blob: 78829587a5df648a6874b99beb974cbba653c450 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../browser_detection.dart';
import '../dom_renderer.dart';
import '../html/bitmap_canvas.dart';
import '../util.dart';
import 'layout_service.dart';
import 'ruler.dart';
class EngineLineMetrics implements ui.LineMetrics {
required this.hardBreak,
required this.ascent,
required this.descent,
required this.unscaledAscent,
required this.height,
required this.width,
required this.left,
required this.baseline,
required this.lineNumber,
}) : displayText = null,
ellipsis = null,
startIndex = -1,
endIndex = -1,
endIndexWithoutNewlines = -1,
widthWithTrailingSpaces = width,
boxes = <RangeBox>[],
spaceBoxCount = 0;
this.lineNumber, {
required this.ellipsis,
required this.startIndex,
required this.endIndex,
required this.endIndexWithoutNewlines,
required this.hardBreak,
required this.width,
required this.widthWithTrailingSpaces,
required this.left,
required this.height,
required this.baseline,
required this.ascent,
required this.descent,
required this.boxes,
required this.spaceBoxCount,
}) : displayText = null,
unscaledAscent = double.infinity;
/// The text to be rendered on the screen representing this line.
final String? displayText;
/// The string to be displayed as an overflow indicator.
/// When the value is non-null, it means this line is overflowing and the
/// [ellipsis] needs to be displayed at the end of it.
final String? ellipsis;
/// The index (inclusive) in the text where this line begins.
final int startIndex;
/// The index (exclusive) in the text where this line ends.
/// When the line contains an overflow, then [endIndex] goes until the end of
/// the text and doesn't stop at the overflow cutoff.
final int endIndex;
/// The index (exclusive) in the text where this line ends, ignoring newline
/// characters.
final int endIndexWithoutNewlines;
/// The list of boxes representing the entire line, possibly across multiple
/// spans.
final List<RangeBox> boxes;
/// The number of boxes that are space-only.
final int spaceBoxCount;
final bool hardBreak;
final double ascent;
final double descent;
final double unscaledAscent;
final double height;
final double width;
/// The full width of the line including all trailing space but not new lines.
/// The difference between [width] and [widthWithTrailingSpaces] is that
/// [widthWithTrailingSpaces] includes trailing spaces in the width
/// calculation while [width] doesn't.
/// For alignment purposes for example, the [width] property is the right one
/// to use because trailing spaces shouldn't affect the centering of text.
/// But for placing cursors in text fields, we do care about trailing
/// spaces so [widthWithTrailingSpaces] is more suitable.
final double widthWithTrailingSpaces;
final double left;
final double baseline;
final int lineNumber;
bool overlapsWith(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
return startIndex < this.endIndex && this.startIndex < endIndex;
int get hashCode => ui.hashValues(
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is EngineLineMetrics &&
other.displayText == displayText &&
other.startIndex == startIndex &&
other.endIndex == endIndex &&
other.hardBreak == hardBreak &&
other.ascent == ascent &&
other.descent == descent &&
other.unscaledAscent == unscaledAscent &&
other.height == height &&
other.width == width &&
other.left == left &&
other.baseline == baseline &&
other.lineNumber == lineNumber;
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return 'LineMetrics(hardBreak: $hardBreak, '
'ascent: $ascent, '
'descent: $descent, '
'unscaledAscent: $unscaledAscent, '
'height: $height, '
'width: $width, '
'left: $left, '
'baseline: $baseline, '
'lineNumber: $lineNumber)';
} else {
return super.toString();
/// Common interface for all the implementations of [ui.Paragraph] in the web
/// engine.
abstract class EngineParagraph implements ui.Paragraph {
/// Whether this paragraph has been laid out or not.
bool get isLaidOut;
/// Whether this paragraph can be drawn on a bitmap canvas.
bool get drawOnCanvas;
/// Whether this paragraph is doing arbitrary paint operations that require
/// a bitmap canvas, and can't be expressed in a DOM canvas.
bool get hasArbitraryPaint;
void paint(BitmapCanvas canvas, ui.Offset offset);
/// Generates a flat string computed from all the spans of the paragraph.
