blob: 3a2b5c4ef4c0e0178d7e4ca3abd4e2c050c51a15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.ui;
/// Whether to slant the glyphs in the font
enum FontStyle {
/// Use the upright glyphs
/// Use glyphs designed for slanting
/// The thickness of the glyphs used to draw the text
class FontWeight {
const FontWeight._(this.index);
/// The encoded integer value of this font weight.
final int index;
/// Thin, the least thick
static const FontWeight w100 = FontWeight._(0);
/// Extra-light
static const FontWeight w200 = FontWeight._(1);
/// Light
static const FontWeight w300 = FontWeight._(2);
/// Normal / regular / plain
static const FontWeight w400 = FontWeight._(3);
/// Medium
static const FontWeight w500 = FontWeight._(4);
/// Semi-bold
static const FontWeight w600 = FontWeight._(5);
/// Bold
static const FontWeight w700 = FontWeight._(6);
/// Extra-bold
static const FontWeight w800 = FontWeight._(7);
/// Black, the most thick
static const FontWeight w900 = FontWeight._(8);
/// The default font weight.
static const FontWeight normal = w400;
/// A commonly used font weight that is heavier than normal.
static const FontWeight bold = w700;
/// A list of all the font weights.
static const List<FontWeight> values = <FontWeight>[
w100, w200, w300, w400, w500, w600, w700, w800, w900
/// Linearly interpolates between two font weights.
/// Rather than using fractional weights, the interpolation rounds to the
/// nearest weight.
/// If both `a` and `b` are null, then this method will return null. Otherwise,
/// any null values for `a` or `b` are interpreted as equivalent to [normal]
/// (also known as [w400]).
/// The `t` argument represents position on the timeline, with 0.0 meaning
/// that the interpolation has not started, returning `a` (or something
/// equivalent to `a`), 1.0 meaning that the interpolation has finished,
/// returning `b` (or something equivalent to `b`), and values in between
/// meaning that the interpolation is at the relevant point on the timeline
/// between `a` and `b`. The interpolation can be extrapolated beyond 0.0 and
/// 1.0, so negative values and values greater than 1.0 are valid (and can
/// easily be generated by curves such as [Curves.elasticInOut]). The result
/// is clamped to the range [w100]–[w900].
/// Values for `t` are usually obtained from an [Animation<double>], such as
/// an [AnimationController].
static FontWeight lerp(FontWeight a, FontWeight b, double t) {
assert(t != null);
if (a == null && b == null)
return null;
return values[lerpDouble(a?.index ?? normal.index, b?.index ?? normal.index, t).round().clamp(0, 8)];
String toString() {
return const <int, String>{
0: 'FontWeight.w100',
1: 'FontWeight.w200',
2: 'FontWeight.w300',
3: 'FontWeight.w400',
4: 'FontWeight.w500',
5: 'FontWeight.w600',
6: 'FontWeight.w700',
7: 'FontWeight.w800',
8: 'FontWeight.w900',
/// Whether and how to align text horizontally.
// The order of this enum must match the order of the values in RenderStyleConstants.h's ETextAlign.
enum TextAlign {
/// Align the text on the left edge of the container.
/// Align the text on the right edge of the container.
/// Align the text in the center of the container.
/// Stretch lines of text that end with a soft line break to fill the width of
/// the container.
/// Lines that end with hard line breaks are aligned towards the [start] edge.
/// Align the text on the leading edge of the container.
/// For left-to-right text ([TextDirection.ltr]), this is the left edge.
/// For right-to-left text ([TextDirection.rtl]), this is the right edge.
/// Align the text on the trailing edge of the container.
/// For left-to-right text ([TextDirection.ltr]), this is the right edge.
/// For right-to-left text ([TextDirection.rtl]), this is the left edge.
/// A horizontal line used for aligning text.
enum TextBaseline {
/// The horizontal line used to align the bottom of glyphs for alphabetic characters.
/// The horizontal line used to align ideographic characters.
/// A linear decoration to draw near the text.
class TextDecoration {
const TextDecoration._(this._mask);
/// Creates a decoration that paints the union of all the given decorations.
factory TextDecoration.combine(List<TextDecoration> decorations) {
int mask = 0;
for (TextDecoration decoration in decorations)
mask |= decoration._mask;
return TextDecoration._(mask);
final int _mask;
/// Whether this decoration will paint at least as much decoration as the given decoration.
bool contains(TextDecoration other) {
return (_mask | other._mask) == _mask;
/// Do not draw a decoration
static const TextDecoration none = TextDecoration._(0x0);
/// Draw a line underneath each line of text
static const TextDecoration underline = TextDecoration._(0x1);
/// Draw a line above each line of text
static const TextDecoration overline = TextDecoration._(0x2);
/// Draw a line through each line of text
static const TextDecoration lineThrough = TextDecoration._(0x4);
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other is! TextDecoration)
return false;
final TextDecoration typedOther = other;
return _mask == typedOther._mask;
int get hashCode => _mask.hashCode;
String toString() {
if (_mask == 0)
return 'TextDecoration.none';
final List<String> values = <String>[];
if (_mask & underline._mask != 0)
if (_mask & overline._mask != 0)
if (_mask & lineThrough._mask != 0)
if (values.length == 1)
return 'TextDecoration.${values[0]}';
return 'TextDecoration.combine([${values.join(", ")}])';
/// The style in which to draw a text decoration
enum TextDecorationStyle {
/// Draw a solid line
/// Draw two lines
/// Draw a dotted line
/// Draw a dashed line
/// Draw a sinusoidal line
/// Determines if lists [a] and [b] are deep equivalent.
