blob: f776d9a3f9cdeaf37c674e9e2b426dcf9f30bd3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library tracing;
import 'trace_controller_impl.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:core';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:mojo/application.dart';
import 'package:mojo/bindings.dart';
import 'package:mojo/core.dart';
import 'package:mojom/tracing/tracing.mojom.dart';
// TracingHelper is used by Dart code running in the Mojo shell in order
// to perform tracing.
class TracingHelper {
TraceControllerImpl _impl;
String _tid;
// Construct an instance of TracingHelper from within your application's
// |initialize()| method. |appName| will be used to form a thread identifier
// for use in trace messages. If |appName| is longer than 20 characters then
// only the last 20 characters of |appName| will be used.
TracingHelper(Application app, String appName) {
// We use only the last 20 characters of appName to form the tid so that
// the 9-digit Isolate hash code we are appending won't get truncated by the
// tracing UI.
if (appName.length > 20) {
appName = appName.substring(appName.length - 20);
_tid = "${appName}/${Isolate.current.hashCode.toString()}";
ApplicationConnection connection = app.connectToApplication("mojo:tracing");
connection.provideService(TraceControllerName, (e) {
assert(_impl == null);
_impl = new TraceControllerImpl.fromEndpoint(e);
bool isActive() {
return (_impl != null) && _impl.isActive();
// Invoke this at the beginning of a function whose duration you wish to
// trace. Invoke |end()| on the returned object.
FunctionTrace beginFunction(String functionName, {Map<String, String> args}) {
assert(functionName != null);
if (isActive()) {
_sendTraceMessage(functionName, "B", args: args);
} else {
functionName = null;
return new _FunctionTraceImpl(this, functionName);
void _endFunction(String functionName) {
_sendTraceMessage(functionName, "E");
void _sendTraceMessage(String name, String phase,
{Map<String, String> args}) {
if (isActive()) {
var map = {};
map["name"] = name;
map["ph"] = phase;
map["ts"] = getTimeTicksNow();
map["pid"] = pid;
map["tid"] = _tid;
if (args != null) {
map["args"] = args;
// A convenience method that wraps a closure in a begin-end pair of
// tracing calls.
dynamic trace(String functionName, closure(), {Map<String, String> args}) {
FunctionTrace ft = beginFunction(functionName, args: args);
final returnValue = closure();
return returnValue;
// A an instance of FunctionTrace is returned from |beginFunction()|.
// Invoke |end()| from every exit point in the function you are tracing.
abstract class FunctionTrace {
void end();
class _FunctionTraceImpl implements FunctionTrace {
TracingHelper _tracing;
String _functionName;
_FunctionTraceImpl(this._tracing, this._functionName);
void end() {
if (_functionName != null) {