blob: 6cde7a8ec83746fef932634bad63c154d4350f61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of engine;
Int32List _encodeColorList(List<ui.Color> colors) {
final int colorCount = colors.length;
final Int32List result = Int32List(colorCount);
for (int i = 0; i < colorCount; ++i) {
result[i] = colors[i].value;
return result;
class SkVertices implements ui.Vertices {
js.JsObject skVertices;
final Int32List _colors;
final Float32List _positions;
final ui.VertexMode _mode;
final Float32List _textureCoordinates;
final Uint16List _indices;
ui.VertexMode mode,
List<ui.Offset> positions, {
List<ui.Offset> textureCoordinates,
List<ui.Color> colors,
List<int> indices,
}) : assert(mode != null),
assert(positions != null),
_colors =
Int32List.fromList( c) => c.value).toList()),
_positions = encodePointList(positions),
_mode = mode,
_textureCoordinates = (textureCoordinates != null)
? encodePointList(textureCoordinates) : null,
_indices = indices != null ? Uint16List.fromList(indices) : null {
if (textureCoordinates != null &&
textureCoordinates.length != positions.length)
throw ArgumentError(
'"positions" and "textureCoordinates" lengths must match.');
if (colors != null && colors.length != positions.length)
throw ArgumentError('"positions" and "colors" lengths must match.');
if (indices != null &&
indices.any((int i) => i < 0 || i >= positions.length))
throw ArgumentError(
'"indices" values must be valid indices in the positions list.');
final Float32List encodedPositions = encodePointList(positions);
final Int32List encodedColors =
colors != null ? _encodeColorList(colors) : null;
if (!_init(mode, encodedPositions, _textureCoordinates, encodedColors,
throw ArgumentError('Invalid configuration for vertices.');
ui.VertexMode mode,
Float32List positions, {
Float32List textureCoordinates,
Int32List colors,
Uint16List indices,
}) : assert(mode != null),
assert(positions != null),
_colors = colors,
_positions = positions,
_mode = mode,
_textureCoordinates = textureCoordinates,
_indices = indices {
if (textureCoordinates != null &&
textureCoordinates.length != positions.length)
throw ArgumentError(
'"positions" and "textureCoordinates" lengths must match.');
if (colors != null && colors.length * 2 != positions.length)
throw ArgumentError('"positions" and "colors" lengths must match.');
if (indices != null &&
indices.any((int i) => i < 0 || i >= positions.length))
throw ArgumentError(
'"indices" values must be valid indices in the positions list.');
if (!_init(mode, positions, textureCoordinates, colors, indices))
throw ArgumentError('Invalid configuration for vertices.');
bool _init(ui.VertexMode mode, Float32List positions,
Float32List textureCoordinates, Int32List colors, Uint16List indices) {
js.JsObject skVertexMode;
switch (mode) {
case ui.VertexMode.triangles:
skVertexMode = canvasKit['VertexMode']['Triangles'];
case ui.VertexMode.triangleStrip:
skVertexMode = canvasKit['VertexMode']['TrianglesStrip'];
case ui.VertexMode.triangleFan:
skVertexMode = canvasKit['VertexMode']['TriangleFan'];
final js.JsObject vertices =
canvasKit.callMethod('MakeSkVertices', <dynamic>[
if (vertices != null) {
skVertices = vertices;
return true;
} else {
return false;
static js.JsArray<js.JsArray<double>> _encodePoints(List<double> points) {
if (points == null) {
return null;
js.JsArray<js.JsArray<double>> encodedPoints =
encodedPoints.length = points.length ~/ 2;
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i += 2) {
encodedPoints[i ~/ 2] = makeSkPoint(ui.Offset(points[i], points[i + 1]));
return encodedPoints;
Int32List get colors => _colors;
Float32List get positions => _positions;
ui.VertexMode get mode => _mode;
Float32List get textureCoordinates => _textureCoordinates;
Uint16List get indices => _indices;