63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.10
part of engine;
/// Enable this to print every command applied by a canvas.
const bool _debugDumpPaintCommands = false;
// Returns the squared length of the x, y (of a border radius)
// It normalizes x, y values before working with them, by
// assuming anything < 0 to be 0, because flutter may pass
// negative radii (which Skia assumes to be 0), see:
double _measureBorderRadius(double x, double y) {
double clampedX = x < 0 ? 0 : x;
double clampedY = y < 0 ? 0 : y;
return clampedX * clampedX + clampedY * clampedY;
class RawRecordingCanvas extends BitmapCanvas implements ui.PictureRecorder {
RawRecordingCanvas(ui.Size size) : super( & size);
void dispose() {
RecordingCanvas beginRecording(ui.Rect bounds) => throw UnsupportedError('');
ui.Picture endRecording() => throw UnsupportedError('');
RecordingCanvas? _canvas; // ignore: unused_field
bool _isRecording = true; // ignore: unused_field
bool get isRecording => true;
ui.Rect? cullRect;
/// Records canvas commands to be applied to a [EngineCanvas].
/// See [Canvas] for docs for these methods.
class RecordingCanvas {
/// Computes [_pictureBounds].
final _PaintBounds _paintBounds;
/// Maximum paintable bounds for the picture painted by this recording.
/// The bounds contain the full picture. The commands recorded for the picture
/// are later pruned based on the clip applied to the picture. See the [apply]
/// method for more details.
ui.Rect? get pictureBounds {
'Picture bounds not available yet. Call [endRecording] before accessing picture bounds.',
return _pictureBounds;
ui.Rect? _pictureBounds;
final List<PaintCommand> _commands = <PaintCommand>[];
/// In debug mode returns the list of recorded paint commands for testing.
List<PaintCommand> get debugPaintCommands {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return _commands;
throw UnsupportedError('For debugging only.');
RecordingCanvas(ui.Rect? bounds)
: _paintBounds = _PaintBounds(bounds ?? ui.Rect.largest);
/// Whether this canvas is doing arbitrary paint operations not expressible
/// via DOM elements.
bool get hasArbitraryPaint => _hasArbitraryPaint;
bool _hasArbitraryPaint = false;
/// Forces arbitrary paint even for simple pictures.
/// This is useful for testing bitmap canvas when otherwise the compositor
/// would prefer a DOM canvas.
void debugEnforceArbitraryPaint() {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
/// Whether this canvas contain drawing operations.
/// Some pictures are created but only contain operations that do not result
/// in any pixels on the screen. For example, they will only contain saves,
/// restores, and translates. This happens when a parent [RenderObject]
/// prepares the canvas for its children to paint to, but the child ends up
/// not painting anything, such as when an empty [SizedBox] is used to add a
/// margin between two widgets.
bool get didDraw => _didDraw;
bool _didDraw = false;
/// Used to ensure that [endRecording] is called before calling [apply] or
/// [pictureBounds].
/// When [PaintingContext] is used by [ClipContext], the painter may
/// end a recording and start a new one and cause [ClipContext] to call
/// restore on a new canvas before prior save calls, [_recordingEnded]
/// prevents transforms removals in that case.
bool _recordingEnded = false;
/// Stops recording drawing commands and computes paint bounds.
/// This must be called prior to passing the picture to the [SceneBuilder]
/// for rendering. In a production app, this is done automatically by
/// [PictureRecorder] when the framework calls [PictureRecorder.endRecording].
/// However, if you are writing a unit-test and using [RecordingCanvas]
/// directly it is up to you to call this method explicitly.
void endRecording() {
_pictureBounds = _paintBounds.computeBounds();
_recordingEnded = true;
/// Applies the recorded commands onto an [engineCanvas].
/// The [clipRect] specifies the clip applied to the picture (screen clip at
/// a minimum). The commands that fall outside the clip are skipped and are
/// not applied to the [engineCanvas]. A command must have a non-zero
/// intersection with the clip in order to be applied.
void apply(EngineCanvas engineCanvas, ui.Rect? clipRect) {
if (_debugDumpPaintCommands) {
final StringBuffer debugBuf = StringBuffer();
int skips = 0;
'--- Applying RecordingCanvas to ${engineCanvas.runtimeType} '
'with bounds $_paintBounds and clip $clipRect (w = ${clipRect!.width},'
' h = ${clipRect.height})');
for (int i = 0; i < _commands.length; i++) {
final PaintCommand command = _commands[i];
if (command is DrawCommand) {
if (command.isInvisible(clipRect)) {
// The drawing command is outside the clip region. No need to apply.
debugBuf.writeln('SKIPPED: ctx.$command;');
skips += 1;
if (skips > 0) {
debugBuf.writeln('Total commands skipped: $skips');
debugBuf.writeln('--- End of command stream');
} else {
try {
if (rectContainsOther(clipRect!, _pictureBounds!)) {
// No need to check if commands fit in the clip rect if we already
// know that the entire picture fits it.
for (int i = 0, len = _commands.length; i < len; i++) {
} else {
// The picture doesn't fit the clip rect. Check that drawing commands
// fit before applying them.
for (int i = 0, len = _commands.length; i < len; i++) {
final PaintCommand command = _commands[i];
if (command is DrawCommand) {
if (command.isInvisible(clipRect)) {
// The drawing command is outside the clip region. No need to apply.
