blob: 1b83e0be11d2c4b3b5747dafc3812b7de0ec39e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of engine;
/// A complex, one-dimensional subset of a plane.
/// A path consists of a number of subpaths, and a _current point_.
/// Subpaths consist of segments of various types, such as lines,
/// arcs, or beziers. Subpaths can be open or closed, and can
/// self-intersect.
/// Closed subpaths enclose a (possibly discontiguous) region of the
/// plane based on the current [fillType].
/// The _current point_ is initially at the origin. After each
/// operation adding a segment to a subpath, the current point is
/// updated to the end of that segment.
/// Paths can be drawn on canvases using [Canvas.drawPath], and can
/// used to create clip regions using [Canvas.clipPath].
class SurfacePath implements ui.Path {
final List<Subpath> subpaths;
ui.PathFillType _fillType = ui.PathFillType.nonZero;
Subpath get _currentSubpath => subpaths.isEmpty ? null : subpaths.last;
List<PathCommand> get _commands => _currentSubpath?.commands;
/// The current x-coordinate for this path.
double get _currentX => _currentSubpath?.currentX ?? 0.0;
/// The current y-coordinate for this path.
double get _currentY => _currentSubpath?.currentY ?? 0.0;
/// Recorder used for hit testing paths.
static ui.RawRecordingCanvas _rawRecorder;
SurfacePath() : subpaths = <Subpath>[];
/// Creates a copy of another [Path].
/// This copy is fast and does not require additional memory unless either
/// the `source` path or the path returned by this constructor are modified.
SurfacePath.from(SurfacePath source) : subpaths = _deepCopy(source.subpaths);
SurfacePath._shallowCopy(SurfacePath source)
: subpaths = List<Subpath>.from(source.subpaths);
SurfacePath._clone(this.subpaths, this._fillType);
static List<Subpath> _deepCopy(List<Subpath> source) {
// The last sub path can potentially still be mutated by calling ops.
// Copy all sub paths except the last active one which needs a deep copy.
final List<Subpath> paths = [];
int len = source.length;
if (len != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
paths.add(source[len].shift(const ui.Offset(0, 0)));
return paths;
/// Determines how the interior of this path is calculated.
/// Defaults to the non-zero winding rule, [PathFillType.nonZero].
ui.PathFillType get fillType => _fillType;
set fillType(ui.PathFillType value) {
_fillType = value;
/// Opens a new subpath with starting point (x, y).
void _openNewSubpath(double x, double y) {
subpaths.add(Subpath(x, y));
_setCurrentPoint(x, y);
/// Sets the current point to (x, y).
void _setCurrentPoint(double x, double y) {
_currentSubpath.currentX = x;
_currentSubpath.currentY = y;
/// Starts a new subpath at the given coordinate.
void moveTo(double x, double y) {
_openNewSubpath(x, y);
_commands.add(MoveTo(x, y));
/// Starts a new subpath at the given offset from the current point.
void relativeMoveTo(double dx, double dy) {
final double newX = _currentX + dx;
final double newY = _currentY + dy;
_openNewSubpath(newX, newY);
_commands.add(MoveTo(newX, newY));
/// Adds a straight line segment from the current point to the given
/// point.
void lineTo(double x, double y) {
if (subpaths.isEmpty) {
moveTo(0.0, 0.0);
_commands.add(LineTo(x, y));
_setCurrentPoint(x, y);
/// Adds a straight line segment from the current point to the point
/// at the given offset from the current point.
void relativeLineTo(double dx, double dy) {
final double newX = _currentX + dx;
final double newY = _currentY + dy;
if (subpaths.isEmpty) {
moveTo(0.0, 0.0);
_commands.add(LineTo(newX, newY));
_setCurrentPoint(newX, newY);
void _ensurePathStarted() {
if (subpaths.isEmpty) {
subpaths.add(Subpath(0.0, 0.0));
/// Adds a quadratic bezier segment that curves from the current
/// point to the given point (x2,y2), using the control point
/// (x1,y1).
void quadraticBezierTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
_commands.add(QuadraticCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2));
_setCurrentPoint(x2, y2);
/// Adds a quadratic bezier segment that curves from the current
/// point to the point at the offset (x2,y2) from the current point,
/// using the control point at the offset (x1,y1) from the current
/// point.
void relativeQuadraticBezierTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
x1 + _currentX, y1 + _currentY, x2 + _currentX, y2 + _currentY));
_setCurrentPoint(x2 + _currentX, y2 + _currentY);
/// Adds a cubic bezier segment that curves from the current point
/// to the given point (x3,y3), using the control points (x1,y1) and
/// (x2,y2).
void cubicTo(
double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) {
_commands.add(BezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3));
_setCurrentPoint(x3, y3);
/// Adds a cubic bezier segment that curves from the current point
/// to the point at the offset (x3,y3) from the current point, using
/// the control points at the offsets (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) from the
/// current point.
