blob: 5d823ef8ab674afb0b4c290bc5dfc9a639671966 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.view.KeyCharacterMap;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.KeyEventChannel;
import io.flutter.plugin.editing.TextInputPlugin;
public class AndroidKeyProcessor {
@NonNull private final KeyEventChannel keyEventChannel;
@NonNull private final TextInputPlugin textInputPlugin;
private int combiningCharacter;
public AndroidKeyProcessor(
@NonNull KeyEventChannel keyEventChannel, @NonNull TextInputPlugin textInputPlugin) {
this.keyEventChannel = keyEventChannel;
this.textInputPlugin = textInputPlugin;
public void onKeyUp(@NonNull KeyEvent keyEvent) {
Character complexCharacter = applyCombiningCharacterToBaseCharacter(keyEvent.getUnicodeChar());
keyEventChannel.keyUp(new KeyEventChannel.FlutterKeyEvent(keyEvent, complexCharacter));
public void onKeyDown(@NonNull KeyEvent keyEvent) {
if (textInputPlugin.getLastInputConnection() != null
&& textInputPlugin.getInputMethodManager().isAcceptingText()) {
Character complexCharacter = applyCombiningCharacterToBaseCharacter(keyEvent.getUnicodeChar());
keyEventChannel.keyDown(new KeyEventChannel.FlutterKeyEvent(keyEvent, complexCharacter));
* Applies the given Unicode character in {@code newCharacterCodePoint} to a previously entered
* Unicode combining character and returns the combination of these characters if a combination
* exists.
* <p>This method mutates {@link #combiningCharacter} over time to combine characters.
* <p>One of the following things happens in this method:
* <ul>
* <li>If no previous {@link #combiningCharacter} exists and the {@code newCharacterCodePoint}
* is not a combining character, then {@code newCharacterCodePoint} is returned.
* <li>If no previous {@link #combiningCharacter} exists and the {@code newCharacterCodePoint}
* is a combining character, then {@code newCharacterCodePoint} is saved as the {@link
* #combiningCharacter} and null is returned.
* <li>If a previous {@link #combiningCharacter} exists and the {@code newCharacterCodePoint} is
* also a combining character, then the {@code newCharacterCodePoint} is combined with the
* existing {@link #combiningCharacter} and null is returned.
* <li>If a previous {@link #combiningCharacter} exists and the {@code newCharacterCodePoint} is
* not a combining character, then the {@link #combiningCharacter} is applied to the regular
* {@code newCharacterCodePoint} and the resulting complex character is returned. The {@link
* #combiningCharacter} is cleared.
* </ul>
* <p>The following reference explains the concept of a "combining character":
private Character applyCombiningCharacterToBaseCharacter(int newCharacterCodePoint) {
if (newCharacterCodePoint == 0) {
return null;
Character complexCharacter = (char) newCharacterCodePoint;
boolean isNewCodePointACombiningCharacter =
(newCharacterCodePoint & KeyCharacterMap.COMBINING_ACCENT) != 0;
if (isNewCodePointACombiningCharacter) {
// If a combining character was entered before, combine this one with that one.
int plainCodePoint = newCharacterCodePoint & KeyCharacterMap.COMBINING_ACCENT_MASK;
if (combiningCharacter != 0) {
combiningCharacter = KeyCharacterMap.getDeadChar(combiningCharacter, plainCodePoint);
} else {
combiningCharacter = plainCodePoint;
} else {
// The new character is a regular character. Apply combiningCharacter to it, if it exists.
if (combiningCharacter != 0) {
int combinedChar = KeyCharacterMap.getDeadChar(combiningCharacter, newCharacterCodePoint);
if (combinedChar > 0) {
complexCharacter = (char) combinedChar;
combiningCharacter = 0;
return complexCharacter;