} catch (e) {
// commands should never fail, but...
if (!_isNsErrorFailureException(e)) {
/// Prints recorded commands.
String? debugPrintCommands() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
final StringBuffer debugBuf = StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < _commands.length; i++) {
final PaintCommand command = _commands[i];
return debugBuf.toString();
return null;
void save() {
_commands.add(const PaintSave());
void saveLayerWithoutBounds(SurfacePaint paint) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
// TODO(het): Implement this correctly using another canvas.
_commands.add(const PaintSave());
void saveLayer(ui.Rect bounds, SurfacePaint paint) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
// TODO(het): Implement this correctly using another canvas.
_commands.add(const PaintSave());
void restore() {
if (!_recordingEnded && _saveCount > 1) {
if (_commands.isNotEmpty && _commands.last is PaintSave) {
// A restore followed a save without any drawing operations in between.
// This means that the save didn't have any effect on drawing operations
// and can be omitted. This makes our communication with the canvas less
// chatty.
} else {
_commands.add(const PaintRestore());
void translate(double dx, double dy) {
_paintBounds.translate(dx, dy);
_commands.add(PaintTranslate(dx, dy));
void scale(double sx, double sy) {
_paintBounds.scale(sx, sy);
_commands.add(PaintScale(sx, sy));
void rotate(double radians) {
void transform(Float32List matrix4) {
void skew(double sx, double sy) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_paintBounds.skew(sx, sy);
_commands.add(PaintSkew(sx, sy));
void clipRect(ui.Rect rect, ui.ClipOp clipOp) {
final DrawCommand command = PaintClipRect(rect, clipOp);
switch (clipOp) {
case ui.ClipOp.intersect:
_paintBounds.clipRect(rect, command);
case ui.ClipOp.difference:
// Since this refers to inverse, can't shrink paintBounds.
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
void clipRRect(ui.RRect rrect) {
final PaintClipRRect command = PaintClipRRect(rrect);
_paintBounds.clipRect(rrect.outerRect, command);
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
void clipPath(ui.Path path, {bool doAntiAlias = true}) {
final PaintClipPath command = PaintClipPath(path as SurfacePath);
_paintBounds.clipRect(path.getBounds(), command);
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
void drawColor(ui.Color color, ui.BlendMode blendMode) {
final PaintDrawColor command = PaintDrawColor(color, blendMode);
_paintBounds.grow(_paintBounds.maxPaintBounds, command);
void drawLine(ui.Offset p1, ui.Offset p2, SurfacePaint paint) {
final double paintSpread = math.max(_getPaintSpread(paint), 1.0);
final PaintDrawLine command = PaintDrawLine(p1, p2, paint.paintData);
// TODO(yjbanov): This can be optimized. Currently we create a box around
// the line and then apply the transform on the box to get
// the bounding box. If you have a 45-degree line and a
// 45-degree transform, the bounding box should be the length
// of the line long and stroke width wide, but our current
// algorithm produces a square with each side of the length
// matching the length of the line.
math.min(p1.dx, p2.dx) - paintSpread,
math.min(p1.dy, p2.dy) - paintSpread,
math.max(p1.dx, p2.dx) + paintSpread,
math.max(p1.dy, p2.dy) + paintSpread,
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
void drawPaint(SurfacePaint paint) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
final PaintDrawPaint command = PaintDrawPaint(paint.paintData);
_paintBounds.grow(_paintBounds.maxPaintBounds, command);
void drawRect(ui.Rect rect, SurfacePaint paint) {
if (paint.shader != null) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
final double paintSpread = _getPaintSpread(paint);
final PaintDrawRect command = PaintDrawRect(rect, paint.paintData);
if (paintSpread != 0.0) {
_paintBounds.grow(rect.inflate(paintSpread), command);
} else {
_paintBounds.grow(rect, command);
void drawRRect(ui.RRect rrect, SurfacePaint paint) {
if (paint.shader != null || !rrect.webOnlyUniformRadii) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
final double paintSpread = _getPaintSpread(paint);
final double left = math.min(rrect.left, rrect.right) - paintSpread;
final double top = math.min(, rrect.bottom) - paintSpread;
final double right = math.max(rrect.left, rrect.right) + paintSpread;
final double bottom = math.max(, rrect.bottom) + paintSpread;
final PaintDrawRRect command = PaintDrawRRect(rrect, paint.paintData);
_paintBounds.growLTRB(left, top, right, bottom, command);
void drawDRRect(ui.RRect outer, ui.RRect inner, SurfacePaint paint) {
// Check the inner bounds are contained within the outer bounds
// see:
ui.Rect innerRect = inner.outerRect;
ui.Rect outerRect = outer.outerRect;
if (outerRect == innerRect || outerRect.intersect(innerRect) != innerRect) {
return; // inner is not fully contained within outer
// Compare radius "length" of the rectangles that are going to be actually drawn
final ui.RRect scaledOuter = outer.scaleRadii();
final ui.RRect scaledInner = inner.scaleRadii();
final double outerTl =
_measureBorderRadius(scaledOuter.tlRadiusX, scaledOuter.tlRadiusY);
final double outerTr =