String toPlainText();
/// Returns a DOM element that represents the entire paragraph and its
/// children.
/// Generates a new DOM element on every invocation.
html.HtmlElement toDomElement();
/// The web implementation of [ui.ParagraphStyle].
class EngineParagraphStyle implements ui.ParagraphStyle {
/// Creates a new instance of [EngineParagraphStyle].
ui.TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior,
ui.StrutStyle? strutStyle,
}) : _textHeightBehavior = textHeightBehavior,
// TODO(mdebbar): add support for strut style., b/128317744
_strutStyle = strutStyle as EngineStrutStyle?;
final ui.TextAlign? textAlign;
final ui.TextDirection? textDirection;
final ui.FontWeight? fontWeight;
final ui.FontStyle? fontStyle;
final int? maxLines;
final String? fontFamily;
final double? fontSize;
final double? height;
final ui.TextHeightBehavior? _textHeightBehavior;
final EngineStrutStyle? _strutStyle;
final String? ellipsis;
final ui.Locale? locale;
// The effective style attributes should be consistent with paragraph_style.h.
ui.TextAlign get effectiveTextAlign => textAlign ?? ui.TextAlign.start;
ui.TextDirection get effectiveTextDirection => textDirection ?? ui.TextDirection.ltr;
double? get lineHeight {
// TODO(mdebbar): Implement proper support for strut styles.
final EngineStrutStyle? strutStyle = _strutStyle;
final double? strutHeight = strutStyle?._height;
if (strutStyle == null || strutHeight == null || strutHeight == 0) {
// When there's no strut height, always use paragraph style height.
return height;
if (strutStyle._forceStrutHeight == true) {
// When strut height is forced, ignore paragraph style height.
return strutHeight;
// In this case, strut height acts as a minimum height for all parts of the
// paragraph. So we take the max of strut height and paragraph style height.
return math.max(strutHeight, height ?? 0.0);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is EngineParagraphStyle &&
other.textAlign == textAlign &&
other.textDirection == textDirection &&
other.fontWeight == fontWeight &&
other.fontStyle == fontStyle &&
other.maxLines == maxLines &&
other.fontFamily == fontFamily &&
other.fontSize == fontSize &&
other.height == height &&
other._textHeightBehavior == _textHeightBehavior &&
other.ellipsis == ellipsis &&
other.locale == locale;
int get hashCode {
return ui.hashValues(
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
final double? fontSize = this.fontSize;
final double? height = this.height;
return 'ParagraphStyle('
'textAlign: ${textAlign ?? "unspecified"}, '
'textDirection: ${textDirection ?? "unspecified"}, '
'fontWeight: ${fontWeight ?? "unspecified"}, '
'fontStyle: ${fontStyle ?? "unspecified"}, '
'maxLines: ${maxLines ?? "unspecified"}, '
'textHeightBehavior: ${_textHeightBehavior ?? "unspecified"}, '
'fontFamily: ${fontFamily ?? "unspecified"}, '
'fontSize: ${fontSize != null ? fontSize.toStringAsFixed(1) : "unspecified"}, '
'height: ${height != null ? "${height.toStringAsFixed(1)}x" : "unspecified"}, '
'ellipsis: ${ellipsis != null ? "\"$ellipsis\"" : "unspecified"}, '
'locale: ${locale ?? "unspecified"}'
} else {
return super.toString();
/// The web implementation of [ui.TextStyle].
class EngineTextStyle implements ui.TextStyle {
/// Constructs an [EngineTextStyle] with all properties being required.
