blob: 5eae4d3dccacb7a0bc0a2942122255c51a09a04b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unordered_map>
#include "flutter/flow/matrix_decomposition.h"
#include "flutter/fml/logging.h"
namespace flutter {
template <typename ID>
class RasterCacheKey {
RasterCacheKey(ID id, const SkMatrix& ctm) : id_(id), matrix_(ctm) {
matrix_[SkMatrix::kMTransX] = SkScalarFraction(ctm.getTranslateX());
matrix_[SkMatrix::kMTransY] = SkScalarFraction(ctm.getTranslateY());
FML_DCHECK(matrix_.getTranslateX() == 0 && matrix_.getTranslateY() == 0);
ID id() const { return id_; }
const SkMatrix& matrix() const { return matrix_; }
struct Hash {
uint32_t operator()(RasterCacheKey const& key) const {
return std::hash<ID>()(key.id_);
struct Equal {
constexpr bool operator()(const RasterCacheKey& lhs,
const RasterCacheKey& rhs) const {
return lhs.id_ == rhs.id_ && lhs.matrix_ == rhs.matrix_;
template <class Value>
using Map = std::unordered_map<RasterCacheKey, Value, Hash, Equal>;
ID id_;
// ctm where only fractional (0-1) translations are preserved:
// matrix_ = ctm;
// matrix_[SkMatrix::kMTransX] = SkScalarFraction(ctm.getTranslateX());
// matrix_[SkMatrix::kMTransY] = SkScalarFraction(ctm.getTranslateY());
SkMatrix matrix_;
// The ID is the uint32_t picture uniqueID
using PictureRasterCacheKey = RasterCacheKey<uint32_t>;
class Layer;
// The ID is the uint64_t layer unique_id
using LayerRasterCacheKey = RasterCacheKey<uint64_t>;
} // namespace flutter