_measureBorderRadius(scaledOuter.trRadiusX, scaledOuter.trRadiusY);
final double outerBl =
_measureBorderRadius(scaledOuter.blRadiusX, scaledOuter.blRadiusY);
final double outerBr =
_measureBorderRadius(scaledOuter.brRadiusX, scaledOuter.brRadiusY);
final double innerTl =
_measureBorderRadius(scaledInner.tlRadiusX, scaledInner.tlRadiusY);
final double innerTr =
_measureBorderRadius(scaledInner.trRadiusX, scaledInner.trRadiusY);
final double innerBl =
_measureBorderRadius(scaledInner.blRadiusX, scaledInner.blRadiusY);
final double innerBr =
_measureBorderRadius(scaledInner.brRadiusX, scaledInner.brRadiusY);
if (innerTl > outerTl ||
innerTr > outerTr ||
innerBl > outerBl ||
innerBr > outerBr) {
return; // Some inner radius is overlapping some outer radius
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
final double paintSpread = _getPaintSpread(paint);
final PaintDrawDRRect command =
PaintDrawDRRect(outer, inner, paint.paintData);
outer.left - paintSpread, - paintSpread,
outer.right + paintSpread,
outer.bottom + paintSpread,
void drawOval(ui.Rect rect, SurfacePaint paint) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
final double paintSpread = _getPaintSpread(paint);
final PaintDrawOval command = PaintDrawOval(rect, paint.paintData);
if (paintSpread != 0.0) {
_paintBounds.grow(rect.inflate(paintSpread), command);
} else {
_paintBounds.grow(rect, command);
void drawCircle(ui.Offset c, double radius, SurfacePaint paint) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
final double paintSpread = _getPaintSpread(paint);
final PaintDrawCircle command = PaintDrawCircle(c, radius, paint.paintData);
final double distance = radius + paintSpread;
c.dx - distance,
c.dy - distance,
c.dx + distance,
c.dy + distance,
void drawPath(ui.Path path, SurfacePaint paint) {
if (paint.shader == null) {
// For Rect/RoundedRect paths use drawRect/drawRRect code paths for
// DomCanvas optimization.
SurfacePath sPath = path as SurfacePath;
final ui.Rect? rect = sPath.webOnlyPathAsRect;
if (rect != null) {
drawRect(rect, paint);
final ui.RRect? rrect = sPath.webOnlyPathAsRoundedRect;
if (rrect != null) {
drawRRect(rrect, paint);
SurfacePath sPath = path as SurfacePath;
if (!sPath.pathRef.isEmpty) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
ui.Rect pathBounds = sPath.getBounds();
final double paintSpread = _getPaintSpread(paint);
if (paintSpread != 0.0) {
pathBounds = pathBounds.inflate(paintSpread);
// Clone path so it can be reused for subsequent draw calls.
final ui.Path clone = SurfacePath._shallowCopy(path);
final PaintDrawPath command =
PaintDrawPath(clone as SurfacePath, paint.paintData);
_paintBounds.grow(pathBounds, command);
clone.fillType = sPath.fillType;
void drawImage(ui.Image image, ui.Offset offset, SurfacePaint paint) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
final double left = offset.dx;
final double top = offset.dy;
final command = PaintDrawImage(image, offset, paint.paintData);
left, top, left + image.width, top + image.height, command);
void drawImageRect(
ui.Image image, ui.Rect src, ui.Rect dst, SurfacePaint paint) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
final PaintDrawImageRect command =
PaintDrawImageRect(image, src, dst, paint.paintData);
_paintBounds.grow(dst, command);
void drawParagraph(ui.Paragraph paragraph, ui.Offset offset) {
final EngineParagraph engineParagraph = paragraph as EngineParagraph;
if (!engineParagraph._isLaidOut) {
// Ignore non-laid out paragraphs. This matches Flutter's behavior.
_didDraw = true;
if (engineParagraph._geometricStyle.ellipsis != null) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
final double left = offset.dx;
final double top = offset.dy;
final PaintDrawParagraph command =
PaintDrawParagraph(engineParagraph, offset);
left + engineParagraph.width,
top + engineParagraph.height,
void drawShadow(ui.Path path, ui.Color color, double elevation,
bool transparentOccluder) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
final ui.Rect shadowRect =
computePenumbraBounds(path.getBounds(), elevation);
final PaintDrawShadow command = PaintDrawShadow(
path as SurfacePath, color, elevation, transparentOccluder);
_paintBounds.grow(shadowRect, command);
void drawVertices(
SurfaceVertices vertices, ui.BlendMode blendMode, SurfacePaint paint) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
final PaintDrawVertices command =
PaintDrawVertices(vertices, blendMode, paint.paintData);
_growPaintBoundsByPoints(vertices._positions, 0, paint, command);
void drawRawPoints(
ui.PointMode pointMode, Float32List points, SurfacePaint paint) {
_hasArbitraryPaint = true;
_didDraw = true;
final PaintDrawPoints command =
PaintDrawPoints(pointMode, points, paint.paintData);
_growPaintBoundsByPoints(points, paint.strokeWidth, paint, command);
void _growPaintBoundsByPoints(Float32List points, double thickness,
SurfacePaint paint, DrawCommand command) {
double minValueX, maxValueX, minValueY, maxValueY;
minValueX = maxValueX = points[0];
minValueY = maxValueY = points[1];
for (int i = 2, len = points.length; i < len; i += 2) {
final double x = points[i];
final double y = points[i + 1];
if (x.isNaN || y.isNaN) {
// Follows skia implementation that sets bounds to empty
// and aborts.
