blob: 3ce432d20592efca9903900bd230a4d9c5ecf447 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.12
part of engine;
/// A cache of Skia objects whose memory Flutter manages.
/// When using Skia, Flutter creates Skia objects which are allocated in
/// WASM memory and which must be explicitly deleted. In the case of Flutter
/// mobile, the Skia objects are wrapped by a C++ class which is destroyed
/// when the associated Dart object is garbage collected.
/// On the web, we cannot tell when a Dart object is garbage collected, so
/// we must use other strategies to know when to delete a Skia object. Some
/// objects, like [ui.Paint], can safely delete their associated Skia object
/// because they can always recreate the Skia object from data stored in the
/// Dart object. Other objects, like [ui.Picture], can be serialized to a
/// JS-managed data structure when they are deleted so that when the associated
/// object is garbage collected, so is the serialized data.
class SkiaObjectCache {
final int maximumSize;
/// A doubly linked list of the objects in the cache.
/// This makes it fast to move a recently used object to the front.
final DoubleLinkedQueue<SkiaObject> _itemQueue;
/// A map of objects to their associated node in the [_itemQueue].
/// This makes it fast to find the node in the queue when we need to
/// move the object to the front of the queue.
final Map<SkiaObject, DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<SkiaObject>> _itemMap;
: _itemQueue = DoubleLinkedQueue<SkiaObject>(),
_itemMap = <SkiaObject, DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<SkiaObject>>{};
/// The number of objects in the cache.
int get length => _itemQueue.length;
/// Whether or not [object] is in the cache.
/// This is only for testing.
bool debugContains(SkiaObject object) {
return _itemMap.containsKey(object);
/// Adds [object] to the cache.
/// If adding [object] causes the total size of the cache to exceed
/// [maximumSize], then the least recently used half of the cache
/// will be deleted.
void add(SkiaObject object) {
_itemMap[object] = _itemQueue.firstEntry()!;
if (_itemQueue.length > maximumSize) {
/// Records that [object] was used in the most recent frame.
void markUsed(SkiaObject object) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<SkiaObject> item = _itemMap[object]!;
_itemMap[object] = _itemQueue.firstEntry()!;
/// Deletes the least recently used half of this cache.
void resize() {
final int itemsToDelete = maximumSize ~/ 2;
for (int i = 0; i < itemsToDelete; i++) {
final SkiaObject oldObject = _itemQueue.removeLast();
/// An object backed by a JavaScript object mapped onto a Skia C++ object in the
/// WebAssembly heap.
/// These objects are automatically deleted when no longer used.
abstract class SkiaObject<T extends Object> {
/// The JavaScript object that's mapped onto a Skia C++ object in the WebAssembly heap.
T get skiaObject;
/// Deletes the associated C++ object from the WebAssembly heap.
void delete();
/// Lifecycle method called immediately after calling [delete].
/// This method is used to
void didDelete();
/// A [SkiaObject] that manages the lifecycle of its C++ counterpart.
/// In browsers that support weak references we use feedback from the garbage
/// collector to determine when it is safe to release the C++ object.
/// In browsers that do not support weak references we pessimistically delete
/// the underlying C++ object before the Dart object is garbage-collected.
/// If [isResurrectionExpensive] is false the object is deleted at the end of
/// the frame. If a deleted object is reused in a subsequent frame it is
/// resurrected by calling [resurrect]. This allows reusing the C++ objects
/// within the frame.
/// If [isResurrectionExpensive] is true the object is put in a LRU cache.
/// Objects that are used least frequently are deleted from the cache when
/// the cache limit is reached.
/// The lifecycle of a resurrectable C++ object is as follows:
/// - Create: a managed object is created using a default instance that's
/// either supplied as a constructor argument, or obtained by calling
/// [createDefault]. The data in the new object is expected to contain
/// data matching Flutter's defaults (sometimes Skia defaults need to be
/// adjusted).
/// - Zero or more cycles of delete + resurrect: when a Dart object is reused
/// after its C++ object is deleted we create a new C++ object populated with
/// data from the current state of the Dart object. This is done using the
/// [resurrect] method.
/// - Final delete: if a Dart object is never reused, it is GC'd after its
/// underlying C++ object is deleted. This is implemented by [SkiaObjects].
abstract class ManagedSkiaObject<T extends Object> extends SkiaObject<T> {
/// Creates a managed Skia object.
/// If `instance` is null calls [createDefault] to create a Skia object to
/// manage. Otherwise, uses the provided instance.
/// The provided instance must not be managed by another [ManagedSkiaObject],
/// as it may lead to undefined behavior.
ManagedSkiaObject([T? instance]) {
final T defaultObject = instance ?? createDefault();
rawSkiaObject = defaultObject;
if (browserSupportsFinalizationRegistry) {
// If FinalizationRegistry is supported we will only ever need the
// default object, as we know precisely when to delete it.
skObjectFinalizationRegistry.register(this, defaultObject);
} else {
// If FinalizationRegistry is _not_ supported we may need to delete
// and resurrect the object multiple times before deleting it forever.
if (isResurrectionExpensive) {
} else {
T get skiaObject => rawSkiaObject ?? _doResurrect();
T _doResurrect() {
final T skiaObject = resurrect();
rawSkiaObject = skiaObject;
if (isResurrectionExpensive) {
} else {
return skiaObject;
void didDelete() {
rawSkiaObject = null;
/// Returns the current skia object as is without attempting to
/// resurrect it.
/// If the returned value is `null`, the corresponding C++ object has
/// been deleted.
/// Use this field instead of the [skiaObject] getter when implementing
/// the [delete] method.
T? rawSkiaObject;
/// Instantiates a new Skia-backed JavaScript object containing default
/// values.
