blob: 631d445802f28a147dbd301c9769de4750597701 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "flutter/shell/platform/windows/public/flutter_windows.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
// Base class for a object that provides test implementations of the APIs in
// the headers in platform/windows/public/.
// Linking this class into a test binary will provide dummy forwarding
// implementantions of that C API, so that the wrapper can be tested separately
// from the actual library.
class StubFlutterWindowsApi {
// Sets |stub| as the instance to which calls to the Flutter library C APIs
// will be forwarded.
static void SetTestStub(StubFlutterWindowsApi* stub);
// Returns the current stub, as last set by SetTestFluttterStub.
static StubFlutterWindowsApi* GetTestStub();
virtual ~StubFlutterWindowsApi() {}
// Called for FlutterDesktopCreateViewController.
virtual FlutterDesktopViewControllerRef CreateViewController(
int width,
int height,
const FlutterDesktopEngineProperties& engine_properties) {
return nullptr;
// Called for FlutterDesktopDestroyView.
virtual void DestroyViewController() {}
// Called for FlutterDesktopProcessMessages.
virtual uint64_t ProcessMessages() { return 0; }
// Called for FlutterDesktopViewGetHWND.
virtual HWND ViewGetHWND() { return reinterpret_cast<HWND>(1); }
// Called for FlutterDesktopRunEngine.
virtual FlutterDesktopEngineRef RunEngine(
const FlutterDesktopEngineProperties& engine_properties) {
return nullptr;
// Called for FlutterDesktopShutDownEngine.
virtual bool ShutDownEngine() { return true; }
// A test helper that owns a stub implementation, making it the test stub for
// the lifetime of the object, then restoring the previous value.
class ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi {
// Calls SetTestFlutterStub with |stub|.
ScopedStubFlutterWindowsApi(std::unique_ptr<StubFlutterWindowsApi> stub);
// Restores the previous test stub.
StubFlutterWindowsApi* stub() { return stub_.get(); }
std::unique_ptr<StubFlutterWindowsApi> stub_;
// The previous stub.
StubFlutterWindowsApi* previous_stub_;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter