blob: 31d67cc94d84d32d1e44928c225f2801b9ee2fbb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h> // For |memcpy()|.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "mojo/edk/system/system_impl_export.h"
#include "mojo/public/c/system/macros.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/macros.h"
namespace mojo {
namespace system {
namespace internal {
// Removes |const| from |T| (available as |remove_const<T>::type|):
// TODO(vtl): Remove these once we have the C++11 |remove_const|.
template <typename T>
struct remove_const {
using type = T;
template <typename T>
struct remove_const<const T> {
using type = T;
// Yields |(const) char| if |T| is |(const) void|, else |T|:
template <typename T>
struct VoidToChar {
using type = T;
template <>
struct VoidToChar<void> {
using type = char;
template <>
struct VoidToChar<const void> {
using type = const char;
// Checks (insofar as appropriate/possible) that |pointer| is a valid pointer to
// a buffer of the given size and alignment (both in bytes).
template <size_t size, size_t alignment>
void MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT CheckUserPointer(const void* pointer);
// Checks (insofar as appropriate/possible) that |pointer| is a valid pointer to
// a buffer of |count| elements of the given size and alignment (both in bytes).
template <size_t size, size_t alignment>
CheckUserPointerWithCount(const void* pointer, size_t count);
// Checks (insofar as appropriate/possible) that |pointer| is a valid pointer to
// a buffer of the given size and alignment (both in bytes).
template <size_t alignment>
CheckUserPointerWithSize(const void* pointer, size_t size);
} // namespace internal
// Forward declarations so that they can be friended.
template <typename Type>
class UserPointerReader;
template <typename Type>
class UserPointerWriter;
template <typename Type>
class UserPointerReaderWriter;
template <class Options>
class UserOptionsReader;
// Provides a convenient way to implicitly get null |UserPointer<Type>|s.
struct NullUserPointer {};
// Represents a user pointer to a single |Type| (which must be POD), for Mojo
// primitive parameters.
// Use a const |Type| for in parameters, and non-const |Type|s for out and
// in-out parameters (in which case the |Put()| method is available).
template <typename Type>
class UserPointer {
using NonVoidType = typename internal::VoidToChar<Type>::type;
// Instead of explicitly using these constructors, you can often use
// |MakeUserPointer()| (or |NullUserPointer()| for null pointers). (The common
// exception is when you have, e.g., a |char*| and want to get a
// |UserPointer<void>|.)
UserPointer() : pointer_(nullptr) {}
explicit UserPointer(Type* pointer) : pointer_(pointer) {}
// Allow implicit conversion from the "null user pointer".
UserPointer(NullUserPointer) : pointer_(nullptr) {}
~UserPointer() {}
// Allow assignment from the "null user pointer".
UserPointer<Type>& operator=(NullUserPointer) {
pointer_ = nullptr;
return *this;
// Allow conversion to a "non-const" |UserPointer|.
operator UserPointer<const Type>() const {
return UserPointer<const Type>(pointer_);
bool IsNull() const { return !pointer_; }
// "Reinterpret casts" to a |UserPointer<ToType>|.
template <typename ToType>
UserPointer<ToType> ReinterpretCast() const {
return UserPointer<ToType>(reinterpret_cast<ToType*>(pointer_));
// Checks that this pointer points to a valid |Type| in the same way as
// |Get()| and |Put()|.
// TODO(vtl): Logically, there should be separate read checks and write
// checks.
void Check() const {
internal::CheckUserPointer<sizeof(NonVoidType), MOJO_ALIGNOF(NonVoidType)>(
// Checks that this pointer points to a valid array (of type |Type|, or just a
// buffer if |Type| is |void| or |const void|) of |count| elements (or bytes
// if |Type| is |void| or |const void|) in the same way as |GetArray()| and
// |PutArray()|.
// TODO(vtl): Logically, there should be separate read checks and write
// checks.
