blob: 6ac54922eb04aea61fabd947f1918b387d9e172d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.10
part of engine;
/// A surface that applies an [ColorFilter] to its children.
class PersistedColorFilter extends PersistedContainerSurface
implements ui.ColorFilterEngineLayer {
PersistedColorFilter(PersistedColorFilter? oldLayer, this.filter)
: super(oldLayer);
html.Element? get childContainer => _childContainer;
/// The dedicated child container element that's separate from the
/// [rootElement] is used to compensate for the coordinate system shift
/// introduced by the [rootElement] translation.
html.Element? _childContainer;
final ui.ColorFilter filter;
html.Element? _filterElement;
bool containerVisible = true;
void adoptElements(PersistedColorFilter oldSurface) {
_childContainer = oldSurface._childContainer;
oldSurface._childContainer = null;
void discard() {
// Do not detach the child container from the root. It is permanently
// attached. The elements are reused together and are detached from the DOM
// together.
_childContainer = null;
html.Element createElement() {
html.Element element = defaultCreateElement('flt-color-filter');
html.Element container = html.Element.tag('flt-filter-interior'); = 'absolute';
_childContainer = container;
return element;
void apply() {
if (_filterElement != null) {
final EngineColorFilter? engineValue = filter as EngineColorFilter?;
if (engineValue == null) {
rootElement!.style.backgroundColor = '';
childContainer?.style.visibility = 'visible';
if (engineValue._blendMode == null) {
rootElement!.style.backgroundColor =
childContainer?.style.visibility = 'visible';
ui.Color filterColor = engineValue._color!;
ui.BlendMode? colorFilterBlendMode = engineValue._blendMode;
html.CssStyleDeclaration style = rootElement!.style;
if (colorFilterBlendMode != null) {
switch (colorFilterBlendMode) {
case ui.BlendMode.clear:
case ui.BlendMode.dstOut:
case ui.BlendMode.srcOut:
childContainer?.style.visibility = 'hidden';
case ui.BlendMode.dst:
case ui.BlendMode.dstIn:
// Noop.
case ui.BlendMode.src:
case ui.BlendMode.srcOver:
// Uses source filter color.
// Since we don't have a size, we can't use background color.
// Use svg filter srcIn instead.
colorFilterBlendMode = ui.BlendMode.srcIn;
case ui.BlendMode.dstOver:
case ui.BlendMode.srcIn:
case ui.BlendMode.srcATop:
case ui.BlendMode.dstATop:
case ui.BlendMode.xor:
case ui.BlendMode.modulate:
case ui.BlendMode.screen:
case ui.BlendMode.overlay:
case ui.BlendMode.darken:
case ui.BlendMode.lighten:
case ui.BlendMode.colorDodge:
case ui.BlendMode.colorBurn:
case ui.BlendMode.hardLight:
case ui.BlendMode.softLight:
case ui.BlendMode.difference:
case ui.BlendMode.exclusion:
case ui.BlendMode.multiply:
case ui.BlendMode.hue:
case ui.BlendMode.saturation:
case ui.BlendMode.color:
case ui.BlendMode.luminosity:
// Use SVG filter for blend mode.
String? svgFilter =
svgFilterFromBlendMode(filterColor, colorFilterBlendMode);
if (svgFilter != null) {
_filterElement =
html.Element.html(svgFilter, treeSanitizer: _NullTreeSanitizer());
rootElement!.style.filter = 'url(#_fcf${_filterIdCounter})';
if (colorFilterBlendMode == ui.BlendMode.saturation ||
colorFilterBlendMode == ui.BlendMode.multiply ||
colorFilterBlendMode == ui.BlendMode.modulate) {
style.backgroundColor = colorToCssString(filterColor);
void update(PersistedColorFilter oldSurface) {
if (oldSurface.filter != filter) {
String? svgFilterFromBlendMode(
ui.Color? filterColor, ui.BlendMode colorFilterBlendMode) {
String? svgFilter;
switch (colorFilterBlendMode) {
case ui.BlendMode.srcIn:
case ui.BlendMode.srcATop:
svgFilter = _srcInColorFilterToSvg(filterColor);
case ui.BlendMode.srcOut:
svgFilter = _srcOutColorFilterToSvg(filterColor);
case ui.BlendMode.xor:
svgFilter = _xorColorFilterToSvg(filterColor);
// Porter duff source + destination.
svgFilter = _compositeColorFilterToSvg(filterColor, 0, 1, 1, 0);
case ui.BlendMode.modulate:
// Porter duff source * destination but preserves alpha.
svgFilter = _modulateColorFilterToSvg(filterColor!);
case ui.BlendMode.overlay:
// Since overlay is the same as hard-light by swapping layers,
// pass hard-light blend function.
svgFilter =
_blendColorFilterToSvg(filterColor, 'hard-light', swapLayers: true);
// Several of the filters below (although supported) do not render the
// same (close but not exact) as native flutter when used as blend mode
// for a background-image with a background color. They only look
// identical when feBlend is used within an svg filter definition.
// Saturation filter uses destination when source is transparent.