void relativeCubicTo(
double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) {
_commands.add(BezierCurveTo(x1 + _currentX, y1 + _currentY, x2 + _currentX,
y2 + _currentY, x3 + _currentX, y3 + _currentY));
_setCurrentPoint(x3 + _currentX, y3 + _currentY);
/// Adds a bezier segment that curves from the current point to the
/// given point (x2,y2), using the control points (x1,y1) and the
/// weight w. If the weight is greater than 1, then the curve is a
/// hyperbola; if the weight equals 1, it's a parabola; and if it is
/// less than 1, it is an ellipse.
void conicTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double w) {
final List<ui.Offset> quads =
Conic(_currentX, _currentY, x1, y1, x2, y2, w).toQuads();
final int len = quads.length;
for (int i = 1; i < len; i += 2) {
quads[i].dx, quads[i].dy, quads[i + 1].dx, quads[i + 1].dy);
/// Adds a bezier segment that curves from the current point to the
/// point at the offset (x2,y2) from the current point, using the
/// control point at the offset (x1,y1) from the current point and
/// the weight w. If the weight is greater than 1, then the curve is
/// a hyperbola; if the weight equals 1, it's a parabola; and if it
/// is less than 1, it is an ellipse.
void relativeConicTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double w) {
conicTo(_currentX + x1, _currentY + y1, _currentX + x2, _currentY + y2, w);
/// If the `forceMoveTo` argument is false, adds a straight line
/// segment and an arc segment.
/// If the `forceMoveTo` argument is true, starts a new subpath
/// consisting of an arc segment.
/// In either case, the arc segment consists of the arc that follows
/// the edge of the oval bounded by the given rectangle, from
/// startAngle radians around the oval up to startAngle + sweepAngle
/// radians around the oval, with zero radians being the point on
/// the right hand side of the oval that crosses the horizontal line
/// that intersects the center of the rectangle and with positive
/// angles going clockwise around the oval.
/// The line segment added if `forceMoveTo` is false starts at the
/// current point and ends at the start of the arc.
void arcTo(
ui.Rect rect, double startAngle, double sweepAngle, bool forceMoveTo) {
final ui.Offset center =;
final double radiusX = rect.width / 2;
final double radiusY = rect.height / 2;
final double startX = radiusX * math.cos(startAngle) + center.dx;
final double startY = radiusY * math.sin(startAngle) + center.dy;
if (forceMoveTo) {
_openNewSubpath(startX, startY);
} else {
lineTo(startX, startY);
_commands.add(Ellipse(center.dx, center.dy, radiusX, radiusY, 0.0,
startAngle, startAngle + sweepAngle, sweepAngle.isNegative));
_setCurrentPoint(radiusX * math.cos(startAngle + sweepAngle) + center.dx,
radiusY * math.sin(startAngle + sweepAngle) + center.dy);
/// Appends up to four conic curves weighted to describe an oval of `radius`
/// and rotated by `rotation`.
/// The first curve begins from the last point in the path and the last ends
/// at `arcEnd`. The curves follow a path in a direction determined by
/// `clockwise` and `largeArc` in such a way that the sweep angle
/// is always less than 360 degrees.
/// A simple line is appended if either either radii are zero or the last
/// point in the path is `arcEnd`. The radii are scaled to fit the last path
/// point if both are greater than zero but too small to describe an arc.
/// See Conversion from endpoint to center parametrization described in
/// as reference for implementation.
void arcToPoint(
ui.Offset arcEnd, {
ui.Radius radius =,
double rotation = 0.0,
bool largeArc = false,
bool clockwise = true,
}) {
// _currentX, _currentY are the coordinates of start point on path,
// arcEnd is final point of arc.
// rx,ry are the radii of the eclipse (semi-major/semi-minor axis)
// largeArc is false if arc is spanning less than or equal to 180 degrees.
// clockwise is false if arc sweeps through decreasing angles or true
// if sweeping through increasing angles.
// rotation is the angle from the x-axis of the current coordinate
// system to the x-axis of the eclipse.
double rx = radius.x.abs();
double ry = radius.y.abs();
// If the current point and target point for the arc are identical, it
// should be treated as a zero length path. This ensures continuity in
// animations.
final bool isSamePoint = _currentX == arcEnd.dx && _currentY == arcEnd.dy;
// If rx = 0 or ry = 0 then this arc is treated as a straight line segment
// (a "lineto") joining the endpoints.
if (isSamePoint || rx.toInt() == 0 || ry.toInt() == 0) {
_commands.add(LineTo(arcEnd.dx, arcEnd.dy));
_setCurrentPoint(arcEnd.dx, arcEnd.dy);
// As an intermediate point to finding center parametrization, place the
// origin on the midpoint between start/end points and rotate to align
// coordinate axis with axes of the ellipse.