/// The object is expected to represent Flutter's defaults. If Skia uses
/// different defaults from those used by Flutter, this method is expected
/// initialize the object to Flutter's defaults.
T createDefault();
/// Creates a new Skia-backed JavaScript object containing data representing
/// the current state of the Dart object.
T resurrect();
/// Whether or not it is expensive to resurrect this object.
/// Defaults to false.
bool get isResurrectionExpensive => false;
// TODO(hterkelsen): [OneShotSkiaObject] is dangerous because it might delete
// the underlying Skia object while the associated Dart object is still in
// use. This issue discusses ways to address this:
/// A [SkiaObject] which is deleted once and cannot be used again.
/// In browsers that support weak references we use feedback from the garbage
/// collector to determine when it is safe to release the C++ object. Otherwise,
/// we use an LRU cache (see [SkiaObjects.manageOneShot]).
abstract class OneShotSkiaObject<T extends Object> extends SkiaObject<T> {
/// Returns the current skia object as is without attempting to
/// resurrect it.
/// If the returned value is `null`, the corresponding C++ object has
/// been deleted.
/// Use this field instead of the [skiaObject] getter when implementing
/// the [delete] method.
T rawSkiaObject;
bool _isDeleted = false;
OneShotSkiaObject(T skObject) : this.rawSkiaObject = skObject {
if (browserSupportsFinalizationRegistry) {
skObjectFinalizationRegistry.register(this, skObject);
} else {
T get skiaObject {
if (browserSupportsFinalizationRegistry) {
return rawSkiaObject;
if (_isDeleted) {
throw StateError('Attempting to use a Skia object that has been freed.');
return rawSkiaObject;
void didDelete() {
_isDeleted = true;
/// Uses reference counting to manage the lifecycle of a Skia object owned by a
/// wrapper object.
/// When the wrapper is garbage collected, decrements the refcount (only in
/// browsers that support weak references).
/// The [delete] method can be used to eagerly decrement the refcount before the
/// wrapper is garbage collected.
/// The [delete] method may be called any number of times. The box
/// will only delete the object once.
class SkiaObjectBox<T> {
SkiaObjectBox(Object wrapper, T skObject)
: this._(wrapper, skObject, skObject as SkDeletable, <SkiaObjectBox>{});
SkiaObjectBox._(Object wrapper, this.skObject, this._skDeletable, this._refs) {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
_debugStackTrace = StackTrace.current;
if (browserSupportsFinalizationRegistry) {
boxRegistry.register(wrapper, this);
/// Reference handles to the same underlying [skObject].
final Set<SkiaObjectBox> _refs;
late final StackTrace? _debugStackTrace;
/// If asserts are enabled, the [StackTrace]s representing when a reference
/// was created.
List<StackTrace>? debugGetStackTraces() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return _refs
.map<StackTrace>((SkiaObjectBox box) => box._debugStackTrace!)
return null;
/// The Skia object whose lifecycle is being managed.
final T skObject;
final SkDeletable _skDeletable;
/// Whether this object has been deleted.
bool get isDeleted => _isDeleted;
bool _isDeleted = false;
/// Deletes Skia objects when their wrappers are garbage collected.
static final SkObjectFinalizationRegistry boxRegistry =
SkObjectFinalizationRegistry(js.allowInterop((SkiaObjectBox box) {
/// Returns a clone of this object, which increases its reference count.
/// Clones must be [dispose]d when finished.
SkiaObjectBox<T> clone(Object wrapper) {
assert(!_isDeleted, 'Cannot clone from a deleted handle.');
return SkiaObjectBox<T>._(wrapper, skObject, _skDeletable, _refs);
/// Decrements the reference count for the [skObject].
/// Does nothing if the object has already been deleted.
/// If this causes the reference count to drop to zero, deletes the
/// [skObject].
void delete() {
if (_isDeleted) {
final bool removed = _refs.remove(this);
_isDeleted = true;
if (_refs.isEmpty) {
/// Singleton that manages the lifecycles of [SkiaObject] instances.
class SkiaObjects {
static final List<ManagedSkiaObject> resurrectableObjects =
static int maximumCacheSize = 8192;
static final SkiaObjectCache oneShotCache = SkiaObjectCache(maximumCacheSize);
static final SkiaObjectCache expensiveCache =
static final List<SkiaObjectCache> cachesToResize = <SkiaObjectCache>[];
static bool _addedCleanupCallback = false;
static void registerCleanupCallback() {
if (_addedCleanupCallback) {
_addedCleanupCallback = true;
/// Starts managing the lifecycle of resurrectable [object].
/// These can safely be deleted at any time.
static void manageResurrectable(ManagedSkiaObject object) {
/// Starts managing the lifecycle of a one-shot [object].
/// We should avoid deleting these whenever we can, since we won't
/// be able to resurrect them.
static void manageOneShot(OneShotSkiaObject object) {
/// Starts managing the lifecycle of a resurrectable object that is expensive.
/// Since it's expensive to resurrect, we shouldn't just delete it after every
/// frame. Instead, add it to a cache and only delete it when the cache fills.
static void manageExpensive(ManagedSkiaObject object) {
/// Marks that [cache] has overflown its maximum size and show be resized.
static void markCacheForResize(SkiaObjectCache cache) {
if (cachesToResize.contains(cache)) {
/// Cleans up managed Skia memory.
static void postFrameCleanUp() {
if (resurrectableObjects.isEmpty && cachesToResize.isEmpty) {
for (int i = 0; i < resurrectableObjects.length; i++) {
final SkiaObject object = resurrectableObjects[i];
for (int i = 0; i < cachesToResize.length; i++) {
final SkiaObjectCache cache = cachesToResize[i];