minValueX = math.min(minValueX, x);
maxValueX = math.max(maxValueX, x);
minValueY = math.min(minValueY, y);
maxValueY = math.max(maxValueY, y);
final double distance = thickness / 2.0;
final double paintSpread = _getPaintSpread(paint);
minValueX - distance - paintSpread,
minValueY - distance - paintSpread,
maxValueX + distance + paintSpread,
maxValueY + distance + paintSpread,
int _saveCount = 1;
int get saveCount => _saveCount;
/// Prints the commands recorded by this canvas to the console.
void debugDumpCommands() {
print('/' * 40 + ' CANVAS COMMANDS ' + '/' * 40);
print('/' * 37 + ' END OF CANVAS COMMANDS ' + '/' * 36);
abstract class PaintCommand {
const PaintCommand();
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas);
/// A [PaintCommand] that affect pixels on the screen (unlike, for example, the
/// [SaveCommand]).
abstract class DrawCommand extends PaintCommand {
/// Whether the command is completely clipped out of the picture.
bool isClippedOut = false;
/// The left bound of the graphic produced by this command in picture-global
/// coordinates.
double leftBound = double.negativeInfinity;
/// The top bound of the graphic produced by this command in picture-global
/// coordinates.
double topBound = double.negativeInfinity;
/// The right bound of the graphic produced by this command in picture-global
/// coordinates.
double rightBound = double.infinity;
/// The bottom bound of the graphic produced by this command in
/// picture-global coordinates.
double bottomBound = double.infinity;
/// Whether this command intersects with the [clipRect].
bool isInvisible(ui.Rect? clipRect) {
if (isClippedOut) {
return true;
// Check top and bottom first because vertical scrolling is more common
// than horizontal scrolling.
return bottomBound < clipRect!.top ||
topBound > clipRect.bottom ||
rightBound < clipRect.left ||
leftBound > clipRect.right;
class PaintSave extends PaintCommand {
const PaintSave();
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {;
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'save()';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintRestore extends PaintCommand {
const PaintRestore();
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'restore()';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintTranslate extends PaintCommand {
final double dx;
final double dy;
PaintTranslate(this.dx, this.dy);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.translate(dx, dy);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'translate($dx, $dy)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintScale extends PaintCommand {
final double sx;
final double sy;
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.scale(sx, sy);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'scale($sx, $sy)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintRotate extends PaintCommand {
final double radians;
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'rotate($radians)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintTransform extends PaintCommand {
final Float32List matrix4;
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'transform(Matrix4.fromFloat32List(Float32List.fromList(<double>[${matrix4.join(', ')}])))';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintSkew extends PaintCommand {
final double sx;
final double sy;
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.skew(sx, sy);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'skew($sx, $sy)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintClipRect extends DrawCommand {
final ui.Rect rect;
final ui.ClipOp clipOp;
PaintClipRect(this.rect, this.clipOp);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.clipRect(rect, clipOp);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'clipRect($rect)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintClipRRect extends DrawCommand {
final ui.RRect rrect;
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'clipRRect($rrect)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintClipPath extends DrawCommand {
final SurfacePath path;
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'clipPath($path)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawColor extends DrawCommand {
final ui.Color color;
final ui.BlendMode blendMode;
PaintDrawColor(this.color, this.blendMode);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawColor(color, blendMode);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawColor($color, $blendMode)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawLine extends DrawCommand {
final ui.Offset p1;
final ui.Offset p2;
final SurfacePaintData paint;
PaintDrawLine(this.p1, this.p2, this.paint);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawLine(p1, p2, paint);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawLine($p1, $p2, $paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawPaint extends DrawCommand {
final SurfacePaintData paint;
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawPaint($paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawVertices extends DrawCommand {
final ui.Vertices vertices;
final ui.BlendMode blendMode;
final SurfacePaintData paint;
PaintDrawVertices(this.vertices, this.blendMode, this.paint);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawVertices(vertices as SurfaceVertices, blendMode, paint);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawVertices($vertices, $blendMode, $paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawPoints extends DrawCommand {
final Float32List points;
final ui.PointMode pointMode;
final SurfacePaintData paint;
PaintDrawPoints(this.pointMode, this.points, this.paint);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawPoints(pointMode, points, paint);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawPoints($pointMode, $points, $paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawRect extends DrawCommand {
final ui.Rect rect;
final SurfacePaintData paint;
PaintDrawRect(this.rect, this.paint);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRect(rect, paint);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawRect($rect, $paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawRRect extends DrawCommand {
final ui.RRect rrect;
final SurfacePaintData paint;
PaintDrawRRect(this.rrect, this.paint);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRRect(rrect, paint);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawRRect($rrect, $paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawDRRect extends DrawCommand {
final ui.RRect outer;
final ui.RRect inner;