final double midPointX = (_currentX - arcEnd.dx) / 2.0;
final double midPointY = (_currentY - arcEnd.dy) / 2.0;
// Convert rotation or radians.
final double xAxisRotation = math.pi * rotation / 180.0;
// Cache cos/sin value.
final double cosXAxisRotation = math.cos(xAxisRotation);
final double sinXAxisRotation = math.sin(xAxisRotation);
// Calculate rotate midpoint as x/yPrime.
final double xPrime =
(cosXAxisRotation * midPointX) + (sinXAxisRotation * midPointY);
final double yPrime =
(-sinXAxisRotation * midPointX) + (cosXAxisRotation * midPointY);
// Check if the radii are big enough to draw the arc, scale radii if not.
double rxSquare = rx * rx;
double rySquare = ry * ry;
final double xPrimeSquare = xPrime * xPrime;
final double yPrimeSquare = yPrime * yPrime;
double radiiScale = (xPrimeSquare / rxSquare) + (yPrimeSquare / rySquare);
if (radiiScale > 1) {
radiiScale = math.sqrt(radiiScale);
rx *= radiiScale;
ry *= radiiScale;
rxSquare = rx * rx;
rySquare = ry * ry;
// Compute transformed center. eq. 5.2
final double distanceSquare =
(rxSquare * yPrimeSquare) + rySquare * xPrimeSquare;
final double cNumerator = (rxSquare * rySquare) - distanceSquare;
double scaleFactor = math.sqrt(math.max(cNumerator / distanceSquare, 0.0));
if (largeArc == clockwise) {
scaleFactor = -scaleFactor;
// Ready to compute transformed center.
final double cxPrime = scaleFactor * ((rx * yPrime) / ry);
final double cyPrime = scaleFactor * (-(ry * xPrime) / rx);
// Rotate to find actual center.
final double cx = cosXAxisRotation * cxPrime -
sinXAxisRotation * cyPrime +
((_currentX + arcEnd.dx) / 2.0);
final double cy = sinXAxisRotation * cxPrime +
cosXAxisRotation * cyPrime +
((_currentY + arcEnd.dy) / 2.0);
// Calculate start angle and sweep.
// Start vector is from midpoint of start/end points to transformed center.
final double startVectorX = (xPrime - cxPrime) / rx;
final double startVectorY = (yPrime - cyPrime) / ry;
final double startAngle = math.atan2(startVectorY, startVectorX);
final double endVectorX = (-xPrime - cxPrime) / rx;
final double endVectorY = (-yPrime - cyPrime) / ry;
double sweepAngle = math.atan2(endVectorY, endVectorX) - startAngle;
if (clockwise && sweepAngle < 0) {
sweepAngle += math.pi * 2.0;
} else if (!clockwise && sweepAngle > 0) {
sweepAngle -= math.pi * 2.0;
_commands.add(Ellipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, xAxisRotation, startAngle,
startAngle + sweepAngle, sweepAngle.isNegative));
_setCurrentPoint(arcEnd.dx, arcEnd.dy);
/// Appends up to four conic curves weighted to describe an oval of `radius`
/// and rotated by `rotation`.
/// The last path point is described by (px, py).
/// The first curve begins from the last point in the path and the last ends
/// at `arcEndDelta.dx + px` and `arcEndDelta.dy + py`. The curves follow a
/// path in a direction determined by `clockwise` and `largeArc`
/// in such a way that the sweep angle is always less than 360 degrees.
/// A simple line is appended if either either radii are zero, or, both
/// `arcEndDelta.dx` and `arcEndDelta.dy` are zero. The radii are scaled to
/// fit the last path point if both are greater than zero but too small to
/// describe an arc.
void relativeArcToPoint(
ui.Offset arcEndDelta, {
ui.Radius radius =,
double rotation = 0.0,
bool largeArc = false,
bool clockwise = true,
}) {
ui.Offset(_currentX + arcEndDelta.dx, _currentY + arcEndDelta.dy),
radius: radius,
rotation: rotation,
largeArc: largeArc,
clockwise: clockwise);
/// Adds a new subpath that consists of four lines that outline the
/// given rectangle.
void addRect(ui.Rect rect) {
_commands.add(RectCommand(rect.left,, rect.width, rect.height));
/// Adds a new subpath that consists of a curve that forms the
/// ellipse that fills the given rectangle.
/// To add a circle, pass an appropriate rectangle as `oval`.
/// [Rect.fromCircle] can be used to easily describe the circle's center
/// [Offset] and radius.
void addOval(ui.Rect oval) {
final ui.Offset center =;
final double radiusX = oval.width / 2;
final double radiusY = oval.height / 2;
/// At startAngle = 0, the path will begin at center + cos(0) * radius.