/// Returns true if the lists are both null, or if they are both non-null, have
/// the same length, and contain the same elements in the same order. Returns
/// false otherwise.
bool _listEquals<T>(List<T> a, List<T> b) {
if (a == null)
return b == null;
if (b == null || a.length != b.length)
return false;
for (int index = 0; index < a.length; index += 1) {
if (a[index] != b[index])
return false;
return true;
// This encoding must match the C++ version of ParagraphBuilder::pushStyle.
// The encoded array buffer has 8 elements.
// - Element 0: A bit field where the ith bit indicates wheter the ith element
// has a non-null value. Bits 8 to 12 indicate whether |fontFamily|,
// |fontSize|, |letterSpacing|, |wordSpacing|, and |height| are non-null,
// respectively. Bit 0 is unused.
// - Element 1: The |color| in ARGB with 8 bits per channel.
// - Element 2: A bit field indicating which text decorations are present in
// the |textDecoration| list. The ith bit is set if there's a TextDecoration
// with enum index i in the list.
// - Element 3: The |decorationColor| in ARGB with 8 bits per channel.
// - Element 4: The bit field of the |decorationStyle|.
// - Element 5: The index of the |fontWeight|.
// - Element 6: The enum index of the |fontStyle|.
// - Element 7: The enum index of the |textBaseline|.
Int32List _encodeTextStyle(
Color color,
TextDecoration decoration,
Color decorationColor,
TextDecorationStyle decorationStyle,
double decorationThickness,
FontWeight fontWeight,
FontStyle fontStyle,
TextBaseline textBaseline,
String fontFamily,
List<String> fontFamilyFallback,
double fontSize,
double letterSpacing,
double wordSpacing,
double height,
Locale locale,
Paint background,
Paint foreground,
List<Shadow> shadows
) {
final Int32List result = Int32List(8);
if (color != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 1;
result[1] = color.value;
if (decoration != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 2;
result[2] = decoration._mask;
if (decorationColor != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 3;
result[3] = decorationColor.value;
if (decorationStyle != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 4;
result[4] = decorationStyle.index;
if (fontWeight != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 5;
result[5] = fontWeight.index;
if (fontStyle != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 6;
result[6] = fontStyle.index;
if (textBaseline != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 7;
result[7] = textBaseline.index;
if (decorationThickness != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 8;
if (fontFamily != null || (fontFamilyFallback != null && fontFamilyFallback.isNotEmpty)) {
result[0] |= 1 << 9;
// Passed separately to native.
if (fontSize != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 10;
// Passed separately to native.
if (letterSpacing != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 11;
// Passed separately to native.
if (wordSpacing != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 12;
// Passed separately to native.
if (height != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 13;
// Passed separately to native.
if (locale != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 14;
// Passed separately to native.
if (background != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 15;
// Passed separately to native.
if (foreground != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 16;
// Passed separately to native.
if (shadows != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 17;
// Passed separately to native.
return result;
/// An opaque object that determines the size, position, and rendering of text.
/// See also:
/// * [TextStyle](, the class in the [painting] library.
class TextStyle {
/// Creates a new TextStyle object.
/// * `color`: The color to use when painting the text. If this is specified, `foreground` must be null.
/// * `decoration`: The decorations to paint near the text (e.g., an underline).
/// * `decorationColor`: The color in which to paint the text decorations.
/// * `decorationStyle`: The style in which to paint the text decorations (e.g., dashed).
/// * `decorationThickness`: The thickness of the decoration as a muliplier on the thickness specified by the font.
/// * `fontWeight`: The typeface thickness to use when painting the text (e.g., bold).
/// * `fontStyle`: The typeface variant to use when drawing the letters (e.g., italics).
/// * `fontFamily`: The name of the font to use when painting the text (e.g., Roboto). If a `fontFamilyFallback` is
/// provided and `fontFamily` is not, then the first font family in `fontFamilyFallback` will take the position of
/// the preferred font family. When a higher priority font cannot be found or does not contain a glyph, a lower
/// priority font will be used.
/// * `fontFamilyFallback`: An ordered list of the names of the fonts to fallback on when a glyph cannot
/// be found in a higher priority font. When the `fontFamily` is null, the first font family in this list
/// is used as the preferred font. Internally, the 'fontFamily` is concatenated to the front of this list.
/// When no font family is provided through 'fontFamilyFallback' (null or empty) or `fontFamily`, then the
/// platform default font will be used.
/// * `fontSize`: The size of glyphs (in logical pixels) to use when painting the text.
/// * `letterSpacing`: The amount of space (in logical pixels) to add between each letter.
/// * `wordSpacing`: The amount of space (in logical pixels) to add at each sequence of white-space (i.e. between each word).
/// * `textBaseline`: The common baseline that should be aligned between this text span and its parent text span, or, for the root text spans, with the line box.
/// * `height`: The height of this text span, as a multiplier of the font size.
/// * `locale`: The locale used to select region-specific glyphs.
/// * `background`: The paint drawn as a background for the text.
/// * `foreground`: The paint used to draw the text. If this is specified, `color` must be null.
Color color,
TextDecoration decoration,
Color decorationColor,
TextDecorationStyle decorationStyle,
double decorationThickness,
FontWeight fontWeight,
FontStyle fontStyle,
TextBaseline textBaseline,
String fontFamily,
List<String> fontFamilyFallback,
double fontSize,
double letterSpacing,
double wordSpacing,
double height,
Locale locale,
Paint background,
Paint foreground,
List<Shadow> shadows,
}) : assert(color == null || foreground == null,
'Cannot provide both a color and a foreground\n'
'The color argument is just a shorthand for "foreground: Paint()..color = color".'
