blob: e9e0834e5d80de9361815fe26507e2961407f69f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.ui;
/// An opaque object representing a composited scene.
/// To create a Scene object, use a [SceneBuilder].
/// Scene objects can be displayed on the screen using the
/// [Window.render] method.
class Scene extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
/// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated
/// or extended directly.
/// To create a Scene object, use a [SceneBuilder].
/// Creates a raster image representation of the current state of the scene.
/// This is a slow operation that is performed on a background thread.
Future<Image> toImage(int width, int height) {
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
throw Exception('Invalid image dimensions.');
return _futurize(
(_Callback<Image> callback) => _toImage(width, height, callback)
String _toImage(int width, int height, _Callback<Image> callback) native 'Scene_toImage';
/// Releases the resources used by this scene.
/// After calling this function, the scene is cannot be used further.
void dispose() native 'Scene_dispose';
/// Builds a [Scene] containing the given visuals.
/// A [Scene] can then be rendered using [Window.render].
/// To draw graphical operations onto a [Scene], first create a
/// [Picture] using a [PictureRecorder] and a [Canvas], and then add
/// it to the scene using [addPicture].
class SceneBuilder extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
/// Creates an empty [SceneBuilder] object.
SceneBuilder() { _constructor(); }
void _constructor() native 'SceneBuilder_constructor';
/// Pushes a transform operation onto the operation stack.
/// The objects are transformed by the given matrix before rasterization.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushTransform(Float64List matrix4) {
return _pushTransform(matrix4);
EngineLayer _pushTransform(Float64List matrix4) native 'SceneBuilder_pushTransform';
/// Pushes an offset operation onto the operation stack.
/// This is equivalent to [pushTransform] with a matrix with only translation.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushOffset(double dx, double dy) native 'SceneBuilder_pushOffset';
/// Pushes a rectangular clip operation onto the operation stack.
/// Rasterization outside the given rectangle is discarded.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack, and [Clip] for different clip modes.
/// By default, the clip will be anti-aliased (clip = [Clip.antiAlias]).
EngineLayer pushClipRect(Rect rect, {Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) {
assert(clipBehavior != null);
assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
return _pushClipRect(rect.left, rect.right,, rect.bottom, clipBehavior.index);
EngineLayer _pushClipRect(double left,
double right,
double top,
double bottom,
int clipBehavior) native 'SceneBuilder_pushClipRect';
/// Pushes a rounded-rectangular clip operation onto the operation stack.
/// Rasterization outside the given rounded rectangle is discarded.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack, and [Clip] for different clip modes.
/// By default, the clip will be anti-aliased (clip = [Clip.antiAlias]).
EngineLayer pushClipRRect(RRect rrect, {Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) {
assert(clipBehavior != null);
assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
return _pushClipRRect(rrect._value32, clipBehavior.index);
EngineLayer _pushClipRRect(Float32List rrect, int clipBehavior) native 'SceneBuilder_pushClipRRect';
/// Pushes a path clip operation onto the operation stack.
/// Rasterization outside the given path is discarded.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack. See [Clip] for different clip modes.
/// By default, the clip will be anti-aliased (clip = [Clip.antiAlias]).
EngineLayer pushClipPath(Path path, {Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) {
assert(clipBehavior != null);
assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
return _pushClipPath(path, clipBehavior.index);
EngineLayer _pushClipPath(Path path, int clipBehavior) native 'SceneBuilder_pushClipPath';
/// Pushes an opacity operation onto the operation stack.
/// The given alpha value is blended into the alpha value of the objects'
/// rasterization. An alpha value of 0 makes the objects entirely invisible.
/// An alpha value of 255 has no effect (i.e., the objects retain the current
/// opacity).
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushOpacity(int alpha, {Offset offset =}) {
return _pushOpacity(alpha, offset.dx, offset.dy);
EngineLayer _pushOpacity(int alpha, double dx, double dy) native 'SceneBuilder_pushOpacity';
/// Pushes a color filter operation onto the operation stack.
/// The given color is applied to the objects' rasterization using the given
/// blend mode.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushColorFilter(Color color, BlendMode blendMode) {
return _pushColorFilter(color.value, blendMode.index);
EngineLayer _pushColorFilter(int color, int blendMode) native 'SceneBuilder_pushColorFilter';
/// Pushes a backdrop filter operation onto the operation stack.
/// The given filter is applied to the current contents of the scene prior to
/// rasterizing the given objects.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushBackdropFilter(ImageFilter filter) native 'SceneBuilder_pushBackdropFilter';
/// Pushes a shader mask operation onto the operation stack.
/// The given shader is applied to the object's rasterization in the given
/// rectangle using the given blend mode.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack.