_openNewSubpath(center.dx + radiusX, center.dy);
center.dx, center.dy, radiusX, radiusY, 0.0, 0.0, 2 * math.pi, false));
/// Adds a new subpath with one arc segment that consists of the arc
/// that follows the edge of the oval bounded by the given
/// rectangle, from startAngle radians around the oval up to
/// startAngle + sweepAngle radians around the oval, with zero
/// radians being the point on the right hand side of the oval that
/// crosses the horizontal line that intersects the center of the
/// rectangle and with positive angles going clockwise around the
/// oval.
void addArc(ui.Rect oval, double startAngle, double sweepAngle) {
final ui.Offset center =;
final double radiusX = oval.width / 2;
final double radiusY = oval.height / 2;
_openNewSubpath(radiusX * math.cos(startAngle) + center.dx,
radiusY * math.sin(startAngle) + center.dy);
_commands.add(Ellipse(center.dx, center.dy, radiusX, radiusY, 0.0,
startAngle, startAngle + sweepAngle, sweepAngle.isNegative));
_setCurrentPoint(radiusX * math.cos(startAngle + sweepAngle) + center.dx,
radiusY * math.sin(startAngle + sweepAngle) + center.dy);
/// Adds a new subpath with a sequence of line segments that connect the given
/// points.
/// If `close` is true, a final line segment will be added that connects the
/// last point to the first point.
/// The `points` argument is interpreted as offsets from the origin.
void addPolygon(List<ui.Offset> points, bool close) {
assert(points != null);
if (points.isEmpty) {
moveTo(points.first.dx, points.first.dy);
for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
final ui.Offset point = points[i];
lineTo(point.dx, point.dy);
if (close) {
} else {
_setCurrentPoint(points.last.dx, points.last.dy);
/// Adds a new subpath that consists of the straight lines and
/// curves needed to form the rounded rectangle described by the
/// argument.
void addRRect(ui.RRect rrect) {
// Set the current point to the top left corner of the rectangle (the
// point on the top of the rectangle farthest to the left that isn't in
// the rounded corner).
// TODO(het): Is this the current point in Flutter?
/// Adds a new subpath that consists of the given `path` offset by the given
/// `offset`.
/// If `matrix4` is specified, the path will be transformed by this matrix
/// after the matrix is translated by the given offset. The matrix is a 4x4
/// matrix stored in column major order.
void addPath(ui.Path path, ui.Offset offset, {Float64List matrix4}) {
assert(path != null); // path is checked on the engine side
if (matrix4 != null) {
_addPathWithMatrix(path, offset.dx, offset.dy, toMatrix32(matrix4));
} else {
_addPath(path, offset.dx, offset.dy);
void _addPath(SurfacePath path, double dx, double dy) {
if (dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0) {
} else {
._transform(Matrix4.translationValues(dx, dy, 0.0).storage)
void _addPathWithMatrix(
SurfacePath path, double dx, double dy, Float32List matrix) {
final Matrix4 transform = Matrix4.fromFloat32List(matrix);
transform.translate(dx, dy);
/// Adds the given path to this path by extending the current segment of this
/// path with the first segment of the given path.
/// If `matrix4` is specified, the path will be transformed by this matrix
/// after the matrix is translated by the given `offset`. The matrix is a 4x4
/// matrix stored in column major order.
void extendWithPath(ui.Path path, ui.Offset offset, {Float64List matrix4}) {
assert(path != null); // path is checked on the engine side
if (matrix4 != null) {
final Float32List matrix32 = toMatrix32(matrix4);
_extendWithPathAndMatrix(path, offset.dx, offset.dy, matrix32);
} else {
_extendWithPath(path, offset.dx, offset.dy);
void _extendWithPath(SurfacePath path, double dx, double dy) {
if (dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0) {
assert(path.subpaths.length == 1);
path.subpaths.single.currentX, path.subpaths.single.currentY);
} else {
throw UnimplementedError('Cannot extend path with non-zero offset');
void _extendWithPathAndMatrix(
SurfacePath path, double dx, double dy, Float32List matrix) {
throw UnimplementedError('Cannot extend path with transform matrix');
/// Closes the last subpath, as if a straight line had been drawn
/// from the current point to the first point of the subpath.
void close() {
_commands.add(const CloseCommand());
_setCurrentPoint(_currentSubpath.startX, _currentSubpath.startY);
/// Clears the [Path] object of all subpaths, returning it to the
/// same state it had when it was created. The _current point_ is
/// reset to the origin.
void reset() {
/// Tests to see if the given point is within the path. (That is, whether the
/// point would be in the visible portion of the path if the path was used
/// with [Canvas.clipPath].)
/// The `point` argument is interpreted as an offset from the origin.