_encoded = _encodeTextStyle(
_fontFamily = fontFamily ?? '',
_fontFamilyFallback = fontFamilyFallback,
_fontSize = fontSize,
_letterSpacing = letterSpacing,
_wordSpacing = wordSpacing,
_height = height,
_decorationThickness = decorationThickness,
_locale = locale,
_background = background,
_foreground = foreground,
_shadows = shadows;
final Int32List _encoded;
final String _fontFamily;
final List<String> _fontFamilyFallback;
final double _fontSize;
final double _letterSpacing;
final double _wordSpacing;
final double _height;
final double _decorationThickness;
final Locale _locale;
final Paint _background;
final Paint _foreground;
final List<Shadow> _shadows;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (other is! TextStyle)
return false;
final TextStyle typedOther = other;
if (_fontFamily != typedOther._fontFamily ||
_fontSize != typedOther._fontSize ||
_letterSpacing != typedOther._letterSpacing ||
_wordSpacing != typedOther._wordSpacing ||
_height != typedOther._height ||
_decorationThickness != typedOther._decorationThickness ||
_locale != typedOther._locale ||
_background != typedOther._background ||
_foreground != typedOther._foreground)
return false;
for (int index = 0; index < _encoded.length; index += 1) {
if (_encoded[index] != typedOther._encoded[index])
return false;
if (!_listEquals<Shadow>(_shadows, typedOther._shadows))
return false;
if (!_listEquals<String>(_fontFamilyFallback, typedOther._fontFamilyFallback))
return false;
return true;
int get hashCode => hashValues(hashList(_encoded), _fontFamily, _fontFamilyFallback, _fontSize, _letterSpacing, _wordSpacing, _height, _locale, _background, _foreground, _shadows, _decorationThickness);
String toString() {
return 'TextStyle('
'color: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00002 == 0x00002 ? Color(_encoded[1]) : "unspecified"}, '
'decoration: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00004 == 0x00004 ? TextDecoration._(_encoded[2]) : "unspecified"}, '
'decorationColor: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00008 == 0x00008 ? Color(_encoded[3]) : "unspecified"}, '
'decorationStyle: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00010 == 0x00010 ? TextDecorationStyle.values[_encoded[4]] : "unspecified"}, '
// The decorationThickness is not in encoded order in order to keep it near the other decoration properties.
'decorationThickness: ${_encoded[0] & 0x00100 == 0x00100 ? _decorationThickness : "unspecified"}, '
'fontWeight: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00020 == 0x00020 ? FontWeight.values[_encoded[5]] : "unspecified"}, '
'fontStyle: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00040 == 0x00040 ? FontStyle.values[_encoded[6]] : "unspecified"}, '
'textBaseline: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00080 == 0x00080 ? TextBaseline.values[_encoded[7]] : "unspecified"}, '
'fontFamily: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00200 == 0x00200
&& _fontFamily != null ? _fontFamily : "unspecified"}, '
'fontFamilyFallback: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00200 == 0x00200
&& _fontFamilyFallback != null
&& _fontFamilyFallback.isNotEmpty ? _fontFamilyFallback : "unspecified"}, '
'fontSize: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00400 == 0x00400 ? _fontSize : "unspecified"}, '
'letterSpacing: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x00800 == 0x00800 ? "${_letterSpacing}x" : "unspecified"}, '
'wordSpacing: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x01000 == 0x01000 ? "${_wordSpacing}x" : "unspecified"}, '
'height: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x02000 == 0x02000 ? "${_height}x" : "unspecified"}, '
'locale: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x04000 == 0x04000 ? _locale : "unspecified"}, '
'background: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x08000 == 0x08000 ? _background : "unspecified"}, '
'foreground: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x10000 == 0x10000 ? _foreground : "unspecified"}, '
'shadows: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x20000 == 0x20000 ? _shadows : "unspecified"}'
// This encoding must match the C++ version ParagraphBuilder::build.
// The encoded array buffer has 6 elements.
// - Element 0: A bit mask indicating which fields are non-null.
// Bit 0 is unused. Bits 1-n are set if the corresponding index in the
// encoded array is non-null. The remaining bits represent fields that
// are passed separately from the array.
// - Element 1: The enum index of the |textAlign|.
// - Element 2: The enum index of the |textDirection|.
// - Element 3: The index of the |fontWeight|.
// - Element 4: The enum index of the |fontStyle|.
// - Element 5: The value of |maxLines|.
Int32List _encodeParagraphStyle(
TextAlign textAlign,
TextDirection textDirection,
int maxLines,
String fontFamily,
double fontSize,
double height,
FontWeight fontWeight,
FontStyle fontStyle,
StrutStyle strutStyle,
String ellipsis,
Locale locale,
) {
final Int32List result = Int32List(6); // also update
if (textAlign != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 1;
result[1] = textAlign.index;
if (textDirection != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 2;
result[2] = textDirection.index;
if (fontWeight != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 3;
result[3] = fontWeight.index;
if (fontStyle != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 4;
result[4] = fontStyle.index;
if (maxLines != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 5;
result[5] = maxLines;
if (fontFamily != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 6;
// Passed separately to native.
if (fontSize != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 7;
// Passed separately to native.
if (height != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 8;
// Passed separately to native.
if (strutStyle != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 9;
// Passed separately to native.
if (ellipsis != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 10;
// Passed separately to native.
if (locale != null) {
result[0] |= 1 << 11;
// Passed separately to native.
return result;
/// An opaque object that determines the configuration used by
/// [ParagraphBuilder] to position lines within a [Paragraph] of text.
class ParagraphStyle {
/// Creates a new ParagraphStyle object.
/// * `textAlign`: The alignment of the text within the lines of the
/// paragraph. If the last line is ellipsized (see `ellipsis` below), the
/// alignment is applied to that line after it has been truncated but before
/// the ellipsis has been added.
// See:
/// * `textDirection`: The directionality of the text, left-to-right (e.g.
/// Norwegian) or right-to-left (e.g. Hebrew). This controls the overall
/// directionality of the paragraph, as well as the meaning of
/// [TextAlign.start] and [TextAlign.end] in the `textAlign` field.
