blob: 993f88efb2a8c2854dea38e9a01f98839f5b0688 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package io.flutter.plugin.platform;
import static android.content.Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE;
import static android.content.Context.WINDOW_SERVICE;
import static android.view.View.OnFocusChangeListener;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.ContextWrapper;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import androidx.annotation.Keep;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
* A presentation used for hosting a single Android view in a virtual display.
* This presentation overrides the WindowManager's addView/removeView/updateViewLayout methods, such that views added
* directly to the WindowManager are added as part of the presentation's view hierarchy (to fakeWindowViewGroup).
* The view hierarchy for the presentation is as following:
* rootView
* / \
* / \
* / \
* container state.fakeWindowViewGroup
* |
* EmbeddedView
class SingleViewPresentation extends Presentation {
* When an embedded view is resized in Flutterverse we move the Android view to a new virtual display
* that has the new size. This class keeps the presentation state that moves with the view to the presentation of
* the new virtual display.
static class PresentationState {
// The Android view we are embedding in the Flutter app.
private PlatformView platformView;
// The InvocationHandler for a WindowManager proxy. This is essentially the custom window
// manager for the
// presentation.
private WindowManagerHandler windowManagerHandler;
// Contains views that were added directly to the window manager (e.g
// android.widget.PopupWindow).
private FakeWindowViewGroup fakeWindowViewGroup;
private final PlatformViewFactory viewFactory;
// A reference to the current accessibility bridge to which accessibility events will be
// delegated.
private final AccessibilityEventsDelegate accessibilityEventsDelegate;
private final OnFocusChangeListener focusChangeListener;
// This is the view id assigned by the Flutter framework to the embedded view, we keep it here
// so when we create the platform view we can tell it its view id.
private int viewId;
// This is the creation parameters for the platform view, we keep it here
// so when we create the platform view we can tell it its view id.
private Object createParams;
// The root view for the presentation, it has 2 childs: container which contains the embedded
// view, and
// fakeWindowViewGroup which contains views that were added directly to the presentation's window
// manager.
private AccessibilityDelegatingFrameLayout rootView;
// Contains the embedded platform view (platformView.getView()) when it is attached to the
// presentation.
private FrameLayout container;
private PresentationState state;
private boolean startFocused = false;
// The context for the application window that hosts FlutterView.
private final Context outerContext;
* Creates a presentation that will use the view factory to create a new platform view in the
* presentation's onCreate, and attach it.
public SingleViewPresentation(
Context outerContext,
Display display,
PlatformViewFactory viewFactory,
AccessibilityEventsDelegate accessibilityEventsDelegate,
int viewId,
Object createParams,
OnFocusChangeListener focusChangeListener) {
super(new ImmContext(outerContext), display);
this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
this.accessibilityEventsDelegate = accessibilityEventsDelegate;
this.viewId = viewId;
this.createParams = createParams;
this.focusChangeListener = focusChangeListener;
this.outerContext = outerContext;
state = new PresentationState();
* Creates a presentation that will attach an already existing view as its root view.
* <p>The display's density must match the density of the context used when the view was created.
public SingleViewPresentation(
Context outerContext,
Display display,
AccessibilityEventsDelegate accessibilityEventsDelegate,
PresentationState state,
OnFocusChangeListener focusChangeListener,
boolean startFocused) {
super(new ImmContext(outerContext), display);
this.accessibilityEventsDelegate = accessibilityEventsDelegate;
viewFactory = null;
this.state = state;
this.focusChangeListener = focusChangeListener;
this.outerContext = outerContext;
this.startFocused = startFocused;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// This makes sure we preserve alpha for the VD's content.
getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(;
if (state.fakeWindowViewGroup == null) {
state.fakeWindowViewGroup = new FakeWindowViewGroup(getContext());
if (state.windowManagerHandler == null) {
WindowManager windowManagerDelegate =
(WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE);
state.windowManagerHandler =
new WindowManagerHandler(windowManagerDelegate, state.fakeWindowViewGroup);
container = new FrameLayout(getContext());
// Our base mContext has already been wrapped with an IMM cache at instantiation time, but
// we want to wrap it again here to also return state.windowManagerHandler.
Context context =
new PresentationContext(getContext(), state.windowManagerHandler, outerContext);
if (state.platformView == null) {
state.platformView = viewFactory.create(context, viewId, createParams);
View embeddedView = state.platformView.getView();
rootView =
new AccessibilityDelegatingFrameLayout(
getContext(), accessibilityEventsDelegate, embeddedView);
if (startFocused) {
} else {
public PresentationState detachState() {
return state;
public PlatformView getView() {
if (state.platformView == null) return null;
return state.platformView;
* A view group that implements the same layout protocol that exist between the WindowManager and its direct
* children.
* Currently only a subset of the protocol is supported (gravity, x, and y).
static class FakeWindowViewGroup extends ViewGroup {
// Used in onLayout to keep the bounds of the current view.
// We keep it as a member to avoid object allocations during onLayout which are discouraged.
private final Rect viewBounds;
// Used in onLayout to keep the bounds of the child views.
