blob: b3f5d3f8189290583ce72acf73a214d9054e82cb [file] [log] [blame]
# This expects the device to be in zedboot mode, with a zedboot that is
# is compatible with the Fuchsia system image provided.
# The first and only parameter should be the path to the Fuchsia system image
# tarball, e.g. `./ generic-x64.tgz`.
# This script expects `pm`, `dev_finder`, and `fuchsia_ctl` to all be in the
# same directory as the script, as well as the `flutter_aot_runner-0.far` and
# the `flutter_runner_tests-0.far`. It is written to be run from its own
# directory, and will fail if run from other directories or via sym-links.
# This script also expects a private key available at:
# "/etc/botanist/keys/id_rsa_infra".
set -Ee
# The nodes are named blah-blah--four-word-fuchsia-id
# Bot key to pave and ssh the device.
if [ -z "$device_name" ]
echo "No device found. Aborting."
exit 1
echo "Connecting to device $device_name"
reboot() {
echo "Dumping system logs..."
./fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name ssh \
-c "log_listener --dump_logs yes" \
--identity-file $pkey
echo "$(date) START:REBOOT ------------------------------------------"
# note: this will set an exit code of 255, which we can ignore.
./fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name ssh -c "dm reboot-recovery" \
--identity-file $pkey || true
echo "$(date) END:REBOOT --------------------------------------------"
trap reboot EXIT
echo "$(date) START:PAVING ------------------------------------------"
ssh-keygen -y -f $pkey >
./fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name pave -i $1 \
--public-key ""
echo "$(date) END:PAVING --------------------------------------------"
echo "$(date) START:WAIT_DEVICE_READY -------------------------------"
for i in {1..10}; do
./fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name ssh \
--identity-file $pkey \
-c "echo up" && break || sleep 15;
echo "$(date) END:WAIT_DEVICE_READY ---------------------------------"
echo "$(date) START:EXTRACT_PACKAGES ---------------------------------"
mkdir -p packages
tar -xvzf $2 -C packages 1> /dev/null
echo "$(date) END:EXTRACT_PACKAGES -----------------------------------"
# TODO (kaushikiska): Re-enable these tests.
# see:
# TODO(gw280): Enable tests using JIT runner
# echo "$(date) START:flutter_runner_tests ----------------------------"
# ./fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name test \
# -f flutter_aot_runner-0.far \
# -f flutter_runner_tests-0.far \
# -t flutter_runner_tests \
# --identity-file $pkey \
# --timeout-seconds 300 \
# --packages-directory packages
# ./fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name test \
# -f flutter_aot_runner-0.far \
# -f flutter_runner_scenic_tests-0.far \
# -t flutter_runner_scenic_tests \
# --identity-file $pkey \
# --timeout-seconds 300 \
# --packages-directory packages
# TODO( Enable after the
# Fuchsia message loop migration is complete.
# echo "$(date) START:fml_tests ---------------------------------------"
# ./fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name test \
# -f fml_tests-0.far \
# -t fml_tests \
# -a "--gtest_filter=-MessageLoop*:Message*:FileTest*" \
# --identity-file $pkey \
# --timeout-seconds 300 \
# --packages-directory packages
# echo "$(date) START:flow_tests --------------------------------------"
# ./fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name test \
# -f flow_tests-0.far \
# -t flow_tests \
# --identity-file $pkey \
# --timeout-seconds 300 \
# --packages-directory packages
# echo "$(date) START:runtime_tests -----------------------------------"
# ./fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name test \
# -f runtime_tests-0.far \
# -t runtime_tests \
# --identity-file $pkey \
# --timeout-seconds 300 \
# --packages-directory packages
# TODO( Re-enable
# OnServiceProtocolGetSkSLsWorks and CanLoadSkSLsFromAsset once they pass on
# Fuchsia.
# echo "$(date) START:shell_tests -------------------------------------"
# ./fuchsia_ctl -d $device_name test \
# -f shell_tests-0.far \
# -t shell_tests \
# -a "--gtest_filter=-ShellTest.CacheSkSLWorks:ShellTest.SetResourceCacheSize*:ShellTest.OnServiceProtocolGetSkSLsWorks:ShellTest.CanLoadSkSLsFromAsset" \
# --identity-file $pkey \
# --timeout-seconds 300 \
# --packages-directory packages