blob: 4dd297627285e1d4deb13971ca11fa8b73b87116 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
void main() {
test('onTextScaleFactorChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.VoidCallback callback = () {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onTextScaleFactorChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onTextScaleFactorChanged, same(callback));
test('onPlatformBrightnessChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.VoidCallback callback = () {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onPlatformBrightnessChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onPlatformBrightnessChanged, same(callback));
test('onMetricsChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.VoidCallback callback = () {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onMetricsChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onMetricsChanged, same(callback));
test('onLocaleChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.VoidCallback callback = () {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onLocaleChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onLocaleChanged, same(callback));
test('onBeginFrame preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.FrameCallback callback = (_) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onBeginFrame = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onBeginFrame, same(callback));
test('onReportTimings preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.TimingsCallback callback = (_) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onReportTimings = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onReportTimings, same(callback));
test('onDrawFrame preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.VoidCallback callback = () {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onDrawFrame = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onDrawFrame, same(callback));
test('onPointerDataPacket preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.PointerDataPacketCallback callback = (_) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onPointerDataPacket = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onPointerDataPacket, same(callback));
test('onSemanticsEnabledChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.VoidCallback callback = () {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onSemanticsEnabledChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onSemanticsEnabledChanged, same(callback));
test('onSemanticsAction preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.SemanticsActionCallback callback = (_, __, ___) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onSemanticsAction = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onSemanticsAction, same(callback));
window.invokeOnSemanticsAction(null, null, null);
test('onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.VoidCallback callback = () {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged, same(callback));
test('onPlatformMessage preserves the zone', () {
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ui.PlatformMessageCallback callback = (_, __, ___) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
window.onPlatformMessage = callback;
// Test that the getter returns the exact same callback, e.g. it doesn't wrap it.
expect(window.onPlatformMessage, same(callback));
window.invokeOnPlatformMessage(null, null, null);
test('sendPlatformMessage preserves the zone', () async {
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
final Zone innerZone = Zone.current.fork();
innerZone.runGuarded(() {
final ByteData inputData = ByteData(4);
inputData.setUint32(0, 42);
(outputData) {
expect(Zone.current, innerZone);
await completer.future;