blob: c0914ae9970a7e24df8f04dcc6ccc98fde0a3683 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "flutter/fml/closure.h"
#include "flutter/fml/mapping.h"
#include "flutter/fml/time/time_point.h"
#include "flutter/fml/unique_fd.h"
namespace flutter {
class FrameTiming {
enum Phase { kBuildStart, kBuildFinish, kRasterStart, kRasterFinish, kCount };
static constexpr Phase kPhases[kCount] = {kBuildStart, kBuildFinish,
kRasterStart, kRasterFinish};
fml::TimePoint Get(Phase phase) const { return data_[phase]; }
fml::TimePoint Set(Phase phase, fml::TimePoint value) {
return data_[phase] = value;
fml::TimePoint data_[kCount];
using TaskObserverAdd =
std::function<void(intptr_t /* key */, fml::closure /* callback */)>;
using TaskObserverRemove = std::function<void(intptr_t /* key */)>;
using UnhandledExceptionCallback =
std::function<bool(const std::string& /* error */,
const std::string& /* stack trace */)>;
// TODO(chinmaygarde): Deprecate all the "path" struct members in favor of the
// callback that generates the mapping from these paths.
using MappingCallback = std::function<std::unique_ptr<fml::Mapping>(void)>;
using MappingsCallback =
std::function<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const fml::Mapping>>(void)>;
using FrameRasterizedCallback = std::function<void(const FrameTiming&)>;
struct Settings {
Settings(const Settings& other);
// VM settings
std::string vm_snapshot_data_path; // deprecated
MappingCallback vm_snapshot_data;
std::string vm_snapshot_instr_path; // deprecated
MappingCallback vm_snapshot_instr;
std::string isolate_snapshot_data_path; // deprecated
MappingCallback isolate_snapshot_data;
std::string isolate_snapshot_instr_path; // deprecated
MappingCallback isolate_snapshot_instr;
// Returns the Mapping to a kernel buffer which contains sources for dart:*
// libraries.
MappingCallback dart_library_sources_kernel;
// Path to a library containing the application's compiled Dart code.
// This is a vector so that the embedder can provide fallback paths in
// case the primary path to the library can not be loaded.
std::vector<std::string> application_library_path;
std::string application_kernel_asset; // deprecated
std::string application_kernel_list_asset; // deprecated
MappingsCallback application_kernels;
std::string temp_directory_path;
std::vector<std::string> dart_flags;
// Arguments passed as a List<String> to Dart's entrypoint function.
std::vector<std::string> dart_entrypoint_args;
// Isolate settings
bool enable_checked_mode = false;
bool start_paused = false;
bool trace_skia = false;
std::string trace_whitelist;
bool trace_startup = false;
bool trace_systrace = false;
bool dump_skp_on_shader_compilation = false;
bool cache_sksl = false;
bool endless_trace_buffer = false;
bool enable_dart_profiling = false;
bool disable_dart_asserts = false;
// Used as the script URI in debug messages. Does not affect how the Dart code
// is executed.
std::string advisory_script_uri = "main.dart";
// Used as the script entrypoint in debug messages. Does not affect how the
// Dart code is executed.
std::string advisory_script_entrypoint = "main";
// Observatory settings
// Whether the Dart VM service should be enabled.
bool enable_observatory = false;
// The IP address to which the Dart VM service is bound.
std::string observatory_host;
// The port to which the Dart VM service is bound. When set to `0`, a free
// port will be automatically selected by the OS. A message is logged on the
// target indicating the URL at which the VM service can be accessed.
uint32_t observatory_port = 0;
// Determines whether an authentication code is required to communicate with
// the VM service.
bool disable_service_auth_codes = true;
// Determine whether the vmservice should fallback to automatic port selection
// after failing to bind to a specified port.
bool enable_service_port_fallback = false;
// Font settings
bool use_test_fonts = false;
// All shells in the process share the same VM. The last shell to shutdown
// should typically shut down the VM as well. However, applications depend on
// the behavior of "warming-up" the VM by creating a shell that does not do
// anything. This used to work earlier when the VM could not be shut down (and
// hence never was). Shutting down the VM now breaks such assumptions in
// existing embedders. To keep this behavior consistent and allow existing
// embedders the chance to migrate, this flag defaults to true. Any shell
// launched with this flag set to true will leak the VM in the process. There
// is no way to shut down the VM once such a shell has been started. All
// shells in the platform (via their embedding APIs) should cooperate to make
// sure this flag is never set if they want the VM to shutdown and free all
// associated resources.
bool leak_vm = true;
// Engine settings
TaskObserverAdd task_observer_add;
TaskObserverRemove task_observer_remove;
// The main isolate is current when this callback is made. This is a good spot
// to perform native Dart bindings for libraries not built in.
fml::closure root_isolate_create_callback;
fml::closure isolate_create_callback;
// The isolate is not current and may have already been destroyed when this
// call is made.
fml::closure root_isolate_shutdown_callback;
fml::closure isolate_shutdown_callback;
// The callback made on the UI thread in an isolate scope when the engine
// detects that the framework is idle. The VM also uses this time to perform
// tasks suitable when idling. Due to this, embedders are still advised to be
// as fast as possible in returning from this callback. Long running
// operations in this callback do have the capability of introducing jank.
std::function<void(int64_t)> idle_notification_callback;
// A callback given to the embedder to react to unhandled exceptions in the
// running Flutter application. This callback is made on an internal engine
// managed thread and embedders must re-thread as necessary. Performing
// blocking calls in this callback will cause applications to jank.
UnhandledExceptionCallback unhandled_exception_callback;
bool enable_software_rendering = false;
bool skia_deterministic_rendering_on_cpu = false;
bool verbose_logging = false;
std::string log_tag = "flutter";
// The icu_initialization_required setting does not have a corresponding
// switch because it is intended to be decided during build time, not runtime.
// Some companies apply source modification here because their build system
// brings its own ICU data files.
bool icu_initialization_required = true;
std::string icu_data_path;
MappingCallback icu_mapper;
// Assets settings
fml::UniqueFD::element_type assets_dir =
std::string assets_path;
// Callback to handle the timings of a rasterized frame. This is called as
// soon as a frame is rasterized.
FrameRasterizedCallback frame_rasterized_callback;
// This data will be available to the isolate immediately on launch via the
// Window.getPersistentIsolateData callback. This is meant for information
// that the isolate cannot request asynchronously (platform messages can be
// used for that purpose). This data is held for the lifetime of the shell and
// is available on isolate restarts in the shell instance. Due to this,
// the buffer must be as small as possible.
std::shared_ptr<const fml::Mapping> persistent_isolate_data;
/// Max size of old gen heap size in MB, or 0 for unlimited, -1 for default
/// value.
/// See also:
int64_t old_gen_heap_size = -1;
std::string ToString() const;
} // namespace flutter