// TODO(vtl): Switch more things to use this.
void CheckArray(size_t count) const {
// Gets the value (of type |Type|, or a |char| if |Type| is |void|) pointed to
// by this user pointer. Use this when you'd use the rvalue |*user_pointer|,
// but be aware that this may be costly -- so if the value will be used
// multiple times, you should save it.
// (We want to force a copy here, so return |Type| not |const Type&|.)
NonVoidType Get() const {
internal::CheckUserPointer<sizeof(NonVoidType), MOJO_ALIGNOF(NonVoidType)>(
return *pointer_;
// Gets an array (of type |Type|, or just a buffer if |Type| is |void| or
// |const void|) of |count| elements (or bytes if |Type| is |void| or |const
// void|) from the location pointed to by this user pointer. Use this when
// you'd do something like |memcpy(destination, user_pointer, count *
// sizeof(Type)|.
void GetArray(typename internal::remove_const<Type>::type* destination,
size_t count) const {
memcpy(destination, pointer_, count * sizeof(NonVoidType));
// Puts a value (of type |Type|, or of type |char| if |Type| is |void|) to the
// location pointed to by this user pointer. Use this when you'd use the
// lvalue |*user_pointer|. Since this may be costly, you should avoid using
// this (for the same user pointer) more than once.
// Note: This |Put()| method is not valid when |T| is const, e.g., |const
// uint32_t|, but it's okay to include them so long as this template is only
// implicitly instantiated (see 14.7.1 of the C++11 standard) and not
// explicitly instantiated. (On implicit instantiation, only the declarations
// need be valid, not the definitions.)
// In C++11, we could do something like:
// template <typename _Type = Type>
// typename enable_if<!is_const<_Type>::value &&
// !is_void<_Type>::value>::type Put(
// const _Type& value) { ... }
// (which obviously be correct), but C++03 doesn't allow default function
// template arguments.
void Put(const NonVoidType& value) {
*pointer_ = value;
// Puts an array (of type |Type|, or just a buffer if |Type| is |void|) with
// |count| elements (or bytes |Type| is |void|) to the location pointed to by
// this user pointer. Use this when you'd do something like
// |memcpy(user_pointer, source, count * sizeof(Type))|.
// Note: The same comments about the validity of |Put()| (except for the part
// about |void|) apply here.
void PutArray(const Type* source, size_t count) {
memcpy(pointer_, source, count * sizeof(NonVoidType));
// Gets a |UserPointer| at offset |i| (in |Type|s) relative to this.
UserPointer At(size_t i) const {
return UserPointer(
static_cast<Type*>(static_cast<NonVoidType*>(pointer_) + i));
// Gets the value of the |UserPointer| as a |uintptr_t|. This should not be
// casted back to a pointer (and dereferenced), but may be used as a key for
// lookup or passed back to the user.
uintptr_t GetPointerValue() const {
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pointer_);
// These provides safe (read-only/write-only/read-and-write) access to a
// |UserPointer<Type>| (probably pointing to an array) using just an ordinary
// pointer (obtained via |GetPointer()|).
// The memory returned by |GetPointer()| may be a copy of the original user
// memory, but should be modified only if the user is intended to eventually
// see the change.) If any changes are made, |Commit()| should be called to
// guarantee that the changes are written back to user memory (it may be
// called multiple times).
// Note: These classes are designed to allow fast, unsafe implementations (in
// which |GetPointer()| just returns the user pointer) if desired. Thus if
// |Commit()| is *not* called, changes may or may not be made visible to the
// user.