/// Returns true if the point is in the path, and false otherwise.
/// Note: Not very efficient, it creates a canvas, plays path and calls
/// Context2D isPointInPath. If performance becomes issue, retaining
/// RawRecordingCanvas can remove create/remove rootElement cost.
bool contains(ui.Offset point) {
final int subPathCount = subpaths.length;
if (subPathCount == 0) {
return false;
final double pointX = point.dx;
final double pointY = point.dy;
if (subPathCount == 1) {
// Optimize for rect/roundrect checks.
final Subpath subPath = subpaths[0];
if (subPath.commands.length == 1) {
final PathCommand cmd = subPath.commands[0];
if (cmd is RectCommand) {
if (pointY < cmd.y || pointY > (cmd.y + cmd.height)) {
return false;
if (pointX < cmd.x || pointX > (cmd.x + cmd.width)) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (cmd is RRectCommand) {
final ui.RRect rRect = cmd.rrect;
if (pointY < || pointY > rRect.bottom) {
return false;
if (pointX < rRect.left || pointX > rRect.right) {
return false;
final double rRectWidth = rRect.width;
final double rRectHeight = rRect.height;
final double tlRadiusX = math.min(rRect.tlRadiusX, rRectWidth / 2.0);
final double tlRadiusY = math.min(rRect.tlRadiusY, rRectHeight / 2.0);
if (pointX < (rRect.left + tlRadiusX) &&
pointY < ( + tlRadiusY)) {
// Top left corner
return _ellipseContains(pointX, pointY, rRect.left + tlRadiusX, + tlRadiusY, tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY);
final double trRadiusX = math.min(rRect.trRadiusX, rRectWidth / 2.0);
final double trRadiusY = math.min(rRect.trRadiusY, rRectHeight / 2.0);
if (pointX >= (rRect.right - trRadiusX) &&
pointY < ( + trRadiusY)) {
// Top right corner
return _ellipseContains(pointX, pointY, rRect.right - trRadiusX, + trRadiusY, trRadiusX, trRadiusY);
final double brRadiusX = math.min(rRect.brRadiusX, rRectWidth / 2.0);
final double brRadiusY = math.min(rRect.brRadiusY, rRectHeight / 2.0);
if (pointX >= (rRect.right - brRadiusX) &&
pointY >= (rRect.bottom - brRadiusY)) {
// Bottom right corner
return _ellipseContains(pointX, pointY, rRect.right - brRadiusX,
rRect.bottom - brRadiusY, trRadiusX, trRadiusY);
final double blRadiusX = math.min(rRect.blRadiusX, rRectWidth / 2.0);
final double blRadiusY = math.min(rRect.blRadiusY, rRectHeight / 2.0);
if (pointX < (rRect.left + blRadiusX) &&
pointY >= (rRect.bottom - blRadiusY)) {
// Bottom left corner
return _ellipseContains(pointX, pointY, rRect.left + blRadiusX,
rRect.bottom - blRadiusY, trRadiusX, trRadiusY);
return true;
// TODO: For improved performance, handle Ellipse special case.
final ui.Size size = window.physicalSize;
// If device pixel ratio has changed we can't reuse prior raw recorder.
if (_rawRecorder != null &&
_rawRecorder._devicePixelRatio !=
EngineWindow.browserDevicePixelRatio) {
_rawRecorder = null;
final double dpr = window.devicePixelRatio;
_rawRecorder ??=
ui.RawRecordingCanvas(ui.Size(size.width / dpr, size.height / dpr));
// Account for the shift due to padding.
this, (SurfacePaint()..color = const ui.Color(0xFF000000)).paintData);
final double recorderDevicePixelRatio = _rawRecorder._devicePixelRatio;
final bool result = _rawRecorder._canvasPool.context.isPointInPath(
pointX * recorderDevicePixelRatio, pointY * recorderDevicePixelRatio);
return result;
/// Returns a copy of the path with all the segments of every
/// subpath translated by the given offset.
SurfacePath shift(ui.Offset offset) {
final List<Subpath> shiftedSubPaths = <Subpath>[];
for (final Subpath subPath in subpaths) {
return SurfacePath._clone(shiftedSubPaths, fillType);
/// Returns a copy of the path with all the segments of every
/// sub path transformed by the given matrix.
SurfacePath transform(Float64List matrix4) {
return _transform(toMatrix32(matrix4));
SurfacePath _transform(Float32List matrix) {
final SurfacePath transformedPath = SurfacePath();
for (final Subpath subPath in subpaths) {
for (final PathCommand cmd in subPath.commands) {
cmd.transform(matrix, transformedPath);
return transformedPath;
/// Computes the bounding rectangle for this path.
/// A path containing only axis-aligned points on the same straight line will
/// have no area, and therefore `Rect.isEmpty` will return true for such a
/// path. Consider checking `rect.width + rect.height > 0.0` instead, or
/// using the [computeMetrics] API to check the path length.