/// This is good for call sites that need to be updated whenever a new
/// property is added to [EngineTextStyle]. Non-updated call sites will fail
/// the build otherwise.
factory EngineTextStyle({
required ui.Color? color,
required ui.TextDecoration? decoration,
required ui.Color? decorationColor,
required ui.TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle,
required double? decorationThickness,
required ui.FontWeight? fontWeight,
required ui.FontStyle? fontStyle,
required ui.TextBaseline? textBaseline,
required String? fontFamily,
required List<String>? fontFamilyFallback,
required double? fontSize,
required double? letterSpacing,
required double? wordSpacing,
required double? height,
required ui.Locale? locale,
required ui.Paint? background,
required ui.Paint? foreground,
required List<ui.Shadow>? shadows,
required List<ui.FontFeature>? fontFeatures,
}) = EngineTextStyle.only;
/// Constructs an [EngineTextStyle] with only the given properties.
/// This constructor should be used sparingly in tests, for example. Or when
/// we know for sure that not all properties are needed.
String? fontFamily,
}) : assert(
color == null || foreground == null,
'Cannot provide both a color and a foreground\n'
'The color argument is just a shorthand for "foreground: new Paint()..color = color".'),
isFontFamilyProvided = fontFamily != null,
fontFamily = fontFamily ?? '';
/// Constructs an [EngineTextStyle] by reading properties from an
/// [EngineParagraphStyle].
factory EngineTextStyle.fromParagraphStyle(
EngineParagraphStyle paragraphStyle,
) {
return EngineTextStyle.only(
fontWeight: paragraphStyle.fontWeight,
fontStyle: paragraphStyle.fontStyle,
fontFamily: paragraphStyle.fontFamily,
fontSize: paragraphStyle.fontSize,
height: paragraphStyle.height,
locale: paragraphStyle.locale,
final ui.Color? color;
final ui.TextDecoration? decoration;
final ui.Color? decorationColor;
final ui.TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle;
final double? decorationThickness;
final ui.FontWeight? fontWeight;
final ui.FontStyle? fontStyle;
final ui.TextBaseline? textBaseline;
final bool isFontFamilyProvided;
final String fontFamily;
final List<String>? fontFamilyFallback;
final List<ui.FontFeature>? fontFeatures;
final double? fontSize;
final double? letterSpacing;
final double? wordSpacing;
final double? height;
final ui.Locale? locale;
final ui.Paint? background;
final ui.Paint? foreground;
final List<ui.Shadow>? shadows;
String get effectiveFontFamily {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
// In the flutter tester environment, we use a predictable-size font
// "Ahem". This makes widget tests predictable and less flaky.
if (ui.debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment) {
return 'Ahem';
if (fontFamily.isEmpty) {
return DomRenderer.defaultFontFamily;
return fontFamily;
String? _cssFontString;
/// Font string to be used in CSS.
/// See <>.
String get cssFontString {
return _cssFontString ??= buildCssFontString(
fontStyle: fontStyle,
fontWeight: fontWeight,
fontSize: fontSize,
fontFamily: effectiveFontFamily,
late final TextHeightStyle heightStyle = _createHeightStyle();
TextHeightStyle _createHeightStyle() {
return TextHeightStyle(
fontFamily: effectiveFontFamily,
fontSize: fontSize ?? DomRenderer.defaultFontSize,
height: height,
// TODO(mdebbar): Pass the actual value when font features become supported
fontFeatures: null,
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is EngineTextStyle &&
other.color == color &&
other.decoration == decoration &&
other.decorationColor == decorationColor &&
other.decorationStyle == decorationStyle &&
other.fontWeight == fontWeight &&
other.fontStyle == fontStyle &&
other.textBaseline == textBaseline &&
other.fontFamily == fontFamily &&
other.fontSize == fontSize &&
other.letterSpacing == letterSpacing &&
other.wordSpacing == wordSpacing &&
other.height == height &&
