blob: 40132c00ac853e18791c98e337e3234680190c02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of engine;
/// An object backed by a [js.JsObject] mapped onto a Skia C++ object in the
/// WebAssembly heap.
/// These objects are automatically deleted when no longer used.
/// Because there is no feedback from JavaScript's GC (no destructors or
/// finalizers), we pessimistically delete the underlying C++ object before
/// the Dart object is garbage-collected. The current algorithm deletes objects
/// at the end of every frame. This allows reusing the C++ objects within the
/// frame. In the future we may add smarter strategies that will allow us to
/// reuse C++ objects across frames.
/// The lifecycle of a C++ object is as follows:
/// - Create default: when instantiating a C++ object for a Dart object for the
/// first time, the C++ object is populated with default data (the defaults are
/// defined by Flutter; Skia defaults are corrected if necessary). The
/// default object is created by [createDefault].
/// - Zero or more cycles of delete + resurrect: when a Dart object is reused
/// after its C++ object is deleted we create a new C++ object populated with
/// data from the current state of the Dart object. This is done using the
/// [resurrect] method.
/// - Final delete: if a Dart object is never reused, it is GC'd after its
/// underlying C++ object is deleted. This is implemented by [SkiaObjects].
abstract class SkiaObject {
SkiaObject() {
_skiaObject = createDefault();
/// The JavaScript object that's mapped onto a Skia C++ object in the WebAssembly heap.
js.JsObject get skiaObject {
if (_skiaObject == null) {
_skiaObject = resurrect();
return _skiaObject;
/// Do not use this field outside this class. Use [skiaObject] instead.
js.JsObject _skiaObject;
/// Instantiates a new Skia-backed JavaScript object containing default
/// values.
/// The object is expected to represent Flutter's defaults. If Skia uses
/// different defaults from those used by Flutter, this method is expected
/// initialize the object to Flutter's defaults.
js.JsObject createDefault();
/// Creates a new Skia-backed JavaScript object containing data representing
/// the current state of the Dart object.
js.JsObject resurrect();
/// Singleton that manages the lifecycles of [SkiaObject] instances.
class SkiaObjects {
// TODO(yjbanov): some sort of LRU strategy would allow us to reuse objects
// beyond a single frame.
static final List<SkiaObject> managedObjects = () {
return <SkiaObject>[];
/// Starts managing the lifecycle of [object].
/// The object's underlying WASM object is deleted by calling the
/// "delete" method when it goes out of scope.
/// The current implementation deletes objects at the end of every frame.
static void manage(SkiaObject object) {
/// Deletes all C++ objects created this frame.
static void postFrameCleanUp() {
if (managedObjects.isEmpty) {
for (int i = 0; i < managedObjects.length; i++) {
final SkiaObject object = managedObjects[i];
object._skiaObject = null;
js.JsObject makeSkRect(ui.Rect rect) {
return js.JsObject(canvasKit['LTRBRect'],
<double>[rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom]);
js.JsObject makeSkRRect(ui.RRect rrect) {
return js.JsObject.jsify({
'rect': makeSkRect(rrect.outerRect),
'rx1': rrect.tlRadiusX,
'ry1': rrect.tlRadiusY,
'rx2': rrect.trRadiusX,
'ry2': rrect.trRadiusY,
'rx3': rrect.brRadiusX,
'ry3': rrect.brRadiusY,
'rx4': rrect.blRadiusX,
'ry4': rrect.blRadiusY,
ui.Rect fromSkRect(js.JsObject skRect) {
return ui.Rect.fromLTRB(
ui.TextPosition fromPositionWithAffinity(js.JsObject positionWithAffinity) {
if (positionWithAffinity['affinity'] == canvasKit['Affinity']['Upstream']) {
return ui.TextPosition(
offset: positionWithAffinity['pos'],
affinity: ui.TextAffinity.upstream,
} else {
assert(positionWithAffinity['affinity'] ==
return ui.TextPosition(
offset: positionWithAffinity['pos'],
affinity: ui.TextAffinity.downstream,
js.JsArray<double> makeSkPoint(ui.Offset point) {
final js.JsArray<double> skPoint = js.JsArray<double>();
skPoint.length = 2;
skPoint[0] = point.dx;
skPoint[1] = point.dy;
return skPoint;
/// Creates a point list using a typed buffer created by CanvasKit.Malloc.