/// For many more elaborate paths, the bounds may be inaccurate. For example,
/// when a path contains a circle, the points used to compute the bounds are
/// the circle's implied control points, which form a square around the
/// circle; if the circle has a transformation applied using [transform] then
/// that square is rotated, and the (axis-aligned, non-rotated) bounding box
/// therefore ends up grossly overestimating the actual area covered by the
/// circle.
// see
ui.Rect getBounds() {
// Sufficiently small number for curve eq.
const double epsilon = 0.000000001;
bool ltrbInitialized = false;
double left = 0.0, top = 0.0, right = 0.0, bottom = 0.0;
double curX = 0.0;
double curY = 0.0;
double minX = 0.0, maxX = 0.0, minY = 0.0, maxY = 0.0;
for (Subpath subpath in subpaths) {
for (PathCommand op in subpath.commands) {
bool skipBounds = false;
switch (op.type) {
case PathCommandTypes.moveTo:
final MoveTo cmd = op;
curX = minX = maxX = cmd.x;
curY = minY = maxY = cmd.y;
case PathCommandTypes.lineTo:
final LineTo cmd = op;
curX = minX = maxX = cmd.x;
curY = minY = maxY = cmd.y;
case PathCommandTypes.ellipse:
final Ellipse cmd = op;
// Rotate 4 corners of bounding box.
final double rx = cmd.radiusX;
final double ry = cmd.radiusY;
final double cosVal = math.cos(cmd.rotation);
final double sinVal = math.sin(cmd.rotation);
final double rxCos = rx * cosVal;
final double ryCos = ry * cosVal;
final double rxSin = rx * sinVal;
final double rySin = ry * sinVal;
final double leftDeltaX = rxCos - rySin;
final double rightDeltaX = -rxCos - rySin;
final double topDeltaY = ryCos + rxSin;
final double bottomDeltaY = ryCos - rxSin;
final double centerX = cmd.x;
final double centerY = cmd.y;
double rotatedX = centerX + leftDeltaX;
double rotatedY = centerY + topDeltaY;
minX = maxX = rotatedX;
minY = maxY = rotatedY;
rotatedX = centerX + rightDeltaX;
rotatedY = centerY + bottomDeltaY;
minX = math.min(minX, rotatedX);
maxX = math.max(maxX, rotatedX);
minY = math.min(minY, rotatedY);
maxY = math.max(maxY, rotatedY);
rotatedX = centerX - leftDeltaX;
rotatedY = centerY - topDeltaY;
minX = math.min(minX, rotatedX);
maxX = math.max(maxX, rotatedX);
minY = math.min(minY, rotatedY);
maxY = math.max(maxY, rotatedY);
rotatedX = centerX - rightDeltaX;
rotatedY = centerY - bottomDeltaY;
minX = math.min(minX, rotatedX);
maxX = math.max(maxX, rotatedX);
minY = math.min(minY, rotatedY);
maxY = math.max(maxY, rotatedY);
curX = centerX + cmd.radiusX;
curY = centerY;
case PathCommandTypes.quadraticCurveTo:
final QuadraticCurveTo cmd = op;
final double x1 = curX;
final double y1 = curY;
final double cpX = cmd.x1;
final double cpY = cmd.y1;
final double x2 = cmd.x2;
final double y2 = cmd.y2;
minX = math.min(x1, x2);
minY = math.min(y1, y2);
maxX = math.max(x1, x2);
maxY = math.max(y1, y2);
// Curve equation : (1-t)(1-t)P1 + 2t(1-t)CP + t*t*P2.
// At extrema's derivative = 0.
// Solve for
// -2x1+2tx1 + 2cpX + 4tcpX + 2tx2 = 0
// -2x1 + 2cpX +2t(x1 + 2cpX + x2) = 0
// t = (x1 - cpX) / (x1 - 2cpX + x2)
double denom = x1 - (2 * cpX) + x2;
if (denom.abs() > epsilon) {
final num t1 = (x1 - cpX) / denom;
if ((t1 >= 0) && (t1 <= 1.0)) {
// Solve (x,y) for curve at t = tx to find extrema
final num tprime = 1.0 - t1;
final num extremaX = (tprime * tprime * x1) +
(2 * t1 * tprime * cpX) +
(t1 * t1 * x2);
final num extremaY = (tprime * tprime * y1) +
(2 * t1 * tprime * cpY) +
(t1 * t1 * y2);
// Expand bounds.