other.locale == locale &&
other.background == background &&
other.foreground == foreground &&
listEquals<ui.Shadow>(other.shadows, shadows) &&
listEquals<String>(other.fontFamilyFallback, fontFamilyFallback);
int get hashCode => ui.hashValues(
String toString() {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
final List<String>? fontFamilyFallback = this.fontFamilyFallback;
final double? fontSize = this.fontSize;
final double? height = this.height;
return 'TextStyle('
'color: ${color ?? "unspecified"}, '
'decoration: ${decoration ?? "unspecified"}, '
'decorationColor: ${decorationColor ?? "unspecified"}, '
'decorationStyle: ${decorationStyle ?? "unspecified"}, '
'decorationThickness: ${decorationThickness ?? "unspecified"}, '
'fontWeight: ${fontWeight ?? "unspecified"}, '
'fontStyle: ${fontStyle ?? "unspecified"}, '
'textBaseline: ${textBaseline ?? "unspecified"}, '
'fontFamily: ${isFontFamilyProvided && fontFamily != '' ? fontFamily : "unspecified"}, '
'fontFamilyFallback: ${isFontFamilyProvided && fontFamilyFallback != null && fontFamilyFallback.isNotEmpty ? fontFamilyFallback : "unspecified"}, '
'fontSize: ${fontSize != null ? fontSize.toStringAsFixed(1) : "unspecified"}, '
'letterSpacing: ${letterSpacing != null ? "${letterSpacing}x" : "unspecified"}, '
'wordSpacing: ${wordSpacing != null ? "${wordSpacing}x" : "unspecified"}, '
'height: ${height != null ? "${height.toStringAsFixed(1)}x" : "unspecified"}, '
'locale: ${locale ?? "unspecified"}, '
'background: ${background ?? "unspecified"}, '
'foreground: ${foreground ?? "unspecified"}, '
'shadows: ${shadows ?? "unspecified"}, '
'fontFeatures: ${fontFeatures ?? "unspecified"}'
} else {
return super.toString();
/// The web implementation of [ui.StrutStyle].
class EngineStrutStyle implements ui.StrutStyle {
String? fontFamily,
List<String>? fontFamilyFallback,
double? fontSize,
double? height,
ui.TextLeadingDistribution? leadingDistribution,
double? leading,
ui.FontWeight? fontWeight,
ui.FontStyle? fontStyle,
bool? forceStrutHeight,
}) : _fontFamily = fontFamily,
_fontFamilyFallback = fontFamilyFallback,
_fontSize = fontSize,
_height = height,
_leadingDistribution = leadingDistribution,
_leading = leading,
_fontWeight = fontWeight,
_fontStyle = fontStyle,
_forceStrutHeight = forceStrutHeight;
final String? _fontFamily;
final List<String>? _fontFamilyFallback;
final double? _fontSize;
final double? _height;
final double? _leading;
final ui.FontWeight? _fontWeight;
final ui.FontStyle? _fontStyle;
final bool? _forceStrutHeight;
final ui.TextLeadingDistribution? _leadingDistribution;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is EngineStrutStyle &&
other._fontFamily == _fontFamily &&
other._fontSize == _fontSize &&
other._height == _height &&
other._leading == _leading &&
other._leadingDistribution == _leadingDistribution &&
other._fontWeight == _fontWeight &&
other._fontStyle == _fontStyle &&
other._forceStrutHeight == _forceStrutHeight &&
listEquals<String>(other._fontFamilyFallback, _fontFamilyFallback);
int get hashCode => ui.hashValues(
/// Holds information for a placeholder in a paragraph.
/// [width], [height] and [baselineOffset] are expected to be already scaled.
class ParagraphPlaceholder {
this.alignment, {
required this.baselineOffset,
required this.baseline,
/// The scaled width of the placeholder.
final double width;
/// The scaled height of the placeholder.
final double height;
/// Specifies how the placeholder rectangle will be vertically aligned with
/// the surrounding text.
final ui.PlaceholderAlignment alignment;
/// When the [alignment] value is [ui.PlaceholderAlignment.baseline], the
/// [baselineOffset] indicates the distance from the baseline to the top of
/// the placeholder rectangle.
final double baselineOffset;
/// Dictates whether to use alphabetic or ideographic baseline.
final ui.TextBaseline baseline;
/// Converts [fontWeight] to its CSS equivalent value.
