blob: 896d4221f5208da75b245534d1b7180184df677c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of ui;
/// An iterable collection of [PathMetric] objects describing a [Path].
/// A [PathMetrics] object is created by using the [Path.computeMetrics] method,
/// and represents the path as it stood at the time of the call. Subsequent
/// modifications of the path do not affect the [PathMetrics] object.
/// Each path metric corresponds to a segment, or contour, of a path.
/// For example, a path consisting of a [Path.lineTo], a [Path.moveTo], and
/// another [Path.lineTo] will contain two contours and thus be represented by
/// two [PathMetric] objects.
/// This iterable does not memoize. Callers who need to traverse the list
/// multiple times, or who need to randomly access elements of the list, should
/// use [toList] on this object.
abstract class PathMetrics extends collection.IterableBase<PathMetric> {
Iterator<PathMetric> get iterator;
/// Used by [PathMetrics] to track iteration from one segment of a path to the
/// next for measurement.
abstract class PathMetricIterator implements Iterator<PathMetric> {
PathMetric get current;
bool moveNext();
/// Utilities for measuring a [Path] and extracting sub-paths.
/// Iterate over the object returned by [Path.computeMetrics] to obtain
/// [PathMetric] objects. Callers that want to randomly access elements or
/// iterate multiple times should use `path.computeMetrics().toList()`, since
/// [PathMetrics] does not memoize.
/// Once created, the metrics are only valid for the path as it was specified
/// when [Path.computeMetrics] was called. If additional contours are added or
/// any contours are updated, the metrics need to be recomputed. Previously
/// created metrics will still refer to a snapshot of the path at the time they
/// were computed, rather than to the actual metrics for the new mutations to
/// the path.
/// Implementation is based on
/// to maintain consistency with native platforms.
abstract class PathMetric {
/// Return the total length of the current contour.
double get length;
/// The zero-based index of the contour.
/// [Path] objects are made up of zero or more contours. The first contour is
/// created once a drawing command (e.g. [Path.lineTo]) is issued. A
/// [Path.moveTo] command after a drawing command may create a new contour,
/// although it may not if optimizations are applied that determine the move
/// command did not actually result in moving the pen.
/// This property is only valid with reference to its original iterator and
/// the contours of the path at the time the path's metrics were computed. If
/// additional contours were added or existing contours updated, this metric
/// will be invalid for the current state of the path.
int get contourIndex;
/// Computes the position of hte current contour at the given offset, and the
/// angle of the path at that point.
/// For example, calling this method with a distance of 1.41 for a line from
/// 0.0,0.0 to 2.0,2.0 would give a point 1.0,1.0 and the angle 45 degrees
/// (but in radians).
/// Returns null if the contour has zero [length].
/// The distance is clamped to the [length] of the current contour.
Tangent getTangentForOffset(double distance);
/// Given a start and stop distance, return the intervening segment(s).
/// `start` and `end` are pinned to legal values (0..[length])
/// Returns null if the segment is 0 length or `start` > `stop`.
/// Begin the segment with a moveTo if `startWithMoveTo` is true.
Path extractPath(double start, double end, {bool startWithMoveTo = true});
/// Whether the contour is closed.
/// Returns true if the contour ends with a call to [Path.close] (which may
/// have been implied when using [Path.addRect]) or if `forceClosed` was
/// specified as true in the call to [Path.computeMetrics]. Returns false
/// otherwise.
bool get isClosed;
/// The geometric description of a tangent: the angle at a point.
/// See also:
/// * [PathMetric.getTangentForOffset], which returns the tangent of an offset
/// along a path.
class Tangent {
/// Creates a [Tangent] with the given values.
/// The arguments must not be null.
const Tangent(this.position, this.vector)
: assert(position != null),
assert(vector != null);
/// Creates a [Tangent] based on the angle rather than the vector.
/// The [vector] is computed to be the unit vector at the given angle,
/// interpreted as clockwise radians from the x axis.
factory Tangent.fromAngle(Offset position, double angle) {
return Tangent(position, Offset(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)));
/// Position of the tangent.
/// When used with [PathMetric.getTangentForOffset], this represents the
/// precise position that the given offset along the path corresponds to.
final Offset position;
/// The vector of the curve at [position].
/// When used with [PathMetric.getTangentForOffset], this is the vector of the
/// curve that is at the given offset along the path (i.e. the direction of
/// the curve at [position]).
final Offset vector;
/// The direction of the curve at [position].
/// When used with [PathMetric.getTangentForOffset], this is the angle of the
/// curve that is the given offset along the path (i.e. the direction of the
/// curve at [position]).
/// This value is in radians, with 0.0 meaning pointing along the x axis in
/// the positive x-axis direction, positive numbers pointing downward toward
/// the negative y-axis, i.e. in a clockwise direction, and negative numbers
/// pointing upward toward the positive y-axis, i.e. in a counter-clockwise
/// direction.
// flip the sign to be consistent with [Path.arcTo]'s `sweepAngle`
double get angle => -math.atan2(vector.dy, vector.dx);