blob: c7b18b6d34d60e530c190406c765a30f1982b3d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(dnfield): Remove unused_import ignores when is resolved.
part of dart.ui;
// ignore: unused_element
String _decodeUTF8(ByteData message) {
return message != null ? utf8.decoder.convert(message.buffer.asUint8List()) : null;
// ignore: unused_element
dynamic _decodeJSON(String message) {
return message != null ? json.decode(message) : null;
// ignore: unused_element
void _updateWindowMetrics(double devicePixelRatio,
double width,
double height,
double paddingTop,
double paddingRight,
double paddingBottom,
double paddingLeft,
double viewInsetTop,
double viewInsetRight,
double viewInsetBottom,
double viewInsetLeft) {
.._devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio
.._physicalSize = new Size(width, height)
.._padding = new WindowPadding._(
top: paddingTop,
right: paddingRight,
bottom: paddingBottom,
left: paddingLeft)
.._viewInsets = new WindowPadding._(
top: viewInsetTop,
right: viewInsetRight,
bottom: viewInsetBottom,
left: viewInsetLeft);
_invoke(window.onMetricsChanged, window._onMetricsChangedZone);
typedef _LocaleClosure = String Function();
String _localeClosure() {
if (window.locale == null) {
return null;
return window.locale.toString();
// ignore: unused_element
_LocaleClosure _getLocaleClosure() => _localeClosure;
// ignore: unused_element
void _updateLocales(List<String> locales) {
const int stringsPerLocale = 4;
final int numLocales = locales.length ~/ stringsPerLocale;
window._locales = new List<Locale>(numLocales);
for (int localeIndex = 0; localeIndex < numLocales; localeIndex++) {
final String countryCode = locales[localeIndex * stringsPerLocale + 1];
final String scriptCode = locales[localeIndex * stringsPerLocale + 2];
window._locales[localeIndex] = new Locale.fromSubtags(
languageCode: locales[localeIndex * stringsPerLocale],
countryCode: countryCode.isEmpty ? null : countryCode,
scriptCode: scriptCode.isEmpty ? null : scriptCode,
_invoke(window.onLocaleChanged, window._onLocaleChangedZone);
// ignore: unused_element
void _updateUserSettingsData(String jsonData) {
final Map<String, dynamic> data = json.decode(jsonData);
if (data.isEmpty) {
// ignore: unused_element
void _updateLifecycleState(String state) {
// We do not update the state if the state has already been used to initialize
// the lifecycleState.
if (!window._initialLifecycleStateAccessed)
window._initialLifecycleState = state;
void _updateTextScaleFactor(double textScaleFactor) {
window._textScaleFactor = textScaleFactor;
_invoke(window.onTextScaleFactorChanged, window._onTextScaleFactorChangedZone);
void _updateAlwaysUse24HourFormat(bool alwaysUse24HourFormat) {
window._alwaysUse24HourFormat = alwaysUse24HourFormat;
void _updatePlatformBrightness(String brightnessName) {
window._platformBrightness = brightnessName == 'dark' ? Brightness.dark : Brightness.light;
_invoke(window.onPlatformBrightnessChanged, window._onPlatformBrightnessChangedZone);
// ignore: unused_element
void _updateSemanticsEnabled(bool enabled) {
window._semanticsEnabled = enabled;
_invoke(window.onSemanticsEnabledChanged, window._onSemanticsEnabledChangedZone);
// ignore: unused_element
void _updateAccessibilityFeatures(int values) {
final AccessibilityFeatures newFeatures = new AccessibilityFeatures._(values);
if (newFeatures == window._accessibilityFeatures)
window._accessibilityFeatures = newFeatures;
_invoke(window.onAccessibilityFeaturesChanged, window._onAccessibilityFlagsChangedZone);
void _dispatchPlatformMessage(String name, ByteData data, int responseId) {
if (window.onPlatformMessage != null) {
_invoke3<String, ByteData, PlatformMessageResponseCallback>(
(ByteData responseData) {
window._respondToPlatformMessage(responseId, responseData);
} else {
window._respondToPlatformMessage(responseId, null);
// ignore: unused_element
void _dispatchPointerDataPacket(ByteData packet) {
if (window.onPointerDataPacket != null)
_invoke1<PointerDataPacket>(window.onPointerDataPacket, window._onPointerDataPacketZone, _unpackPointerDataPacket(packet));
// ignore: unused_element
void _dispatchSemanticsAction(int id, int action, ByteData args) {
_invoke3<int, SemanticsAction, ByteData>(
// ignore: unused_element
void _beginFrame(int microseconds) {
_invoke1<Duration>(window.onBeginFrame, window._onBeginFrameZone, new Duration(microseconds: microseconds));
// ignore: unused_element
void _drawFrame() {
_invoke(window.onDrawFrame, window._onDrawFrameZone);
// ignore: always_declare_return_types, prefer_generic_function_type_aliases
typedef _UnaryFunction(Null args);
// ignore: always_declare_return_types, prefer_generic_function_type_aliases
typedef _BinaryFunction(Null args, Null message);
// ignore: unused_element
void _runMainZoned(Function startMainIsolateFunction, Function userMainFunction) {
runZoned<Future<void>>(() {
const List<String> empty_args = <String>[];
if (userMainFunction is _BinaryFunction) {
// This seems to be undocumented but supported by the command line VM.