final SurfacePaintData paint;
ui.Path? path;
PaintDrawDRRect(this.outer, this.inner, this.paint) {
path = ui.Path()
..fillType = ui.PathFillType.evenOdd
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawPath(path!, paint);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawDRRect($outer, $inner, $paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawOval extends DrawCommand {
final ui.Rect rect;
final SurfacePaintData paint;
PaintDrawOval(this.rect, this.paint);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawOval(rect, paint);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawOval($rect, $paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawCircle extends DrawCommand {
final ui.Offset c;
final double radius;
final SurfacePaintData paint;
PaintDrawCircle(this.c, this.radius, this.paint);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawCircle(c, radius, paint);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawCircle($c, $radius, $paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawPath extends DrawCommand {
final SurfacePath path;
final SurfacePaintData paint;
PaintDrawPath(this.path, this.paint);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawPath($path, $paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawShadow extends DrawCommand {
this.path, this.color, this.elevation, this.transparentOccluder);
final SurfacePath path;
final ui.Color color;
final double elevation;
final bool transparentOccluder;
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawShadow(path, color, elevation, transparentOccluder);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawShadow($path, $color, $elevation, $transparentOccluder)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawImage extends DrawCommand {
final ui.Image image;
final ui.Offset offset;
final SurfacePaintData paint;
PaintDrawImage(this.image, this.offset, this.paint);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawImage(image, offset, paint);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawImage($image, $offset, $paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawImageRect extends DrawCommand {
final ui.Image image;
final ui.Rect src;
final ui.Rect dst;
final SurfacePaintData paint;
PaintDrawImageRect(this.image, this.src, this.dst, this.paint);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawImageRect(image, src, dst, paint);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'drawImageRect($image, $src, $dst, $paint)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class PaintDrawParagraph extends DrawCommand {
final EngineParagraph paragraph;
final ui.Offset offset;
PaintDrawParagraph(this.paragraph, this.offset);
void apply(EngineCanvas canvas) {
canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph, offset);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'DrawParagraph(${paragraph._plainText}, $offset)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class Subpath {
double startX = 0.0;
double startY = 0.0;
double currentX = 0.0;
double currentY = 0.0;
final List<PathCommand> commands;
Subpath(this.startX, this.startY) : commands = <PathCommand>[];
Subpath shift(ui.Offset offset) {
final Subpath result = Subpath(startX + offset.dx, startY + offset.dy)
..currentX = currentX + offset.dx
..currentY = currentY + offset.dy;
for (final PathCommand command in commands) {
return result;
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'Subpath(${commands.join(', ')})';
} else {
return super.toString();
abstract class PathCommand {
const PathCommand();
PathCommand shifted(ui.Offset offset);
/// Transform the command and add to targetPath.
void transform(Float32List matrix4, SurfacePath targetPath);
/// Helper method for implementing transforms.
static ui.Offset _transformOffset(double x, double y, Float32List matrix4) =>
ui.Offset((matrix4[0] * x) + (matrix4[4] * y) + matrix4[12],
(matrix4[1] * x) + (matrix4[5] * y) + matrix4[13]);
class MoveTo extends PathCommand {
final double x;
final double y;
const MoveTo(this.x, this.y);
MoveTo shifted(ui.Offset offset) {
return MoveTo(x + offset.dx, y + offset.dy);
void transform(Float32List matrix4, ui.Path targetPath) {
final ui.Offset offset = PathCommand._transformOffset(x, y, matrix4);
targetPath.moveTo(offset.dx, offset.dy);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'MoveTo($x, $y)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class LineTo extends PathCommand {
final double x;
final double y;
const LineTo(this.x, this.y);
LineTo shifted(ui.Offset offset) {
return LineTo(x + offset.dx, y + offset.dy);
void transform(Float32List matrix4, ui.Path targetPath) {
final ui.Offset offset = PathCommand._transformOffset(x, y, matrix4);
targetPath.lineTo(offset.dx, offset.dy);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'LineTo($x, $y)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class Ellipse extends PathCommand {
final double x;
final double y;
final double radiusX;
final double radiusY;
final double rotation;
final double startAngle;
final double endAngle;
final bool anticlockwise;
const Ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.radiusX, this.radiusY, this.rotation,
this.startAngle, this.endAngle, this.anticlockwise);
Ellipse shifted(ui.Offset offset) {
return Ellipse(x + offset.dx, y + offset.dy, radiusX, radiusY, rotation,
startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise);
void transform(Float32List matrix4, SurfacePath targetPath) {
final ui.Path bezierPath = ui.Path();
anticlockwise ? startAngle - endAngle : endAngle - startAngle,
targetPath._addPath(bezierPath, 0, 0, matrix4, SPathAddPathMode.kAppend);
void _drawArcWithBezier(
double centerX,
double centerY,
double radiusX,
double radiusY,
double rotation,
double startAngle,
double sweep,
Float32List matrix4,
ui.Path targetPath) {
double ratio = sweep.abs() / (math.pi / 2.0);
if ((1.0 - ratio).abs() < 0.0000001) {
ratio = 1.0;
final int segments = math.max(ratio.ceil(), 1);
final double anglePerSegment = sweep / segments;
double angle = startAngle;
for (int segment = 0; segment < segments; segment++) {
_drawArcSegment(targetPath, centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, rotation,
angle, anglePerSegment, segment == 0, matrix4);
angle += anglePerSegment;
void _drawArcSegment(
ui.Path path,
double centerX,
double centerY,
double radiusX,
double radiusY,
double rotation,
double startAngle,
double sweep,
bool startPath,
Float32List matrix4) {
final double s = 4 / 3 * math.tan(sweep / 4);
// Rotate unit vector to startAngle and endAngle to use for computing start
// and end points of segment.