/// * `maxLines`: The maximum number of lines painted. Lines beyond this
/// number are silently dropped. For example, if `maxLines` is 1, then only
/// one line is rendered. If `maxLines` is null, but `ellipsis` is not null,
/// then lines after the first one that overflows the width constraints are
/// dropped. The width constraints are those set in the
/// [ParagraphConstraints] object passed to the [Paragraph.layout] method.
/// * `fontFamily`: The name of the font family to apply when painting the text,
/// in the absence of a `textStyle` being attached to the span.
/// * `fontSize`: The fallback size of glyphs (in logical pixels) to
/// use when painting the text. This is used when there is no [TextStyle].
/// * `height`: The height of the spans as a multiplier of the font size. The
/// fallback height to use when no height is provided in through
/// [TextStyle.height].
/// * `fontWeight`: The typeface thickness to use when painting the text
/// (e.g., bold).
/// * `fontStyle`: The typeface variant to use when drawing the letters (e.g.,
/// italics).
/// * `strutStyle`: The properties of the strut. Strut defines a set of minimum
/// vertical line height related metrics and can be used to obtain more
/// advanced line spacing behavior.
/// * `ellipsis`: String used to ellipsize overflowing text. If `maxLines` is
/// not null, then the `ellipsis`, if any, is applied to the last rendered
/// line, if that line overflows the width constraints. If `maxLines` is
/// null, then the `ellipsis` is applied to the first line that overflows
/// the width constraints, and subsequent lines are dropped. The width
/// constraints are those set in the [ParagraphConstraints] object passed to
/// the [Paragraph.layout] method. The empty string and the null value are
/// considered equivalent and turn off this behavior.
/// * `locale`: The locale used to select region-specific glyphs.
TextAlign textAlign,
TextDirection textDirection,
int maxLines,
String fontFamily,
double fontSize,
double height,
FontWeight fontWeight,
FontStyle fontStyle,
StrutStyle strutStyle,
String ellipsis,
Locale locale,
}) : _encoded = _encodeParagraphStyle(
_fontFamily = fontFamily,
_fontSize = fontSize,
_height = height,
_strutStyle = strutStyle,
_ellipsis = ellipsis,
_locale = locale;
final Int32List _encoded;
final String _fontFamily;
final double _fontSize;
final double _height;
final StrutStyle _strutStyle;
final String _ellipsis;
final Locale _locale;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
final ParagraphStyle typedOther = other;
if (_fontFamily != typedOther._fontFamily ||
_fontSize != typedOther._fontSize ||
_height != typedOther._height ||
_strutStyle != typedOther._strutStyle ||
_ellipsis != typedOther._ellipsis ||
_locale != typedOther._locale)
return false;
for (int index = 0; index < _encoded.length; index += 1) {
if (_encoded[index] != typedOther._encoded[index])
return false;
return true;
int get hashCode => hashValues(hashList(_encoded), _fontFamily, _fontSize, _height, _ellipsis, _locale);
String toString() {
return 'ParagraphStyle('
'textAlign: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x002 == 0x002 ? TextAlign.values[_encoded[1]] : "unspecified"}, '
'textDirection: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x004 == 0x004 ? TextDirection.values[_encoded[2]] : "unspecified"}, '
'fontWeight: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x008 == 0x008 ? FontWeight.values[_encoded[3]] : "unspecified"}, '
'fontStyle: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x010 == 0x010 ? FontStyle.values[_encoded[4]] : "unspecified"}, '
'maxLines: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x020 == 0x020 ? _encoded[5] : "unspecified"}, '
'fontFamily: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x040 == 0x040 ? _fontFamily : "unspecified"}, '
'fontSize: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x080 == 0x080 ? _fontSize : "unspecified"}, '
'height: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x100 == 0x100 ? "${_height}x" : "unspecified"}, '
'ellipsis: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x200 == 0x200 ? "\"$_ellipsis\"" : "unspecified"}, '
'locale: ${ _encoded[0] & 0x400 == 0x400 ? _locale : "unspecified"}'
// Serialize strut properties into ByteData. This encoding errs towards
// compactness. The first 8 bits is a bitmask that records which properties
// are null. The rest of the values are encoded in the same order encountered
// in the bitmask. The final returned value truncates any unused bytes
// at the end.
// We serialize this more thoroughly than ParagraphStyle because it is
// much more likely that the strut is empty/null and we wish to add
// minimal overhead for non-strut cases.
ByteData _encodeStrut(
String fontFamily,
List<String> fontFamilyFallback,
double fontSize,
double height,
double leading,
FontWeight fontWeight,
FontStyle fontStyle,
bool forceStrutHeight) {
if (fontFamily == null &&
fontSize == null &&
height == null &&
leading == null &&
fontWeight == null &&
fontStyle == null &&
forceStrutHeight == null)
return ByteData(0);
final ByteData data = ByteData(15); // Max size is 15 bytes
int bitmask = 0; // 8 bit mask
int byteCount = 1;
if (fontWeight != null) {
bitmask |= 1 << 0;
data.setInt8(byteCount, fontWeight.index);
byteCount += 1;
if (fontStyle != null) {
bitmask |= 1 << 1;
data.setInt8(byteCount, fontStyle.index);
byteCount += 1;
if (fontFamily != null || (fontFamilyFallback != null && fontFamilyFallback.isNotEmpty)){
bitmask |= 1 << 2;
// passed separately to native
if (fontSize != null) {
bitmask |= 1 << 3;
data.setFloat32(byteCount, fontSize, _kFakeHostEndian);
byteCount += 4;
if (height != null) {
bitmask |= 1 << 4;
data.setFloat32(byteCount, height, _kFakeHostEndian);
byteCount += 4;
if (leading != null) {
bitmask |= 1 << 5;
data.setFloat32(byteCount, leading, _kFakeHostEndian);
byteCount += 4;
if (forceStrutHeight != null) {
bitmask |= 1 << 6;
// We store this boolean directly in the bitmask since there is
// extra space in the 16 bit int.
bitmask |= (forceStrutHeight ? 1 : 0) << 7;
data.setInt8(0, bitmask);
return ByteData.view(data.buffer, 0, byteCount);
/// See also:
/// * [StrutStyle](, the class in the [painting] library.
class StrutStyle {
/// Creates a new StrutStyle object.