minX = math.min(minX, extremaX);
maxX = math.max(maxX, extremaX);
minY = math.min(minY, extremaY);
maxY = math.max(maxY, extremaY);
// Now calculate dy/dt = 0
denom = y1 - (2 * cpY) + y2;
if (denom.abs() > epsilon) {
final num t2 = (y1 - cpY) / denom;
if ((t2 >= 0) && (t2 <= 1.0)) {
final num tprime2 = 1.0 - t2;
final num extrema2X = (tprime2 * tprime2 * x1) +
(2 * t2 * tprime2 * cpX) +
(t2 * t2 * x2);
final num extrema2Y = (tprime2 * tprime2 * y1) +
(2 * t2 * tprime2 * cpY) +
(t2 * t2 * y2);
// Expand bounds.
minX = math.min(minX, extrema2X);
maxX = math.max(maxX, extrema2X);
minY = math.min(minY, extrema2Y);
maxY = math.max(maxY, extrema2Y);
curX = x2;
curY = y2;
case PathCommandTypes.bezierCurveTo:
final BezierCurveTo cmd = op;
final double startX = curX;
final double startY = curY;
final double cpX1 = cmd.x1;
final double cpY1 = cmd.y1;
final double cpX2 = cmd.x2;
final double cpY2 = cmd.y2;
final double endX = cmd.x3;
final double endY = cmd.y3;
// Bounding box is defined by all points on the curve where
// monotonicity changes.
minX = math.min(startX, endX);
minY = math.min(startY, endY);
maxX = math.max(startX, endX);
maxY = math.max(startY, endY);
double extremaX;
double extremaY;
double a, b, c;
// Check for simple case of strong ordering before calculating
// extrema
if (!(((startX < cpX1) && (cpX1 < cpX2) && (cpX2 < endX)) ||
((startX > cpX1) && (cpX1 > cpX2) && (cpX2 > endX)))) {
// The extrema point is dx/dt B(t) = 0
// The derivative of B(t) for cubic bezier is a quadratic equation
// with multiple roots
// B'(t) = a*t*t + b*t + c*t
a = -startX + (3 * (cpX1 - cpX2)) + endX;
b = 2 * (startX - (2 * cpX1) + cpX2);
c = -startX + cpX1;
// Now find roots for quadratic equation with known coefficients
// a,b,c
// The roots are (-b+-sqrt(b*b-4*a*c)) / 2a
num s = (b * b) - (4 * a * c);
// If s is negative, we have no real roots
if ((s >= 0.0) && (a.abs() > epsilon)) {
if (s == 0.0) {
// we have only 1 root
final num t = -b / (2 * a);
final num tprime = 1.0 - t;
if ((t >= 0.0) && (t <= 1.0)) {
extremaX = ((tprime * tprime * tprime) * startX) +
((3 * tprime * tprime * t) * cpX1) +
((3 * tprime * t * t) * cpX2) +
(t * t * t * endX);
minX = math.min(extremaX, minX);
maxX = math.max(extremaX, maxX);
} else {
// we have 2 roots
s = math.sqrt(s);
num t = (-b - s) / (2 * a);
num tprime = 1.0 - t;
if ((t >= 0.0) && (t <= 1.0)) {
extremaX = ((tprime * tprime * tprime) * startX) +
((3 * tprime * tprime * t) * cpX1) +
((3 * tprime * t * t) * cpX2) +
(t * t * t * endX);
minX = math.min(extremaX, minX);
maxX = math.max(extremaX, maxX);
// check 2nd root
t = (-b + s) / (2 * a);
tprime = 1.0 - t;
if ((t >= 0.0) && (t <= 1.0)) {
extremaX = ((tprime * tprime * tprime) * startX) +
((3 * tprime * tprime * t) * cpX1) +
((3 * tprime * t * t) * cpX2) +
(t * t * t * endX);
minX = math.min(extremaX, minX);
maxX = math.max(extremaX, maxX);
// Now calc extremes for dy/dt = 0 just like above
if (!(((startY < cpY1) && (cpY1 < cpY2) && (cpY2 < endY)) ||
((startY > cpY1) && (cpY1 > cpY2) && (cpY2 > endY)))) {
// The extrema point is dy/dt B(t) = 0
// The derivative of B(t) for cubic bezier is a quadratic equation
// with multiple roots
// B'(t) = a*t*t + b*t + c*t
a = -startY + (3 * (cpY1 - cpY2)) + endY;
b = 2 * (startY - (2 * cpY1) + cpY2);
c = -startY + cpY1;
// Now find roots for quadratic equation with known coefficients
// a,b,c
// The roots are (-b+-sqrt(b*b-4*a*c)) / 2a
num s = (b * b) - (4 * a * c);
// If s is negative, we have no real roots
if ((s >= 0.0) && (a.abs() > epsilon)) {
if (s == 0.0) {
// we have only 1 root
final num t = -b / (2 * a);
final num tprime = 1.0 - t;
if ((t >= 0.0) && (t <= 1.0)) {
extremaY = ((tprime * tprime * tprime) * startY) +
((3 * tprime * tprime * t) * cpY1) +
((3 * tprime * t * t) * cpY2) +
(t * t * t * endY);
minY = math.min(extremaY, minY);
maxY = math.max(extremaY, maxY);
} else {
// we have 2 roots
s = math.sqrt(s);
final num t = (-b - s) / (2 * a);
