blob: 4653b9fb4470313a8270c1283f6836ee3a8508e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Lars Knoll (
* 1999 Waldo Bastian (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "sky/engine/core/dom/QualifiedName.h"
#include "sky/engine/core/rendering/style/RenderStyleConstants.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/OwnPtr.h"
#include "sky/engine/wtf/PassOwnPtr.h"
namespace blink {
class CSSSelectorList;
// This class represents a selector for a StyleRule.
// CSS selector representation is somewhat complicated and subtle. A representative list of selectors is
// in CSSSelectorTest; run it in a debug build to see useful debugging output.
// ** tagHistory() and relation():
// Selectors are represented as a linked list of simple selectors (defined more or less according to
// The tagHistory() method returns the next
// simple selector in the list. The relation() method returns the relationship of the current simple selector to
// the one in tagHistory(). For example, the CSS selector .a.b #c is represented as:
// selectorText(): .a.b #c
// --> (relation == Descendant)
// selectorText(): .a.b
// --> (relation == SubSelector)
// selectorText(): .b
// Note that currently a bare selector such as ".a" has a relation() of Descendant. This is a bug - instead the relation should be
// "None".
// The order of tagHistory() varies depending on the situation.
// * Relations using combinators (, such as descendant, sibling, etc., are parsed
// right-to-left (in the example above, this is why .c is earlier in the tagHistory() chain than .a.b).
// * SubSelector relations are parsed left-to-right in most cases (such as the .a.b example above); a counter-example is the
// ::content pseudo-element. Most (all?) other pseudo elements and pseudo classes are parsed left-to-right.
// * ShadowPseudo relations are parsed right-to-left. Example: summary::-webkit-details-marker is parsed as:
// selectorText(): summary::-webkit-details-marker
// --> (relation == ShadowPseudo)
// selectorText(): summary
// ** match():
// The match of the current simple selector tells us the type of selector, such as class, id, tagname, or pseudo-class.
// Inline comments in the Match enum give examples of when each type would occur.
// ** value(), attribute():
// value() tells you the value of the simple selector. For example, for class selectors, value() will tell you the class string,
// and for id selectors it will tell you the id(). See below for the special case of attribute selectors.
// ** Attribute selectors.
// Attribute selectors return the attribute name in the attribute() method. The value() method returns the value matched against
// in case of selectors like [attr="value"].
class CSSSelector {
CSSSelector(const CSSSelector&);
explicit CSSSelector(const QualifiedName&, bool tagIsForNamespaceRule = false);
* Re-create selector text from selector's data
String selectorText(const String& = "") const;
// checks if the 2 selectors (including sub selectors) agree.
bool operator==(const CSSSelector&) const;
// tag == -1 means apply to all elements (Selector = *)
/* how the attribute value has to match.... Default is Exact */
enum Match {
Unknown = 0,
Tag, // Example: div
Id, // Example: #id
Class, // example: .class
PseudoClass, // Example: :hover
PseudoElement, // Example: ::first-line
Exact, // Example: E[foo="bar"]
Set, // Example: E[foo]
FirstAttributeSelectorMatch = Exact,
enum PseudoType {
PseudoNotParsed = 0,
enum AttributeMatchType {
PseudoType pseudoType() const
if (m_pseudoType == PseudoNotParsed)
return static_cast<PseudoType>(m_pseudoType);
static PseudoType parsePseudoType(const AtomicString&);
// Selectors are kept in an array by CSSSelectorList. The next component of the selector is
// the next item in the array.
const CSSSelector* tagHistory() const { return m_isLastInTagHistory ? 0 : const_cast<CSSSelector*>(this + 1); }
const QualifiedName& tagQName() const;
const AtomicString& value() const;
// WARNING: Use of QualifiedName by attribute() is a lie.
// attribute() will return a QualifiedName with prefix and namespaceURI
// set to starAtom to mean "matches any namespace". Be very careful
// how you use the returned QualifiedName.
const QualifiedName& attribute() const;
AttributeMatchType attributeMatchType() const;
// Returns the argument of a parameterized selector. For example, :host(a) would have an argument of "a".
const AtomicString& argument() const { return m_hasRareData ? m_data.m_rareData->m_argument : nullAtom; }
const CSSSelectorList* selectorList() const { return m_hasRareData ? m_data.m_rareData->m_selectorList.get() : 0; }
#ifndef NDEBUG
void show() const;
void show(int indent) const;
void setValue(const AtomicString&);
void setAttribute(const QualifiedName&, AttributeMatchType);
void setArgument(const AtomicString&);
void setSelectorList(PassOwnPtr<CSSSelectorList>);
bool matchesPseudoElement() const;
bool isAttributeSelector() const;
bool isHostPseudoClass() const;
Match match() const { return static_cast<Match>(m_match); }
void setMatch(Match match)
m_match = match;
ASSERT(static_cast<Match>(m_match) == match); // using a bitfield.