/// * `fontFamily`: The name of the font to use when painting the text (e.g.,
/// Roboto).
/// * `fontFamilyFallback`: An ordered list of font family names that will be searched for when
/// the font in `fontFamily` cannot be found.
/// * `fontSize`: The size of glyphs (in logical pixels) to use when painting
/// the text.
/// * `height`: The minimum height of the line boxes, as a multiplier of the
/// font size. The lines of the paragraph will be at least `(height + leading)
/// * fontSize` tall when fontSize is not null. When fontSize is null, there
/// is no minimum line height. Tall glyphs due to baseline alignment or large
/// [TextStyle.fontSize] may cause the actual line height after layout to be
/// taller than specified here. [fontSize] must be provided for this property
/// to take effect.
/// * `leading`: The minimum amount of leading between lines as a multiple of
/// the font size. [fontSize] must be provided for this property to take effect.
/// * `fontWeight`: The typeface thickness to use when painting the text
/// (e.g., bold).
/// * `fontStyle`: The typeface variant to use when drawing the letters (e.g.,
/// italics).
/// * `forceStrutHeight`: When true, the paragraph will force all lines to be exactly
/// `(height + leading) * fontSize` tall from baseline to baseline.
/// [TextStyle] is no longer able to influence the line height, and any tall
/// glyphs may overlap with lines above. If a [fontFamily] is specified, the
/// total ascent of the first line will be the min of the `Ascent + half-leading`
/// of the [fontFamily] and `(height + leading) * fontSize`. Otherwise, it
/// will be determined by the Ascent + half-leading of the first text.
String fontFamily,
List<String> fontFamilyFallback,
double fontSize,
double height,
double leading,
FontWeight fontWeight,
FontStyle fontStyle,
bool forceStrutHeight,
}) : _encoded = _encodeStrut(
_fontFamily = fontFamily,
_fontFamilyFallback = fontFamilyFallback;
final ByteData _encoded; // Most of the data for strut is encoded.
final String _fontFamily;
final List<String> _fontFamilyFallback;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
final StrutStyle typedOther = other;
if (_fontFamily != typedOther._fontFamily)
return false;
final Int8List encodedList = _encoded.buffer.asInt8List();
final Int8List otherEncodedList = typedOther._encoded.buffer.asInt8List();
for (int index = 0; index < _encoded.lengthInBytes; index += 1) {
if (encodedList[index] != otherEncodedList[index])
return false;
if (!_listEquals<String>(_fontFamilyFallback, typedOther._fontFamilyFallback))
return false;
return true;
int get hashCode => hashValues(hashList(_encoded.buffer.asInt8List()), _fontFamily);
/// A direction in which text flows.
/// Some languages are written from the left to the right (for example, English,
/// Tamil, or Chinese), while others are written from the right to the left (for
/// example Aramaic, Hebrew, or Urdu). Some are also written in a mixture, for
/// example Arabic is mostly written right-to-left, with numerals written
/// left-to-right.
/// The text direction must be provided to APIs that render text or lay out
/// boxes horizontally, so that they can determine which direction to start in:
/// either right-to-left, [TextDirection.rtl]; or left-to-right,
/// [TextDirection.ltr].
/// ## Design discussion
/// Flutter is designed to address the needs of applications written in any of
/// the world's currently-used languages, whether they use a right-to-left or
/// left-to-right writing direction. Flutter does not support other writing
/// modes, such as vertical text or boustrophedon text, as these are rarely used
/// in computer programs.
/// It is common when developing user interface frameworks to pick a default
/// text direction — typically left-to-right, the direction most familiar to the
/// engineers working on the framework — because this simplifies the development
/// of applications on the platform. Unfortunately, this frequently results in
/// the platform having unexpected left-to-right biases or assumptions, as
/// engineers will typically miss places where they need to support
/// right-to-left text. This then results in bugs that only manifest in
/// right-to-left environments.
/// In an effort to minimize the extent to which Flutter experiences this
/// category of issues, the lowest levels of the Flutter framework do not have a
/// default text reading direction. Any time a reading direction is necessary,
/// for example when text is to be displayed, or when a
/// writing-direction-dependent value is to be interpreted, the reading
/// direction must be explicitly specified. Where possible, such as in `switch`
/// statements, the right-to-left case is listed first, to avoid the impression
/// that it is an afterthought.
/// At the higher levels (specifically starting at the widgets library), an
/// ambient [Directionality] is introduced, which provides a default. Thus, for
/// instance, a [Text] widget in the scope of a [MaterialApp] widget does not
/// need to be given an explicit writing direction. The [Directionality.of]
/// static method can be used to obtain the ambient text direction for a
/// particular [BuildContext].
/// ### Known left-to-right biases in Flutter
/// Despite the design intent described above, certain left-to-right biases have
/// nonetheless crept into Flutter's design. These include:
/// * The [Canvas] origin is at the top left, and the x-axis increases in a
/// left-to-right direction.
/// * The default localization in the widgets and material libraries is
/// American English, which is left-to-right.
/// ### Visual properties vs directional properties
/// Many classes in the Flutter framework are offered in two versions, a
/// visually-oriented variant, and a text-direction-dependent variant. For
/// example, [EdgeInsets] is described in terms of top, left, right, and bottom,
/// while [EdgeInsetsDirectional] is described in terms of top, start, end, and
/// bottom, where start and end correspond to right and left in right-to-left
/// text and left and right in left-to-right text.
