blob: b1b29a7fc3e60c693ed6e5be79b6450c3584be8e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import itertools
import sys
import unittest
import as gn
from mopy.config import Config
class GTestListTestsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testConfigToGNToConfig(self):
"""Tests that config to gn to config is the identity"""
configs_to_test = {
"target_os": [None, "android", "linux", "ios"],
"target_cpu": [None, "x86", "x64", "arm"],
"is_simulator": [False, True],
"is_debug": [False, True],
"is_official_build": [False, True],
"is_clang": [False, True],
"sanitizer": [None, Config.SANITIZER_ASAN],
"use_goma": [False],
"use_nacl": [False, True],
"mojo_use_go": [False],
"dcheck_always_on": [False, True],
if sys.platform == "darwin":
for args in _iterate_over_config(configs_to_test):
if args.get("target_os") != "ios" and args["is_simulator"]:
config = Config(**args)
gn_args = gn.GNArgsForConfig(config)
new_config = gn.ConfigForGNArgs(gn_args)
self.assertDictEqual(config.values, new_config.values)
def testGNToConfigToGN(self):
"""Tests that gn to config to gn is the identity"""
# TODO(vtl): Test OSes other than None (== host?) and "android".
configs_to_test = {
"target_os": [None, "android"],
"target_cpu": ["x86", "x64", "arm"],
"is_debug": [False, True],
"is_official_build": [False, True],
"is_clang": [False, True],
"is_asan": [False, True],
"use_goma": [False],
"mojo_use_nacl": [False, True],
"mojo_use_go": [False],
"dcheck_always_on": [False, True],
for args in _iterate_over_config(configs_to_test):
if args.get("target_os", None) is None and sys.platform[:5] == "linux":
args["use_aura"] = False
args["use_glib"] = False
args["use_system_harfbuzz"] = False
config = gn.ConfigForGNArgs(args)
new_args = gn.GNArgsForConfig(config)
self.assertDictEqual(args, new_args)
def _iterate_over_config(config):
def product_to_dict(p):
return dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None, zip(config.keys(), p)))
return itertools.imap(product_to_dict, itertools.product(*config.values()))
if __name__ == "__main__":