EngineLayer pushShaderMask(Shader shader, Rect maskRect, BlendMode blendMode) {
return _pushShaderMask(shader,
EngineLayer _pushShaderMask(Shader shader,
double maskRectLeft,
double maskRectRight,
double maskRectTop,
double maskRectBottom,
int blendMode) native 'SceneBuilder_pushShaderMask';
/// Pushes a physical layer operation for an arbitrary shape onto the
/// operation stack.
/// By default, the layer's content will not be clipped (clip = [Clip.none]).
/// If clip equals [Clip.hardEdge], [Clip.antiAlias], or [Clip.antiAliasWithSaveLayer],
/// then the content is clipped to the given shape defined by [path].
/// If [elevation] is greater than 0.0, then a shadow is drawn around the layer.
/// [shadowColor] defines the color of the shadow if present and [color] defines the
/// color of the layer background.
/// See [pop] for details about the operation stack, and [Clip] for different clip modes.
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
EngineLayer pushPhysicalShape({ Path path, double elevation, Color color, Color shadowColor, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none}) {
return _pushPhysicalShape(path, elevation, color.value, shadowColor?.value ?? 0xFF000000, clipBehavior.index);
EngineLayer _pushPhysicalShape(Path path, double elevation, int color, int shadowColor, int clipBehavior) native
/// Ends the effect of the most recently pushed operation.
/// Internally the scene builder maintains a stack of operations. Each of the
/// operations in the stack applies to each of the objects added to the scene.
/// Calling this function removes the most recently added operation from the
/// stack.
void pop() native 'SceneBuilder_pop';
/// Add a retained engine layer subtree from previous frames.
/// All the engine layers that are in the subtree of the retained layer will
/// be automatically appended to the current engine layer tree.
/// Therefore, when implementing a subclass of the [Layer] concept defined in
/// the rendering layer of Flutter's framework, once this is called, there's
/// no need to call [addToScene] for its children layers.
EngineLayer addRetained(EngineLayer retainedLayer) native 'SceneBuilder_addRetained';
/// Adds an object to the scene that displays performance statistics.
/// Useful during development to assess the performance of the application.
/// The enabledOptions controls which statistics are displayed. The bounds
/// controls where the statistics are displayed.
/// enabledOptions is a bit field with the following bits defined:
/// - 0x01: displayRasterizerStatistics - show GPU thread frame time
/// - 0x02: visualizeRasterizerStatistics - graph GPU thread frame times
/// - 0x04: displayEngineStatistics - show UI thread frame time
/// - 0x08: visualizeEngineStatistics - graph UI thread frame times
/// Set enabledOptions to 0x0F to enable all the currently defined features.
/// The "UI thread" is the thread that includes all the execution of
/// the main Dart isolate (the isolate that can call
/// [Window.render]). The UI thread frame time is the total time
/// spent executing the [Window.onBeginFrame] callback. The "GPU
/// thread" is the thread (running on the CPU) that subsequently
/// processes the [Scene] provided by the Dart code to turn it into
/// GPU commands and send it to the GPU.
/// See also the [PerformanceOverlayOption] enum in the rendering library.
/// for more details.
// Values above must match constants in //engine/src/sky/compositor/performance_overlay_layer.h
void addPerformanceOverlay(int enabledOptions, Rect bounds) {
void _addPerformanceOverlay(int enabledOptions,
double left,
double right,
double top,
double bottom) native 'SceneBuilder_addPerformanceOverlay';
/// Adds a [Picture] to the scene.
/// The picture is rasterized at the given offset.
void addPicture(Offset offset, Picture picture, { bool isComplexHint = false, bool willChangeHint = false }) {
int hints = 0;
if (isComplexHint)
hints |= 1;
if (willChangeHint)
hints |= 2;
_addPicture(offset.dx, offset.dy, picture, hints);
void _addPicture(double dx, double dy, Picture picture, int hints) native 'SceneBuilder_addPicture';
/// Adds a backend texture to the scene.
/// The texture is scaled to the given size and rasterized at the given offset.
/// If `freeze` is true the texture that is added to the scene will not
/// be updated with new frames. `freeze` is used when resizing an embedded
/// Android view: When resizing an Android view there is a short period during
/// which the framework cannot tell if the newest texture frame has the
/// previous or new size, to workaround this the framework "freezes" the
/// texture just before resizing the Android view and un-freezes it when it is
/// certain that a frame with the new size is ready.
void addTexture(int textureId, { Offset offset =, double width = 0.0, double height = 0.0 , bool freeze = false}) {
assert(offset != null, 'Offset argument was null');
_addTexture(offset.dx, offset.dy, width, height, textureId, freeze);
void _addTexture(double dx, double dy, double width, double height, int textureId, bool freeze) native 'SceneBuilder_addTexture';
/// Adds a platform view (e.g an iOS UIView) to the scene.
/// Only supported on iOS, this is currently a no-op on other platforms.