// We keep it as a member to avoid object allocations during onLayout which are discouraged.
private final Rect childRect;
public FakeWindowViewGroup(Context context) {
viewBounds = new Rect();
childRect = new Rect();
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
View child = getChildAt(i);
WindowManager.LayoutParams params = (WindowManager.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
viewBounds.set(l, t, r, b);
child.layout(childRect.left,, childRect.right, childRect.bottom);
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
View child = getChildAt(i);
child.measure(atMost(widthMeasureSpec), atMost(heightMeasureSpec));
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
private static int atMost(int measureSpec) {
return MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec), MeasureSpec.AT_MOST);
/** Answers calls for {@link InputMethodManager} with an instance cached at creation time. */
// TODO(mklim): This caches the IMM at construction time and won't pick up any changes. In rare
// cases where the FlutterView changes windows this will return an outdated instance. This
// should be fixed to instead defer returning the IMM to something that know's FlutterView's
// true Context.
private static class ImmContext extends ContextWrapper {
private @NonNull final InputMethodManager inputMethodManager;
ImmContext(Context base) {
this(base, /*inputMethodManager=*/ null);
private ImmContext(Context base, @Nullable InputMethodManager inputMethodManager) {
this.inputMethodManager =
inputMethodManager != null
? inputMethodManager
: (InputMethodManager) base.getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
public Object getSystemService(String name) {
if (INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE.equals(name)) {
return inputMethodManager;
return super.getSystemService(name);
public Context createDisplayContext(Display display) {
Context displayContext = super.createDisplayContext(display);
return new ImmContext(displayContext, inputMethodManager);
/** Proxies a Context replacing the WindowManager with our custom instance. */
// TODO(mklim): This caches the IMM at construction time and won't pick up any changes. In rare
// cases where the FlutterView changes windows this will return an outdated instance. This
// should be fixed to instead defer returning the IMM to something that know's FlutterView's
// true Context.
private static class PresentationContext extends ContextWrapper {
private @NonNull final WindowManagerHandler windowManagerHandler;
private @Nullable WindowManager windowManager;
private final Context flutterAppWindowContext;
Context base,
@NonNull WindowManagerHandler windowManagerHandler,
Context flutterAppWindowContext) {
this.windowManagerHandler = windowManagerHandler;
this.flutterAppWindowContext = flutterAppWindowContext;
public Object getSystemService(String name) {
if (WINDOW_SERVICE.equals(name)) {
if (isCalledFromAlertDialog()) {
// Alert dialogs are showing on top of the entire application and should not be limited to
// the virtual
// display. If we detect that an constructor is what's fetching
// the window manager
// we return the one for the application's window.
// Note that if we don't do this AlertDialog will throw a ClassCastException as down the
// line it tries
// to case this instance to a WindowManagerImpl which the object returned by
// getWindowManager is not
// a subclass of.
return flutterAppWindowContext.getSystemService(name);
return getWindowManager();
return super.getSystemService(name);
private WindowManager getWindowManager() {
if (windowManager == null) {
windowManager = windowManagerHandler.getWindowManager();
return windowManager;
private boolean isCalledFromAlertDialog() {
StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElements = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
for (int i = 0; i < stackTraceElements.length && i < 11; i++) {
if (stackTraceElements[i].getClassName().equals(AlertDialog.class.getCanonicalName())
&& stackTraceElements[i].getMethodName().equals("<init>")) {
return true;
return false;
* A dynamic proxy handler for a WindowManager with custom overrides.
* The presentation's window manager delegates all calls to the default window manager.
* WindowManager#addView calls triggered by views that are attached to the virtual display are crashing
* (see: This was triggered when selecting text in an embedded
* WebView (as the selection handles are implemented as popup windows).
* This dynamic proxy overrides the addView, removeView, removeViewImmediate, and updateViewLayout methods
* to prevent these crashes.
* This will be more efficient as a static proxy that's not using reflection, but as the engine is currently
* not being built against the latest Android SDK we cannot override all relevant method.
* Tracking issue for upgrading the engine's Android sdk:
static class WindowManagerHandler implements InvocationHandler {
private static final String TAG = "PlatformViewsController";
private final WindowManager delegate;
FakeWindowViewGroup fakeWindowRootView;
WindowManagerHandler(WindowManager delegate, FakeWindowViewGroup fakeWindowViewGroup) {
this.delegate = delegate;
fakeWindowRootView = fakeWindowViewGroup;
public WindowManager getWindowManager() {
return (WindowManager)
WindowManager.class.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] {WindowManager.class}, this);
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
switch (method.getName()) {
case "addView":
return null;
case "removeView":
return null;
case "removeViewImmediate":
return null;
case "updateViewLayout":
return null;
try {
return method.invoke(delegate, args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getCause();
private void addView(Object[] args) {
if (fakeWindowRootView == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Embedded view called addView while detached from presentation");
View view = (View) args[0];
WindowManager.LayoutParams layoutParams = (WindowManager.LayoutParams) args[1];
fakeWindowRootView.addView(view, layoutParams);
private void removeView(Object[] args) {
if (fakeWindowRootView == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Embedded view called removeView while detached from presentation");
View view = (View) args[0];
private void removeViewImmediate(Object[] args) {
if (fakeWindowRootView == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Embedded view called removeViewImmediate while detached from presentation");
View view = (View) args[0];
private void updateViewLayout(Object[] args) {
if (fakeWindowRootView == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Embedded view called updateViewLayout while detached from presentation");
View view = (View) args[0];
WindowManager.LayoutParams layoutParams = (WindowManager.LayoutParams) args[1];
fakeWindowRootView.updateViewLayout(view, layoutParams);
private static class AccessibilityDelegatingFrameLayout extends FrameLayout {
private final AccessibilityEventsDelegate accessibilityEventsDelegate;
private final View embeddedView;
public AccessibilityDelegatingFrameLayout(
Context context,
AccessibilityEventsDelegate accessibilityEventsDelegate,
View embeddedView) {
this.accessibilityEventsDelegate = accessibilityEventsDelegate;
this.embeddedView = embeddedView;
public boolean requestSendAccessibilityEvent(View child, AccessibilityEvent event) {
return accessibilityEventsDelegate.requestSendAccessibilityEvent(embeddedView, child, event);