// Use these classes in the following way:
// MojoResult Core::PutFoos(UserPointer<const uint32_t> foos,
// uint32_t num_foos) {
// UserPointer<const uint32_t>::Reader foos_reader(foos, num_foos);
// return PutFoosImpl(foos_reader.GetPointer(), num_foos);
// }
// MojoResult Core::GetFoos(UserPointer<uint32_t> foos,
// uint32_t num_foos) {
// UserPointer<uint32_t>::Writer foos_writer(foos, num_foos);
// MojoResult rv = GetFoosImpl(foos.GetPointer(), num_foos);
// foos_writer.Commit();
// return rv;
// }
// TODO(vtl): Possibly, since we're not really being safe, we should just not
// copy for Release builds.
using Reader = UserPointerReader<Type>;
using Writer = UserPointerWriter<Type>;
using ReaderWriter = UserPointerReaderWriter<Type>;
friend class UserPointerReader<Type>;
friend class UserPointerReader<const Type>;
friend class UserPointerWriter<Type>;
friend class UserPointerReaderWriter<Type>;
template <class Options>
friend class UserOptionsReader;
Type* pointer_;
// Allow copy and assignment.
// Provides a convenient way to make a |UserPointer<Type>|.
template <typename Type>
inline UserPointer<Type> MakeUserPointer(Type* pointer) {
return UserPointer<Type>(pointer);
// Implementation of |UserPointer<Type>::Reader|.
template <typename Type>
class UserPointerReader {
using TypeNoConst = typename internal::remove_const<Type>::type;
// Note: If |count| is zero, |GetPointer()| will always return null.
UserPointerReader(UserPointer<const Type> user_pointer, size_t count) {
Init(user_pointer.pointer_, count, true);
UserPointerReader(UserPointer<TypeNoConst> user_pointer, size_t count) {
Init(user_pointer.pointer_, count, true);
const Type* GetPointer() const { return buffer_.get(); }
template <class Options>
friend class UserOptionsReader;
struct NoCheck {};
UserPointer<const Type> user_pointer,
size_t count) {
Init(user_pointer.pointer_, count, false);
void Init(const Type* user_pointer, size_t count, bool check) {
if (count == 0)
if (check) {
internal::CheckUserPointerWithCount<sizeof(Type), MOJO_ALIGNOF(Type)>(
user_pointer, count);
buffer_.reset(new TypeNoConst[count]);
memcpy(buffer_.get(), user_pointer, count * sizeof(Type));
scoped_ptr<TypeNoConst[]> buffer_;
// Implementation of |UserPointer<Type>::Writer|.
template <typename Type>
class UserPointerWriter {
// Note: If |count| is zero, |GetPointer()| will always return null.
UserPointerWriter(UserPointer<Type> user_pointer, size_t count)
: user_pointer_(user_pointer), count_(count) {
if (count_ > 0) {
buffer_.reset(new Type[count_]);
memset(buffer_.get(), 0, count_ * sizeof(Type));
Type* GetPointer() const { return buffer_.get(); }
void Commit() {
internal::CheckUserPointerWithCount<sizeof(Type), MOJO_ALIGNOF(Type)>(
user_pointer_.pointer_, count_);
memcpy(user_pointer_.pointer_, buffer_.get(), count_ * sizeof(Type));
UserPointer<Type> user_pointer_;
size_t count_;
scoped_ptr<Type[]> buffer_;
// Implementation of |UserPointer<Type>::ReaderWriter|.
template <typename Type>
class UserPointerReaderWriter {
// Note: If |count| is zero, |GetPointer()| will always return null.
UserPointerReaderWriter(UserPointer<Type> user_pointer, size_t count)
: user_pointer_(user_pointer), count_(count) {
if (count_ > 0) {
internal::CheckUserPointerWithCount<sizeof(Type), MOJO_ALIGNOF(Type)>(
user_pointer_.pointer_, count_);
buffer_.reset(new Type[count]);
memcpy(buffer_.get(), user_pointer.pointer_, count * sizeof(Type));
Type* GetPointer() const { return buffer_.get(); }
size_t GetCount() const { return count_; }
void Commit() {
internal::CheckUserPointerWithCount<sizeof(Type), MOJO_ALIGNOF(Type)>(
user_pointer_.pointer_, count_);
memcpy(user_pointer_.pointer_, buffer_.get(), count_ * sizeof(Type));
UserPointer<Type> user_pointer_;
size_t count_;
scoped_ptr<Type[]> buffer_;
} // namespace system
} // namespace mojo