// Let's do the same in case old entry-points are ported to Flutter.
(userMainFunction as dynamic)(empty_args, '');
} else if (userMainFunction is _UnaryFunction) {
(userMainFunction as dynamic)(empty_args);
} else {
}, onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
_reportUnhandledException(error.toString(), stackTrace.toString());
}, null);
void _reportUnhandledException(String error, String stackTrace) native 'Window_reportUnhandledException';
/// Invokes [callback] inside the given [zone].
void _invoke(void callback(), Zone zone) {
if (callback == null)
assert(zone != null);
if (identical(zone, Zone.current)) {
} else {
/// Invokes [callback] inside the given [zone] passing it [arg].
void _invoke1<A>(void callback(A a), Zone zone, A arg) {
if (callback == null)
assert(zone != null);
if (identical(zone, Zone.current)) {
} else {
zone.runUnaryGuarded<A>(callback, arg);
/// Invokes [callback] inside the given [zone] passing it [arg1] and [arg2].
// ignore: unused_element
void _invoke2<A1, A2>(void callback(A1 a1, A2 a2), Zone zone, A1 arg1, A2 arg2) {
if (callback == null)
assert(zone != null);
if (identical(zone, Zone.current)) {
callback(arg1, arg2);
} else {
zone.runBinaryGuarded<A1, A2>(callback, arg1, arg2);
/// Invokes [callback] inside the given [zone] passing it [arg1], [arg2] and [arg3].
void _invoke3<A1, A2, A3>(void callback(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3), Zone zone, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3) {
if (callback == null)
assert(zone != null);
if (identical(zone, Zone.current)) {
callback(arg1, arg2, arg3);
} else {
zone.runGuarded(() {
callback(arg1, arg2, arg3);
// If this value changes, update the encoding code in the following files:
// *
// *
const int _kPointerDataFieldCount = 24;
PointerDataPacket _unpackPointerDataPacket(ByteData packet) {
const int kStride = Int64List.bytesPerElement;
const int kBytesPerPointerData = _kPointerDataFieldCount * kStride;
final int length = packet.lengthInBytes ~/ kBytesPerPointerData;
assert(length * kBytesPerPointerData == packet.lengthInBytes);
final List<PointerData> data = new List<PointerData>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
int offset = i * _kPointerDataFieldCount;
data[i] = new PointerData(
timeStamp: new Duration(microseconds: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian)),
change: PointerChange.values[packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian)],
kind: PointerDeviceKind.values[packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian)],
signalKind: PointerSignalKind.values[packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian)],
device: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
physicalX: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
physicalY: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
buttons: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
obscured: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian) != 0,
pressure: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
pressureMin: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
pressureMax: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
distance: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
distanceMax: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
size: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
radiusMajor: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
radiusMinor: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
radiusMin: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
radiusMax: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
orientation: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
tilt: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
platformData: packet.getInt64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
scrollDeltaX: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian),
scrollDeltaY: packet.getFloat64(kStride * offset++, _kFakeHostEndian)
assert(offset == (i + 1) * _kPointerDataFieldCount);
return new PointerDataPacket(data: data);