blob: 47253ea3f18213c579bd3540ab91dad582313b79 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
GN-related configuration functions, e.g., to produce a Config object from a GN file).
import ast
import os.path
import re
from .config import Config
def BuildDirectoryForConfig(config, src_root):
Returns the build directory for the given configuration.
subdir = ""
if config.target_os == Config.OS_ANDROID:
subdir += "android_"
if config.target_cpu != Config.ARCH_ARM:
subdir += config.target_cpu + "_"
elif config.target_os == Config.OS_IOS:
subdir += "ios_"
if config.is_simulator:
subdir += "sim_"
if config.is_official_build:
subdir += "Official"
elif config.is_debug:
subdir += "Debug"
subdir += "Release"
if config.sanitizer == Config.SANITIZER_ASAN:
subdir += "_asan"
if not(config.is_debug) and config.dcheck_always_on:
subdir += "_dcheck"
return os.path.join(src_root, "out", subdir)
def GNArgsForConfig(config):
Return the arguments for gn for the given configuration. This function returns
a dictionary with boolean values as boolean.
gn_args = {}
gn_args["is_debug"] = bool(config.is_debug)
gn_args["is_official_build"] = bool(config.is_official_build)
gn_args["is_asan"] = config.sanitizer == Config.SANITIZER_ASAN
if config.is_clang is not None:
gn_args["is_clang"] = bool(config.is_clang)
gn_args["is_clang"] = config.target_os not in (Config.OS_ANDROID,
if config.values.get("use_goma"):
gn_args["use_goma"] = True
gn_args["goma_dir"] = config.values["goma_dir"]
gn_args["use_goma"] = False
gn_args["dcheck_always_on"] = config.dcheck_always_on
if config.target_os == Config.OS_ANDROID:
gn_args["target_os"] = "android"
elif config.target_os == Config.OS_IOS:
gn_args["target_os"] = "ios"
gn_args["ios_deployment_target"] = "7.0"
gn_args["clang_use_chrome_plugins"] = False
if config.is_simulator:
gn_args["use_libjpeg_turbo"] = False
gn_args["use_ios_simulator"] = config.is_simulator
elif config.target_os == Config.OS_LINUX:
gn_args["use_aura"] = False
gn_args["use_glib"] = False
gn_args["use_system_harfbuzz"] = False
gn_args["target_cpu"] = config.target_cpu
if "use_nacl" in config.values:
gn_args["mojo_use_nacl"] = config.values.get("use_nacl", False)
if "mojo_use_go" in config.values:
gn_args["mojo_use_go"] = config.values.get("mojo_use_go", False)
if gn_args["mojo_use_go"]:
gn_args["go_build_tool"] = config.values.get("go_build_tool")
extra_args = config.values.get("gn_args")
if extra_args:
for arg in extra_args.split():
(name, val) = arg.split('=')
gn_args[name] = val
return gn_args
def CommandLineForGNArgs(gn_args):
Returns the list of gn arguments to use with the gn command line.
def _ToCommandLine(key, value):
if type(value) is bool:
return "%s=%s" % (key, "true" if value else "false")
return "%s=\"%s\"" % (key, value)
return [_ToCommandLine(x, y) for x, y in gn_args.iteritems()]
def ConfigForGNArgs(args):
Return the Config object for the given gn arguments. This function takes a
dictionary with boolean values as boolean.
config_args = {}
config_args["is_debug"] = args.get("is_debug", True)
config_args["is_official_build"] = args.get("is_official_build", False)
config_args["sanitizer"] = (
Config.SANITIZER_ASAN if args.get("is_asan") else None)
config_args["is_clang"] = args.get("is_clang", False)
config_args["use_goma"] = args.get("use_goma", False)
if config_args["use_goma"]:
config_args["goma_dir"] = args.get("goma_dir")
config_args["use_nacl"] = args.get("mojo_use_nacl", False)
config_args["mojo_use_go"] = args.get("mojo_use_go", False)
if config_args["mojo_use_go"]:
config_args["go_build_tool"] = args.get("go_build_tool")
config_args["target_os"] = args.get("target_os")
config_args["target_cpu"] = args.get("target_cpu")
config_args["dcheck_always_on"] = args.get("dcheck_always_on")
config_args["is_simulator"] = args.get("use_ios_simulator", False)
return Config(**config_args)
def ParseGNConfig(build_dir):
Parse the gn config file present in |build_dir|. This function returns a
dictionary with boolean values as boolean.
"true": "True",
"false": "False",
gn_file = os.path.join(build_dir, "")
values = {}
with open(gn_file, "r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = re.sub("\s*#.*", "", line)
result = re.match("^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$", line)
if result:
key =
value =
values[key] = ast.literal_eval(TRANSLATIONS.get(value, value))
return values