final double x1 = math.cos(startAngle);
final double y1 = math.sin(startAngle);
final double endAngle = startAngle + sweep;
final double x2 = math.cos(endAngle);
final double y2 = math.sin(endAngle);
// Compute scaled curve control points.
final double cpx1 = (x1 - y1 * s) * radiusX;
final double cpy1 = (y1 + x1 * s) * radiusY;
final double cpx2 = (x2 + y2 * s) * radiusX;
final double cpy2 = (y2 - x2 * s) * radiusY;
final double endPointX = centerX + x2 * radiusX;
final double endPointY = centerY + y2 * radiusY;
final double rotationRad = rotation * math.pi / 180.0;
final double cosR = math.cos(rotationRad);
final double sinR = math.sin(rotationRad);
if (startPath) {
final double scaledX1 = x1 * radiusX;
final double scaledY1 = y1 * radiusY;
if (rotation == 0.0) {
path.moveTo(centerX + scaledX1, centerY + scaledY1);
} else {
final double rotatedStartX = (scaledX1 * cosR) + (scaledY1 * sinR);
final double rotatedStartY = (scaledY1 * cosR) - (scaledX1 * sinR);
path.moveTo(centerX + rotatedStartX, centerY + rotatedStartY);
if (rotation == 0.0) {
path.cubicTo(centerX + cpx1, centerY + cpy1, centerX + cpx2,
centerY + cpy2, endPointX, endPointY);
} else {
final double rotatedCpx1 = centerX + (cpx1 * cosR) + (cpy1 * sinR);
final double rotatedCpy1 = centerY + (cpy1 * cosR) - (cpx1 * sinR);
final double rotatedCpx2 = centerX + (cpx2 * cosR) + (cpy2 * sinR);
final double rotatedCpy2 = centerY + (cpy2 * cosR) - (cpx2 * sinR);
final double rotatedEndX = centerX +
((endPointX - centerX) * cosR) +
((endPointY - centerY) * sinR);
final double rotatedEndY = centerY +
((endPointY - centerY) * cosR) -
((endPointX - centerX) * sinR);
path.cubicTo(rotatedCpx1, rotatedCpy1, rotatedCpx2, rotatedCpy2,
rotatedEndX, rotatedEndY);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'Ellipse($x, $y, $radiusX, $radiusY)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class QuadraticCurveTo extends PathCommand {
final double x1;
final double y1;
final double x2;
final double y2;
const QuadraticCurveTo(this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2);
QuadraticCurveTo shifted(ui.Offset offset) {
return QuadraticCurveTo(
x1 + offset.dx, y1 + offset.dy, x2 + offset.dx, y2 + offset.dy);
void transform(Float32List matrix4, ui.Path targetPath) {
final double m0 = matrix4[0];
final double m1 = matrix4[1];
final double m4 = matrix4[4];
final double m5 = matrix4[5];
final double m12 = matrix4[12];
final double m13 = matrix4[13];
final double transformedX1 = (m0 * x1) + (m4 * y1) + m12;
final double transformedY1 = (m1 * x1) + (m5 * y1) + m13;
final double transformedX2 = (m0 * x2) + (m4 * y2) + m12;
final double transformedY2 = (m1 * x2) + (m5 * y2) + m13;
transformedX1, transformedY1, transformedX2, transformedY2);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'QuadraticCurveTo($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class BezierCurveTo extends PathCommand {
final double x1;
final double y1;
final double x2;
final double y2;
final double x3;
final double y3;
const BezierCurveTo(this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2, this.x3, this.y3);
BezierCurveTo shifted(ui.Offset offset) {
return BezierCurveTo(x1 + offset.dx, y1 + offset.dy, x2 + offset.dx,
y2 + offset.dy, x3 + offset.dx, y3 + offset.dy);
void transform(Float32List matrix4, ui.Path targetPath) {
final double s0 = matrix4[0];
final double s1 = matrix4[1];
final double s4 = matrix4[4];
final double s5 = matrix4[5];
final double s12 = matrix4[12];
final double s13 = matrix4[13];
final double transformedX1 = (s0 * x1) + (s4 * y1) + s12;
final double transformedY1 = (s1 * x1) + (s5 * y1) + s13;
final double transformedX2 = (s0 * x2) + (s4 * y2) + s12;
final double transformedY2 = (s1 * x2) + (s5 * y2) + s13;
final double transformedX3 = (s0 * x3) + (s4 * y3) + s12;
final double transformedY3 = (s1 * x3) + (s5 * y3) + s13;
targetPath.cubicTo(transformedX1, transformedY1, transformedX2,
transformedY2, transformedX3, transformedY3);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'BezierCurveTo($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class RectCommand extends PathCommand {
final double x;
final double y;
final double width;
final double height;
const RectCommand(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
RectCommand shifted(ui.Offset offset) {
return RectCommand(x + offset.dx, y + offset.dy, width, height);
void transform(Float32List matrix4, ui.Path targetPath) {
final double s0 = matrix4[0];
final double s1 = matrix4[1];
final double s4 = matrix4[4];
final double s5 = matrix4[5];
final double s12 = matrix4[12];
final double s13 = matrix4[13];
final double transformedX1 = (s0 * x) + (s4 * y) + s12;
final double transformedY1 = (s1 * x) + (s5 * y) + s13;
final double x2 = x + width;
final double y2 = y + height;
final double transformedX2 = (s0 * x2) + (s4 * y) + s12;
final double transformedY2 = (s1 * x2) + (s5 * y) + s13;
final double transformedX3 = (s0 * x2) + (s4 * y2) + s12;
final double transformedY3 = (s1 * x2) + (s5 * y2) + s13;
final double transformedX4 = (s0 * x) + (s4 * y2) + s12;
final double transformedY4 = (s1 * x) + (s5 * y2) + s13;
if (transformedY1 == transformedY2 &&
transformedY3 == transformedY4 &&
transformedX1 == transformedX4 &&
transformedX2 == transformedX3) {
// It is still a rectangle.