Float32List encodePointList(List<ui.Offset> points) {
assert(points != null);
final int pointCount = points.length;
final Float32List result = canvasKit.callMethod('Malloc', <dynamic>[js.context['Float32Array'], pointCount * 2]);
for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; ++i) {
final int xIndex = i * 2;
final int yIndex = xIndex + 1;
final ui.Offset point = points[i];
result[xIndex] = point.dx;
result[yIndex] = point.dy;
return result;
js.JsObject makeSkPointMode(ui.PointMode pointMode) {
switch (pointMode) {
case ui.PointMode.points:
return canvasKit['PointMode']['Points'];
case ui.PointMode.lines:
return canvasKit['PointMode']['Lines'];
case ui.PointMode.polygon:
return canvasKit['PointMode']['Polygon'];
throw StateError('Unrecognized point mode $pointMode');
js.JsObject makeSkBlendMode(ui.BlendMode blendMode) {
switch (blendMode) {
case ui.BlendMode.clear:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Clear'];
case ui.BlendMode.src:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Src'];
case ui.BlendMode.dst:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Dst'];
case ui.BlendMode.srcOver:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['SrcOver'];
case ui.BlendMode.dstOver:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['DstOver'];
case ui.BlendMode.srcIn:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['SrcIn'];
case ui.BlendMode.dstIn:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['DstIn'];
case ui.BlendMode.srcOut:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['SrcOut'];
case ui.BlendMode.dstOut:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['DstOut'];
case ui.BlendMode.srcATop:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['SrcATop'];
case ui.BlendMode.dstATop:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['DstATop'];
case ui.BlendMode.xor:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Xor'];
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Plus'];
case ui.BlendMode.modulate:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Modulate'];
case ui.BlendMode.screen:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Screen'];
case ui.BlendMode.overlay:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Overlay'];
case ui.BlendMode.darken:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Darken'];
case ui.BlendMode.lighten:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Lighten'];
case ui.BlendMode.colorDodge:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['ColorDodge'];
case ui.BlendMode.colorBurn:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['ColorBurn'];
case ui.BlendMode.hardLight:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['HardLight'];
case ui.BlendMode.softLight:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['SoftLight'];
case ui.BlendMode.difference:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Difference'];
case ui.BlendMode.exclusion:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Exclusion'];
case ui.BlendMode.multiply:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Multiply'];
case ui.BlendMode.hue:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Hue'];
case ui.BlendMode.saturation:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Saturation'];
case ui.BlendMode.color:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Color'];
case ui.BlendMode.luminosity:
return canvasKit['BlendMode']['Luminosity'];
return null;
// Mappings from SkMatrix-index to input-index.
const List<int> _skMatrixIndexToMatrix4Index = <int>[
0, 4, 12, // Row 1
1, 5, 13, // Row 2
3, 7, 15, // Row 3
/// Converts a 4x4 Flutter matrix (represented as a [Float32List]) to an
/// SkMatrix, which is a 3x3 transform matrix.
js.JsArray<double> makeSkMatrixFromFloat32(Float32List matrix4) {
final js.JsArray<double> skMatrix = js.JsArray<double>();
skMatrix.length = 9;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
final int matrix4Index = _skMatrixIndexToMatrix4Index[i];
if (matrix4Index < matrix4.length)
skMatrix[i] = matrix4[matrix4Index];
skMatrix[i] = 0.0;
return skMatrix;
js.JsArray<double> makeSkMatrixFromFloat64(Float64List matrix4) {
final js.JsArray<double> skMatrix = js.JsArray<double>();
skMatrix.length = 9;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
final int matrix4Index = _skMatrixIndexToMatrix4Index[i];
if (matrix4Index < matrix4.length)
skMatrix[i] = matrix4[matrix4Index];
skMatrix[i] = 0.0;
return skMatrix;
/// Color stops used when the framework specifies `null`.
final js.JsArray<double> _kDefaultColorStops = () {
final js.JsArray<double> jsColorStops = js.JsArray<double>();
jsColorStops.length = 2;
jsColorStops[0] = 0;
jsColorStops[1] = 1;
return jsColorStops;
/// Converts a list of color stops into a Skia-compatible JS array or color stops.
/// In Flutter `null` means two color stops `[0, 1]` that in Skia must be specified explicitly.
js.JsArray<double> makeSkiaColorStops(List<double> colorStops) {
if (colorStops == null) {
return _kDefaultColorStops;
final js.JsArray<double> jsColorStops = js.JsArray<double>.from(colorStops);
jsColorStops.length = colorStops.length;
return jsColorStops;
void drawSkShadow(
js.JsObject skCanvas,
SkPath path,
ui.Color color,
double elevation,
bool transparentOccluder,
double devicePixelRatio,
) {
const double ambientAlpha = 0.039;
const double spotAlpha = 0.25;
final int flags = transparentOccluder ? 0x01 : 0x00;
final ui.Rect bounds = path.getBounds();
final double shadowX = (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2.0;
final double shadowY = - 600.0;
ui.Color inAmbient = color.withAlpha((color.alpha * ambientAlpha).round());
ui.Color inSpot = color.withAlpha((color.alpha * spotAlpha).round());
final js.JsObject inTonalColors = js.JsObject.jsify(<String, int>{
'ambient': inAmbient.value,
'spot': inSpot.value,
final js.JsObject tonalColors =
canvasKit.callMethod('computeTonalColors', <js.JsObject>[inTonalColors]);
skCanvas.callMethod('drawShadow', <dynamic>[
js.JsArray<double>.from(<double>[0, 0, devicePixelRatio * elevation]),
<double>[shadowX, shadowY, devicePixelRatio * kLightHeight]),
devicePixelRatio * kLightRadius,