/// There are distinct use cases for each of these variants.
/// Text-direction-dependent variants are useful when developing user interfaces
/// that should "flip" with the text direction. For example, a paragraph of text
/// in English will typically be left-aligned and a quote will be indented from
/// the left, while in Arabic it will be right-aligned and indented from the
/// right. Both of these cases are described by the direction-dependent
/// [TextAlign.start] and [EdgeInsetsDirectional.start].
/// In contrast, the visual variants are useful when the text direction is known
/// and not affected by the reading direction. For example, an application
/// giving driving directions might show a "turn left" arrow on the left and a
/// "turn right" arrow on the right — and would do so whether the application
/// was localized to French (left-to-right) or Hebrew (right-to-left).
/// In practice, it is also expected that many developers will only be
/// targeting one language, and in that case it may be simpler to think in
/// visual terms.
// The order of this enum must match the order of the values in TextDirection.h's TextDirection.
enum TextDirection {
/// The text flows from right to left (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew).
/// The text flows from left to right (e.g., English, French).
/// A rectangle enclosing a run of text.
/// This is similar to [Rect] but includes an inherent [TextDirection].
class TextBox {
/// Creates an object that describes a box containing text.
const TextBox.fromLTRBD(
int directionIndex,
) : direction = TextDirection.values[directionIndex];
/// The left edge of the text box, irrespective of direction.
/// To get the leading edge (which may depend on the [direction]), consider [start].
final double left;
/// The top edge of the text box.
final double top;
/// The right edge of the text box, irrespective of direction.
/// To get the trailing edge (which may depend on the [direction]), consider [end].
final double right;
/// The bottom edge of the text box.
final double bottom;
/// The direction in which text inside this box flows.
final TextDirection direction;
/// Returns a rect of the same size as this box.
Rect toRect() => Rect.fromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
/// The [left] edge of the box for left-to-right text; the [right] edge of the box for right-to-left text.
/// See also:
/// * [direction], which specifies the text direction.
double get start {
return (direction == TextDirection.ltr) ? left : right;
/// The [right] edge of the box for left-to-right text; the [left] edge of the box for right-to-left text.
/// See also:
/// * [direction], which specifies the text direction.
double get end {
return (direction == TextDirection.ltr) ? right : left;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other))
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
final TextBox typedOther = other;
return typedOther.left == left
&& == top
&& typedOther.right == right
&& typedOther.bottom == bottom
&& typedOther.direction == direction;
int get hashCode => hashValues(left, top, right, bottom, direction);
String toString() => 'TextBox.fromLTRBD(${left.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${top.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${right.toStringAsFixed(1)}, ${bottom.toStringAsFixed(1)}, $direction)';
/// A way to disambiguate a [TextPosition] when its offset could match two
/// different locations in the rendered string.
/// For example, at an offset where the rendered text wraps, there are two
/// visual positions that the offset could represent: one prior to the line
/// break (at the end of the first line) and one after the line break (at the
/// start of the second line). A text affinity disambiguates between these two
/// cases.
/// This affects only line breaks caused by wrapping, not explicit newline
/// characters. For newline characters, the position is fully specified by the
/// offset alone, and there is no ambiguity.
/// [TextAffinity] also affects bidirectional text at the interface between LTR
/// and RTL text. Consider the following string, where the lowercase letters
/// will be displayed as LTR and the uppercase letters RTL: "helloHELLO". When
/// rendered, the string would appear visually as "helloOLLEH". An offset of 5
/// would be ambiguous without a corresponding [TextAffinity]. Looking at the
/// string in code, the offset represents the position just after the "o" and
/// just before the "H". When rendered, this offset could be either in the
/// middle of the string to the right of the "o" or at the end of the string to
/// the right of the "H".
enum TextAffinity {
/// The position has affinity for the upstream side of the text position, i.e.
/// in the direction of the beginning of the string.
/// In the example of an offset at the place where text is wrapping, upstream
/// indicates the end of the first line.
/// In the bidirectional text example "helloHELLO", an offset of 5 with
/// [TextAffinity] upstream would appear in the middle of the rendered text,
/// just to the right of the "o". See the definition of [TextAffinity] for the
/// full example.
/// The position has affinity for the downstream side of the text position,
/// i.e. in the direction of the end of the string.
/// In the example of an offset at the place where text is wrapping,
/// downstream indicates the beginning of the second line.
/// In the bidirectional text example "helloHELLO", an offset of 5 with
/// [TextAffinity] downstream would appear at the end of the rendered text,
/// just to the right of the "H". See the definition of [TextAffinity] for the
/// full example.
/// A position in a string of text.
/// A TextPosition can be used to locate a position in a string in code (using
/// the [offset] property), and it can also be used to locate the same position
/// visually in a rendered string of text (using [offset] and, when needed to
/// resolve ambiguity, [affinity]).
/// The location of an offset in a rendered string is ambiguous in two cases.
/// One happens when rendered text is forced to wrap. In this case, the offset
/// where the wrap occurs could visually appear either at the end of the first
/// line or the beginning of the second line. The second way is with
/// bidirectional text. An offset at the interface between two different text
/// directions could have one of two locations in the rendered text.
/// See the documentation for [TextAffinity] for more information on how
/// TextAffinity disambiguates situations like these.
class TextPosition {
/// Creates an object representing a particular position in a string.
/// The arguments must not be null (so the [offset] argument is required).
const TextPosition({
this.affinity = TextAffinity.downstream,
}) : assert(offset != null),
assert(affinity != null);
/// The index of the character that immediately follows the position in the
/// string representation of the text.