bool isLastInSelectorList() const { return m_isLastInSelectorList; }
void setLastInSelectorList() { m_isLastInSelectorList = true; }
bool isLastInTagHistory() const { return m_isLastInTagHistory; }
void setNotLastInTagHistory() { m_isLastInTagHistory = false; }
bool isCompound() const;
mutable unsigned m_match : 4; // enum Match
mutable unsigned m_pseudoType : 8; // PseudoType
unsigned m_isLastInSelectorList : 1;
unsigned m_isLastInTagHistory : 1;
unsigned m_hasRareData : 1;
unsigned m_tagIsForNamespaceRule : 1;
void extractPseudoType() const;
// Hide.
CSSSelector& operator=(const CSSSelector&);
struct RareData : public RefCounted<RareData> {
static PassRefPtr<RareData> create(const AtomicString& value) { return adoptRef(new RareData(value)); }
AtomicString m_value;
union {
AttributeMatchType m_attributeMatchType; // used for attribute selector (with value)
} m_bits;
QualifiedName m_attribute; // used for attribute selector
AtomicString m_argument; // Used for :contains, :lang
OwnPtr<CSSSelectorList> m_selectorList; // Used for :-webkit-any and :not
RareData(const AtomicString& value);
void createRareData();
union DataUnion {
DataUnion() : m_value(0) { }
StringImpl* m_value;
StringImpl* m_tagQName;
RareData* m_rareData;
} m_data;
inline const QualifiedName& CSSSelector::attribute() const
return m_data.m_rareData->m_attribute;
inline CSSSelector::AttributeMatchType CSSSelector::attributeMatchType() const
return m_data.m_rareData->m_bits.m_attributeMatchType;
inline bool CSSSelector::matchesPseudoElement() const
if (m_pseudoType == PseudoUnknown)
return m_match == PseudoElement;
inline bool CSSSelector::isHostPseudoClass() const
return m_match == PseudoClass && m_pseudoType == PseudoHost;
inline bool CSSSelector::isAttributeSelector() const
return m_match >= FirstAttributeSelectorMatch;
inline void CSSSelector::setValue(const AtomicString& value)
ASSERT(m_match != Tag);
ASSERT(m_pseudoType == PseudoNotParsed);
// Need to do ref counting manually for the union.
if (m_hasRareData) {
m_data.m_rareData->m_value = value;
if (m_data.m_value)
m_data.m_value = value.impl();
inline CSSSelector::CSSSelector()
: m_match(Unknown)
, m_pseudoType(PseudoNotParsed)
, m_isLastInSelectorList(false)
, m_isLastInTagHistory(true)
, m_hasRareData(false)
, m_tagIsForNamespaceRule(false)
inline CSSSelector::CSSSelector(const QualifiedName& tagQName, bool tagIsForNamespaceRule)
: m_match(Tag)
, m_pseudoType(PseudoNotParsed)
, m_isLastInSelectorList(false)
, m_isLastInTagHistory(true)
, m_hasRareData(false)
, m_tagIsForNamespaceRule(tagIsForNamespaceRule)
m_data.m_tagQName = tagQName.localName().impl();
inline CSSSelector::CSSSelector(const CSSSelector& o)
: m_match(o.m_match)
, m_pseudoType(o.m_pseudoType)
, m_isLastInSelectorList(o.m_isLastInSelectorList)
, m_isLastInTagHistory(o.m_isLastInTagHistory)
, m_hasRareData(o.m_hasRareData)
, m_tagIsForNamespaceRule(o.m_tagIsForNamespaceRule)
if (o.m_match == Tag) {
m_data.m_tagQName = o.m_data.m_tagQName;
} else if (o.m_hasRareData) {
m_data.m_rareData = o.m_data.m_rareData;
} else if (o.m_data.m_value) {
m_data.m_value = o.m_data.m_value;
inline CSSSelector::~CSSSelector()
if (m_match == Tag)
else if (m_hasRareData)
else if (m_data.m_value)
inline const QualifiedName& CSSSelector::tagQName() const
ASSERT(m_match == Tag);
return *reinterpret_cast<const QualifiedName*>(&m_data.m_tagQName);
inline const AtomicString& CSSSelector::value() const
ASSERT(m_match != Tag);
if (m_hasRareData)
return m_data.m_rareData->m_value;
// AtomicString is really just a StringImpl* so the cast below is safe.
// FIXME: Perhaps call sites could be changed to accept StringImpl?
return *reinterpret_cast<const AtomicString*>(&m_data.m_value);
} // namespace blink