blob: ea5de5988c3b5bb1c8388867fe7a768d11d2b598 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/ios_context_metal.h"
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
#include "flutter/shell/common/persistent_cache.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/ios_external_texture_metal.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrContextOptions.h"
namespace flutter {
static GrContextOptions CreateMetalGrContextOptions() {
GrContextOptions options = {};
if (PersistentCache::cache_sksl()) {
options.fShaderCacheStrategy = GrContextOptions::ShaderCacheStrategy::kSkSL;
options.fPersistentCache = PersistentCache::GetCacheForProcess();
return options;
IOSContextMetal::IOSContextMetal() {
device_.reset([MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() retain]);
if (!device_) {
FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not acquire Metal device.";
main_queue_.reset([device_ newCommandQueue]);
if (!main_queue_) {
FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create Metal command queue.";
[main_queue_ setLabel:@"Flutter Main Queue"];
const auto& context_options = CreateMetalGrContextOptions();
// Skia expect arguments to `MakeMetal` transfer ownership of the reference in for release later
// when the GrContext is collected.
main_context_ = GrContext::MakeMetal([device_ retain], [main_queue_ retain], context_options);
resource_context_ = GrContext::MakeMetal([device_ retain], [main_queue_ retain], context_options);
if (!main_context_ || !resource_context_) {
FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create Skia Metal contexts.";
resource_context_->setResourceCacheLimits(0u, 0u);
CVMetalTextureCacheRef texture_cache_raw = NULL;
auto cv_return = CVMetalTextureCacheCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, // allocator
NULL, // cache attributes (NULL default)
device_.get(), // metal device
NULL, // texture attributes (NULL default)
&texture_cache_raw // [out] cache
if (cv_return != kCVReturnSuccess) {
FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create Metal texture cache.";
is_valid_ = false;
IOSContextMetal::~IOSContextMetal() = default;
fml::scoped_nsprotocol<id<MTLDevice>> IOSContextMetal::GetDevice() const {
return device_;
fml::scoped_nsprotocol<id<MTLCommandQueue>> IOSContextMetal::GetMainCommandQueue() const {
return main_queue_;
fml::scoped_nsprotocol<id<MTLCommandQueue>> IOSContextMetal::GetResourceCommandQueue() const {
// TODO(52150): Create a dedicated resource queue once multiple queues are supported in Skia.
return main_queue_;
sk_sp<GrContext> IOSContextMetal::GetMainContext() const {
return main_context_;
sk_sp<GrContext> IOSContextMetal::GetResourceContext() const {
return resource_context_;
// |IOSContext|
sk_sp<GrContext> IOSContextMetal::CreateResourceContext() {
return resource_context_;
// |IOSContext|
bool IOSContextMetal::MakeCurrent() {
// This only makes sense for context that need to be bound to a specific thread.
return true;
// |IOSContext|
bool IOSContextMetal::ResourceMakeCurrent() {
// This only makes sense for context that need to be bound to a specific thread.
return true;
// |IOSContext|
bool IOSContextMetal::ClearCurrent() {
// This only makes sense for context that need to be bound to a specific thread.
return true;
// |IOSContext|
std::unique_ptr<Texture> IOSContextMetal::CreateExternalTexture(
int64_t texture_id,
fml::scoped_nsobject<NSObject<FlutterTexture>> texture) {
return std::make_unique<IOSExternalTextureMetal>(texture_id, texture_cache_, std::move(texture));
} // namespace flutter