/// For example, given the string `'Hello'`, offset 0 represents the cursor
/// being before the `H`, while offset 5 represents the cursor being just
/// after the `o`.
final int offset;
/// Disambiguates cases where the position in the string given by [offset]
/// could represent two different visual positions in the rendered text. For
/// example, this can happen when text is forced to wrap, or when one string
/// of text is rendered with multiple text directions.
/// See the documentation for [TextAffinity] for more information on how
/// TextAffinity disambiguates situations like these.
final TextAffinity affinity;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
final TextPosition typedOther = other;
return typedOther.offset == offset
&& typedOther.affinity == affinity;
int get hashCode => hashValues(offset, affinity);
String toString() {
return 'TextPosition(offset: $offset, affinity: $affinity)';
/// Layout constraints for [Paragraph] objects.
/// Instances of this class are typically used with [Paragraph.layout].
/// The only constraint that can be specified is the [width]. See the discussion
/// at [width] for more details.
class ParagraphConstraints {
/// Creates constraints for laying out a paragraph.
/// The [width] argument must not be null.
const ParagraphConstraints({
}) : assert(width != null);
/// The width the paragraph should use whey computing the positions of glyphs.
/// If possible, the paragraph will select a soft line break prior to reaching
/// this width. If no soft line break is available, the paragraph will select
/// a hard line break prior to reaching this width. If that would force a line
/// break without any characters having been placed (i.e. if the next
/// character to be laid out does not fit within the given width constraint)
/// then the next character is allowed to overflow the width constraint and a
/// forced line break is placed after it (even if an explicit line break
/// follows).
/// The width influences how ellipses are applied. See the discussion at
/// [new ParagraphStyle] for more details.
/// This width is also used to position glyphs according to the [TextAlign]
/// alignment described in the [ParagraphStyle] used when building the
/// [Paragraph] with a [ParagraphBuilder].
final double width;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
return false;
final ParagraphConstraints typedOther = other;
return typedOther.width == width;
int get hashCode => width.hashCode;
String toString() => 'ParagraphConstraints(width: $width)';
/// Defines various ways to vertically bound the boxes returned by
/// [Paragraph.getBoxesForRange].
enum BoxHeightStyle {
/// Provide tight bounding boxes that fit heights per run. This style may result
/// in uneven bounding boxes that do not nicely connect with adjacent boxes.
/// The height of the boxes will be the maximum height of all runs in the
/// line. All boxes in the same line will be the same height. This does not
/// guarantee that the boxes will cover the entire vertical height of the line
/// when there is additional line spacing.
/// See [RectHeightStyle.includeLineSpacingTop], [RectHeightStyle.includeLineSpacingMiddle],
/// and [RectHeightStyle.includeLineSpacingBottom] for styles that will cover
/// the entire line.
/// Extends the top and bottom edge of the bounds to fully cover any line
/// spacing.
/// The top and bottom of each box will cover half of the
/// space above and half of the space below the line.
/// {@template flutter.dart:ui.boxHeightStyle.includeLineSpacing}
/// The top edge of each line should be the same as the bottom edge
/// of the line above. There should be no gaps in vertical coverage given any
/// amount of line spacing. Line spacing is not included above the first line
/// and below the last line due to no additional space present there.
/// {@endtemplate}
/// Extends the top edge of the bounds to fully cover any line spacing.
/// The line spacing will be added to the top of the box.
/// {@macro flutter.dart:ui.rectHeightStyle.includeLineSpacing}
/// Extends the bottom edge of the bounds to fully cover any line spacing.
/// The line spacing will be added to the bottom of the box.
/// {@macro flutter.dart:ui.boxHeightStyle.includeLineSpacing}
/// Calculate box heights based on the metrics of this paragraph's [StrutStyle].
/// Boxes based on the strut will have consistent heights throughout the
/// entire paragraph. The top edge of each line will align with the bottom
/// edge of the previous line. It is possible for glyphs to extend outside
/// these boxes.
/// Defines various ways to horizontally bound the boxes returned by
/// [Paragraph.getBoxesForRange].
enum BoxWidthStyle {
// Provide tight bounding boxes that fit widths to the runs of each line
// independently.
/// Adds up to two additional boxes as needed at the beginning and/or end
/// of each line so that the widths of the boxes in line are the same width
/// as the widest line in the paragraph. The additional boxes on each line
/// are only added when the relevant box at the relevant edge of that line
/// does not span the maximum width of the paragraph.
/// A paragraph of text.
/// A paragraph retains the size and position of each glyph in the text and can
/// be efficiently resized and painted.
/// To create a [Paragraph] object, use a [ParagraphBuilder].
/// Paragraphs can be displayed on a [Canvas] using the [Canvas.drawParagraph]
/// method.
class Paragraph extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
/// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated
/// or extended directly.
/// To create a [Paragraph] object, use a [ParagraphBuilder].
/// The amount of horizontal space this paragraph occupies.
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
double get width native 'Paragraph_width';
/// The amount of vertical space this paragraph occupies.
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
double get height native 'Paragraph_height';
/// The distance from the left edge of the leftmost glyph to the right edge of
/// the rightmost glyph in the paragraph.
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
double get longestLine native 'Paragraph_longestLine';
/// The minimum width that this paragraph could be without failing to paint
/// its contents within itself.
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
double get minIntrinsicWidth native 'Paragraph_minIntrinsicWidth';
/// Returns the smallest width beyond which increasing the width never
/// decreases the height.
/// Valid only after [layout] has been called.
double get maxIntrinsicWidth native 'Paragraph_maxIntrinsicWidth';
/// The distance from the top of the paragraph to the alphabetic
/// baseline of the first line, in logical pixels.
double get alphabeticBaseline native 'Paragraph_alphabeticBaseline';
/// The distance from the top of the paragraph to the ideographic
/// baseline of the first line, in logical pixels.
double get ideographicBaseline native 'Paragraph_ideographicBaseline';
/// True if there is more vertical content, but the text was truncated, either
/// because we reached `maxLines` lines of text or because the `maxLines` was
/// null, `ellipsis` was not null, and one of the lines exceeded the width
/// constraint.