String? fontWeightToCss(ui.FontWeight? fontWeight) {
if (fontWeight == null) {
return null;
return fontWeightIndexToCss(fontWeightIndex: fontWeight.index);
String fontWeightIndexToCss({int fontWeightIndex = 3}) {
switch (fontWeightIndex) {
case 0:
return '100';
case 1:
return '200';
case 2:
return '300';
case 3:
return 'normal';
case 4:
return '500';
case 5:
return '600';
case 6:
return 'bold';
case 7:
return '800';
case 8:
return '900';
assert(() {
throw AssertionError(
'Failed to convert font weight $fontWeightIndex to CSS.',
return '';
/// Applies a text [style] to an [element], translating the properties to their
/// corresponding CSS equivalents.
/// If [isSpan] is true, the text element is a span within richtext and
/// should not assign effectiveFontFamily if fontFamily was not specified.
void applyTextStyleToElement({
required html.HtmlElement element,
required EngineTextStyle style,
bool isSpan = false,
}) {
assert(element != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
assert(style != null); // ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
bool updateDecoration = false;
final html.CssStyleDeclaration cssStyle =;
final ui.Color? color = style.foreground?.color ?? style.color;
if (color != null) {
cssStyle.color = colorToCssString(color);
final ui.Color? background = style.background?.color;
if (background != null) {
cssStyle.backgroundColor = colorToCssString(background);
if (style.height != null) {
cssStyle.lineHeight = '${style.height}';
final double? fontSize = style.fontSize;
if (fontSize != null) {
cssStyle.fontSize = '${fontSize.floor()}px';
if (style.fontWeight != null) {
cssStyle.fontWeight = fontWeightToCss(style.fontWeight);
if (style.fontStyle != null) {
cssStyle.fontStyle =
style.fontStyle == ui.FontStyle.normal ? 'normal' : 'italic';
// For test environment use effectiveFontFamily since we need to
// consistently use Ahem font.
if (isSpan && !ui.debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment) {
cssStyle.fontFamily = canonicalizeFontFamily(style.fontFamily);
} else {
cssStyle.fontFamily = canonicalizeFontFamily(style.effectiveFontFamily);
if (style.letterSpacing != null) {
cssStyle.letterSpacing = '${style.letterSpacing}px';
if (style.wordSpacing != null) {
cssStyle.wordSpacing = '${style.wordSpacing}px';
if (style.decoration != null) {
updateDecoration = true;
final List<ui.Shadow>? shadows = style.shadows;
if (shadows != null) {
cssStyle.textShadow = _shadowListToCss(shadows);
if (updateDecoration) {
if (style.decoration != null) {
final String? textDecoration =
_textDecorationToCssString(style.decoration, style.decorationStyle);
if (textDecoration != null) {
if (browserEngine == BrowserEngine.webkit) {
element, '-webkit-text-decoration', textDecoration);
} else {
cssStyle.textDecoration = textDecoration;
final ui.Color? decorationColor = style.decorationColor;
if (decorationColor != null) {
cssStyle.textDecorationColor = colorToCssString(decorationColor)!;
final List<ui.FontFeature>? fontFeatures = style.fontFeatures;
if (fontFeatures != null && fontFeatures.isNotEmpty) {
cssStyle.fontFeatureSettings = _fontFeatureListToCss(fontFeatures);
html.Element createPlaceholderElement({
required ParagraphPlaceholder placeholder,
}) {
final html.Element element = domRenderer.createElement('span');
final html.CssStyleDeclaration style =;
..display = 'inline-block'
..width = '${placeholder.width}px'
..height = '${placeholder.height}px'
..verticalAlign = _placeholderAlignmentToCssVerticalAlign(placeholder);
return element;
String _placeholderAlignmentToCssVerticalAlign(
ParagraphPlaceholder placeholder,
) {
// For more details about the vertical-align CSS property, see:
// -
switch (placeholder.alignment) {
return 'top';
case ui.PlaceholderAlignment.middle:
return 'middle';
case ui.PlaceholderAlignment.bottom:
return 'bottom';
case ui.PlaceholderAlignment.aboveBaseline:
return 'baseline';
case ui.PlaceholderAlignment.belowBaseline:
return '-${placeholder.height}px';
case ui.PlaceholderAlignment.baseline:
// In CSS, the placeholder is already placed above the baseline. But
// Flutter's `baselineOffset` assumes the placeholder is placed below the
// baseline. That's why we need to subtract the placeholder's height from
// `baselineOffset`.