// cMax = math.max(r, math.max(b, g));
// cMin = math.min(r, math.min(b, g));
// delta = cMax - cMin;
// lightness = (cMax + cMin) / 2.0;
// saturation = delta / (1.0 - (2 * lightness - 1.0).abs());
case ui.BlendMode.saturation:
case ui.BlendMode.colorDodge:
case ui.BlendMode.colorBurn:
case ui.BlendMode.hue:
case ui.BlendMode.color:
case ui.BlendMode.luminosity:
case ui.BlendMode.multiply:
case ui.BlendMode.screen:
case ui.BlendMode.overlay:
case ui.BlendMode.darken:
case ui.BlendMode.lighten:
case ui.BlendMode.colorDodge:
case ui.BlendMode.colorBurn:
case ui.BlendMode.hardLight:
case ui.BlendMode.softLight:
case ui.BlendMode.difference:
case ui.BlendMode.exclusion:
svgFilter = _blendColorFilterToSvg(
filterColor, _stringForBlendMode(colorFilterBlendMode));
case ui.BlendMode.src:
case ui.BlendMode.dst:
case ui.BlendMode.dstATop:
case ui.BlendMode.dstIn:
case ui.BlendMode.dstOut:
case ui.BlendMode.dstOver:
case ui.BlendMode.clear:
case ui.BlendMode.srcOver:
'Invalid svg filter request for blend-mode '
return svgFilter;
int _filterIdCounter = 0;
// The color matrix for feColorMatrix element changes colors based on
// the following:
// | R' | | r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 | | R |
// | G' | | g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 | | G |
// | B' | = | b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 | * | B |
// | A' | | a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 | | A |
// | 1 | | 0 0 0 0 1 | | 1 |
// R' = r1*R + r2*G + r3*B + r4*A + r5
// G' = g1*R + g2*G + g3*B + g4*A + g5
// B' = b1*R + b2*G + b3*B + b4*A + b5
// A' = a1*R + a2*G + a3*B + a4*A + a5
String _srcInColorFilterToSvg(ui.Color? color) {
_filterIdCounter += 1;
return '$kSvgResourceHeader'
'<filter id="_fcf$_filterIdCounter" '
'filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="0%" y="0%" width="100%" height="100%">'
'<feColorMatrix values="0 0 0 0 1 ' // Ignore input, set it to absolute.
'0 0 0 0 1 '
'0 0 0 0 1 '
'0 0 0 1 0" result="destalpha"/>' // Just take alpha channel of destination
'<feFlood flood-color="${colorToCssString(color)}" flood-opacity="1" result="flood">'
'<feComposite in="flood" in2="destalpha" '
'operator="arithmetic" k1="1" k2="0" k3="0" k4="0" result="comp">'
String _srcOutColorFilterToSvg(ui.Color? color) {
_filterIdCounter += 1;
return '$kSvgResourceHeader'
'<filter id="_fcf$_filterIdCounter" '
'filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="0%" y="0%" width="100%" height="100%">'
'<feFlood flood-color="${colorToCssString(color)}" flood-opacity="1" result="flood">'
'<feComposite in="flood" in2="SourceGraphic" operator="out" result="comp">'
String _xorColorFilterToSvg(ui.Color? color) {
_filterIdCounter += 1;
return '$kSvgResourceHeader'
'<filter id="_fcf$_filterIdCounter" '
'filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="0%" y="0%" width="100%" height="100%">'
'<feFlood flood-color="${colorToCssString(color)}" flood-opacity="1" result="flood">'
'<feComposite in="flood" in2="SourceGraphic" operator="xor" result="comp">'
// The source image and color are composited using :
// result = k1 *in*in2 + k2*in + k3*in2 + k4.
String _compositeColorFilterToSvg(
ui.Color? color, double k1, double k2, double k3, double k4) {
_filterIdCounter += 1;
return '$kSvgResourceHeader'
'<filter id="_fcf$_filterIdCounter" '
'filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="0%" y="0%" width="100%" height="100%">'
'<feFlood flood-color="${colorToCssString(color)}" flood-opacity="1" result="flood">'
'<feComposite in="flood" in2="SourceGraphic" '
'operator="arithmetic" k1="$k1" k2="$k2" k3="$k3" k4="$k4" result="comp">'
// Porter duff source * destination , keep source alpha.
// First apply color filter to source to change it to [color], then
// composite using multiplication.
String _modulateColorFilterToSvg(ui.Color color) {
_filterIdCounter += 1;
final double r = / 255.0;
final double b = / 255.0;
final double g = / 255.0;
return '$kSvgResourceHeader'
'<filter id="_fcf$_filterIdCounter" '
'filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="0%" y="0%" width="100%" height="100%">'
'<feColorMatrix values="0 0 0 0 $r ' // Ignore input, set it to absolute.
'0 0 0 0 $g '
'0 0 0 0 $b '
'0 0 0 1 0" result="recolor"/>'
'<feComposite in="recolor" in2="SourceGraphic" '
'operator="arithmetic" k1="1" k2="0" k3="0" k4="0" result="comp">'
// Uses feBlend element to blend source image with a color.
String _blendColorFilterToSvg(ui.Color? color, String? feBlend,
{bool swapLayers = false}) {
_filterIdCounter += 1;
return '$kSvgResourceHeader'
'<filter id="_fcf$_filterIdCounter" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" '
'x="0%" y="0%" width="100%" height="100%">'
'<feFlood flood-color="${colorToCssString(color)}" flood-opacity="1" result="flood">'
'</feFlood>' +
? '<feBlend in="SourceGraphic" in2="flood" mode="$feBlend"/>'
: '<feBlend in="flood" in2="SourceGraphic" mode="$feBlend"/>') +