/// See the discussion of the `maxLines` and `ellipsis` arguments at
/// [new ParagraphStyle].
bool get didExceedMaxLines native 'Paragraph_didExceedMaxLines';
/// Computes the size and position of each glyph in the paragraph.
/// The [ParagraphConstraints] control how wide the text is allowed to be.
void layout(ParagraphConstraints constraints) => _layout(constraints.width);
void _layout(double width) native 'Paragraph_layout';
/// Returns a list of text boxes that enclose the given text range.
/// The [boxHeightStyle] and [boxWidthStyle] parameters allow customization
/// of how the boxes are bound vertically and horizontally. Both style
/// parameters default to the tight option, which will provide close-fitting
/// boxes and will not account for any line spacing.
/// The [boxHeightStyle] and [boxWidthStyle] parameters must not be null.
/// See [BoxHeightStyle] and [BoxWidthStyle] for full descriptions of each option.
List<TextBox> getBoxesForRange(int start, int end, {BoxHeightStyle boxHeightStyle = BoxHeightStyle.tight, BoxWidthStyle boxWidthStyle = BoxWidthStyle.tight}) {
assert(boxHeightStyle != null);
assert(boxWidthStyle != null);
return _getBoxesForRange(start, end, boxHeightStyle.index, boxWidthStyle.index);
List<TextBox> _getBoxesForRange(int start, int end, int boxHeightStyle, int boxWidthStyle) native 'Paragraph_getRectsForRange';
/// Returns the text position closest to the given offset.
TextPosition getPositionForOffset(Offset offset) {
final List<int> encoded = _getPositionForOffset(offset.dx, offset.dy);
return TextPosition(offset: encoded[0], affinity: TextAffinity.values[encoded[1]]);
List<int> _getPositionForOffset(double dx, double dy) native 'Paragraph_getPositionForOffset';
/// Returns the [start, end] of the word at the given offset. Characters not
/// part of a word, such as spaces, symbols, and punctuation, have word breaks
/// on both sides. In such cases, this method will return [offset, offset+1].
/// Word boundaries are defined more precisely in Unicode Standard Annex #29
List<int> getWordBoundary(int offset) native 'Paragraph_getWordBoundary';
// Redirecting the paint function in this way solves some dependency problems
// in the C++ code. If we straighten out the C++ dependencies, we can remove
// this indirection.
void _paint(Canvas canvas, double x, double y) native 'Paragraph_paint';
/// Builds a [Paragraph] containing text with the given styling information.
/// To set the paragraph's alignment, truncation, and ellipsizing behavior, pass
/// an appropriately-configured [ParagraphStyle] object to the
/// [new ParagraphBuilder] constructor.
/// Then, call combinations of [pushStyle], [addText], and [pop] to add styled
/// text to the object.
/// Finally, call [build] to obtain the constructed [Paragraph] object. After
/// this point, the builder is no longer usable.
/// After constructing a [Paragraph], call [Paragraph.layout] on it and then
/// paint it with [Canvas.drawParagraph].
class ParagraphBuilder extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
/// Creates a new [ParagraphBuilder] object, which is used to create a
/// [Paragraph].
ParagraphBuilder(ParagraphStyle style) {
List<String> strutFontFamilies;
if (style._strutStyle != null) {
strutFontFamilies = <String>[];
if (style._strutStyle._fontFamily != null)
if (style._strutStyle._fontFamilyFallback != null)
void _constructor(
Int32List encoded,
ByteData strutData,
String fontFamily,
List<dynamic> strutFontFamily,
double fontSize,
double height,
String ellipsis,
String locale
) native 'ParagraphBuilder_constructor';
/// Applies the given style to the added text until [pop] is called.
/// See [pop] for details.
void pushStyle(TextStyle style) {
final List<String> fullFontFamilies = <String>[];
if (style._fontFamily != null)
if (style._fontFamilyFallback != null)
void _pushStyle(
Int32List encoded,
List<dynamic> fontFamilies,
double fontSize,
double letterSpacing,
double wordSpacing,
double height,
double decorationThickness,
String locale,
List<dynamic> backgroundObjects,
ByteData backgroundData,
List<dynamic> foregroundObjects,
ByteData foregroundData,
ByteData shadowsData
) native 'ParagraphBuilder_pushStyle';
static String _encodeLocale(Locale locale) => locale?.toString() ?? '';
/// Ends the effect of the most recent call to [pushStyle].
/// Internally, the paragraph builder maintains a stack of text styles. Text
/// added to the paragraph is affected by all the styles in the stack. Calling
/// [pop] removes the topmost style in the stack, leaving the remaining styles
/// in effect.
void pop() native 'ParagraphBuilder_pop';
/// Adds the given text to the paragraph.
/// The text will be styled according to the current stack of text styles.
void addText(String text) {
final String error = _addText(text);
if (error != null)
throw ArgumentError(error);
String _addText(String text) native 'ParagraphBuilder_addText';
/// Applies the given paragraph style and returns a [Paragraph] containing the
/// added text and associated styling.
/// After calling this function, the paragraph builder object is invalid and
/// cannot be used further.
Paragraph build() native 'ParagraphBuilder_build';
/// Loads a font from a buffer and makes it available for rendering text.
/// * `list`: A list of bytes containing the font file.
/// * `fontFamily`: The family name used to identify the font in text styles.
/// If this is not provided, then the family name will be extracted from the font file.
Future<void> loadFontFromList(Uint8List list, {String fontFamily}) {
return _futurize(
(_Callback<void> callback) => _loadFontFromList(list, callback, fontFamily)
String _loadFontFromList(Uint8List list, _Callback<void> callback, String fontFamily) native 'loadFontFromList';