blob: 5018d8d2d5aa2d3cfbe49f46ce64294217771db0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of engine;
/// Text editing used by accesibility mode.
/// [SemanticsTextEditingStrategy] assumes the caller will own the creation,
/// insertion and disposal of the DOM element. Due to this
/// [initializeElementPlacement], [initializeTextEditing] and
/// [disable] strategies are handled differently.
/// This class is still responsible for hooking up the DOM element with the
/// [HybridTextEditing] instance so that changes are communicated to Flutter.
class SemanticsTextEditingStrategy extends DefaultTextEditingStrategy {
/// Creates a [SemanticsTextEditingStrategy] that eagerly instantiates
/// [domElement] so the caller can insert it before calling
/// [SemanticsTextEditingStrategy.enable].
HybridTextEditing owner, html.HtmlElement domElement)
: super(owner) {
// Make sure the DOM element is of a type that we support for text editing.
// TODO(yjbanov): move into initializer list when is fixed.
assert((domElement is html.InputElement) ||
(domElement is html.TextAreaElement));
super.domElement = domElement;
void disable() {
// We don't want to remove the DOM element because the caller is responsible
// for that.
// Remove focus from the editable element to cause the keyboard to hide.
// Otherwise, the keyboard stays on screen even when the user navigates to
// a different screen (e.g. by hitting the "back" button).
void initializeElementPlacement() {
// Element placement is done by [TextField].
void initializeTextEditing(InputConfiguration inputConfig,
{_OnChangeCallback onChange, _OnActionCallback onAction}) {
// In accesibilty mode, the user of this class is supposed to insert the
// [domElement] on their own. Let's make sure they did.
assert(domElement != null);
isEnabled = true;
_inputConfiguration = inputConfig;
_onChange = onChange;
_onAction = onAction;
void setEditingState(EditingState editingState) {
// Refocus after setting editing state.
/// Manages semantics objects that represent editable text fields.
/// This role is implemented via a content-editable HTML element. This role does
/// not proactively switch modes depending on the current
/// [EngineSemanticsOwner.gestureMode]. However, in Chrome on Android it ignores
/// browser gestures when in pointer mode. In Safari on iOS touch events are
/// used to detect text box invocation. This is because Safari issues touch
/// events even when Voiceover is enabled.
class TextField extends RoleManager {
TextField(SemanticsObject semanticsObject)
: super(Role.textField, semanticsObject) {
final html.HtmlElement editableDomElement =
? html.TextAreaElement()
: html.InputElement();
textEditingElement = SemanticsTextEditingStrategy(
SemanticsTextEditingStrategy textEditingElement;
html.Element get _textFieldElement => textEditingElement.domElement;
void _setupDomElement() {
// On iOS, even though the semantic text field is transparent, the cursor
// and text highlighting are still visible. The cursor and text selection
// are made invisible by CSS in [DomRenderer.reset].
// But there's one more case where iOS highlights text. That's when there's
// and autocorrect suggestion. To disable that, we have to do the following:
..spellcheck = false
..setAttribute('autocorrect', 'off')
..setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off')
..setAttribute('data-semantics-role', 'text-field');
..position = 'absolute'
// `top` and `left` are intentionally set to zero here.
// The text field would live inside a `<flt-semantics>` which should
// already be positioned using semantics.rect.
// See also:
// * [SemanticsObject.recomputePositionAndSize], which sets the position
// and size of the parent `<flt-semantics>` element. = '0'
..left = '0'
..width = '${semanticsObject.rect.width}px'
..height = '${semanticsObject.rect.height}px';
switch (browserEngine) {
case BrowserEngine.blink:
case BrowserEngine.edge:
case BrowserEngine.ie11:
case BrowserEngine.firefox:
case BrowserEngine.ie11:
case BrowserEngine.unknown:
case BrowserEngine.webkit:
/// Chrome on Android reports text field activation as a "click" event.
/// When in browser gesture mode, the focus is forwarded to the framework as
/// a tap to initialize editing.
void _initializeForBlink() {
_textFieldElement.addEventListener('focus', (html.Event event) {
if (semanticsObject.owner.gestureMode != GestureMode.browserGestures) {
.invokeOnSemanticsAction(, ui.SemanticsAction.tap, null);
/// Safari on iOS reports text field activation via touch events.
/// This emulates a tap recognizer to detect the activation. Because touch
/// events are present regardless of whether accessibility is enabled or not,
/// this mode is always enabled.
void _initializeForWebkit() {
num lastTouchStartOffsetX;
num lastTouchStartOffsetY;
_textFieldElement.addEventListener('touchstart', (html.Event event) {
final html.TouchEvent touchEvent = event;
lastTouchStartOffsetX = touchEvent.changedTouches.last.client.x;
lastTouchStartOffsetY = touchEvent.changedTouches.last.client.y;
}, true);
_textFieldElement.addEventListener('touchend', (html.Event event) {
final html.TouchEvent touchEvent = event;
if (lastTouchStartOffsetX != null) {
assert(lastTouchStartOffsetY != null);
final num offsetX = touchEvent.changedTouches.last.client.x;
final num offsetY = touchEvent.changedTouches.last.client.y;
// This should match the similar constant define in:
// lib/src/gestures/constants.dart
// The value is pre-squared so we have to do less math at runtime.
const double kTouchSlop = 18.0 * 18.0; // Logical pixels squared
if (offsetX * offsetX + offsetY * offsetY < kTouchSlop) {
// Recognize it as a tap that requires a keyboard.
window.invokeOnSemanticsAction(, ui.SemanticsAction.tap, null);
} else {
assert(lastTouchStartOffsetY == null);
lastTouchStartOffsetX = null;
lastTouchStartOffsetY = null;
}, true);
void update() {
// The user is editing the semantic text field directly, so there's no need
// to do any update here.
void dispose() {