final double offset = placeholder.baselineOffset - placeholder.height;
return '${offset}px';
String _shadowListToCss(List<ui.Shadow> shadows) {
if (shadows.isEmpty) {
return '';
// CSS text-shadow is a comma separated list of shadows.
// <offsetx> <offsety> <blur-radius> <color>.
// Shadows are applied front-to-back with first shadow on top.
// Color is optional. offsetx,y are required. blur-radius is optional as well
// and defaults to 0.
final StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
final int len = shadows.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
final ui.Shadow shadow = shadows[i];
sb.write('${shadow.offset.dx}px ${shadow.offset.dy}px '
'${shadow.blurRadius}px ${colorToCssString(shadow.color)}');
return sb.toString();
String _fontFeatureListToCss(List<ui.FontFeature> fontFeatures) {
// For more details, see:
// *
final StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
final int len = fontFeatures.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
final ui.FontFeature fontFeature = fontFeatures[i];
sb.write('"${fontFeature.feature}" ${fontFeature.value}');
return sb.toString();
/// Converts text decoration style to CSS text-decoration-style value.
String? _textDecorationToCssString(
ui.TextDecoration? decoration, ui.TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle) {
final StringBuffer decorations = StringBuffer();
if (decoration != null) {
if (decoration.contains(ui.TextDecoration.underline)) {
decorations.write('underline ');
if (decoration.contains(ui.TextDecoration.overline)) {
decorations.write('overline ');
if (decoration.contains(ui.TextDecoration.lineThrough)) {
decorations.write('line-through ');
if (decorationStyle != null) {
return decorations.isEmpty ? null : decorations.toString();
String? _decorationStyleToCssString(ui.TextDecorationStyle decorationStyle) {
switch (decorationStyle) {
case ui.TextDecorationStyle.dashed:
return 'dashed';
case ui.TextDecorationStyle.dotted:
return 'dotted';
case ui.TextDecorationStyle.double:
return 'double';
case ui.TextDecorationStyle.solid:
return 'solid';
case ui.TextDecorationStyle.wavy:
return 'wavy';
return null;
/// Converts [textDirection] to its corresponding CSS value.
/// This value is used for the "direction" CSS property, e.g.:
/// ```css
/// direction: rtl;
/// ```
String? textDirectionToCss(ui.TextDirection? textDirection) {
if (textDirection == null) {
return null;
return textDirectionIndexToCss(textDirection.index);
String? textDirectionIndexToCss(int textDirectionIndex) {
switch (textDirectionIndex) {
case 0:
return 'rtl';
case 1:
return null; // ltr is the default
assert(() {
throw AssertionError(
'Failed to convert text direction $textDirectionIndex to CSS',
return null;
/// Converts [align] to its corresponding CSS value.
/// This value is used as the "text-align" CSS property, e.g.:
/// ```css
/// text-align: right;
/// ```
String textAlignToCssValue(
ui.TextAlign? align, ui.TextDirection textDirection) {
switch (align) {
case ui.TextAlign.left:
return 'left';
case ui.TextAlign.right:
return 'right';
return 'center';
case ui.TextAlign.justify:
return 'justify';
case ui.TextAlign.end:
switch (textDirection) {
case ui.TextDirection.ltr:
return 'end';
case ui.TextDirection.rtl:
return 'left';
case ui.TextAlign.start:
switch (textDirection) {
case ui.TextDirection.ltr:
return ''; // it's the default
case ui.TextDirection.rtl:
return 'right';
case null:
// If align is not specified return default.
return '';