transformedX1, transformedY1, transformedX3, transformedY3));
} else {
targetPath.moveTo(transformedX1, transformedY1);
targetPath.lineTo(transformedX2, transformedY2);
targetPath.lineTo(transformedX3, transformedY3);
targetPath.lineTo(transformedX4, transformedY4);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'Rect($x, $y, $width, $height)';
} else {
return super.toString();
class RRectCommand extends PathCommand {
final ui.RRect rrect;
const RRectCommand(this.rrect);
RRectCommand shifted(ui.Offset offset) {
return RRectCommand(rrect.shift(offset));
void transform(Float32List matrix4, SurfacePath targetPath) {
final ui.Path roundRectPath = ui.Path();
targetPath._addPath(roundRectPath, 0, 0, matrix4, SPathAddPathMode.kAppend);
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return '$rrect';
} else {
return super.toString();
class CloseCommand extends PathCommand {
CloseCommand shifted(ui.Offset offset) {
return this;
void transform(Float32List matrix4, ui.Path targetPath) {
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'Close()';
} else {
return super.toString();
class _PaintBounds {
// Bounds of maximum area that is paintable by canvas ops.
final ui.Rect maxPaintBounds;
bool _didPaintInsideClipArea = false;
// Bounds of actually painted area. If _left is not set, reported paintBounds
// should be empty since growLTRB calls were outside active clipping
// region.
double _left = double.maxFinite;
double _top = double.maxFinite;
double _right = -double.maxFinite;
double _bottom = -double.maxFinite;
// Stack of transforms.
final List<Matrix4> _transforms = <Matrix4>[];
// Stack of clip bounds.
final List<ui.Rect?> _clipStack = <ui.Rect?>[];
bool _currentMatrixIsIdentity = true;
Matrix4 _currentMatrix = Matrix4.identity();
bool _clipRectInitialized = false;
double _currentClipLeft = 0.0,
_currentClipTop = 0.0,
_currentClipRight = 0.0,
_currentClipBottom = 0.0;
_PaintBounds(ui.Rect maxPaintBounds) : maxPaintBounds = maxPaintBounds;
void translate(double dx, double dy) {
if (dx != 0.0 || dy != 0.0) {
_currentMatrixIsIdentity = false;
_currentMatrix.translate(dx, dy);
void scale(double sx, double sy) {
if (sx != 1.0 || sy != 1.0) {
_currentMatrixIsIdentity = false;
_currentMatrix.scale(sx, sy);
void rotateZ(double radians) {
if (radians != 0.0) {
_currentMatrixIsIdentity = false;
void transform(Float32List matrix4) {
final Matrix4 m4 = Matrix4.fromFloat32List(matrix4);
_currentMatrixIsIdentity = _currentMatrix.isIdentity();
void skew(double sx, double sy) {
_currentMatrixIsIdentity = false;
// DO NOT USE Matrix4.skew(sx, sy)! It treats sx and sy values as radians,
// but in our case they are transform matrix values.
final Matrix4 skewMatrix = Matrix4.identity();
final Float32List storage =;
storage[1] = sy;
storage[4] = sx;
static final Float32List _tempRectData = Float32List(4);
void clipRect(final ui.Rect rect, DrawCommand command) {
double left = rect.left;
double top =;
double right = rect.right;
double bottom = rect.bottom;
// If we have an active transform, calculate screen relative clipping
// rectangle and union with current clipping rectangle.
if (!_currentMatrixIsIdentity) {
_tempRectData[0] = left;
_tempRectData[1] = top;
_tempRectData[2] = right;
_tempRectData[3] = bottom;
transformLTRB(_currentMatrix, _tempRectData);
left = _tempRectData[0];
top = _tempRectData[1];
right = _tempRectData[2];
bottom = _tempRectData[3];
if (!_clipRectInitialized) {
_currentClipLeft = left;
_currentClipTop = top;
_currentClipRight = right;
_currentClipBottom = bottom;
_clipRectInitialized = true;
} else {
if (left > _currentClipLeft) {
_currentClipLeft = left;
if (top > _currentClipTop) {
_currentClipTop = top;
if (right < _currentClipRight) {
_currentClipRight = right;
if (bottom < _currentClipBottom) {
_currentClipBottom = bottom;
if (_currentClipLeft >= _currentClipRight ||
_currentClipTop >= _currentClipBottom) {
command.isClippedOut = true;
} else {
command.leftBound = _currentClipLeft;
command.topBound = _currentClipTop;
command.rightBound = _currentClipRight;
command.bottomBound = _currentClipBottom;
/// Grow painted area to include given rectangle.