/// On iOS this layer splits the current output surface into two surfaces, one for the scene nodes
/// preceding the platform view, and one for the scene nodes following the platform view.
/// ## Performance impact
/// Adding an additional surface doubles the amount of graphics memory directly used by Flutter
/// for output buffers. Quartz might allocated extra buffers for compositing the Flutter surfaces
/// and the platform view.
/// With a platform view in the scene, Quartz has to composite the two Flutter surfaces and the
/// embedded UIView. In addition to that, on iOS versions greater than 9, the Flutter frames are
/// synchronized with the UIView frames adding additional performance overhead.
void addPlatformView(int viewId, { Offset offset =, double width = 0.0, double height = 0.0}) {
assert(offset != null, 'Offset argument was null');
_addPlatformView(offset.dx, offset.dy, width, height, viewId);
void _addPlatformView(double dx, double dy, double width, double height, int viewId) native 'SceneBuilder_addPlatformView';
/// (Fuchsia-only) Adds a scene rendered by another application to the scene
/// for this application.
void addChildScene({
Offset offset =,
double width = 0.0,
double height = 0.0,
SceneHost sceneHost,
bool hitTestable = true
}) {
void _addChildScene(double dx,
double dy,
double width,
double height,
SceneHost sceneHost,
bool hitTestable) native 'SceneBuilder_addChildScene';
/// Sets a threshold after which additional debugging information should be recorded.
/// Currently this interface is difficult to use by end-developers. If you're
/// interested in using this feature, please contact [flutter-dev](!forum/flutter-dev).
/// We'll hopefully be able to figure out how to make this feature more useful
/// to you.
void setRasterizerTracingThreshold(int frameInterval) native 'SceneBuilder_setRasterizerTracingThreshold';
/// Sets whether the raster cache should checkerboard cached entries. This is
/// only useful for debugging purposes.
/// The compositor can sometimes decide to cache certain portions of the
/// widget hierarchy. Such portions typically don't change often from frame to
/// frame and are expensive to render. This can speed up overall rendering. However,
/// there is certain upfront cost to constructing these cache entries. And, if
/// the cache entries are not used very often, this cost may not be worth the
/// speedup in rendering of subsequent frames. If the developer wants to be certain
/// that populating the raster cache is not causing stutters, this option can be
/// set. Depending on the observations made, hints can be provided to the compositor
/// that aid it in making better decisions about caching.
/// Currently this interface is difficult to use by end-developers. If you're
/// interested in using this feature, please contact [flutter-dev](!forum/flutter-dev).
void setCheckerboardRasterCacheImages(bool checkerboard) native 'SceneBuilder_setCheckerboardRasterCacheImages';
/// Sets whether the compositor should checkerboard layers that are rendered
/// to offscreen bitmaps.
/// This is only useful for debugging purposes.
void setCheckerboardOffscreenLayers(bool checkerboard) native 'SceneBuilder_setCheckerboardOffscreenLayers';
/// Finishes building the scene.
/// Returns a [Scene] containing the objects that have been added to
/// this scene builder. The [Scene] can then be displayed on the
/// screen with [Window.render].
/// After calling this function, the scene builder object is invalid and
/// cannot be used further.
Scene build() native 'SceneBuilder_build';
/// (Fuchsia-only) Hosts content provided by another application.
class SceneHost extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
/// Creates a host for a child scene.
/// The export token is bound to a scene graph node which acts as a container
/// for the child's content. The creator of the scene host is responsible for
/// sending the corresponding import token (the other endpoint of the event pair)
/// to the child.
/// The export token is a dart:zircon Handle, but that type isn't
/// available here. This is called by ChildViewConnection in
/// //topaz/public/dart/fuchsia_scenic_flutter/.
/// The scene host takes ownership of the provided export token handle.
SceneHost(dynamic exportTokenHandle) {
dynamic viewHolderTokenHandle,
void Function() viewConnectedCallback,
void Function() viewDisconnectedCallback,
void Function(bool) viewStateChangedCallback) {
_constructorViewHolderToken(viewHolderTokenHandle, viewConnectedCallback,
viewDisconnectedCallback, viewStateChangedCallback);
void _constructor(dynamic exportTokenHandle) native 'SceneHost_constructor';
dynamic viewHolderTokenHandle,
void Function() viewConnectedCallback,
void Function() viewDisconnectedCallback,
void Function(bool) viewStateChangedCallback)
native 'SceneHost_constructorViewHolderToken';
/// Releases the resources associated with the child scene host.
/// After calling this function, the child scene host cannot be used further.
void dispose() native 'SceneHost_dispose';
/// Set properties on the linked scene. These properties include its bounds,
/// as well as whether it can be the target of focus events or not.
void setProperties(
double width,
double height,
double insetTop,
double insetRight,
double insetBottom,
double insetLeft,
bool focusable) native 'SceneHost_setProperties';