final num tprime = 1.0 - t;
if ((t >= 0.0) && (t <= 1.0)) {
extremaY = ((tprime * tprime * tprime) * startY) +
((3 * tprime * tprime * t) * cpY1) +
((3 * tprime * t * t) * cpY2) +
(t * t * t * endY);
minY = math.min(extremaY, minY);
maxY = math.max(extremaY, maxY);
// check 2nd root
final num t2 = (-b + s) / (2 * a);
final num tprime2 = 1.0 - t2;
if ((t2 >= 0.0) && (t2 <= 1.0)) {
extremaY = ((tprime2 * tprime2 * tprime2) * startY) +
((3 * tprime2 * tprime2 * t2) * cpY1) +
((3 * tprime2 * t2 * t2) * cpY2) +
(t2 * t2 * t2 * endY);
minY = math.min(extremaY, minY);
maxY = math.max(extremaY, maxY);
case PathCommandTypes.rect:
final RectCommand cmd = op;
minX = cmd.x;
double width = cmd.width;
if (cmd.width < 0) {
minX -= width;
width = -width;
minY = cmd.y;
double height = cmd.height;
if (cmd.height < 0) {
minY -= height;
height = -height;
curX = minX;
maxX = minX + width;
curY = minY;
maxY = minY + height;
case PathCommandTypes.rRect:
final RRectCommand cmd = op;
final ui.RRect rRect = cmd.rrect;
curX = minX = rRect.left;
maxX = rRect.left + rRect.width;
curY = minY =;
maxY = + rRect.height;
case PathCommandTypes.close:
skipBounds = false;
if (!skipBounds) {
if (!ltrbInitialized) {
left = minX;
right = maxX;
top = minY;
bottom = maxY;
ltrbInitialized = true;
} else {
left = math.min(left, minX);
right = math.max(right, maxX);
top = math.min(top, minY);
bottom = math.max(bottom, maxY);
return ltrbInitialized
? ui.Rect.fromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom)
/// Creates a [PathMetrics] object for this path.
/// If `forceClosed` is set to true, the contours of the path will be measured
/// as if they had been closed, even if they were not explicitly closed.
SurfacePathMetrics computeMetrics({bool forceClosed = false}) {
return SurfacePathMetrics._(this, forceClosed);
/// Detects if path is rounded rectangle and returns rounded rectangle or
/// null.
/// Used for web optimization of physical shape represented as
/// a persistent div.
ui.RRect get webOnlyPathAsRoundedRect {
if (subpaths.length != 1) {
return null;
final Subpath subPath = subpaths[0];
if (subPath.commands.length != 1) {
return null;
final PathCommand command = subPath.commands[0];
return (command is RRectCommand) ? command.rrect : null;
/// Detects if path is simple rectangle and returns rectangle or null.
/// Used for web optimization of physical shape represented as
/// a persistent div.
ui.Rect get webOnlyPathAsRect {
if (subpaths.length != 1) {
return null;
final Subpath subPath = subpaths[0];
if (subPath.commands.length != 1) {
return null;
final PathCommand command = subPath.commands[0];
return (command is RectCommand)
? ui.Rect.fromLTWH(command.x, command.y, command.width, command.height)
: null;
/// Detects if path is simple oval and returns [Ellipse] or null.
/// Used for web optimization of physical shape represented as
/// a persistent div.
Ellipse get webOnlyPathAsCircle {
if (subpaths.length != 1) {
return null;
final Subpath subPath = subpaths[0];
if (subPath.commands.length != 1) {
return null;
final PathCommand command = subPath.commands[0];
if (command is Ellipse) {
final Ellipse ellipse = command;
if ((ellipse.endAngle - ellipse.startAngle) % (2 * math.pi) == 0.0) {
return ellipse;
return null;
/// Serializes this path to a value that's sent to a CSS custom painter for
/// painting.
List<dynamic> webOnlySerializeToCssPaint() {
final List<dynamic> serializedSubpaths = <dynamic>[];
for (int i = 0; i < subpaths.length; i++) {
return serializedSubpaths;
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'Path(${subpaths.join(', ')})';
} else {
return super.toString();
// Returns true if point is inside ellipse.
bool _ellipseContains(double px, double py, double centerX, double centerY,
double radiusX, double radiusY) {
final double dx = px - centerX;
final double dy = py - centerY;
return ((dx * dx) / (radiusX * radiusX)) + ((dy * dy) / (radiusY * radiusY)) <