blob: 7bec3519882ab2120a85960b5a055b297ca54fc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module http_server;
import "http_server/public/interfaces/http_server.mojom";
import "network/public/interfaces/net_address.mojom";
interface HttpServerFactory {
// Creates an http server running on the specified local network address. If
// |local_address| is null, it will take the default value of at a
// system-allocated port.
// Note that the port value of 0 means that the operating system will pick
// one of available ports. You can use HttpServer::GetPort() to retrieve the
// allocated port.
// Only one backing server will be created for each local network address. It
// will be shared among clients, if more than one client requests a server
// running on a particular network address.
// TODO(ppi): would it be better to create a server only for the first caller
// and require the access to it to be explicitly shared by the party that
// requests it first?
CreateHttpServer(HttpServer& server_request, mojo.NetAddress? local_address);