blob: 37d5b606258fe2443720e8788b87d640c2264a14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/flow/layers/transform_layer.h"
namespace flutter {
TransformLayer::TransformLayer() {
TransformLayer::~TransformLayer() = default;
void TransformLayer::Preroll(PrerollContext* context, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
// Checks (in some degree) that SkMatrix transform_ is valid and initialized.
// We need this even if transform_ is initialized to identity since one can
// call set_transform with an uninitialized SkMatrix.
// If transform_ is uninitialized, this assert may look flaky as it doesn't
// fail all the time, and some rerun may make it pass. But don't ignore it and
// just rerun the test if this is triggered, since even a flaky failure here
// may signify a potentially big problem in the code.
// We have to write this flaky test because there is no reliable way to test
// whether a variable is initialized or not in C++.
SkMatrix child_matrix;
child_matrix.setConcat(matrix, transform_);
SkRect previous_cull_rect = context->cull_rect;
SkMatrix inverse_transform_;
// Perspective projections don't produce rectangles that are useful for
// culling for some reason.
if (!transform_.hasPerspective() && transform_.invert(&inverse_transform_)) {
} else {
context->cull_rect = kGiantRect;
SkRect child_paint_bounds = SkRect::MakeEmpty();
PrerollChildren(context, child_matrix, &child_paint_bounds);
context->cull_rect = previous_cull_rect;
#if defined(OS_FUCHSIA)
void TransformLayer::UpdateScene(SceneUpdateContext& context) {
SceneUpdateContext::Transform transform(context, transform_);
#endif // defined(OS_FUCHSIA)
void TransformLayer::Paint(PaintContext& context) const {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "TransformLayer::Paint");
SkAutoCanvasRestore save(context.internal_nodes_canvas, true);
} // namespace flutter