void grow(ui.Rect r, DrawCommand command) {
growLTRB(r.left,, r.right, r.bottom, command);
/// Grow painted area to include given rectangle.
void growLTRB(double left, double top, double right, double bottom,
DrawCommand command) {
if (left == right || top == bottom) {
command.isClippedOut = true;
double transformedPointLeft = left;
double transformedPointTop = top;
double transformedPointRight = right;
double transformedPointBottom = bottom;
if (!_currentMatrixIsIdentity) {
_tempRectData[0] = left;
_tempRectData[1] = top;
_tempRectData[2] = right;
_tempRectData[3] = bottom;
transformLTRB(_currentMatrix, _tempRectData);
transformedPointLeft = _tempRectData[0];
transformedPointTop = _tempRectData[1];
transformedPointRight = _tempRectData[2];
transformedPointBottom = _tempRectData[3];
if (_clipRectInitialized) {
if (transformedPointLeft > _currentClipRight) {
command.isClippedOut = true;
if (transformedPointRight < _currentClipLeft) {
command.isClippedOut = true;
if (transformedPointTop > _currentClipBottom) {
command.isClippedOut = true;
if (transformedPointBottom < _currentClipTop) {
command.isClippedOut = true;
if (transformedPointLeft < _currentClipLeft) {
transformedPointLeft = _currentClipLeft;
if (transformedPointRight > _currentClipRight) {
transformedPointRight = _currentClipRight;
if (transformedPointTop < _currentClipTop) {
transformedPointTop = _currentClipTop;
if (transformedPointBottom > _currentClipBottom) {
transformedPointBottom = _currentClipBottom;
command.leftBound = transformedPointLeft;
command.topBound = transformedPointTop;
command.rightBound = transformedPointRight;
command.bottomBound = transformedPointBottom;
if (_didPaintInsideClipArea) {
_left = math.min(
math.min(_left, transformedPointLeft), transformedPointRight);
_right = math.max(
math.max(_right, transformedPointLeft), transformedPointRight);
_top =
math.min(math.min(_top, transformedPointTop), transformedPointBottom);
_bottom = math.max(
math.max(_bottom, transformedPointTop), transformedPointBottom);
} else {
_left = math.min(transformedPointLeft, transformedPointRight);
_right = math.max(transformedPointLeft, transformedPointRight);
_top = math.min(transformedPointTop, transformedPointBottom);
_bottom = math.max(transformedPointTop, transformedPointBottom);
_didPaintInsideClipArea = true;
void saveTransformsAndClip() {
? ui.Rect.fromLTRB(_currentClipLeft, _currentClipTop, _currentClipRight,
: null);
void restoreTransformsAndClip() {
_currentMatrix = _transforms.removeLast();
final ui.Rect? clipRect = _clipStack.removeLast();
if (clipRect != null) {
_currentClipLeft = clipRect.left;
_currentClipTop =;
_currentClipRight = clipRect.right;
_currentClipBottom = clipRect.bottom;
_clipRectInitialized = true;
} else if (_clipRectInitialized) {
_clipRectInitialized = false;
ui.Rect computeBounds() {
if (!_didPaintInsideClipArea) {
// The framework may send us NaNs in the case when it attempts to invert an
// infinitely size rect.
final double maxLeft = maxPaintBounds.left.isNaN
? double.negativeInfinity
: maxPaintBounds.left;
final double maxRight =
maxPaintBounds.right.isNaN ? double.infinity : maxPaintBounds.right;
final double maxTop = ? double.negativeInfinity :;
final double maxBottom =
maxPaintBounds.bottom.isNaN ? double.infinity : maxPaintBounds.bottom;
final double left = math.min(_left, _right);
final double right = math.max(_left, _right);
final double top = math.min(_top, _bottom);
final double bottom = math.max(_top, _bottom);
if (right < maxLeft || bottom < maxTop) {
// Computed and max bounds do not intersect.
return ui.Rect.fromLTRB(
math.max(left, maxLeft),
math.max(top, maxTop),
math.min(right, maxRight),
math.min(bottom, maxBottom),
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
final ui.Rect bounds = computeBounds();
return '_PaintBounds($bounds of size ${bounds.size})';
} else {
return super.toString();
/// Computes the length of the visual effect caused by paint parameters, such
/// as blur and stroke width.
/// This paint spread should be taken into accound when estimating bounding
/// boxes for paint operations that apply the paint.
double _getPaintSpread(SurfacePaint paint) {
double spread = 0.0;
final ui.MaskFilter? maskFilter = paint.maskFilter;
if (maskFilter != null) {
// Multiply by 2 because the sigma is the standard deviation rather than
// the length of the blur.
// See also:
spread += maskFilter.webOnlySigma * 2.0;
if (paint.strokeWidth != 0) {
// The multiplication by sqrt(2) is to account for line joints that
// meet at 90-degree angle. Division by 2 is because only half of the
// stroke is sticking out of the original shape. The other half is
// inside the shape.
const double sqrtOfTwoDivByTwo = 0.70710678118;
spread += paint.strokeWidth * sqrtOfTwoDivByTwo;
return spread;